My husband didn't want to be intimate on our wedding night: Advice?

That’s a no from me, dawg.

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u know he could be one of those men whom believe that once he’s been married once before - to first wife - this does happen , but being married again - there really is no need to be overly excited about your sexuality on your wedding night ! some men are like this - it’s not there fault -it’s how they where brought up and the tradition of the family ! i wouldn’t really worry about this - things will come together in the future !

Sounds like he really didn’t want to get married

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First of all, his family should never said anything about what went on with his ex. That just added salt to the wound. In fact, they shouldn’t tell you ANYTHING about his first marriage. Nothing good will come of that. You’ll only compare your relationship to theirs. Secondly, did he show any excitement at all about getting married? I’m guessing that he did ask you to marry him, so that would indicate that he does love you and want to be with you. I can definitely understand why you feel the way you feel. I’d feel the same way. To be honest, my husband would have probably done the same thing in regards to trying on his suit the day of the wedding. A lot of men would. It’s typically us women that prepare for things in advance. Unfortunately you can’t go back and redo your wedding, but you can talk to him and tell him how his actions made you feel. You can also tell him how you expect to be treated going forward. If he continues to disregard your feelings, than get an annulment. Also, tell your in laws that you have no interest in your husband’s past relationships.

Just curious. How long were you together before getting married? Did you already live together? I only ask, because my husband and I were together, and living together for 8 years before getting married. It was just another ordinary night to us, despite having just been married.


Are you the bank in this arrangement?? Maybe he has ulterior motives…


First red flag - he wore sweats to his wedding :joy:


:flushed: Girl he just set the tone for that entire marriage. Do you really think he’s going to try to impress you any other time? At least you didn’t consummate the marriage.


Girl…I am so, so sorry. It seems to me he didn’t want to marry again.

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He continues to show you who he really is … Believe him the first time!
Then his family too, if you stay it will get worse. Run for the exit and be happy! Sometimes being alone is the upgrade
Best of wishes to you


I can remember my childhood phone and address, but have a hard time remembering passwords🥲

Oh man. That is just such a bummer on all fronts. Effort and care about how he dressed would have been the first sign not go through with the ceremony. Sorry, so sucky.


Hunni I’m so sorry :sleepy:

Nooooo run before you get in any deeper. See if you can have it annulled.


Sounds more like he is just settling with you, settling to wear sweats to the wedding, no effort! … Just sounds like he is not that into you or doesn’t desire you because he has done this already :roll_eyes: :thinking: :person_shrugging: I have more questions really…your wedding night literally wasn’t taken into consideration being this IS your first marriage in which he’s already had his and it was amazing apparently​:grimacing: that’s the fucked up part for me! You knowing about his first marriage night from his family, weird! What was the motive behind that? I’m sorry love, screw all that and take a spa day with a girlfriend! Pamper yourself for a couple hours xoxo​:kissing_heart:

How much is your inheritance worth and your wealth also

He is gay and you are a beard.


Was ya’ll living together before marriage? He may just be used to everything and his first could have been the first with all the excitement. I don’t believe me and my husband did but we were living together for a year prior to it and we just went home afterwards lol.


Sounds like you got a looser


Woah AND you paid for it? Missed that part! Fuck all that, get out now! This was your fucking wedding night and this was what he thinks you deserved?
You don’t have to settle just because he feels he is and you are just an option … I’m sure someone somewhere is praying for you right now honey… OPT OUT!

Have that marriage annulled and cut ur losses now obviously he not interested in being married to u at all or he would have expressed that on the day of ur marriage in the bedroom too just think how u feel now about it and do u wanna spend 5 10 15 20 years feeling the same miserable feeling u have now about it my guess would b probably not so get it annulled and find sum1 who does care and expresses that feeling towards u!!


Second marriage for him or not he should not have treated it like it wasn’t a special day. Sex or no sex, doesn’t really matter. I’d get an annulment, cut my losses and move on.

I’ve never understood why family tells new gf or wife about exes and events especially that it’s horrible. My mil use to do all the time I hated it. Man that’s horrible I’m so sorry. Did u talk to him ?


Even if it wasn’t his first or yall were living together he should know that it was first time and made it special not sure I’d stick around after that.


That’s not how it’s supposed to be. Not everything is going to be flowers and rainbows but that’s completely wrong. To bad you weren’t a run away bride now is the time to put on those running shoes.

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You might can get it annulled if it hasn’t been too long. Leave that man and you will find the one that will treat you as you should be treated. This is NOT it. I’d hate to see how he’d treat his bride for the years after. Leave! There’s better out there.


I am so sorry. It seems you deserve better.

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You need to talk to your husband about this. Urgently… you can do this :heart::heart: good luck to you


Just saying, just because he didn’t want to have sex doesn’t mean he’s gay😒

absolutely insane. leave the whole man.

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Oh wow this is not good at all! Get an annulment… leave… RUNNING… this boy is a loser!


Talk to him. Tell him everything you just told us and hash it all out. Have the uncomfortable conversations now


It’s not too late to have that marriage anulled. Reason?: Did not consummate the marriage. Get out while you can…ESPECIALLY if his family is joking about how sexually active he was with his first marriage.


Oh baby girl! I would have ran when I saw him in a hoody. I was Remarried also. Very small intimate service but my husband definitely couldn’t wait till we got to the hotel to consummate the marriage. If he is lacking emotionally and sexually. Tell him. Communicate now or as others say have an annulment. He’s not holding up his side of vows to you. I’m so sorry that you are experiencing this.

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You need to run. He couldn’t even respect your wedding wishes. Then he couldn’t even “ seal the deal”. Tv was more important. You deserve a lot better. Question if you paid for everything and he didn’t are you well off? Maybe he was after the money only?


Everyone saying run because they didn’t have sex on their wedding night… so he didn’t want to do it? Does he have to? Why leave a marriage because of one night? I know lots who didn’t on their wedding night they were just too tired. Weddings here go to 3-4am and all day event… what If it was the girl who didn’t want to have sex but the guy wanted it? Everyone would be like “your body, your choice” etc
Leaving someone because they won’t have sex one time on their wedding night… that’s just extreme…

If the marriage is not consummated is it even a real marriage?

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Sounds to me that he was using you for some hidden agenda. I’d get out of it now.

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You payed for everything and did not get a dam thing in return but a dam dead beat bet dollars to donuts that he got a side chick what a shame good luck young lady I hope it all works out for y’all

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That happens when a woman is desperate for getting married,
The fact that you paid for everything is a clear sign


Sounds like you made a mistake. I would be pissed too.

Girl, f that! You deserve better!


Just leave the man there nope, I have been married and never had a wedding but I know I would say f that if he came out in sweats. Nope would marry someone else instead

Sounds like he was a guest at your wedding. He just came for the food. I pray you find love and healing.


Is this the same woman whos husband didnt cry when she was walking down the isle?


Sounds to me like a mistake was made… He doesn’t sound husband worthy. I’d be pissed too.


You can either accept this will be what you deal with the rest of your life because it won’t change or you run as fast as your legs can carry you the hell up out of there.


You paid for everything? Should had been your first clue! Is there a reason he may feel forced into marriage, if not maybe you should just have the marriage annulled. Good luck


I’m really sad for you if you’re marriage wasn’t consumated I don’t wish to hurt you further but ditch this man if he can treat you like this on your wedding day how is he going to treat you here after he’s not husband material :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:


Uh… This sounds like someone you shouldn’t have married, tbh? Like, they just don’t really seem to give a shit about you as a person.

It’s not too late to get it annulled, ijs.

If you are the one who posted before, it sounds like you are spending a lot of time comparing things with your husband’s ex and it is going to take a huge toll on your marriage. My husband and I were too tired our wedding night lol I get you are hoping for a fairy tale but marriage is so much more than just a wedding. Time to move past the past and towards the future for everyone’s sake

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His family is gross for bringing up details of his first wedding night. Like who does that. Were they standing on the other side of the door listening. Just weird. Weird all around.

Im sorry that you are going thru this.


Divorce him him, if he behaves like that on your wedding day he’ll make your life hell, don’t let him drag you down x

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Maybe he drank too much and wasn’t up to performing? :woman_shrugging:

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It’s doesn’t matter it was his second wedding… it was your first and he should’ve wanted it to be special for you and he didn’t. The fact that you paid for everything is the first red flag. Get out now cuz it’s all downhill from here if he didn’t care enough to make this special for you then this is how your holidays are going to play out as well. And shake on his family for bringing up raunchy details of his first wedding.


My ex did pretty much the same let his friends stay the night lol run :running_woman:

Why was his family telling you about his ex and having sex with him? That’s just odd… I’d be more embarrassed about that than this.

Play with yoself…lmao

My husband and I didn’t have sex either on our wedding night. We simply enjoyed each other’s company and went to bed.

Did you tell him the comments that his family makes or that you didn’t have sex bother you?

she paid for everything? oh yeah, dump him now


There is no reason anyone should have told you anything to that extent of their wedding. I would be crushed too. Your feelings are definitely valid.


Annulment ASAP! You paid for everything?? That should have been the biggest RED FLAG from the get go. Your being used clearly.


You must be exhausted doing all the work. It’s apparent it’s one sided. He’s obviously ignoring you and how you didn’t see it in the beginning is irrelevant now. Never one to tell anyone what to do or especially advising on divorce, but sounds as if you should take your losses on the wedding/ honeymoon and file for the annulment. Before it’s too late.


I’d also be upset his family is telling you all this about him and his ex


I feel like there were red flags before hand. No-one should have told you about their honeymoon. I would tell him how you feel and see how he responds.


Can I be the random person who genuinely wants to hear more about his family making those jokes

Like what was the situation why did they do that what was said to protect you etc :flushed: I’m so sorry you experience that toxic craziness


You didn’t consummate it so it would be an ideal chance to leave his ass ! This is major flags already

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Guy seems like a real catch :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You paid for everything, he wore a hoodie, wanted zombieland over his new wife??? Hell no! You’re missing out on a real man being with this loser!


Girl, give him the benefit of the doubt. He may have been exhausted or just not in the mood. TALK TO HIM ABOUT IT and how it made you feel. Stop comparing yourself with his ex. He married YOU. He wants YOU. Take a big breath and move forward.


My husband and I didn’t have sex until 2 weeks after our wedding night

He seems like a douchebag, I’d sit him down and have a talk about how you feel, if it doesn’t get any better I’d say move on because honestly his family alone should have kept there mouth shut, and he should have made more of an effort on your wedding day especially since it was your first you deserve all the attention and to be feeling wanted, loved and appreciated


Get an annulment lmao wtf


The inlaws are disrespectful, he is whacked,you are scr*wed!!!


Can you get an annulment :thinking:

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Annulment is what I’d do … that’s crazy … find someone who respects and appreciates you … wth


Nah, there is definitely more to it than that. Even though it is his second marriage he should have put more effort into making HER feel special. He did nothing. He has no reason to be be exhausted or stressed from the sound of it. He needs to get a clue. It is her first marriage and if there is ONE single time in the whole relationship he should put himself to the side and do whatever he could to make her happy it’d be that day. Any fool could see what effort she put into it and he should have at least tried to put in a little effort of his own.


If he’s still Army I wonder if he meets height and weight standards. Sounds like a real Captain America. Throw the whole man out. If he couldn’t make time for you on your wedding night that’s a pretty good indication of what your entire marriage is going to be like. Run Sis. I’m married to a retired Army LTC if you have any questions about getting out message me


First off u paid for everything! Second of all u went thru it with him wearing a Hoody. Get it annulled. No consummation. He is going to put u thru stuff like this every day of your marriage. Google narcissistic relationships.


Nawww babe…I would never want to be in that position because the feeling you are going through is so tough…you have every right to be this way…

A hoodie and slacks and you still married him nope just nope that would have been the topper of cutting off wedding


I would never want to b n that family. Get an a anullment

U are going over and beyond your boundaries… and he is not even trying… :roll_eyes:
U teach ppl how to respect you… u can’t make him love u… you can make him Respect you… if not …you need to WALK… ur whole marriage will remain the same, u always be unhappy… !! :sweat::sleepy::sweat:


Question, had you guys lived together prior to getting married?

How much does he contribute to your relationship? I’m not talking monetary only. I’m talking conversation, things needed done around the house, etc.

Sounds like he doesn’t respect you like he should.

Any person not making love to their spouse on their wedding night (unless there is a viable excuse) is sketchy at the least.

If this man isn’t the man of your dreams, I would begin to question his ability to be a good husband. He and his buddies sound very immature, bringing up his first honeymoon and throwing that out there.

I’ll be thinking about you and hoping you reevaluate where you are in your life.



You should have ran when he showed up with a hoodie. I don’t get why you paid for everything. Is he not working? There’s so many red flags and you guys are just beginning. It’s easy for people on the outside looking in to just say leave but it’s not so easy when you are emotionally involved. I would advise looking as if it was your daughter. What would you advise your daughter if she was in the same position? Lastly, it sounds like there may be way more to this story. Good luck.

You paying for everything was a red flag… He should have helped if it was what he really wanted.


Me and my husband didn’t be intimate but we got married at his brother and sister in laws house and we spent the night it was out of respect for the in laws we made up for it. It was his first marriage and my second

Yeah sounds like you probably shouldn’t have married him doesn’t really sound like he really cares about your feelings or anything that matters to you.


Im.just going to say that my husband and i didnt have sex our wedding night we were just soooo exhausted

When you compare yourself to someone else you always lose. What happened with him and the 1st wife has nothing to do with what happens with you and him. Dang maybe the man was tired…


I mean you had of seen all the signs of this behavior, it didn’t just develop on your wedding but this is the first time you’re realizing what’s going on. I concur with a lot of other people and get annulment and run away otherwise you’re looking like you’re going to be in a long haul of unhappy times.


Idk how you didn’t see red signs before this marriage sounds like he just used you for his own personal gain whatever that is:/ sorry you’re going through this but it literally loooks and sounds like he doesn’t care in the slightest… get a divorce.


Sounds like he had no interest in anything from the start.


I would be very hurt. Your wedding night should be special

My husband stopped wanting sex a couple years after we married. His immune system was destroying the making of Testosterone. It was a medical issue and his doctor prescribed injections into a leg muscle which were painful. After a while he just stopped. We divorced 4 years later.

You might want to consider an annulment. It sounds like you are there for his convenience and he doesn’t really care and that is sad. And he will probably not do anything for you in the future either, If he declines to pull it together for one day, a special one that’s literally meant to show you how he feels. Which he did. I’m so sorry. You deserve so much better.


Dang maybe the man was tired, but sounds like he had no interest in anything from the star.


This. Was. A. Mistake.
I wouldn’t even count it.
Tell everyone it was a “dress rehearsal” because he didn’t tell you he was pranking you until the honeymoon, and leave it at that.


Sad, it doesn’t sound like he is really wanting to be married to you. You did everything and he did absolutely nothing. Think about your dating activity with him. Did you gave to plan everything or most of it. Assess your situation. You’ll probably get more of the same from him.


Walk and keep walking.


What the fuck. His family should not be comparing you to his ex. First red flag.