My husband does not want our kids around my friend who has seizures: Advice?

People have seizures while they are out and about too so your kids could see a seizure while even out shopping with you or going to events. Its good to prepare them for things like that so that instead of freaking out, they can stay calm and know what to do. They are young but it’s definitely a good teachable moment

My own son is learning about seizures he’s 4 years old had three in school dropped his peers learned the hard way he’s got one friend who watches him on the playground.
You’re husband needs to let them learn for future reasons period I’m sorry I agree with you it won’t hurt to teach them or be around her they aren’t contagious


He’s being an idiot. I think children need to know life isn’t all roses and unicorns, I have a friend that seizures quite a bit, she’s an amazing Nana to her little grandbabies that have seen her seizure and had no trauma because of it, I’ve also got a precious little baby that I absolutely want to raise round around her, seizures and all.


Your husband is a douche bag, not your friends fault she has health issues that result in seizures and even if your child does see that you can take it as a learning experience it isn’t a traumatic event!

He’s not wrong. Have the kids met her before? Do they even know what a seizure is? Like even though I’ve know what they are since a young age because of my cousin it is still hard to see something like that tbh


The kids could handle it. Their young enough to not even really notice if they are engaged in something else.

Your kids can see all kinds of stuff outside the home. This is a fantastic teaching moment. Talk to them about what seizures are…show them what its like.
I am all for teaching my kids and showing them what could happen. I refuse to shelter my kids and they have been growing up just fine


I’m a mother with seizure disorder which I got from my mother. Honestly I educated my children that are all old enough to understand and what if you were the one with disorder yourself would things be different if her seizures are stable for now things happen it can be traumatic but if they are educated and aware of the situation should be fine

You’re a good friend, that’s awesome. Ur husband is understanding enough to accompany you in a 3 hr trip to visit this friend and allow u to help her in whatever means. However, u should respect his reasons on not wanting ur kids to be exposed on a possibly traumatic experience. I have an epilepsy, i know how scary it could be for somebody to watch me having seizures, even for adults. Also, maybe its another way of your husband telling u that he doesnt feel comfortable of this overnight visits because the way you put things, it sounds like you wanted to “adopt” this friend bcoz of all the bad things she had been thru with no family and very small circle of friends to rely on. Maybe its the bigger responsibility that u seem to be inviting which will affect the whole family, is actually what you husband is against

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You’re a good friend, that’s awesome. Ur husband is understanding enough to accompany you in a 3 hr trip to visit this friend and allow u to help her in whatever means. However, u should respect his reasons on not wanting ur kids to be exposed on a possibly traumatic experience. I have an epilepsy, i know how scary it could be for somebody to watch me having seizures, even for adults. Also, maybe its another way of your husband telling u that he doesnt feel comfortable of this overnight visits because the way you put things, it sounds like you wanted to “adopt” this friend bcoz of all the bad things she had been thru with no family and very small circle of friends to rely on. Maybe its the bigger responsibility that u seem to be inviting which will affect the whole family, is actually what you husband is against


I could see how it would be scary for kids of that age, but ypu just explain it to them. Your husband is an ass.

kids are more resilient than he thinks. plus there’s no guarantee she will have one and then she’d miss out on getting to spend time with her friends kids and get to know them better. i understand his hesitancy though.

It could be a learning lesson in many ways. And she may not have any while with you did he think if that.

No he is a parent too. His opinion is no wrong at all, especially when it is in the best interest of your and HIS children. Maybe try to find some common ground or compromise. 3 and 5 is still very young for something that may even make an adult uncomfortable.

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He’s an idiot. Sucks finding out after marriage how stupid they are. Remind him the same will be done when he gets ill/older…you know bc any second he could have a health issue. What a disgusting person.


Your kids should know about it. It’s good for kids to understand all kinds of medical issues people can suffer from. My daughter who just graduated kindergarten has 2 classmates who have diabetes and saw one go into shock. She wasn’t traumatized or scared or anything. She was taught all about it and all she did was stay back for the teachers to help her classmate.


As someone with a seizure disorder I want to say that your husband is a massive asshole. Good on you for helping your friend. Tell him he’s an ableist POS.

Your husband’s an idiot


Your kids will be fine, especially if you explain this in kid language before she arrives as “sometimes her brain makes her body shake and it might look scary, but she will be ok so don’t worry”. Just as importantly, your friend NEEDS you! She sounds like she is dealing with so much and without any support. Please be there for her :heartpulse:


My son’s father has seizures all the time. I’m not keeping our son away from him.


As a kid who witnessed someone having seizures, I agree with him. It was absolutely fucking terrifying. The only adult collapsed and I was the oldest kid there, around 10. I ran down the street until I found a porch light on for help.

I have a family member who suffered from seizures, I was a bit older (maybe 10/11) before I actually understood what was happening. It can be scary to witness, but if she is your good friend and you would like to help her I do not see the harm in educating them about a disability that she has, just as a possibility an episode could occur and them be around. I don’t think that is a good reason to keep your children away, however I do understand where your husband is coming from, that’s a hard decision to make. I wish you the best.

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Personally I grew up with someone who regularly took seizures and it didn’t traumatize me, if anything it taught me empathy and how to stay calm in a serious situation and to help in which ever way I could. It is not good to shelter children from real life, they need to learn how to cope and be strong!:heart:


Children learn through life experiences…and not all of these are ‘lovely’…some friends and family become ill, accidents occur and people are hurt, pets and animals get sick or are hurt in accidents…we need to see these events to learn empathy and understanding, and how to cope or how to help. I wonder if perhaps your husband may be concerned or fearful that he is uncomfortable himself and doesn’t know what to do or how to cope. Your friend may never seizure in front of any of you, you may never have to see or assist at an accident scene or medical event … but perhaps the greatest thing you could both do is ‘attend a full first aid training course’…then you both may be better equipped to cope should anything occur within your friends and family circle.


Give your children age appropriate knowledge about seizures. If she has one remove them calmly from the room. I saw my Dad have them as a young child and yes it was scary at the time but traumatized I wasn’t. As I got older I grew to understand what they were and it enabled me to help others in life. Your kids will be fine. It’s him whose uncomfortable.


Hope he never has a seizure :woman_shrugging:


Perhaps he is using the kids as an emotional shield to avoid potentially experiencing this himself? Kids will only get better for knowing what to do.


I hope you or him never have any type of medical issues that would TRAUMATIZE them and the other would have to run away with them to keep them safe.


You are a wonderful friend


Well I guess because I’m bipolar I should just not let my son be around me :unamused: that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read in my life. It will be a good learning lesson for the kids people have disabilities and it’s important for kids to learn this. Your husband is 1000% wrong


Someone can have one at anytime Grocery store at home daycare school kids need to lean about stuff like that

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Kids learn to deal with it. As a teen a friend had a seizure getting on the school bus . It happened on school property going home . Some kids laughed I tried to help a teacher help her . Your husband is over reacting

your friend is blessed to have a friend like you however your husband needs to be educated because this is not something she did to herself and if you explain to your children what it is and why it happens they will be fine…tell your husband that they could see a seizure or worse anywhere in public and if the children have some knowledge of these things they wont be afraid and who knows they may have to help someone in that situtation some day and they will know how to react…no judgement but your husband seems to be biased because someone is different with medical issues i mean if you develope cancer God forbid is he gonna bail on you …something you and him need to discuss as to why hes so freaked out over a seizure


Have an age appropriate talk with your kids. Although it can be scary, for many people seizures are a part of life. If your friend has one in front of your kids, calmly remove them from the room, and after your friend is through it, talk again with your kiddos and answer any questions they might have. Education is key here. Btw, thank you for being such a wonderful friend!


My childhood friends dad has epilepsy, saw him have a seizure while cooking a bbq, burnt all up his arm etc from leaning onto the bbq during his seizure. My brother was also epileptic. I wouldn’t say I was traumatized, if anything, more alert when people have seizures making sure their surroundings are safe etc but also because I was exposed at such a young age and educated around what we do, it wasn’t frightening when I saw it. I think hubby and children need a little educating and they’ll be sweet.


I think your husband is an ass! My son had seizures and he had 3 younger sisters and a younger brother plus an older sister. He would have seizure at any given time. My other children grew up understanding and helpful to people who were mentally or physically different!

If ever your friend found this out, they would be mortified and belive they are a huge burden, there is a level of exposure you shouldn’t be doing with your children, this is defo not hitting that level! What a rediculous thing to do/say, your children will not grow knowing this is normal, but instead grow thinking it’s not, it is incredibly common for people to have sezuires everyone has the potential to have at least one in their life if a level is hit, even he himself could have one one day.
I have found that not once whist dropping my children off at school and having a sezuire has any child been traumatized, not once was a child scared of me, every child I have met has been wildly empathetic, I have had a couple of kids cry out of sadness not out of fear and after when they found I was ok, they were absolutely fine.
If epileptics can raise well rounded children, have grand children, your children won’t be effected via a couple of days, I mean eventually your friend will have a sezuire Infront of them, you can’t stop that, he might as well let the expectations go of ‘safeguarding’ kids from it, honestly he obviously isn’t comfortable with sezuires or he wouldn’t be so afraid of what they may look like to the kids, tell him to stop being so over dramatic over something so pathetically small and normal.


Is your friend not on anti seizure medication? What is your husband going to do as time goes on? You can’t hide disabilities from your kids forever. I agree with you about explaining what could happen to your friend and how to get an adult to help. It sounds like your husband has the fear in him and using the kids as a crutch


My fiancé struggles with seizures and my 2 boys have had to call me while I’m at work saying “dad is having a seizure” and Id go home. And they’ve came up to me another time saying “dads dead” because he had fallen to the floor. All that kids need is a relatively simple explanation and you’d be surprised at what kids can handle….


l get paid over $155 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17412 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

When I was very young maybe like 5/6 one of my fathers friends had a seizure in the middle of the driveway. My mother jumped into action, put something behind his head bc he was on the pavement, titled his head so he wouldn’t choke and we stayed with him until the paramedics came and we knew that he was okay. Sure it could be a little scary initially but was definitely not traumatizing, my mother used it as a teaching moment. I learned all about seizures that day & it’s something I will never forget.


Kids are super resilient. My son had a Friend in his class year that had several seizures in class. First time scared the kids a little, but didn’t take long for ask the kids to learn to swing into action. So proud of how well they all did


Personally, I don’t agree. Life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. We can protect our kids from alot of things, but sheltering them from reality isn’t going to do them any real favors in the long run. Life is hard, and pretending bad things don’t happen to good people doesn’t help anyone. This is her life and her daily reality. I dont see anything wrong with preparing your children prior to visiting and what that reality could look like and what could happen. I certainly don’t think throwing them in unaware would be a good idea. But if you prepare them for the worst case scenario and talk about the hard stuff, they will be prepared to handle it. And being there to walk them through it and show them they can get through hard times. Look at how much she’s gone through… you can’t teach that, unless you give them the hard lessons. Our job as parents is to prepare our kids for the real world. It doesn’t get any more real world than this.


While I don’t agree with your husband, perhaps just go stay with her for a few days instead of having her come to you? That way you’re still helping and being respectful of his feelings on the subject (regardless if it’s unreasonable)


He’s being disrespectful… what if one of y’all had epilepsy?? Then what?? He needs to suck it up an use it as a teaching moment… they will probably experience worse in their lives.

As someone who had cancer and had seizures, we have to have ppl to help take care of us. And the fact that you’re willing to do that is amazing. You’re an amazing person. My kids took care of me. It is traumatic but not like your husband thinks. Yes he is wrong. Maybe suggest going to stay with her instead and see what he says about that

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You need have a sit down w/ your husband and tell him to better educate himself and then explain to your children with words they understand about it maybe even show them a video of what it looks like. They can be in a classroom or at store and someone next to them have seizure. Even one having never had one before can have one in an instant. It could really benefit them if they did in fact see it so they’d know how to respond if they see it again. If she did in-fact have a seizure while there, she could probably give a heads up it’s about to happen and the kids can calmly be removed for the scene.


You are absolutely correct and he is an ASS!

I think the 5 year old gain knowledge from this but the 3yr old may be way too young.
The 5yr old is probably old enough to explain what to do and not be scared. At 3, depending on the child, they may be freaked out and forget. They may remember.
That said, just leaving the house can expose kids to things we may not like. All we can do is explain that life isn’t perfect and bad things can happen anywhere.


Your husband is obviously uneducated and protecting your kids from life is counterproductive. It would be much better setting an example of the good, caring friend and risk them witnessing a seizure, than to be the overprotective , OMG what if my child is traumatized by seeing a person with an illness. For Pete’s sake don’t turn your children into overprotected humans without the capacity for sympathy, empathy or compassion.


Your husband is over reacting .

Thats the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard! How can he be ok with that?

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I 100% disagreee with your husband he is being very close minded. Explain to your children how seizures work and that she could have one. They can be very scary but if they are prepared they are fine. What an idiot, I’m sorry. Seizures are a part of the world, people and what they might see out in public. Better to expose them now than to have them see it at school or out in public and panic. He is 100% wrong in this situation. I’ve been there I deal with mental health and my kids have seen seizures, because I explained how they work they didn’t panic when it happened.


I had a seizure from the age of 4 till 15 years old then I stopped

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It’s life I would see no issue they will experience it sooner or later. Then again I have a heart condition and can faint my sons been trained and educated on what will occur and what to do it has taught him not to panic and stay calm.

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When I was 6 I saw a friend’s parent have a seizure. It definitely freaked me out but after my Mom talked me through it, I was fine. I didn’t have nightmares or trauma, just a greater capacity for empathy. Because of how my mom handled it, it actually helped me be a better person. Good luck.

Sure it can be scary, but also good learning moment to help others. Try to explain your friend is coming over you guys are going to help her! She might have a seizure it’s where they shake a lot and it’s okay to stay calm and what you all can do during that to help. My mother’s boyfriend had a seizure I was around 13 tho it was scary at first for me I didn’t know what was going on she was calm explained it was normal for him time to time and she explained what she was doing to help and it would be over soon. I think it has opened my mind and I work in a hospital helping others. I don’t blame your husband for wanting to protect the kids and not scare them either the idea might scare him himself. Maybe she can stay near by and check in on her or stay with her to make everyone happy

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I saw several people have seizures when I was in school. I could understand not wanting to leave your kids unattended with someone who could have seizures but I think your husband is being ridiculous

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Judgemental, Cold , insensitive, selfish Idiot!!! I wouldnt want my children around someone like that!!! , not someone with an handicap .


what happened to being a good parent who teaches empathy?


Bless your sweet soul, you are a wonderful human. Your husband is an eejit.


I kinda understand his reason.Personally I have seizures myself it’s a hard call.I have had two brain tumors removed successfully and have an inoperable one now.We had 3 children they had to learn early why their Mama had seizures… My first one was terrible I had it in our swim pool and our Elementry son had to save me.Luckily I had been a life guard and taught all the kids swimming and CPR.I understand where your husband is coming from in a way, I mean seizures can be spooky looking but children do need to learn ! I have a Great Granddaughter age 6 that also has seizures her 2 yr old sis isn’t affected at all by them.Its actually a good thing to teach children empathy and that some ppl are sick !,…The National brain tumor society online has a book for children it looks like a color book and it explains seizures and brain tumors on a child’s level !They send them out for free.We Have 18 Grandchildren ranging in ages 27,- 2 yrs old some are our Greats.If my family felt the way your husband does I would never get to see my family.I try really hard if I’m having more seizures than normal to not be around my littleGrandkids I don’t want to scare them .There are different kinds of seizures some are mild but mine are the big grandmal seizures.One of my Grandkids had a school teacher that had a big seizure in class grade 2 they had a psychologist come in and talk to the class and parents the children seemed ok . And understood !understanding our bodies can be sick.Maybe ask your pediatrician’s opinion .??I know it’s a holiday but the on call Dr can advise you !Good luck and you’re a very good friend to help your friend that’s so nice.Its hard when ppl are sick and some ppl don’t want to be around the sick person makes us feel unloved for something we can’t help.:rainbow::pray:t3::revolving_hearts:

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I was in high school when I first witnessed a seizure and still think of how crazy it was today… I can imagine that it would be a bit traumatic for children.

l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18830 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

You are a good person.explain to the kids she’s sick and sometimes they have trouble and seizures but you are there to deal with whatever,you will never leave them alone with her and I think it will give these kids huge lesson in compassion and being human.x

I think it’s a perfect opportunity to teach your kids what to do when someone has a seizure. That could happen to anyone.


If YOUR child had seizures and other parents didn’t want them around your child would you think differently?


It’s a learning experience for them. I would take my kids there especially so they could see what others go through, how fortunate we are to be healthy and how we can help people who are less fortunate

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maybe what u can do is make an appt. with a speaclist and have them explain to your children , that when someone has a seizure , it isn’t a bad thing , it’s just how this person is realising some pressure ,on their body - they can’t help it when it happens but they do have signs when they may go into one -and all u have to do is get to lie on couch and relax or talk to them gently, show them u do care about them , and they will slowly calm down .!i know because i myself have eplisey and have been doing really good with them - i used to have grand mal / than after few years with medication to conrtol them i went to having slight ones - but i am medication for rest of my life- your kids should really learn all this plus CPR cause u never know when it will come in handy. plus, when someone is having an siezure never put fingers in there mouth or even a spoon - roll them on there side and let there tounge fall to side of mouth - this will happen if they r in a deep seizure plus not only that but arms may be waving around NEVER HOLD THEM DOWN THAT IS THE WORST THING U COULD EVER DO!ONCE THERE SIEZURE IS OVER MOST TIMES THEY WILL ONLY WANT TO SLEEP LET THEM BUT FIRST GIVE THEM SOME WATER TO DRINK!they will also wet themselves too while they r in seizure,don’t laugh cause it’s not funny

My daughter seen my best friend who has epilepsy. Showing your kids to have compassion for a person that isn’t 100% health is a good thing. Now if she was obviously harmful to your kids that would be another situation. I’d say have a talk with the hubby and maybe he’ll change his mind. My kids all see my friend luckily my oldest is the only one that has seen it but still I just told her to go to the other room and at 3 and 5 they can do that. The 3 year old honestly probably won’t remember it. My daughter was three the first time she didn’t really talking about it or anything maybe it wasn’t traumatizing for her or something

Tell your husband to grow up

Inform the kids and let them know that she’s sick. Teaching your kids empathy for others is important. Your husband is wrong. What if it was a close family member? Would he turn his back on them?


I Get Paid 0ver $ 109 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13700 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The possibility with this is limitless.


As a mom to a 5 year old daughter who has had seizures/epilepsy her entire life, I’d much rather have educated peers, kids and adults (age appropriate conversations of course) rather than people who are terrified (rightfully) and don’t know how to support someone, or themselves when witnessing a seizure. These things are scary and I understand his point of not wanting them to be “traumatized”, but educating and having those conversations ahead of time can be SO helpful. This is real life and seizures happen, trust me, but I know as an individual and and epilepsy momma, you’re doing the right thing and my heart goes out to you and feels greatful that your friend has someone like you :heart:.

A stranger in a store, school or other setting could have a seizure… is he going to pull your kids out of a class I’d he finds out a student has seizures or will you as parents talk to your children and educate them? If you develop seizures will he take them from you?

Your husband is in the wrong. Kids have to learn to deal with medical stuff. They will be fine

I understand your husband trying to keep them in a bubble. But the reality is that they’re gonna witness things in life a lot earlier than we want them to.
In my experience, children are VERY resilient & accepting when things are explained to them. They don’t grasp the depth of the situation so it would be simple to them ie. mums friend has seizures so when that happens we put her on her side….It would be that simple for them. It’s the adults reactions that could be more traumatising than the event. So communication is key.
It’s not a hill to die on though. If your husband won’t change his mind, you’ll have to accept that and support your friend without your kids around.

I think it’s a great idea. Just talk with the kids first and explain what happens. Explain to them that it can be scary, but that is your friend and you need to help her. I understand the husbands concern; but I feel like him going somewhere else with the kids and saying that it wasn’t a good idea is being unreasonable. What if it was his friend, mother, grandmother or sibling? Would he feel the same?

I have 7 kids. Hubby started with a seizure disorder 2 years ago and randomly has seizure. We still don’t have a diagnosis. I have explained to them what a seizure can be (from staring into space not responding to full body seizures). They all have been given “jobs” to help when dad has one (youngest get some water and a wet washcloth just to have something to do to “help”. It’s not going to be as traumatic as he thinks if they are able to see you stay calm when it’s happening and can teach them what to do if either of you or another family member/friend were to throw one.

My son been having seizures since age 4 when he was in classes the kids would help him they absence seizures so he eye would flick the kids would take turn hold his hand during them and teacher did not asked them to do this also once the teacher explain what seizures was the kids were able to asked questions about it they never tease him ur husband is very wrong because of those kids that helps my son was seizures free but this year in grade 5 different schools he had two kids in classes that in kindergarten with him and about two months my son has seizures that might have been unnoticed but one of those kids told the teacher they noticed he was having couple so when something does happen ur kids will not know what to do when they get older but u never know one of kids might be doctor that deal with seizures please let ur kids around ur friends

My daughter has seizures and I find your husbands behavior narrow minded and judge mental. It is actually the PERFECT time to teach kids about acceptance and diversity. There is a ton of seizure first aid information available and have the kids actively participate by setting a perimeter around her or getting help or something. The more you teach them this is “normal” for some people the less scared they will be. Perhaps your husband is the one scared and needs educated. Got to and get educated!


Your husband sounds very ignorant. It is possible to make sure they kids dont see a seizure including just walking them out of room if one starts. They will only panic if you do.


All you have to do is talk to the kids and explain to them that your friend has a illness And sometimes she acts odd, but she will be ok. If she happens to have a seizure put-them into a room where they will be ok and tend to your friend. Hubby has to realize the kids live in the real world & they will see things.

How much can a 3 and 5 year old understand if someone got a seizure in front of them?

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I am going to be 100% honest here. Seizures them self do have the potential to create a scare to anyone let alone children. HOWEVER I feel this depends on the environment when/if it happens. If one of you panic then it’s going be impactful on them. If you handle the situation calmly and your husband is able to occupy them in another room (if he is that worried) they will be fine. It’s something that happens to people. They could meet a friend at school or just be out any where and experience seeing one. It’s nothing bad or people should feel ashamed of. Use it to educate them when you explain to the children about your friend. Let them know what it happening and what they might expect. Maybe even how they could help. If your husband feels that strongly about it, is it possible you stay with her?


He’s unreasonable, life happens if she does have a seizure just explain to them! Children are resilient. They will understand. Sounds like she needs you at this time.


When I was around 4 or 5 I found my uncle who was having a seizure, I actually saved his life by notifying the adults that he had fallen to the floor. I don’t think it’s wrong for your kids to be aware that seizures or medical problems happen. Teaching them early might help someone later on.


Your husband has to be a bit more compassionate show some sympathy. Your children will be of help especially if they know she is unwell and needs help. They to come and get mummy if anything wrong. I would send the husband away while she is there so everyone has a enjoyable stay not the children. You are a good friend.


My kids saved my dads life at 6 and 4. He fell while having a stroke, and my 6 year old knew something was wrong so she sat with him while my 4 year old went next door to tell my grandma something was wrong. They both know now what to watch for when they are around my dad.

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As someone with seizures, any age is a great age to start teaching. Your husband could have a seizure from low blood pressure or sugar and never had one before. I truly believe everyone should know what to do.


The difference between the kids seeing a seizure randomly in public or seeing your friend seize in your home is that you can prepare. There is less shock factor seeing something you’ve already seen before. Show the kids a little video of a mild seizure and then talk about it. Answer their questions and teach them this is a part of our world and not to be afraid of . That way if your friend has a seizure the kids won’t go directly to a feeling of fear as they are seeing something they recognise.


Hubby is a pxxxy…maybe he is the one terrified of maybe having to experience that and using the kids as an excuse.
Family is not always blood…and sounds like your friend needs you…you are a good friend…hubby needs to get on board…:rage::rage:


I have a good friend who’s husband has epilepsy and can get triggered easily. My 2 year old witnessed one and Education is your biggest ally in this situation. Inform her of what may happen and how to calmly handle things so there’s no reason to panic. I hope things get better for her! I see no reason to keep the kids away from her. :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


that is part of life and they NEED to learn it. just explain ahead of time. Kids are a dam sight more thoughtful than you might think !!!

I would help her!! Your husband seems very ignorant. I am epileptic and I cant help if I have a seizure and I would be so hurt if someone told me I couldn’t come near their kids because of something I can’t control. Sounds like he needs a reality check cause this is life for some people!! Damn… good luck

I was around it as a kid and I’m fine. It was explained to me and I learned now to help

I never post on these but this one I just had to. My mom has seizures all different types, and randomly, with my child and my nieces and nephews they have always seen epilepsy at the good times and the bad, because of this they know exactly how close they can be when one is being had, they know what they can do if need be to help the situation for instance (getting a wet cloth, etc) simple stuff. My major thing with them is that being around someone with seizures I feel has given them the opportunity to see others in a different light they are beyond kind hearted and never shy away from my mom nor others because the person has a disability. They are able to see past it and see the person not just the illness. We shield our kids from danger, and harm, keep them safe but what we do not do is shield from real world situations. If ever need be God forbid a classmate or someone around were to have a seizure they know exactly what to do rather than run in fear because they know nothing. Rant over do what you feel is best for your children, but hey at some point in life knowing what to do they can help someone else.


As someone who suffers seizure type spells, I think your husband is being cruel. Tell your kids ahead of time and what to do if they see one. They are more resilient than he is giving them credit for. Have him go away if he’s too scared.

I honestly don’t think he’s giving your kids enough credit. If you prepare them before hand and show them videos of what will happen they will be fine. They need to understand that medical issues sometimes happen to people. His mindset is very ableist.

Your husband is being very insensitive. She has basically survived cancer and is still going through a lot. You’re teaching your children to be sympathetic, empathetic and bottom line how to be a good friend/person. Also shielding them from somebody’s inability to control their health issues is doing them no favors and very unrealistic :woman_shrugging:t4: