My husband doesn't help me

I am 27 years old 2 kids and in a 11 year relationship with their father, I met my husband (we’re not legally married) at 16 we had our first girl when I was 21 and our 2nd a few years later. Since I met my husband I stopped hanging around friends and he was all I focused on. Fast forward to now. I have 0 friends. I work from home so I’m in the house 24/7 the only time I’m not home is if we all go grocery shopping or to target. I wake up to get my daughter ready for school, make her lunch do her hair get her dressed and walk her to school. I come home cook for my little one and clean before I have to go to work, while I work I still have to attend to my 3 year old by the time I get off my daughter is home from school. I make the kids some food and dad gets home and tells me how tired he is from work so I try to keep the kids out the way. I normally bathe both girls and get them ready for bed. I read them a book and I have to lay in their bed in order for them to be able to fall asleep. Once they are sleep usually their dad is sound asleep by then as well so I clean up, do the dishes, wash dry & fold clothes And watch some Netflix. I have no time for myself to breath if I go to the bathroom my kids knock on the door and ask what I’m doing. I normally have to shower when everyone is sleeping and even then I can’t be long cause I fear my kids will wake up crying or something. I don’t even have time to cry in the bathroom, I tell my husband how tired I am but he makes remarks like well you been home all day and it really hurts I can’t ever go anywhere by myself without him timing me. If I’m gone longer than 2 hours I come home and he has a attitude. My mom lives a couple houses down and I only see her maybe once a week just because I don’t want to deal with him having a attitude. Don’t get me wrong I love my kids more than anything I just never have a break. My husband doesn’t see how exhausted I am cause “I’m home all day” and he’s out working. I don’t have friends I can talk to about things that bother me, I don’t have anyone I can talk to. I’ve been feeling real down lately not wanting to do anything, no motivation to clean or cook but I have to cause I’ll hear some kind of smart remark from him.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband doesn't help me

You don’t need a grown man timing you, You may be home but being home with kids is a 24/7 job alot harder than his “work” & he can’t stop you or give attitude for seeing you’re mum. He needs too grow up & help out. If that was me I’d show him where the door is with all his belongings. His being selfish and childish.


Unpaid labor is still labor.
Draw up a list of everything you do and put it with what being paid would make you.
Like how much a chef, nanny, maid etc would make in a year and total it up and say if he doesn’t want to help he can at least pay you for what you do.
But also, he’s clearly a narcissist. Leave him. What’s he doing that’s any good anyway? Why stay?
He’s not helping with the kids anyway or around them so how could the kids be sad by an absent father actually being absent?
Rather than watching their mom do everything for a POS man thinking that’s what a relationship is.
Do you want that for them too?


Time to do you. Make the adjustments you need to do to make yourself happy. If he doesn’t like it, to bad. He’s not your parent. He’s not your boss. As for the kids? It’s what moms do. Keeping them away from dad when he gets home isn’t a good idea. I thought that when I was a young mom. Dad’s are crucial in child development. He needs to take responsibility and be a dad


I’m not sure what else to say other than you’re a single mother… period. You’re doing it all. You’ve told your “husband” that you’re tired and he doesn’t think so because you’re home all day… throw the whole husband away since you’re doing it all anyway.
By the way. You’re a great mom and doing a great job.


Start standing up for yourself yall are not legally married so i wouldnt be letting run my life even if you were married you gotta start putting your foot down screw his attitude you shouls get one to just start speaking up wether he likes it or not its more to life then just being a parent and a spouse. And i wouldnt want to be with anyone who tripps out about me visiting anyone or being gone longer then 2 hours sounds like a personal problem not your problem


What is the benefit of being with him


Get a new husband because he’s obviously not appreciative of all you do.


It’s real simple tell him to help you with the house and kids or get out. You are raising 2 kids by yourself so you don’t NEED him. You need to let him know that. Tell him he is making life hard not easy and that is not what you signed up for. Tell him yall are partners in life sharing responsibilities equally or yall can co parent separate. If you are having to do it all yourself you are better off without him. You don’t need a 3rd child to take care of you need a partner that is going to help lighten the load not add to it.


Leave. Take your kids and run.


First, if my momma lived that close to me I’d be in literal heaven. Id be there everyday
Second, I left the same situation and it’s the best thing I could’ve done


Think twice about having another child


You are doing a great job. But I also would take as long as I need to do what I need. Even if an attitude is expected when you get home. Handing the kids over Is easy you hand the babies over and walk out the door. Dad can handle it for a couple of hrs. I have three and used to feel bad leaving the kids with dad because he works all day … but guess what? So do I. He nows makes dinner once a week, and I run my errands without the kids… sometimes it’s hrs. It is what it is. Tell the hubs this isn’t going to work if he can’t stop being a manbaby and grow up. You can’t continuously live like this its not healthy.


I’m sorry you are going through this. As young mom’s we tend to lose ourselves. Everything you were describing sounded like you just needed to do something social until… The part where he belittles your feeling of being tired and being angry for getting time for yourself. That my dear is called being controlling. He has you where he wants you and does as he likes. You can try couples counseling sometimes that’s all it takes as long as the other person is willing to try. Also are you ready to do something for yourself? Everyone is different so depending on what you like. I know sports has been something that help me get out there and meet people. If he refuses to watch the kids maybe your mom can do it.


Girl you work AND work. Raising kids is hard work. I don’t go out, but I’d be damned if my husband told me I couldn’t or timed me while I was out. Since you’re both working paid jobs the house work should be 50/50. Plan a day for yourself and tell him. Don’t ask, tell him you’re going out.

Girl you are young and deserve more than this. No grown man should be timing you, you are a grown woman who should be able to move and live freely. Just think if this was one of your daughters saying this, don’t let them grow up thinking this is acceptable from a man. Leave him and be happy.

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Sounds like my toxic marriage I just got myself out of with my narcissistic ex. Leave. It’ll be the best decision you will ever make.

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Clearly a narcissist and I’m just learning what that is .


Honestly, I wouldn’t put up with that. I’d tell him I was done. You are both providing financially for your family. So the other stuff needs to be divided. Even if you weren’t working he should help. They’re his children too. Considering im sure you make him food and do his laundry and so on, you’re taking care of him and everyone else. There’s no sense in taking care of a grown man too. If he isn’t going to help then he should go, then you’ll only have to focus on you and your babies. If anything it’s one less person you have to care for. Sorry you’re dealing with that.


Tell hubby your taking a day and night off to go have some you time! He will see pretty fast how much work kids are and house work

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Youre doing it all on your own… you could do it all on your own, and NOT deal with his attitude, enjoy time with your kids AND your Mum!!


Just get out. A real man would make time for the girls and you

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Tell him you need some you time and go out for a few hours on one of his days off, leave the kids with him and let him see how hard it can be. My husband always hated when i said I didn’t have time to clean, then he had our son for only two hours while i went out and he had high ambitions of cleaning while i was gone. I came home to a messier house and them eating dinner, our son had been a handful for him and they had just sat down to eat. After that he never said a thing if I didn’t get anything done one day, he finally understood that somedays just being a mom is all i can do and that being home with kids isn’t easy.


Um… you need to run. Not walk away from him.

He times you when you leave the house?!! You are being controlled. Not ok


being home is more exhausting and hurtful to ur mental health. please take some time for yourself :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You need to have an honest talk or you will burn out completely and have resentment towards him. He should be helping out more.

Start doing things for you. Take the kiddos to moms and just sit and visit. Dont look at a clock! Take ur time and visit if u have to make dinner at moms for the kiddos. Start doing u and see how he likes being ignored. I’m not saying leave him. I am saying start living for u. If he doesn’t want to help with the kids get a sitter or take them with u. Even if u sit at a park for 2 hrs while they play go get some fresh air. Change ur life style up until your happy.


Kids or no kids, this man is not your husband. You are an adult and he sounds manipulative and acting as if you are one of his children instead of his life partner. There are red flags all over this relationship. Talk to your mom. Tell her what you’re saying here. Reach out to some of your old friends. Remind yourself that you are more than just the mother of this man’s two kids. You are an adult with your own needs and desires and you need to assert that. Everyone needs the occasional break.


Literally when he gets home from work just leave. Go hang out somewhere alone and get a breather in. That’s what I do. It’s good luck dude, he can deal with the kids and you take care of you.

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I stopped reading at “he times me”. HUGE RED FLAG!!! You don’t have a partner, more like a warden in my opinion. If you can’t talk to him and McKee him realize that, it will never change. Honestly think it will get worse. No one can tell you what to do, we only read this little bit and no one knows what truly good on behind closed doors. But this snippet of your life is wrong and unhealthy.


Join a group. A church. A gym. Put your little one in preschool. Take your girls to gymnastics or something. Get a job where your not home all day. Then have him adjust to your time and the girls time. Tell him you would like some effort on his part to make the relationship work. If he can’t than you have bigger problems and need to leave.


I felt this so much it hurt my heart for you :broken_heart: :cry:. Please do not continue your life like this. This is absolutely :100: not ok. If you want you can inbox me and we can talk. I’ve been where you are before. No judgment just a woman reaching out to a woman.

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Communicate how you’re feeling like you did here. Explain that just because you’re home doesn’t mean you don’t need a break. Then Start taking said break even if it mean going to your moms for a little while to visit. If he gets an attitude, let him. I know there are times my husband and I feed off each other’s emotions. Sometimes we need to back off and let them feel how they do instead of absorbing it.That way it isn’t turned on you for your reaction.(Something I try and work on daily being an emotional person). Does he hang out with the kids? It sounds like he isn’t bonding with them, and some guys just have it in their head that, that’s our place without realizingall it takes to balance work and home. You need to tell him how you feel even if its an uncomfortable discussion. When was the last time you two had time together just the two of you? Life gets hard and we definitely feel stuck. I hope you get a break. And if nobody had told you lately, You’re doing great, momma!!

You need to start doing for you. And if there is no legal marriage then you don’t have to go through a divorce process, just take him to court for child support. But that is not a partnership at all. Please get out and get help, don’t stay in a unhappy situation.


I’m sorry you are going through that. Sound like a lot even when reading that it sounds exhausting. It sucks that you can’t have a day to yourself. If you already told him how you feel and he just throws stuff back in your face about his stuff then I would think about taking a break from him. I know it’s easier said then done but is it showing you he’s willing to change and help more with taking care of the kids or going house stuff for you. Just think about it?

Id stop doing what you do for him and only do the for the kids and start doing for you! Leave the house a mess one night it won’t hurt nothing when he asks why it’s like that say hire a maid I do this shit everyday. Lol

Or you can communicate to him once more and let your emotions show when you tell him and if he don’t give a fuck I think that says a lot but so does the 11 year relationship not legally married…

Woman up! On his off day, leave the kids with him all day! Turn your phone off and enjoy your day to yourself! Let him sit around and do “NOTHING” all day! Also, pick one day out of the week to go on an outing with your girls, to a park or a kids play zone, etc. Stop cleaning so much and visit your mom as often as you’d like! This is your life. You can’t get it back!


U are important. Even for him. Get a life with Jesus. Kids need to know him too.

The mama can add me and we can chat. I was stuck this way for years.


He times you? Time to rethink this relationship. And please spend more time with mom, he’s a man child and he can deal if it upsets him.


Young people should read this before they think about living with some one If you not ready to be parent think this story over . I’m 91 yrs. old an NEVER heard my Dad say he was TIRED . I was same way !!


Sit him down and explain how you feel. If he doesn’t try a little harder…well you’re doing it all on your own now and you can continue doing it without him. Life is way to short, don’t spend it so stressed out that you don’t enjoy your kids while they are little.
Believe me, if you’re doing all of this on your own you will feel so much better about doing it without him.


Sounds like you have a roommate who likes to complain a lot. Honey, you deserve so much better. If that was my husband he’d be finding out what it’s like to be a stay at home mom real fast when I plan a week long trip and tell him to figure out the rest as he’ll be home with the kids. I would and have done this, only my husband has zero problem picking up the slack and saying “see ya after your festival honey” and I don’t even hear from him or the kids unless I’m calling to find out how they are, not the other way around. You deserve a partner who encourages you to have time to yourself, and will force you when your feeling exhausted, because he cares about you and your mental health too! You need to figure out if this is how you want to live, sit down your husband and have a discussion about what’s going to change around the house, and if he doesn’t like it, then I guess he has some choices to make as well now doesn’t he! And then live life; have fun, don’t worry about the house so much. Make a couple friends in your area, with or without kids, join some neighborhood groups, go to the park and talk to other moms, make plans, go on play dates, spend the day at your moms, and screw it and him if he doesn’t like it! You can have a life and be a mom at the same time, I promise you! And you’ll be happier for your babies too!!!’


Sometimes you just gotta put your foot down,a finger in his face and some words in his ear . You will NEVER be respected until you demand it. If you still don’t get it, then leave. Life is too short to be waiting for someone to decide to treat you right


Stop wasting the best years of your life playing house with someone that truly don’t appreciate you.


Just get the kids go down to your moms and leave him there by his self for awhile or when he come homes tell him iam going to moms for a while watch your kids… he will only get mad for awhile…


Every Mom deserves a break🤷🏼‍♀️ have you tried coming out and asking him for help? Let him know that your overwhelmed and need help. They can’t read our minds, we have to communicate. As for him timing you even going to your Mothers🖕🏼 that!!! So what you do is when he gets home, walk out the door.


Leave him with the two kids for an entire day and let him see how it feels


Stop doing for him…let him get a taste of it. I go on strike regularly where my husband is concerned. He stops appreciating what I do for him and just expects it and doesn’t help out… he’s on his own til he starts helping out. Talking only helps for a short time. It’s not that they don’t care, they just get too comfortable.


Give hubby a chore list! My husband didn’t help as his attitude was , you didn’t ask for me to help! Or make him take the kids outside to play so you can have a break!

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I feel you been in the same situation for almost 15 years now with 3 kids it’s so hard and makes you feel awful about your self but it’s hard to leave also and especially now how expensive everything is… :broken_heart:

Stop asking for permission and start announcing what you’re doing. Take your mother away for the weekend and leave him with the kids.


Pack your bags and go to moms house. Get up on your feet. Get back in touch with friends you lost over the years, meet up for coffee or a drink and just enjoy yourself. Let your mom baby sit and leave him out to dry. He doesn’t deserve you.


Sounds like he’s your problem so change it around, maybe you could get a job outside the house then he will have to share the chores

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I know it’s hard in a relationship like that I was there … you are the only one to do something about it look at him and say I’m going out your staying home with the kids … even if u just go out for a long walk or a drive … but do it by your self
U need it but u are the only one to do

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Nawal Rana follow this page. Every other man in this World IS Same. Dil ko zara tasali rahy gi

First of all, stop giving them the “husband” title when he’s not one and definitely not acting like one! You shouldn’t have to beg for help, they’re his responsibilities too. I would let him know once more how it should be and go and if he doesn’t change then what’s the point. You’re already doing it alone.


For ur sanity sake talk to him and tell him I think we need a night out once a month have ur mom go with u if need be or reconnect with an old friend and get out at least once a month and let him as well once a month if u dont u will start being worse if he doesnt understand or take his night so be it but u must get out and have a break

Sounds exactly like my life. The only difference is now my youngest is in kindergarten but still, she gets home at 2:45pm. Middle of the day. I feel for you on so many levels. You can keep adjusting yourself but all it will do is cause extreme resentment. They don’t change. get counseling with him or get out

He sounds like a controlling pos. I would tell him what you are doing. He is not in charge of your life. Take your kids to your moms and live you life


I I I I I I, would love to hear the other 2 sides of the story.


Take a break. You deserve it, and stand your ground. X

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He’s toxic and you need to run away from that relationship if he refuses to support you and take care of his own kids. You’re not a nanny or a maid.

You’re in an abusive relationship. You need to go to counseling for yourself to work through this for yourself and to build a life that honors you as a human, you’re more than just a mother. His ways are controlling.


kick his ass out or help me at home and stand hard on this

Well he’s not your husband so stop giving him all the power. If you’re going to do it all on your own save money and get out or if you have a good relationship see about staying with your mom. Maybe he’ll realize with you gone how much you really do


Sounds like your doing everything a single mum does sweets.wheres his wait till he has time off and leave both kids with him and see how long he lasts before moaning and realising you do it day in day out.dads can parent too.job or not.sound like hes living in the time where wifey does it all he goes to work and expect to have everything round the house done,looking after the kids and tea done waiting for him on the table too ,children should be your problem not his and seen and not heard all that pull him on it massivly,pull your weight mate.but am a gobshyt so lol.goodluck,hope you work this out x

You all need to communicate. Im in a very similar situation. Praying for you and your family!! You should both tske the 5 love languages test and see how you can better love each other! And pray for guidance :heart::pray:t2::muscle:t2:

He isnt your husband he is your baby daddy . Get your things and leave ! Im telling you this because i lived it and i didnt heed my own and others advice . Its been 9 years and im STILL paying for that mistake ! Leave !!! Co parent and LEAVE PLEASE


Problem is you’ve allowed him to be like this the whole time and didn’t make it stop in the beginning so because of that he’ll continue doing it. You basically a single mother so pack your kids stuff up and your stuff up and go to your moms. Now it’s your decision either you stay and let it continue and be unhappy or you leave and be happy so which one scenario are you going to chose?


The day my husband Times me is the day I get my stuff and leave w my kids…


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You are too young to stop living. Meaning as much as you love your family you are giving up on yourself…. I’ve been in your shoes before… to the point where I didn’t even know what I liked to do for fun. Similar age as you too. In fact I thought I was reading my story.

It’s easy to do when you love your children so much you would do anything for them including nothing. What I mean is, don’t do that. Your children need to see you happy too. But do it out of love for you and then for them. Learn to be happy with you, even if the person you love and have children with seems to walk right by everyday without noticing. StRt somewhere… go for a walk hire a babysitter and go get your nails done. Something, start somewhere, and ask no one permission to. It’s not an easy project in your shoes but trust me, it’s so worth the journey. You can do this.

When my marriage ended everyone judged me. His friends, my family his family. I had no one. I completely had to start over with nothing. Best decision I have ever made.

I’ve spent the last decade getting to know myself again, healing … and manifestation for life and happiness is ongoing. But at least I’m not just existing in a shell.

He ended up cheating on me multiple times while we were together and he slowly revealed that once we separated.

My point is … I wasn’t being loved, not the way I needed. But because I had very little self love and very little room for myself I allowed it to happen.

Take one step at a time. Start with you. In everything you do… do not forget your own happiness. Your kids deserve a happy mom and they deserve to see an example of what treating you good looks like, even if it’s only from you.

I hope this helps :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You should tell him to leave. Pack his clothes for him and tell him that’s the last thing you will be doing for him. Then teach your children how to clean up after themselves and how to make their own lunches.

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Stop giving a shit what he thinks about you having self care and start making some hard boundaries about ensuring you have quality time for yourself. He can parent his kids. If he can’t he can pay child support :woman_shrugging:t2:. If he doesn’t support you taking care of yourself, maybe he needs to go to therapy. You both should try it. And if he isn’t willing to play a supportive role as a spouse, psh bye! You sound like an incredible mama and you are worthy and deserving of thriving.


Welcome to being a live in maid, Cook, nanny, etc.

  1. Show him what you do. Write it down.
  2. On his weekend, leave. Go to your mom’s
  3. Stay there for a long time… take a nap or anything
  4. Ask him if he would like to pay for said maid, Cook or nanny? You need help !!
    OR… pay you alimony, child support and your house?

Welcome to motherhood… few more years and you will get a break…


Make him leave. Don’t take him back. You and your kids deserve better. My husband raised my 3. What you allow will continue! You’re also teaching your children what a relationship should/shouldn’t be. Better now than later! It’ll be hard at first but you’ll find a way to make it abs be happier!

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People only do what u allow them to do! If u give someone the right to have power over u then they will use that power to control u!! Fuck his attitude and do u!! This is a one sided relationship and u gotta put your foot down. What does his attitude control if u already do everything?!?! If u already doing everything by yourself then u don’t need to be with him!! U have to make him aware of it and show that u are not phased by him and he doesn’t control anything. It will go either of two ways. He will step up or he will be by himself.

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I’m sorry he times you?? That’s weird and messed up
And really not normal


Also u can get a job outside the house and force him to step up like did. Now my husband is cooking cleaning homework and bath time. So u gotta show him he doesn’t control u!!

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Dump him he sounds like a piece of shit :upside_down_face:

Find a job outside of the home. If I wanted to go to Moms after supper, open the door and go.Ask him for help if none is forth coming don’t do his laundry tell him you didn’t get to it,

It’s a free peer mental health website that has different groups (aka wells). It’s amazing and everyone is super nice.

Your husband is toxic

What you aren’t changing, you’re choosing. Stop doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. No one is forcing you to stay in that situation. Stand up to him and tell him you’re going out. Don’t do the damn laundry for a couple days. Tell him to help bathe his kids, or help put them to bed. Don’t expect him to read your mind. If he still pushes back, make more changes. Take care of you and your kids and let him fend for himself. Go on strike. If he still doesn’t get the picture, stay at your moms for a while, or simply leave. You aren’t married to him, and there’s only a handful of states that actually recognize common law marriage so you should be free to leave if you don’t live in one of them. But you have to initiate the change for yourself, because you know damn well he isn’t going to do shit for you on his own.

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You almost sound like me lol 2 kids, also work from home, feel like I have to get all the house chores and kids and cooking situated before I even have time for myself. As well as all the bs you mention I had put up with in my last relationship too. I was miserable. But you need a supportive partner, not someone who belittles your struggles and doesnt understand you or neglects to put in the time for his children when he gets home. You need to ask yourself if this man is what you want in a partner in life, and convince yourself not to settle for something that does you more harm than good. It took me a while to do that myself, youre not alone.

Have a serious conversation with this man about sharing responsibilities and if he isnt compromising or willing to alleviate some of the stress off you accept the fact that this guy truly does not love you and kick him to the curb. It’s always so much easier to say than do that when youre in a long term relationship but if youre doing all this by yourself anyway with no support whatsoever from your partner you may as well be alone to do it and have some freedom.

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He try’s to control you because he can. It’s what’s been working. Put your foot down. Do what you want. Leave him home with the kids while you go shopping.
I was in a situation like this once, best decision I made was to leave

Leave him u will be happy

Sounds like a narcissist. He’s distancing you from your family

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Leave him with the children at night and go out and. Do something for yourself he’s their father

My situation is similar as far as dedicating myself to the kids household chores and husband. I do work outside of the home which is a nice escape lol no loud kids I can breathe…‘I get off early on Fridays which allows me just an hour of me time before I have to pick up 3 kids from 3 different locations. I tell myself to try to enjoy them as much as I can even though it is stressful.
My advice to you is switch something up. Whether it’s working outside the home or not gaf what hubby says and go visit your mom daily… if I had my mom that close we’d be over there often. Ask for help! You need some alone time outside of the house. Your obviously on Facebook. Reunite with old friends who are also moms and have play dates.

When I was a young mom (had my first when I was 17 and my second when I was 19) I was in the same situation exactly and I literally did everything meanwhile my husband got to go out to work and could go places (and we only had one car) and I just felt like I couldn’t breathe and got really resentful he could do whatever he wanted. For eleven years you have done the same thing so this tells him it is acceptable. If it’s not working for you have a frank conversation. Don’t get mad at him, this is what’s been acceptable for the past years so he’s going to be confused when you come to him now. Work out a schedule with the kids, work, normal everyday stuff, and schedule some ‘me time’ in there and present it to you. Self care is so very important! If he still won’t step up and be a dad then pay someone once a week (or however many times a week you want) to take them so you can get some time alone. Maybe find some mommy and me play date groups (I’d look on meet me) and you will gain friends. I did the same thing when I moved states away and I didn’t know anyone and over ten years later some of my best friends!


You have a warden not a husband. Get an in-office job out of your home, put kids in day care, dump him and start living your life. He won’t change on his own that’s for sure. And see your mother more often. Mothers don’t live forever. Visit her often. You and the kids make an outing out of it and walk to Grammies. People will do whatever you allow them to do to you. And, you’re not being a good role-model for your kids. Teach them to be strong independent people. If you continue the way you are boys will think that’s how husbands treat their wives and girls will think it’s normal behavior.


I was in this similar situation a year ago. I decided to leave after 7 years…

Big surprise.:roll_eyes: He moved in with mom and dad…
I made the right choice.


Since you’re already doing things by yourself, maybe you should be by yourself. You HAVE to know that this is NOT a healthy situation. It’s controlling/borderline abusive.


It sounds like you are right where he wants you to be. Isolated. From everyone. If you want a change in your life you’re going to need to put your foot down and make things change. It’s not going to be easy especially with a 3 yr old but you can do it. Tell him exactly how you’re feeling and that he needs to help with the kids and the house work or you will apply for daycare and find work outside the house. When the kids get sent home from school he’ll need to take turns being the one to leave work to pick them up. He also needs to know that when you do leave the house without the kids for more than two hours he has no right to give you an attitude. You should absolutely be able to go see your mother especially if she lives a few houses down. I honestly wouldn’t leave your work from home job bc those are so good for mom’s to have and so in demand right now. But you can tell him that you’re thinking about it and see how he feels about it. You could also apply for something part time outside the house on evenings or weekends. It would get you out of the house, bring extra money home and force him to help with the children. It really sounds like he’s purposely isolating you from people. That is what worries me about your entire post. That is not normal, loving behavior. I’ve been a stay at home mom and a working outside the house mom and honestly it’s exhausting either way but at least when you’re out of the house you get human interactions w other adults and you don’t feel so lonely. Good luck. I hope things get better for you

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Let him have his attitude ! Go visit your mother and let her look after the kids while you Nap, shop, take a walk or whatever you want to do! You are getting depressed and you don’t want to that!

Take the kids to the park and Meet some neighbors, exchange numbers

Communicate with your husband tell him if he still goes nothing …go ahead and let him be mad!

You have to happy & healthy in order to take care if anyone else