My husband got mad our daughter wore a crop top: Advice?

My kids have to wear tanks under crop tops outside… It has nothing to do with my kid and everything to do with perverts in the world…


8 years, old is too young for a crop top, in my opinion.
And a good father will never want to see his daughter in it.


I use to wear all kinds of revealing clothing. Especially as a teenager and it DEFINITELY attracted the wrong kind of dudes. I didn’t have a lot of supervision and my family is super toxic so I was just doing what was in for my crowd. I have been assaulted more then once and while it’s not the skirts fault it definitely got me ALOT of negative attention.

Men would “accidently” brush up against me and say nice skirt or pretty makeup if I thought I was being beautiful. Now as an adult who works with kids I am more mindful of the message we send to others. If you want others to take you seriously there is a time and a place.

A women dating as an adult is A lot different then when I was 8 and men and woman are responsible for how they choose to present themselves. Wear what you want but don’t be surprised if the response chances also unfortunately

When you make a child look sexy or half dressed your asking for bad attention from people you do not want to be around your child. Put on an entire shirt and go play in the mud dude. Protect your kids.


My daughter is 10 and she wears them. It barely shows her belly. I buy hers big also and the school has a limit on how much skin can show. I don’t feel your wrong. It is the style right now. Dad’s are always over protective, so I see his point too. This fashion trend will fade just like everyone does.

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Kids shouldn’t be in crop tops because they are kids.
There are too many sick people out there for me to ever put the on my child. Kids needs to be kids not adults. When she’s grown she can wear whatever she wants.
So I agree with your husband


Better let her find herself before she is older and goes to the extreme

I think it depends on where she’s going and what she’s doing. My 8 year old wears them at home and to cheer & tumbling class

l Get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $14341 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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My 8 year old wants a crop top so bad but I will not let her wear it. There are so many child predators out there it is so scary !


I agree with your husband. Now, that’s not to say that I agree with the way he approached the situation (flipping out on your partner and co parent is rarely a good approach), but I do agree that an 8 year old should not be allowed to wear a crop top. When she’s 15 and wearing bralettes as shirts and stuff like that, (not that far fetched if you take an honest look at today’s young folks… Literally see that walking around Walmart), and putting herself in a position to be approached by men (who may believe she is an adult because of the way she dresses/makeup, so don’t do after the men saying they’re sexualizing a child when the child looks like a young adult), then what are you going to say? Oh well when you were 8 it was okay because I was there with you and got a size bigger so it only showed a little skin so that’s different…

My point is that your decisions regarding what she can wear now are setting her on a path, and whether a boy or a girl, that path needs to be carefully considered because once they’re on it it’s hard to sway them differently.

One suggestion - if she likes a shirt that happens to be a crop top, talk to your husband and see if y’all can agree on her wearing it over a cute colored tank top to cover her belly and still allow her to enjoy the shirt.


I’d not be ok with it either. Sorry, that’s too young for crop tops in my opinion. You can add a ruffle or something to the bottom of it to lengthen it if she really wants to wear it.


My daughter is 13 and I don’t let her wear them. They are children they don’t need to show anything. My husband doesn’t allow them in our house either. The way the world is and the way kids looks these days too many gross people out there.


Why is it ok for you to think it’s ok for your daughter to wear a crop top but it’s wrong that your husband don’t like it? Just because your the mother don’t make everything you say ok and dad is wrong. I’m sure if you were against something when it comes to your daughter and your husband just went against what you felt you would be upset also. There’s a lot of cute clothes out there for young girls besides tank tops and even buying them in a bigger size isn’t really doing much and it still doesn’t make it ok to buy them when your husband has stated the way he feels.


I would keep that for bed time. Too many freaks in this world :earth_americas:

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I feel like your both not wrong what I’f she wore a tank top underneath

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Tbh some of y’all are sick. An 8 year old isn’t trying to dress sexy. She thought the shirt was cute. If dad has such an issue put a tank top under it. Problem solved
Can’t disrespect dad’s opinion, but still want her to be happy with her clothing. Tank top is a problem solved


8yr olds don’t belong in crop tops…period. I’d make her wear a tank top under


I don’t buy them for my 8 & 9yrs old daughter. I don’t feel they are appropriate for them but others buy them & my girls cut them, so make them wear tanktops underneath.

8yr old should not wear crop tops .

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OP the only thing I’ll add is if she has to wear it and yadda yadda just add a tank under it and problem solved

So all of yall saying little girls need to be covered are you as worried about your boys? Do you make them wear shirts 24/7 so no one sexualizes them or is that something that only happens with girls?


My daughter is 11 & she’s not allowed to wear crop tops, half of the clothes they’re marketing for children are entirely to revealing IMO. There are wayyyy to many sick people in this world.


Unfortunately we live in a very sick world where scumbags s*xualize our children. Your husband shouldn’t have flipped out on you he should have just told you he feels the shirt isn’t appropriate for her age and he doesn’twanther wearing it. Would he be ok with her wearing it with a tank top underneath?

I agree with him- kids should not dress like adults (crop tops, Short shorts, bikinis)

I go by, lift your arms, touch your toes if anything shows go change your clothes. So guess I’m on dad’s side.

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No crop top pf any kind she is only 8 i agree with Dad

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It’s hard to find normal length shirts for girls these days, everything is cropped. Don’t like this trend

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I bought my 9 yr old a few crop tops but what I did was bought spaghetti strap shirts to go under them their light weight so it’s not so hot and covers her belly problem solved!


There are women who are tired of being sexualized. There are women who sexualize everything they do and wear. They are the fashion role models for us and our children. AND, if you haven’t been paying attention, children ARE being sexualized on just about every channel and media platform available. Just with that fact alone I’d want to keep my child a child as long as possible.
Your husband is a man and knows the man’s response to what women do and wear better than women do. He remembers what it was like to be a boy with screaming hormones.
Right or wrong, we do need to pay attention to the wise guy, husband, who knows what that sexy little tummy is going to say to the boys who are still being taught that “boys will be boys”.
Until men are programmed differently from birth to not see women as sexual objects and until women quit selling themselves as sexual objects, we must live in a world of mischief and rape.

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Honestly I think it’s important to respect the other parents wishes on modesty. Regardless of your views. I think about all the perverts in this world, and just the thought of them eyeing one of my daughters makes my blood boil.

I get both sides. But you can find a happy medium. Maybe a tank top underneath. Or a higher waisted pair of pants to help cover her stomach while she wears that shirt.


I dress my daughter in oversized clothes because she is only 11 and already has big boobs and a figure. As a teen I wore fitting clothing with a figure and almost everytime I walked to school there was some stranger trying to pick me up. My daughter rides the bus and I won’t let her walk to it or home from it alone yet either. Sorry but I got to side with your husband. If we stood up as mother’s and didn’t buy those half shirts they would stop selling them.

I’m 63 years old woman and see no problem with a child wearing a cropped top. Why are we trying to make an 8 year old think it’s her responsibility to control dirty old men’s thoughts. A “preditor” or “rapist” does not care what an 8 year old, a 12 year old , a 30 year old or an 86 year old wears. Stop making an 8 year olds abdomen “provocative”, she wants to dress like her friends and like celebrities. She wants to wear the clothes that are currently in style. In other words she’s a normal little girl with an unreasonable dad.


I had my daughter’s and nieces wear tank tops that cover what the crop top doesn’t. It worked for us . Just a suggestion


It’s a stomach :roll_eyes: tell him it’s not a big deal at all and to get the fuck over it. Most clothes are cropped. It’s only an issue because he’s making it one; why is he sexualizing a stomach? :thinking:

I just put a cami underneath to keep my daughter’s belly from showing. I don’t like the cropped tops on little girls either.


My daughter whose been wearing bras and spandex to dance in since she was 5 :rofl:

It’s just a belly. There is NOTHING WRONG with her belly. It also only shows when she lifts her arms. Predators look regardless of what they’re wearing, stop putting the blame on the clothing and put it on the people who shouldn’t be looking. :woman_shrugging:
Let her wear what makes her happy. Because it’s HER body she has to live in. Let her be comfortable in HER body. She isn’t thinking the way dad is, she’s thinking her belly is not okay because dad yelled about it.


I agree with dad. There is to many sick people in this world.


I agree with Dad.
Put a cami/tank top underneath.


He’s not over reacting…


So basically you’re all saying that she can’t be comfortable with her own body because people like y’all are perverts… Gotcha

The fucking audacity :roll_eyes::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Crop tops for 8 year old is how we begin to sexualize girls- he’s right, get rid of it.


The amount of people saying that you shouldn’t let your kid wear this because people are sick… Call out these sick assholes! That’s the only way things are ever going to get better.

That being said, I understand the concern, but just have her wear a light tank top underneath it. I still have my daughter wear shorts under her skirts, but that’s more so because she’d probably be flashing everyone by accident, because sitting still is not really a thing for her. :joy:

Sounds like your husband needs to learn to blame the pedophiles instead of blaming the child. Why would you also ever let any man. Father or not, diminish your child’s confidence? Fuck that, I have crop tops. My 4 year old wants pink hair cause I dye mine, I did her tips last year. She loved it, her dad didn’t and I told her dad the same thing I’ll tell you” you may be her dad but you don’t OWN her body, she can wear what she feels comfortable in. Now, for those who are gonna reach at my comment, I’m not condoning the child wearing booty shorts, bras for tshirts. I’m saying I wear crop tops and I’m considered modest compared to how most people dress now and days. Having one girl and two boys made me realize it doesn’t matter what your kids are wearing. If a creep is a creep, they’re gonna do it anyway. My eldest son gets targeted quite a lot. More than my daughter tbh. 

Does he get mad when she wears a bathing suit??? That shows a lot more and predators are at pools and parks for that reason… but to compromise…. A thin strap tank top underneath works well

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crop tops are not for children. yes your 8, 9 ann even 14yr old is a child :woman_facepalming:t2:

if she really likes the shirt but a super thin spaghetti strap shirt underneath


Honestly there’s nothing you can do to make him see it’s not a big deal. Just like he can’t make you see HIS side of things. Maybe y’all can find a compromise like she can wear the top with a camisole under it.


How about instead of trying to change his opinion you respect his decision? Why do moms feel their opinions are superior over dads? Have you stopped to think hes a man and has probably heard and seen some nasty stuff from other men and it makes him worry?


I agree with dad. 8. And a crop top. Welp. Hope you enjoy raising another kid when she has one at 15.


It’s 2022…also why are We still sexualizing girls/women’s bodies? There’s nothing wrong with her belly. If he has a problem with it then :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:…and maybe you need to evaluate being with him. And for all of you agreeing with the dad…SHAME ON YOU! You are part of the reason why society is the way it is and how girls/women are treated. It’s our bodies not yours. Also if you want to not show your belly then that’s your choice. But don’t go pushing your beliefs and choices and thoughts down other peoples throats. Yes opinions are like buttholes…everyone has them but it doesn’t mean you should show it to everyone. :woman_facepalming:t3:


If my child’s father sexualized them I would leave in a heartbeat. My daughter is 11 and she has full body autonomy and that includes wearing whatever she wants and doing her hair however she wants. We are parents not dictators. She is a child and no one should look at her sexually and if they do they are the problem not what she is wearing.

I can’t believe the number of you guys saying you don’t allow your children to wear comfortable clothes because you are sexualizing them. You all have a lot of unpacking to do and trauma. You really might want to unlearn some of the things you learned as a child.


He isn’t over reacting !


In a perfect world I agree, kids should be able to wear what ever they want where ever because Im a normal person I dont see it in a sexual way. But this world is messed up unfortunately and theres perverts everywhere, my little sister wore crops around the same age and seeing grown men staring crewpily at the grocery store had me heated. Its a sad reality we shouldnt have to think about but we do :frowning: Id get her higher waisted pants or maybe a cute long tank for under.


Modesty can be taught but everyone has their opinion.


You have to understand that dad wants to protect his little girl. Not that you don’t, but he likely doesn’t want her to grow up “too fast”. There’s a very high chance you’re gonna start arguing over her wanting to wear to school, places other than home to be worn, ect. It can rapidly become a domino effect. I personally feel children’s clothes should’ve been left alone, they shouldn’t have been made to look like grown up attire. “Let kids be kids”. Unfortunately it’s not your daughter that’s the problem it’s the sick world we live in that is. Both parents have to be on the same page with this kind of stuff. Values and morals always have to align with one another. There’s gotta be a common ground somewhere. 


My 8 year old daughter has two outfits with crop tops that she liked. My husband wasn’t ok with it at first but I flat out told him that she can wear whatever tf she wants. I will always allow my daughter to Express herself with her clothing style and hair and would never let someone tell my daughter what she can and can not wear. I’m on your side 100%!


Was there a reason she wore it like for exercise etc? If not, it’s not for a 8 year old… If she wants to wear them just make sure they are long enough to cover her belly… A father would know what men these days think like so trust your husband but let her wear longer type of crop tops

That’s YOUR child too. If you feel it’s ok then it should be ok. Her belly is showing. Her belly shows when she wears a swim suit… what is the difference???

Dads right. There are some creepy predators out there she’s no where near a teen and shouldn’t be allowed to dress as such. Would you be upset if it were the other way around? He let her wear short shorts but you think it’s inappropriate, would that be ok with you?


To wear at home, sure. But not to wear in public. When she gets older I see no problem with her wearing it if that’s what she likes. But at 8, she at least needs a little spaghetti strap shirt under it or something. And it’s not entirely because of other people lik e possibly sexualizing her because that’s on them, not her. BUT at the same time, she is a young child and it’s our job to protect our kids and it just might catch th he eye of some pervert and lead to something happening. As a teen, she’ll be a little more capable of watching out and taking care of herself. But she’s only 8. 8 year olds usually love makeup too, but you don’t let them make their entire face up just bc they want to. Also (and maybe this is just me), I wouldn’t want other parents to see it and judge her for what she’s wearing and not want their kids around her. Parents are weird and this is absolutely something some would do. Of course she doesn’t realize any of this bc she’s only 8. That’s what parents are for. To look at possible consequences and make the right decision to keep them safe. Also, you 2 are raising this child together. You have to learn how to compromise and even in some cases, learn to give in when it’s a firm opinion on something, especially when it has to do with child safety. Plus this isn’t the hill to die sounds like he’s really adamant and continuing to let her wear it without something underneath will cause more conflict and resentment than it’s worth. On the other hand, not letting her wear it or wearing something underneath doesn’t sound like it’s a “devastating” choice for you, you’re just annoyed. Pick your battles in life, it makes a difference,

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The only time I let my 8 & 9 year old wear a crop top is if they are home with me. No men around and not out in public. I am not a fan of some man looking at my innocent baby like that. So I can agree with the disregard of this.

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I have a 7 year old daughter and a God daughter 16 and I won’t let them wear crop tops. My daughters don’t need that kind of attention. Just doesn’t look good in my opinion.


Just put a tank top under it


Everyone is going to have their opinions on this. For or against.

I feel like 8 IS a bit young for a crop top, even if just a little belly shows. Maybe put a cammy or tank top underneath if she were going to wear it out in public. If at home, its whatever imo. If he has an issue with her just wearing it at home, you may have a different issue.

Your husbands concerns are valid, and so are yours.

It’s summer! Tell him to stop sexualizing his kid. Sus behaviour tbh.


I dont like how they make close for girls these days especially little girls and how some parents think it’s ok just blows my minds at some of the styles so I would agree with your husband crop tops on little girls are not ok I’m my opinion


Last I checked it’s your child too. If you’re okay with your child wearing that then he should trust you with it.


I never let my daughter wear any short shirts or crop tops. If she raised her arms and too much flesh showed I wouldn’t buy it. Too many bad people out there. Why advertise your child?

Y’all do realize, a predator will pop out somewhere REGARDLESS of clothing right?


Crop tops shouldn’t be worn by kids, especially as young as 8. My opinion. I’m with dad.

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Idk man…dude probably dont want pervy people looking at his lil girl with impure thoughts, cant say I blame him


Let Dad have his way. Wear a tank underneath. Wish there were more dads like him.


l Get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $14341 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

I made mine save the sexier tops for teen yrs. My daughter at 8 asked for one and I asked her why. She said cuz she wants to feel sexy. I was like nope! And found a way to gracefully distract her. You got your whole ass adult yrs to feel sexy!!!

Young Girls/teens should not be wearing the clothes/styles they are selling nowadays. No crop tops short short shorts that I can see their a** hanging out…Its craziness. How ever any patent wants to view this, these girls ARE being viewed sexually by boys and even grown men. I personally would never allow it and will not allow my nieces to step out of my house in these clothes when they visit. Its attracting attention that isn’t good.


She’s 8 yall. Let’s stop sexualizing minors. Please and thank you.


She’s to young for a crop top I would only let her wear it at home or have her wear a cami underneath

Today it’s the little top, tomorrow?

My Bonus Daughter is 13 and wanted me to buy her a crop top. I said no.
1 because it’s a crop top
2 because I hope her mom wouldn’t allow it Either. Nope her mother will buy her stuff like that.


You guys are all ridiculous. It’s a shirt ffs.

YOU stop sexualizing our children. Children who are just trying to find their own sense of style while hoping to fit in with their peers.

Keeping your daughters safe requires a lot more than saying no to crop tops. Unreal.


Does dad allow her to wear bathing suits that show her tummy? Because 100% there’s loads of APPROPRIATE bathing suits for children that show their tummies. It’s summer.

Lighten up. Literally. :roll_eyes:


Not a fan of them never understood why they even make them for little kids. You knew he wasn’t going to like it that’s why you went a size up. Put a tank top under it.


Yeah I agree with dad


It’s her body it’s her choice. Tummys are not sexual and we need to stop making it seem like they are… And by policing what little girls wear to “protect” them…we are once again feeding unto the victim blaming culture. IE: If something bad happens to her; it’s her fault because she was dressed a certain way, etc.


My daughters are not allowed to wear crop tops and they are under 8. When they hit their teens years, we can discuss it. Unfortunately we live in world where there are creeps and weirdos that ruined it. Especially with human trafficking getting worst, it’s just best to avoid those styles to keep your child safe.


Stop sexualizing children!!!


In my opinion if she’s around the house or in her yard then why not but if y’all leave and go in public have her change


These comments are ridiculous… she’s 8… we should be teaching girls that they don’t have to show their bodies to “fit in”. The amount of people that are ok with an 8 year old showing her tummy is sad. There are sick people in this world.


In my opinion I wouldn’t want my niece out like that but she wanted a crop top so we just put a long tank top under it


This is such a hard subject. How do you teach body positivity and at the same time have a girl be careful what they wear because of certain people out there? To be honest, my daughter is 5 and chooses all of her clothes. From buying them to wearing them. And I don’t see us ever stopping her from having her own style.


8yo wearing a crop top? No. Too many creeps out there.


For me, it depends on where she was planning on wearing the shirt. To bed? Thats fine.
In public? For me thats a no.

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Girls shirts are so hard to find that aren’t a crop top even my 10 yr old is frustrated with is cause we have the rule of if she lifts her arms up and we see her belly button then no she doesn’t wear it. But now we have changed things she wears a little cami shirt underneath. Because it’s nearly impossible to find a regular shirt for her. That and they are practically see through. It’s frustrating anymore.


Depends on how short this crop top is imo. My 9 year old has some crop tops that she wears high waisted bike shorts with and you can’t even see her tummy unless she’s like jumping up to the sky lol. It’s a style that kids want to be a part of. If it’s around the house or yard my kiddo can wear pretty much anything. During the summer it’s normal if you are outside somewhere, It’s like wearing a bathing suit top with shorts. I wouldn’t allow my 9 year old to wear one to school or another place where she should have more clothes on, like going out shopping or eating dinner. So imo wear it around the house and outdoor summer activities like going swimming, hiking amusement park.


No I agree with hubby

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He’s being a normal father. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I barely let my 14 year old wear them :joy::joy: let alone an eight year old

I feel their has to be age appropriate clothes, 8 years old is to young to be wearing that in my opinion. Don’t think dad is overreacting he’s mostlikly bring protective of her💁🏻‍♀️

(This was her 7th birthday outfit and we haven’t finished getting her hair done lol) when my daughter turned 7 we let her chose her own clothes. She has a handful of crop tops. With that comes rules she can only wear them with me and her dad present. I think it’s important for her to make the choice to what to wear and when to wear it. And she does great with it. To us it’s no different than her wearing a bathing suit. Long as she’s comfortable in her body and choices :relieved:


Wear a tank top underneath. 8 y/o in my opinion shouldn’t be wearing one. But this option makes everyone happy.

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