My husband got mad our daughter wore a crop top: Advice?

I still struggle with these tops with my teen it seems like every jr high kid is wearing them. I know they are innocent in it but unfortunately there are sick ppl in this world :disappointed:

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Have her wear a shirt underneath. The point of a crop top is to show the midriff so maybe you should have found something else she liked.

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I just recently got my 8 yr old a crop top,…her dad and I agreed on it, but it’s only for around the house or to sleep in…

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I’ve never really been down with crop tops on kids. I’m hardly able to accept crop tops on women. However, they are becoming a normalized style amongst a variety of ages. So I guess I see your husband’s point of view, as well as yours. Maybe compromise and only let her wear it around the house?


I didn’t have the time to read everyone’s responses but isn’t anyone aware of the MAP movement? Pedophiles are actually fighting to become a legalized “orientation” using the LGBTQ - - route. You know, " if they can, so can we excuse." Not to get deep into this, it’s important to know what’s going on. You can research it yourselves but be aware that whereas it’s not a female’s fault what others think or how they think by what she wears, it DOES put her out there to be sexualized before others in the pedos’ twisted minds. They often believe the girl “knows” what she’s doing “to them” and becomes a target. It’s sick but it’s happening moms. Research it, a simple Google search will show you. With everything being accepted these days, it’s not far-fetched to think it will be a thing soon. Sad to think what our little ones wear could determine their safety :sweat:


I let my kids wear them if they are home but not if we are going out of the house. There’s a fine line between they should have a right to wear what they want in front of other people and being aware of creeps.

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Your dad Zoie Grevé used to flip out when I’d buy you any thing cute. It’s in their DNA.

If it’s bigger and you can just barely see her tummy when she lifts her arms then it’s fine

If u let her start wearing things like that at 8 she’s gonna expect to be able to wear a lot less as a teen. There’s no reason for an 8 yr old to wear a crop top


I don’t think crop tops are appropriate at that age. I’m on Team Dad


Too young to be wearing this it’s not cute


It’s amazing to me how many women are siding with the husband. It used to be that showing your ankle was considered sexual. Then it was a knee or a bare shoulder. None of this is sexual. All of this is indicative of a warped society that puts the burden on girls for policing the perversion of men.


Have her wear a tank top underneath. My daughter likes them but refuses to wear tanks :joy:


On team dad. 8 year olds should not be wearing crop tops.


My 9 year old wants to wear them so bad. But myself and dad don’t allow it yet either. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Way too young for a crop top


We as females, don’t sexualize (for the most part) and as sad as it is, the reality, kids, yes I say kids, very well might be. There’s a greater chance that they will be than the chance they won’t. Harsh reality of this ugly world we live in.

Your husband cares about the modesty of your daughter. He is trying to teach her to dress as she loves herself, as much as he loves her. Don’t show everything. You are married to a wonderful guy and father. Listen to him.


As a mom I would never let either of my daughters dress like that if ther was an undershirt under it that fully covered then yes but by its self hell no. My daughters are 14 and 5 I don’t not think anything revealing is appropriate


I’d advise to consider yours and the child’s reasons for liking or not allowing the top. Consider what the child is learning about body awareness and be cautious not to shame her for being female in a sexually-driven, male-dominant world. She is our future!


So women and girls have to regulate what we like to wear because “men” are scum? Good lesson to teach an 8 year old I guess… and it’s sad the dad of this little girl is sexualizing her clothes as well. Every woman on here is saying no because “there s too many perverts out there” are also the same ones who don’t take a stand against the “men”. There s dress code for places and events for sure but it’s not like it’s lingerie she wants to wear out in public.

Sorry but i agree with your husband, i have 2 little girls 5 and 10, and i disagree with the little girls fashion right now, it sexualizes them. They don’t need to be sexualized. I’m an adult and don’t wear anything that shows anything besides shorts in the summer. Crop tops are awful and should not be available for little innocent children. Too many sickos out there.


Not at 8 years old… I’m with dad.


Team dad. Teach her that there’s nothing wrong with being modest.


All I’ll say is when I was that age as soon as I was out of the house I was changing into what I wanted to wear whether that was hiding it or borrowing from a friend so just think about that

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Crop tops are inappropriate for young children ur husband was right for being pissed off


He’s entitled to his opinion

Let her have the crop top, but modify it. Sew in a fun fabric, ruffles or lace where the other half of the top of missing… just an idea from a girl who also wanted crop tops at 8, but whose parents didn’t approve of the fashion.

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Girls clothes will always be a topic of discussion. Once was :girls should only have one dresses that goes almost to their feet. No legs showing, so girls started using pants. Then it went to you can show your legs but girls shouldn’t have on pants. Then to tank tops showing their shoulders. Then to spandex and leggings now onto crop tops. I’m sure I’m missing some in-between on that but it’s just an example. I know people talk about pedophiles targeting children but that has been happening forever it’s just coming out more often now. Let your child dress how you feel they should and if you decide to let her have crop tops and she feels uncomfortable around a certain person then that person needs to be out of the child life. I was SA as a child by two different people and I dressed like any normal 5-12 year old back in the 90’s and 2000’s. We moved away from the first one, second one went to prison when he went to prison I started dressing how I wanted and my mom didn’t stop me she encouraged me to so I could express myself how I felt I needed to. While dressing how I wanted no one messed with me. The clothes honestly don’t matter in those cases. If anyone is sexualizing your child at 8 years old then that person is the problem not her, not her clothes.


Shes 8. It’s a stomach. Maybe ask him why he’s sexualizing a child. Her top isn’t what’s wrong his thinking is


To everyone saying no crop… Does your children wear a one piece bathing suit?

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As long as it’s not out in public depending on what it looks like I think it’s fine
But not in public, school, dinner etc it’s inappropriate

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I wouldn’t like my 8 year old daughter in a crop top either :woman_shrugging:


Huge deal. I have only daughters

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I agree with Dad, just not for school


He’s 100% right!! My mom bought my 10 year old some when she was out of town with her and I kindly stuffed them in the back of my closet!!!


Pretty sure they made these little plastic things specifically for kids to tie their t-shirts into crop tops when I was a kid. :laughing:


Respect what your husband says.


I would say put a tank top underneath.


Sorry, not sorry but child shouldn’t be wearing crop tops :woman_shrugging: if a tanks under it whatever but I just dont understand why they have to have so many cropped shirts for little girls


I personally don’t see an issue with it. I understand where dad is coming from and you too should sit down and talk about it. But… the older she gets the more you don’t allow the more she will do and hide from you when she is older… My dad didn’t let me wear certain clothes and when I went to my friends I would change into there clothes or even have them bring me clothes to change into at school…

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Ummm sorry, I do think 8 is way too young to be wearing that! If she was wearing it around the house or to the pool/beach, then maybe but other than that No Way!!


Unfortunately you may need to just lean his way on this topic. She’s his daughter as well. Is her wearing crop tops such an issue you feel you need to work him over to your side or can you just let him have this one

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I agree with dad. And it’s really ridiculous that most clothes for little girls are crop tops at the moment. My 5 and 7 year old are not walking around in crop tops.


I don’t see an issue with it. We let out almost 12 yo wear what ever she feels confident and comfortable in. She has crop tops and other various clothes that she isn’t allowed to wear at school. She just wants to wear a cute top she found I don’t see the issue.

Father knows best. Not for school!

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Ask him why is he sexualizing his child. That’s the only reason it’s an issue.


She’s too young. I wouldn’t let my daughter wear stuff like that till she’s a teen. Dad is right could cause wrong attention for her.

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Be respectful of his feelings. If you thought he wouldnt like it, you tell her. Your father would never allow this. Period. Pick another shirt… youre degrating him as a father and not parenting WITH him.


I agree with dad on this one! 8 year olds should not be wearing crop tops.


I am on team dad for this one.


We wear a tank under those shirts tucked in


He wants to protect his daughter. Why fight him about it?


Had a similar situation happen with my eldest daughter and her father over a bathing suit, I ended up siding with her father because, age appropriate clothing needs to be taught…


My girls aren’t allowed to wear crop tops unless they are around the house.


Are you really here asking how to make him see that your way is the only right way?

He’s the one that has likely heard how boys/men talk in locker rooms. Maybe he has a point. Have you guys been able to sit down and discuss it respectfully?


There’s a fine line because I believe our daughters should be able to wear what they want but I also know protecting them from people who will leer at them is important. My daughter is 9 and has a couple of shorter shirts but nothing that shows her tummy with her arms at her sides. If we are going to play in the park I’m fine if she wears the shorter shirts or shorts or whatever because it’s going to be hot and people shouldn’t sexualize a 9 yr old. Unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in so I make a judgement call for where we will be and what activity is going on.


I totally get where this dad is coming from … sexualization of our kids is at an all time high. We allow ours to wear crop tops but they have to wear a t underneath it.


You can barely see her belly when she raises her arms? He’s definitely overreacting. I’d stand my ground on this one.


He’s dad. He has an opinion too. I find it funny when mom’s don’t think dad’s should have a say but then whine he doesn’t do anything with the family.


Wow, a husband that cares that his 8 year old daughter shouldn’t be wearing inappropriate clothes. Sounds like he probably doesn’t want this kind of “dress” to start the ball rolling for future years. It starts with crop tops, then booty shorts, then hooker boots, then cleavage/revealing tops. You as the parent set the presidents of what is acceptable or not. Crop tops for 8 year olds are not acceptable.


This is a tuff one. Luckily my daughter does not yet want one but her bestie lens them. Also try are doing all the high rise pants so sometimes it equals out. At home, got dinner day at the water park or just the sprinklers cool. But going out in it. I’ve would have her wear a tucked in tank too or a 1 piece. That way she’s still in style and modest. But I do hate most major cooperation are making so the little girls and adult shirts crop tops.

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He’s just a protective daddy. In this world, you can never be too careful.

Okay so I have a legit answer to this. It is not about him sexualizing his child…it is about the fear of other men sexualizing his child. As a man, he is aware of how other men react to any girl or women who shows some skin, he was probably like that at one time as well. Now he has a daughter and sees the error and wants to protect his daughter from the very thing that he knows you as his wife or his sister or his mother had gone through. We do the arms up test in everything my 9 year old wears. If her stomach shows, she has 2 options…wear a tank underneath or we get rid of the shirt. It’s the same way with shorts. Shorts must come to the fingertips or they are a no go. That’s not from her dad but from me, my sister and I were both highly sexualized at about her age by people that we trusted. So I go hard on protecting my daughter from the same. Part of the problem is that they are making children’s clothes smaller and smaller and idek why.


I agree with the dad


Sounds incestuously possessive imo

My husband would flip too lol. We’re living in a sick world now a days


I’m with dad. 8 year olds shouldn’t be sexualized. Let her be a kid


I think you should allow her to wear what she’s comfortable about wearing. No different thank the half shirt bikinis but i dont see any parents dressing their kids in tee shirt style and shorts🤷🏼‍♀️. Maybe the world needs to learn how not to sexualize a child whose barely showing stomach. And yall need to realize MEN DC what we wear we will be sexualized. Let her be confident! Let her learn to say my outfits not for you but me


In the end. What ur daughter wears should be a joint decision. Not just urs, not just his, and definitely not anyone’s on this post.

U 2 should be talking about it and come to an agreement. Maybe she wears it only at home or with u guys but not at school. Respect each other’s opinions


Personally 8 is a little young for a crop top I wouldn’t let my kid wear one at that age but that’s just me


My 13 yr old daughters wanted crop tops that show a little belly. “It’s the style mom, everybody’s wearing them.”
So, I bought them. Then, I pulled up my shirt, just a little and said I would wear it too. Our compromise: I keep my shirts pulled down over my belly and they wear a tank under thier crop tops. Nobody sees our bellies and they’re hapoy with that.:blush:


Maybe wear a tank top under it :woman_shrugging:t2: that’s what I would allow my daughter to do.


It’s just a belly button… it’s only an issue to people who sexualize children. What people wear has nothing to do with anything. A belly button is not sexual in any way. I’m sure most people’s daughters on here of all ages wear a bathing suit to the beach. If there’s nothing wrong with a bathing suit, there’s nothing wrong with a shirt.


My husband would flip too don’t let your girls dress like hooches.


And this is what’s wrong with the world today. Before you know it it’ll be walking around in sports bras are acceptable for eight-year-olds. there is no reason in the world an eight-year-old child needs to walk around showing any portion of their belly. 


He’s being ridiculous. Tell him to stop sexualizing his child.


It’s not about what a little girls wears that we should worry about, it’s the pedos that are amongst us. I think it should be automatic castration for these sick people.


Yikes awful lot of people here making the assumption that what you wear correlates to sex abuse.

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Sounds like your husband needs to chill… unless he needs to edit his friends list

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I was the “Dad” with my girls. I was molested by my grandfather so I raised my girls that everything is well covered. Not saying it is anyone’s fault bc of how they dress but I just wanted it a little harder. Just my opinion…

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Pair with some high waisted jeans. My daughter wears crops and high waist all the time and you can barely see her tummy.


Shes 8 for godsakes NOT 18!! He should indeed chill bcuz if hes that way NOW god help her when she really is older! Shes a little girl Im just not seeing the upset if her stomachs barely showing esp since its still hot out!


Let her wear whatever she wants. Crop tops are coming back in style especially for younger kids.


You need to pair the crop top with high waisted jeans. I know it’s not right to sexualize kids. But there are just too many creeps in the world who do just that every day. I know that she’s only 8 years old, but that’s the age some of these men start looking at. I know I was having a problem at 11 and 12. With someone my family had known for years. I never wore anything the least bit suggestive around this person. Pants, a shirt, and tennis shoes. I was there to take care of my pony and was cornered by the guy. I don’t know what would happen if I wore other kinds of clothes there. I got away from him and my folks let me move my pony somewhere else, but I never forgot that men are men anywhere you go. And even if you aren’t showing any skin it’s hard to keep them away if they are determined. Not only do you watch how and what your daughter wears, you be careful when and where you let them go. You make sure to keep the lines of communication open with them so they never are afraid to tell you when someone makes them feel afraid. And if someone does make them uncomfortable and you know this person, you see to it they are never alone with this person.


I don’t see a problem with the crop top since you bought it in a bigger size. I also don’t see an issue with her belly showing if it’s only when her arms are raised. He’s hyperfocused on the fact that it’s a “crop top” than the fact that her body is covered 99% of the time. That being said, maybe only let her wear it at home or with a tank top under it. But dad needs to chill out. Next thing you know he will have your daughter in those ugly, Little House on the Prairie dress Target was selling not too long ago…

A dad who cares im proud he does he knows men :purple_heart:


Sounds like he is trying a little to hard to control what she wears. That gives me -eh- vibes. . .but I was also that kid that hated being told what I could or could not do with my body. Always felt like I wasn’t trusted to make my own choices about my body, which is not a good thing, makes it easy for others to manipulate.

This is not just about modesty culture, but the impact parents have on their children’s mental health and self esteem.


Somebody doesn’t want his LITTLE GIRL growing up. It’s going to happen. Learn to live with it.

Crop tops are not appropriate at any age


Does she wear a bathing suit ever? That’s showing way more skin than an oversized croptop. I think you did the right thing buying the larger size, its a good compromise. Sorry he can’t see that.

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Personally I would not be OK with it either. However if you were to switch the rules and you didn’t want her wearing one and he did what would you do? It’s still his daughter and he still has some say so, not just you. 


My daughter has a paw patrol top that kinda fits like a crop top so she only wears it around home but if she wants to wear it to a store or something i put a tank top/muscle shirt on her underneath the crop top type tshirt (she is 3yrs old) it is fairly hard to find age appropriate girls shirts for summer wise so she mainly wears boy tshirts instead

Sounds like he is a caring dad!!! 8 yr old doesn’t need 2 b wearing crop tops 2 many pervs& pedophiles out here. Good job dad raise hell


I can tell you , it doesn’t matter what girls wear . It doesn’t prevent horrible thoughts from horrible people.


Aimee Weaver wear a tank under


I don’t like young girls dressing like young women. I agree with him. Sorry

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Dad is not wrong, if it’s that cute but a tank top underneath or don’t buy it at all.


Why is your husband sexualizing an 8 year old? There is nothing inappropriate about it. She’s a little girl who wants to wear a cute shirt. It’s like someone getting upset because my 8 year old girl only wears swimsuit bottoms and saying she is going to press. It’s ludicrous.