Mine has to be reminded to shower. Isn’t allowed into bed if he hasn’t. Now prefers to sleep in the spare room anyway
I like how we assume he has a mental health condition. Why would you marry someone unhygienic?
Some guys just cant be bothered having a shower if cuts into sitting on their ass on the couch watching tv.
Been there. I don’t understand being unaware of this before being married. I’d try being simply honest w him via talk or even letter.
Dump a large bucket of a soap and water over his head right before he comes in the front door, then rinse him off with the hose, if his teeth are bad just pull them all out in his sleep, you can soak his dentures at night and then there is no need to brush. Just kidding, if you don’t have kids, and your that disgusted and not attracted to him anymore and he blows up just because you tell him he smells like hot dog water, get outta there.
Not sure how to help but God has taken a beating on this thread.
Tell him he stinks.
Tell him he’s got bad breath.
Move into another separate room until he changes his ways…
But…they never change…
So…leave him?
Maybe people take advantage and he’s been used new clothes new hair cut and a blow job he will be turned on and have set for days
Maybe he’ll get the memo after your turn him down his kisses and sexual advances.
Leave him! Find yourself a better one! A clean one! What was he like during your dates?
Not to offend you, but maybe it is something you are doing that makes him just desire to be repulsive.
I agree may be a sign of mental disease/disorder get your things in order and consider divorce
No respect for self or you or maybe just lazy. Know another the same just lazy. Depression?. No self care, no sx
Try inviting him into the shower with you. Use your imagination to convince him.
But bazungu Che… So kusasamba kwa muntu kunkale depression? Niwa doti Che mwamuna wako Mami… Palibe Navodwala apa…
I know I need to do teeth whitening so bad, my boyfriend hates it & it’s like 500 bucks!
Won’t get any better sorry, have had that problem and it’s a big turn off…
Why does getting a divorce seem not the answer?
Maybe he want you to leave. Maybe he bathes and brushes his teeth when he’s at his girlfriends.
Try asking him to shower with you, that it’ll be romantic… and intimate ?
Get a new one , what do you think most men would do?
How tf did you NOT know this before saying “I do”?!?
Realize one thang if it was you he’d tell you, something is going on for real , tread lightly though, i wont say wat i think
Did you not check him during the courtship?
I had this problem with my soon to be ex husband sadly itryed and tried and tried and I gave up. It was much worse then just personal hygiene, he became a nasty dirty hoarder that let 2 dogs potty all over and wouldn’t keep with my training them. Still was more also
… Why would you marry him?
I would take him to a doctor. I think this is a symptom of an underlying problem.
Make the shower a sexy thing. Both of you get in together. Wash one another. Get a little frisky.
Get used to it. They don’t change unfortunately.
Have u tried being brutally blunt and just telling him sometimes u have to be cruel to be kind
Blackmail works with men: if you don’t start having shower I’ll never again be intimate with you. It works wonders.
Depression! Get him into therapy.
If you don’t brush the teeth they rot out! Do you have money to fix that? I know I do not. First they go all black, your breath stinks and then they fall out. Pass.
Lot of times its just plain old laziness.
Ew! Maybe he is suffering depression. Encourage him to seek help.
Depression is a hell of an illness.
Tell him either clean or i Leave…that’s just not cool at all
There’s a wonderful thing out there days…its called DIVORCE!
Why is this post on Facebook? Disgusting.
Hes an adult
You can’t change him
try not doing the same
so he can feel the same lol
Hop in the shower with him.and show him how you like him to smell
If he wants sex he has to shower. Tell him it’s a big turnoff to have BO and stinky breath. Just be honest. What’s the worse that could happen?
Get a divorce ! It may be a wake up call !
Take a shower with him and have his toothbrush handy
Is he’s name Andy? Sounds to familiar.
Silliness put aside… Good attitude goes along way…
My ex had the same problem but didn’t have the basic hygiene routine taught to him growing up. It was a long process, but positive attitude about it really helped as it made him really shy and kinda anxious. Simple suggestions to start with will get you both started in the right direction
that’s nasty.
divorse is an option.
reminds me of someone I once knew.
Sit down and have an honest talk about it. If you’re worried about his well-being, tell him. If you just don’t like the smell, tell him. Offer up some good alternatives (dry shampoo, no-rinse body wash, etc) could be hydrophobia, could be depression. If you find out he just doesn’t want to shower, your next course of action should be on what you think is best. Relationships/marriages don’t need sexual aspects to them if that’s how y’all feel
Fire hose and baby powder once a week
My husband always showers with me because he enjoys seeing my titties
Tell him if not hes going to sleep in another room.
Lack of self care may be depression related
Old habbit sometimes hard to break…sad😥
Xtra large can of lysol
Take a bath together. Brush your teeth together It 's more fun.
Sounds like a mental health issue.
Is he hiding some disability? Does he have memory issues? Is he afraid of falling in the shower?
You need to question him until you get to the reason.
It could definitely be a sign of depression. Maybe ask him to seek professional help, perhaps he has some personal or internal issues that he needs to work on. Although it might be frustrating because you love him, you have to put into consideration that he could very well be in a deep bout of depression. That would explain the change in self care and the angry outburst.
Buy a power washer with a deterent bottle and turn on full blast .lmao that should do it
Get in the tub with him and if you know what to do,he’ll love baths after that.
Give him an altermatom if he dosnt shower you leave!
No way that’s so not right
Sounds like depression
Is he by any chance bi polar? I read somewhere that sometimes a person with bi polar has a hard time wanting to do things like shower. My son is bi polar, and I had the same problem with him.
Is it a new development or was he like that before you married him?
If it’s relatively new, he could be depressed. How is hygiene among other close family members of his?
Invite him to come brush his teeth with you… or shower with you. Not sure.
Ultimatum. Wash your ass or I’ll hit the gas. Fuck that
I’m in the same boat
Maybe take showers together
This probably isn’t what you want to hear, but I was married to someone who would not regularly brush his teeth, go to doctor, and was morbidly obese. He knew how I felt and we even separated twice before we divorced. He had a food addiction and I wanted to help get him help, but he wasn’t interested. We were married 5 years and have been divorced for 3. We are on civil terms and he’s still morbidly obese
Get rid of him .I played the mom for 15 years really men bath brush there teeth wear deodorant and don’t wear dirty clothing.it doesn’t get better they get mad when you ask them did you bathe put on clean clothing put on deodorant and brush your teeth.the only time mine bathed was going to work and when he was off he was lazy and didn’t shower. The only time he did all that one his own was when he was cheating on me.my fiance is overly clean thank God
I went through the same thing with my ex of 4 years,that was a big reason I ended the relationship. I was open to him about it and asked him to change and he didn’t so I left
Maybe he cheated in you and his guilt is causing him to stop taking care of himself? Just throwing that out there as a possibility. Some folks self destruct from their mistakes.
sounds like he’s severely depressed…he should seek professional help.
If there’s no attraction then move on. Why torture yourself and let him waste your life. That’s not a life worth living.
Nameless Network is such irresistible clickbait
I can’t be attracted to someone with poor oral hygiene. Brush your teeth, mouthwash is not the same as brushing. Don’t look surprised when you get nothing but a peck on the lips, yuk!
Take a shower with him.
He might have early onset Alzheimer’s
yuk, I’m sorry. I will not do anything with him if he is my husband, is he like that before you married to him?
And you had no idea before?!
Sounds like depression.
People who practice self care have positive self esteem and genuinely care about themselves. If his hygiene is lacking that is showing low self esteem and very little regard for his own self.
He needs some type of therapy. You have tried bringing it up to him and he’s exploding you say? If how your coming at him isn’t working then try a different approach because that one isn’t working and he’s not going to budge. Maybe explain that your coming from a loving place and that you want him to feel good about himself. Don’t make it negative. Toss in some positive affirmations and tell him some good things about himself while you are recommending that he can improve his hygiene. I guarantee that will at least eliminate a fight. Another solution is trying to figure out the root of the problem that he’s having internally and fix that. Once he can work through that, the hygiene issue may fix itself.
Divorce his ass. Or chase him with a super soaker filled with ice cold soapy water. He’ll get the message eventually.
Make up a box of hygiene items soap, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, aftershave, new underwear, socks and new clothes and tell him to use it everyday…
Het him to a doctor as well to get his mental health checked out…
Mine tried that, but I would quickly let him know he better wash his ass before getting in bed, bc he makes the sheets all musty and I just can’t. He would complain we never cuddle…ok well, you have cheese dip all over your face and haven’t taken a shower in two days after working all day so…maybe that’s why? He’s been doing a little better, but the weekends are still bad…he thinks he doesn’t need to bathe on the weekend bc he didn’t work…nope sorry.
Tell him if he shower every night you give him just 60% more sex.
Perhaps it’s you and your ocd
How the heck did you not see this before tying the knot?
Is he afraid of water?
Tell him to wash his funky ass or you’ll walk !!
How are his sleeping habits?
Leave him a man with no good hygenie practices is a walking petrie dish of illnesses
That’s because you’re with a narcissist. They never take care of themselves. They see absolutely nothing wrong with being stinky and gross and yell at anyone who does. Horrible hygiene habits
Make him sleep in the garage.
James McMinn you’re up on this one
Oh dear, another one of those stupid senseless people who can’t even think for themselves?
Or is it just an idiotic pass time?
Maybe he thinks u ain’t worth the effort for:rofl:
The farter, scum, and the holy gross
Go to counseling. FB is not a free therapy session!
OMG! All this time I thought I was alone! I divorced his filthy narcissistic ass and haven’t looked back… Good luck to you! You don’t deserve to be dragged down by someone who has no pride in himself and obviously no pride in you. Know your worth my friend