My Husband Is Mad I Don't Want My Mother-in-Law in the Delivery Room When I Give Birth: Advice?

When it’s his turn to give birth then he can have his mother in to see all his glory

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Defiantly your mom and i guess hubby too ,even thou he was not too hot about it I had my mom every time i delivered; and hubby. Mom was great

Your body is being put through a LOT during labor. You don’t need added stress from any outside forces. I have a great relationship with my MIL and still no. It was my husband and 11yo stepdaughter (with her mom’s approval) and that’s it.

Tell the hubs if he wants his mom in the room with YOU going through labor. Then your mom gets to sit in the room with him for a colonoscopy or vasectomy :woman_shrugging: only fair right.

Pssh. Have the baby with exactly who you want.

I felt the same way. But when I was in there in pain and pushing - it didn’t matter that she was there. She had gotten there before my husband so I was glad I was not alone.

I don’t see what the big deal is with girls and mother-in-laws. We’re all women and obviously she has given birth. If you have a good relationship with her then why not…if not then just say no and she should respect that.

Youre the one giving birth and if he keeps getting disresepctful dont even let him back there. Tell him once he strips down naked and takes a shit infront your mother only then will you even think about it.


Will they allow more than one person in the room anyways with Covid ? You’re the one going through all the pain and delivering this child you have every right to pick and choose who you want in the room. Child birth isn’t a show it’s an important milestone in life. You don’t need more of an audience then you’re already going to have with medical staff. Do what makes you feel comfortable!

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I think he is proud.Just try to look at his of things.

Send him to the waiting room he can keep his momma company.

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He is right his mother should be there and not your sister,


the two grandparents should see their grandchild come into the world…


Stand by your feelings.

I say if u don’t feel comfortable don’t let her ruin a great experience for u happens with each child once in a lifetime


If your mother can be in there why shouldn’t his.


We agreed it would just be my husband and I. This was never an issue. That being said; mom giving birth has the right to include or not include who she feels she needs to be there to support/help her.

Tell her to wait in the waiting room. And tell your husband when he bears a child his Mom can be there.:v::v:


Just because they will allow three people doesn’t mean you have to have them. I’m shocked with Covid that your hospital is allowing more than your husband.


YOU choose who is there. I had only my spouse and labor coach when I had my last one

Nope. Nope. Nope. Been there and DO NOT REGRET IT! You only need the people YOU feel comfortable with in the room. If dad has that big of a problem, he can sit in the waiting room with his mother. :woman_shrugging:t4:


You don’t have to have all 3 people. Its up to 3 people. If he wants that say its just gonna be you and your mother or you and him end of story. You carried this child. I get that its the child’s grandmother but you shouldn’t feel uncomfortable.

If you don’t feel comfortable with her in the room then say no to your husband so what if he’s mad. But that’s my opinion. If you guys don’t get along then why should she be in the room she can easily sit outside in the waiting room till the baby is born.

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You shouldn’t have to have anyone in there you don’t want it your body, and labor not there’s.

It’s not about the grandmas, it’s about YOU. You will be very vulnerable and if you aren’t comfortable with her being there, she needs to be ok with that. She can be in the waiting room.

Im sorry for all of you saying he should be able to have his mom in there is wrong. She is the one giving birth. She deserves to have a support group and the ones she chooses. She is the one doing all the work not him. Stick up for yourself if he dont like it he can join her in the waiting room.


Mom’s choice. If having her there is going to cause her any stress then it doesn’t happen.

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Nope. Do what is right for you. He isn’t giving birth. I made everyone wait to meet my kids until my stepkids did. I absolutely would not and did not want my MIL in the room while giving birth. Saying your mom can so why can’t his isn’t really fair because you have a different relationship with both people.

You are about to being new life .its very precious moments i think you and your hubby should have enjoy each moment of this joy alone .congratulations

I don’t blame your husband. It’s wrong.

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Imagine you after 30 years having a call from your son that his wife is in labor and you get too excited and happy but then he tell you we dont want you to come stay away

To put it lightly? Screw him. & her if she’s THAT upset about it. YOU are the one squeezing a child out of your twat, not him.

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Only your husband n your sister this is not a show

It’s your decision. The grandparents don’t HAVE to be there. That’s just his opinion. But not most people’s. I only had my husband. Even if my mom had been there I would not have felt comfortable with anybody else in the room. It was very rough. She’ll be fine just seeing the baby shortly after like everybody else.

I didn’t want anyone to visit or be in during childbirth. I got my wish my son came early and we where Shipped out town to do so!.

With covid right now only one person is allowed in anyways at least where I live.

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YOU are giving birth not him. It can be stressful enough, you need to feel comfortable and safe. His needs aren’t a thing here, this is about you. Ask him how comfortable he would be on a table or in a bath with his bits out in front of your mum/dad? He needs to get over it


Unless he’s pushing a baby out of his nether regions he doesn’t have a say…It’s your body YOU decide who sees it and doesn’t…

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With his attitude, he should wait in the waiting room! With his mother.

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stick to what you want.


Stand your ground. If she makes you uncomfortable then she shouldn’t be there. Your husband should respect your wishes.


First, tell him where to shove it. If he’s still being a little bitch about it, tell him he can sit in the waiting room with his mommy while you give birth.


He can keep her company in the waiting room.


Is he pushing a baby out his pee hole and being forced to do it in front of your mom? No? Okay then.

When you give birth for the sake of you and baby- you need to be comfortable. That kind of stress is NOT good or helpful. You do what YOU need to do when you deliver that baby. This is one thing i will say - this one aint up to him


Tell him no. It’s your choice not his.

Stand your ground… she can see the baby after in the room etc

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It’s whatever you choose and they both can respect it or they can both hang out in the waiting together


Just say no. Tell him you don’t feel comfortable with your vagina ripping open in front of her or anyone else. At a point, you even thought about not having anyone family members in the delivery room… And if he keeps it up, he won’t be there either. The answer is no.


With covid-19, most places aren’t allowing multiple support people.


It’s up to you honestly. If you are uncomfortable and don’t want her there that’s that.

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I would tell him if he doesn’t like my choice, he could sit elsewhere with her!


No one but dad. Tell them its covid

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You’re the one giving birth not him! And almost all Hospitals only allow 1 person In Now with Covid …


Totally your choice who you want in the room! You’ll be the patient in the hospital giving birth. If you don’t want someone in the room then that is up to you!


It’s YOUR decision and yours only. Do whatever you’re comfortable with


Your the one pushing that baby out it needs to be what your comfortable with.


Giving birth is very personable, you’re literally naked and legs spread wide open. Your comfort matters. Tell him, she can come in after you push the baby out and they can clean you up and stitch up if needed. Also you may want to breastfeed and if you are comfortable doing that in front of her. After she can come in and see her grandchild and you.
Also you may poop and that’s embarrassing enough at that.


There is no way I would let my mother in law be in the delivery room. Tell him he will just have to get over it. He can spread his legs and let her see his privates if he wants but you ain’t doing it.


It’s your body, your vag, they are being fkin ridiculous. He doesn’t get a say in how YOU WANT TO GIVE BIRTH. Has he seen birth?!


I understand both points of view, however, I wouldn’t have been comfortable with that either. I only had my mom in the room because I was so nervous and honestly…it’s a little embarrassing sitting spread eagle letting his mom see your lady bits. Stick to your guns, they’ll get over it.

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I think the solution is only to have ur husband in the delivery room with this covid 19 i would not want anyone other than my husband around my newborn


Keep you’re ground ! At the end of the day you’re the one that needs to be comfortable

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Stand your ground, he is not the one being uncomfortable or giving birth mama


Due to covid most places only let mom and one other person in room .


Omg no I would not let her in there.


Thats your choice! And let me tell you …you will be so glad to be just you and him to have that moment. Tell him to get over it, delivery rooms are nit made for mother in laws


Tell him he has to take a shit with your mom in the bathroom with him :woman_shrugging:t4:


Compromise when it comes to a relationship. Reality is he is dad and he wants his mom in there too. I get we do the pushing and birthing but you will have your mother’s and Husband’s company he may want his mom as his support for it’s also a big moment for him.


Stand your ground.
If your uncomfortable with her in there, then it’s an easy answer.
You can even tell the nurses and such you don’t want her in there until a certain time and they will 100% throw down for you and keep her away. Haha


Your birth, your rules!


Your vagina…your rules. Sorrynotsorry


It is about your support system and your comfort

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Tell him to fuck off. Your the patient not him, it’s your choice, your privacy.


Let him be mad… with his momma sitting her ass in the waiting room. 1) its your body and if you don’t want people staring at your vag you don’t have to let them
2) covid… tf is wrong with people?
3) no 3, its your decision and he nor his momma gotta like it.


You choose. Its you giving birth. He can have his mom wait outside if its that big for him🤷‍♀️ if he doesn’t want to be there because she can’t be then let him not be and regret it for life.


We decided to do it just the 2 of us because I didn’t want to have to choose or hurt anyone’s feelings.


Your body, your rules

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When I gave birth to my youngest I had my husband and one support person for both him and I (my sister and his mother)it was important to me that we both had someone to support us as we were both having a baby (I may have been doing the hard work, but we both were having that baby). She respected boundaries and didn’t stare at my bits while I was delivering. I was shocked at how much support she offered to both of us as we never were that close, it actually brought us closer.


He aint the one pushin yalls baby out he needs to get over it or he sit with his mom with is mom in the waitin room i wouldnt want someone in room im not comfortable with either


Your vagina, your choice! He can take his mum with him to his colonoscopy or vasectomy. Seriously it’s about you getting that baby out safely and calmly as possible.


I understand where he’s coming from, but I personally wouldn’t be comfortable with it either. It literally was just my mom and my boyfriend in the room with me. If you are uncomfortable with her just in general, you have every right to tell him you’re not okay with her being there at your most vulnerable moment.


Your body, your vagina, you are the one going through all of the pain and you are the most vulnerable. Your feelings should take priority over his in this situation, your decision!


Trek him either he there or be ain’t but your mother and sister will be for sure. He can kiss your butt. Literally. Tell him to stop or he won’t be invited

Ur the one pushing a baby out of ur vagina if ur not comfortable with her in there that is ur choice he needs to get over it fr


I wouldn’t allow it.


All you have to do is tell your nurses who you want in there and who you don’t want in there and they will make sure YOUR wishes are followed… they had a security guard stand outside my friends room when she had her daughter (before COVID)


your comfort should be his only concern. if he isn’t backing you up then he’s probably way too concerned about his mom’s approval in general. can you live with that ?


I can see from his point, its a bit selfish to have all your family in there and none of his…can see why he feels put out if its causing too much of an issue maybe opt to only have dad in.


I have to say I was in the same exact situation with my first child! My mother In law wanted to be in the room and I could only have a certain amount of people. I didn’t feel like I needed to have her there but my husband was insistent. I had to take a step back and realize that yes I’m the one doing all the hard work but this was his child as well abs he should be able to be supported and have say I something as well. Even if I wasn’t completely comfortable with it at the end of the day I wanted him to feel like his opinions/cares mattered and it was a compromise I was willing to make. Everyone is different and I can’t stand when people go “ well she’s the one pushing the baby out and blah blah blah” a marriage is team work just like creating the baby. So I would really think about his feelings along with yours. Ultimately it is your choice but also remember he your husband and is it really worth his sadness to not be willing to compromise on it? It’s one thing if your mother wasn’t there but if you get to have your mom abs he wants his mom I feel like it would be fair. Again it’s up to you but just a different opinion/insight because I went through the EXACT SAME THING


but what about his needs ? i mean it is his child too so why not come up with a agreement ?


I’ve had my mom for both births, I have never and will never have my MIL. We don’t have that relationship and I don’t feel bad. It’s my vagina :woman_shrugging:t2:


Tell him ‘Its either you or her? Make your choice.’ :joy::joy: watch him be quiet real quick


He can have your father in to observe his next colonoscopy if he’d like… :joy::woman_shrugging:


If your mom is in there it’s only fair his mom should be in there. Your mom, his mom and him, there’s your 3 people :woman_shrugging:t2:


Tell him you’re the one going through the pain, you get to choose who your support is She can wait in the waiting room. If he doesnt like it he can wait with her.

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You are the one giving birth. It’s not about him or her or anyone else. It’s about your comfort and what will make you most comfortable to deliver the baby - stress/worry free.


Depending where you live, the 1 person rule will stay be. So you can always use that.

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Tell him when he has laid in front of your parent for a while in the same state of undress you might consider it

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I only get one person allowed with me😔

Tell your husband to change all 4 tires on your car, naked, in front of your family, then you’ll consider it.


You’re in charge. Don’t let her in if you don’t want her there. If he doesn’t like it, tough shit.