My Husband Is Mad I Don't Want My Mother-in-Law in the Delivery Room When I Give Birth: Advice?

I only had my Husband in the room, I felt that was a very private moment for us and he supported me.

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As a mother in law, I was heart broken not to have gotten to attend the birth of my grandchild. However in the end it is your special moment and must feel at ease.

Coming from someone who had a ton of people making their way into my room with my first. It’s very uncomfortable and you are a lot more tense. I usually say compromise with your partner but in the case of giving birth I always say be selfish. For lack of a better word. It’s not him, his mother , or anyone else in that room that is going to be naked showing it all, in pain and at their most vulnerable. It is YOU. Therefore YOU set the rules and decide who can and cannot be a support person for you at that time.

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No way, this is your call, possibly the most vulnerable moment in your entire life. Anyone who thinks it’s open to spectators YOU personally didn’t invite us flat wrong. You’ll potentially be nude and screaming obscenities puking and crapping yourself, he doesn’t get to decide on this one. When he has a baby, he can have his mom there :woman_shrugging:t3:


Oh and your mother in law doesn’t have to be right where the babies coming out she could stand to the side there’s away around everything if it were me I’d rather it be just me n baby daddy .

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I’m happy he never made me have to go through this with all 4 if my birth, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable with anyone other than my mother and him. But you should also consider that maybe his mom would feel uncomfortable too, so don’t be too mad, just have him understand from us women.

I’m a mother with only sons, and when my daughter in laws gave birth… I was kind of sad to be a outsider, but respect their feelings… it’s their body so I think it should be husband and wife and whoever she chooses… when my daughter in law did give birth I just stood at the head of the bed and her mom winded up fainting and I had to be the one to hold one of her legs… lol

Tell your husband and MIL to beat it they arent watching you cook dinner your giving birth if you dont want her there she needs to get over it

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Let him stay mad. I went against my best gut feelings and it is so bad. It’s ok to earn our way into private moments in life… not marry into them.


NO WAY. That’s your birth, YOUR rules.

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For real? I can’t even imagine him making a big deal out of this… It’s who you feel comfortable with…

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COVID won’t allow more than one person. This shouldnt even be an issue.

He’s not the one spreading his legs open! It’s your choice!

My personal thoughts - I’d acknowledge his desire to have her there but remind him that you aren’t keeping the baby from her, you just don’t want someone else in the room when you’re that vulnerable. You can remind him or offer that she is the first person that can be let in the room after birth as a compromise. He needs to acknowledge that any stress you feel is felt by the baby in that time and you need to be calm and comfortable.


Your vag your choice. If he goes against your choice his butt goes to the waiting room!

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Your body not his… your choice.


I work in a hospital and you’re only allowed one person with you. It has to be the same person the entire stay due to Covid. Might wanna check with your hospital I can’t imagine you’re allowed that many visitors with Covid right now


Ask him to strip butt naked and take a dump in front of your parents. If he does that let him know that he still doesn’t have a say in who is present while you deliver. You’re already in an extremely vulnerable, and literally exposed state. The priority is your comfort.


Don’t let anybody in room keep you birth between you and husband. Bond enjoy baby then call grandparents to come.


His mom wants to see her grandchild born, not what you look like… I honestly think you should let her, or not let anyone but your husband…


You don’t owe anyone the privilege of being in the room when you give birth. Regardless of who they are. Choose only who you’re comfortable with. Your health and your baby’s health could depend on it. Stressed out labor leads to complications.


Well. It should be fair honestly. If his mom isn’t going to be in there neither should yours…


It’s up to YOU. My sons father showed up with his aunt I never met and expected me to let her in as I’m pushing I said no way I dont care how anyone else feels I’m the one giving birth. Stick to your feelings


It’s up to you. I can understand why you wouldn’t want her in there.

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Shit I didn’t even tell anyone I was in labour let alone have anyone other than my mum and partner for my first and just my partner for the second. And I hope the people saying ‘A reLaTIoNShIP mEaNs CoMprOmiSe’ have actually gone through the pain of labour and childbirth. No one else matters except mums comfort and baby’s health, putting extra stress on her so dad has support to support his partner is a fucken joke, sorry not sorry :v:t2::v:t2:


I only had my husband with me. As thats a very intimate and vulnerable moment. You’re entitled to choose who your support team will be in that room with you! I can’t imagine feeling entitled to be in the room when my children are giving birth. That’s such an intimate moment between you, your spouse, and your child. I’ll love on my grand baby the second they let me in the room though!


Don’t let her period

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I wouldn’t have wanted my mother in law there either. Nothing against her because I wouldn’t have even wanted my own mother there. Just my husband and me like when the baby was made! It’s her vagina that will be out there exposed so she should be the only one who chooses who can be there to watch her possibly poop herself!!! If my husband had acted like that I would of told him he can’t be there either if his going to be like that!

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Girl, it is ultimately up to you. I would not want my MIL in the room while I gave birth. Ask him, can my mother come with you for your vasectomy?!


She cant be, there’s Covid. Only hub is allowed here in Cali.

This is a very personal experience that only you can decide on for yourself. My MIL was not in the room for any of the births (4). And my husband was more concerned for me than my MIL, as we both feel it should be. It isn’t anyone’s place to be in the room unless the mother wants them there… even the father (he could be abusive or not in the picture, or just not able to handle the stress or bodily functions and changes). It all depends on each unique situation. Ultimately, though, your husband should have your back 100%, not his mother’s.


I read a meme once that said tell your husband you are going to invite your mom over, tell him to strip on down and spread leg poop on the toilet. Your mom is going to watch the whole thing. When he gives you a look or says anything negative about it say well, now you know how I’ll feel naked (I barely kept my gown on I was so hot and uncomfortable :joy:) and trying to push our baby out. Not exactly the situation I should feel stressed or uncomfortable about.

My boyfriend didn’t even question who was in the room. Because it was MY body out on display. And exactly your line up is who was with me. My mom, my sister and him. Never in my life would I want anyone else around or looking at my “parts” lol.


Girl, I’m telling you…
Stand up for what you believe.
It is okay for you to be selfish and COMFORTABLE in this situation.
You are so vulnerable and open.
It will be uncomfortable and stress you out if people you don’t want there are staring at you wide open.
YOU are the patient and YOU are the one giving birth.
Stand up for yourself !!! :heart::heart:

If you don’t want someone there, you DO NOT have to give in.

From my situation, I had too many people the first one and I was stressed. I didn’t stick up for myself and was traumatized from so many people seeing me.
The second one I learned to say “NO”. It was so stress free and the quickest recovery.


Totally your choice!!

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So irritating that other people think they get to make these choices for a woman! The only person who has a right to be there is the mother delivering. Everyone else is optional. Mama on the table is in charge of who is there. If you don’t want her there, he should be more curious as to WHY, and to support YOU. He’s optional too.


Man I wish I had the opportunity to have my MIL present with the birth of my kids. She has never had and never will meet her grandchildren she passed away before we got married.

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How are you gonna feel when your sons wife is delivering your grandchild and she says NO i don’t want your mom in there. That kinda hurts. Your choice and you will do what you want but think about how you will feel when this happens to you.
She won’t be standing there staring at your vagina either, he just wants to have is support system there as you do. Good luck and congrats in your baby.


I was 17 when i had my first and my mother and mother in law were both in the room along with both of our sisters. Its honestly up to you though and how comfortable you are with it.

I just had my mum and partner. No one else was coming in. If that’s how you feel stick to yr guns.

no she can wait in the waiting room

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Your BODY, your choice!!

Tell him to get over it or he won’t be in there either lol that may start a bigger fight but that’s what I would have done for myself if I were in that situation

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If you don’t feel comfortable with it then don’t have her there he doesn’t have to like it. This is your birth and you have every right to say who can and cannot be there


Raymond and Marie barrone run

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It is YOUR birth. No one else’s. It is your body and ultimately YOU make that decision. You are in your most vulnerable state and those in the room are there to support you and comfort you. It is your team that YOU get to choose. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. I had my mom, husband and sister and I couldn’t imagine it any other way. My husband was 100000% supportive of everything I needed through all the 3 births.


Girl it’s YOUR body. Some things are a full stop on compromise because you can’t compromise on who gone push this baby out


He wants a grandparent there, well there will be one your mom, compromise with him maybe, have her in the room with you until it is time for baby to come then have her leave and come back in once baby is born. At the end of the day they should be happy to welcome a new addition to the family instead of causing unwanted stress. You are the one going through the uncomfortable pain you should have final say and they should respect your wishes… simple


Didnt read the comments but I’d agree to it if he would agree to be in the room butt naked the whole time :woman_shrugging:t2: I mean if he wants you to be ok with his mom seeing your lady bits then he should be ok with them seeing his junk


Honestly I can’t understand why anyone wants more than one person. Don’t you want some time alone with your baby? And what if something happens? They would be in the way of the medical staff.

There’s a reason the midwives ask the mother the birth plan, your lady parts your choice


With COVID they did kick everyone except the mother and father out. No visitors really either. I don’t think you’ll even need to be worried about telling her, the doctors will!

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Tell him when he gives birth he can choose who’s in the room. Until then it’s your choice and if he’s gonna act an ass he doesn’t have to be in the room either :woman_shrugging:t2:


ITS YOUR BODY . … end of story.

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Especially if you feel uncomfortable . … fuck that bitch :joy:


Look you’re the one having a baby you decide who you want to be present

It’s your decision who is in the room, if you don’t want her in there then do not let her in there. He will get over it.

Yes, my advise is only have who ever you want with you. Period end of discussion. People have some nerve!

3 people? I was only allowed my husband when I had my daughter in may. Either way you don’t feel comfortable id say NO! And stick to it. If his mother not being there ruin’s it for him tell him to wait with her in the sitting area then lol. YOU have a right not to have her there.

I’m gonna agree with him, why do you get to have 2 of your family and none of his, just because they are in laws to you, they are his fam and your childs fam. I can see if it was 2 people and you chose him and your mom, but the other gram should override your sister.


It’s not fair that you pick 2 and he picks none. Think about that.


The husband need to grow up/mature and get a freaking clue about what a marriage is really about and let his mom’s coat-tail go. I don’t know any GROWN ----》 MAN 《----- that would be ok with this!!! UNLESS he himself was unable to be there and he wanted his mom to be there for support in his place. I don’t see the relationship lasting if he’s already treating you some type of way because you won’t let her IMPOSE on something that’s really between the husband +wife.

If the mother in law makes you uncomfortable, then by all means she should not be in the room. you will already be in a very anxious situation, it’s your choice who’s in the room.

Tell them both to get out! It’s your Comfort that matters Not HERS and not His! I get he wants his mom there but it’ if you aren’t close with her then I get it! … My mom and dad( and father of baby) were the only people I wanted in the room when I was in labour, then I made hubby get
Out too cause he was useless and just wouldn’t stop yawning and it was annoying AF, plus
MIL at the time was/ is super squeamish and likes to play the faint card any chance she can for attention, and she wouldn’t come til after the baby was born which I was fine with cause I didn’t need to deal with her histrionics. I wouldn’t want her fainting since she can’t handle the smallish amount of “gross and uncomfortable”.

Have you checked with Covid? Because I was only aloud me and my husband. Tell your husband to stop being a tittie baby. And when he decides to push a baby out, he can make choices about who sees his body. :woman_shrugging:t2:

You’re the one giving birth, it is 100000000% up to you who you have present for it. You have a job to do in there and it is so important that you feel comfortable!!

I never had anyone but my kids father in the room for my girls. My Son, my mom and sister were there cause we were camping when I went into labor with my son

I 10000% agree with you. Its your birth. What difference does waiting 4 minutes make in waiting to meet baby. My husband was walking out to family with her while i was getting fixed up. She can wait. Thats too personal to have someone you aren’t extremely comfortable with. Stress on the momma stresses baby and can cause complications!!

Your the one pushing a child out of your vagina not him…if he really wants he can wait in the waiting room with his mother while your mother and sister are there to support you and what you choose to do

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He can decide whose in the room when he pushes a baby out of his vagina!


Dont let her in if she makes you feel uncomfortable. My mother in law forced me to let her in the room and I hated every minute of her being in there because I was way to uncomfortable with her being in the room and when It came down to pushing my doctor had to tell at me to calm down cause i was in so much pain and overwhelmed with how many people were in the room that I kept forgetting to breath while pushing. I Had natural birth.Please dont do anything that make you feel uncomfortable because it will make the birthing hard for you.

My husband, MIL and my mom were in my room when I gave birth in 2018. Best decision ever because my MIL got some great pics that my husband and mom wouldn’t take!!

Wait… your husband, your mom and your sister are going to be there.? Sorry, if I was your husband I would be pisses also. Save the argument, should be you and your husband. Everyone else in the waiting room.


I can’t put myself in your shoes. I have a wonderful relationship with my MIL and wouldn’t have mind to have her in with me but my limit was two, so it was only my husband and my mother. It’s your call. I’m surprised even with COVID they are allowing three people. If it’s such a big deal then maybe just have your husband and mom in, or even just your husband alone. Have your sister and his mom wait out. If he’s still crying about it then he can wait outside Or if you just want to close the conversation, tell them your doctor said only your husband is allowed😂 Either way nobody should be making you feel bad about any decision you make, you are the one giving birth, ultimately your husband should be supporting you 100% and respecting your decision even if he doesn’t agree with it as long as you took his wants into some sort of consideration.

To be fair…its YOUR decision.
Noone elses.
The nurses will even remove the father of the baby if you ask them to. Cuz HES not going thru labor and delivery. YOU are.
He should be YOUR support.
Not fighting and stressing you further.

Depending where u are…they might not even let anyone visit you…nvm be in the room.
Covid and all.

But regardless…your choice.
And if he gives u problems over it, tell him you can have him removed too lmfao

I did not want my mother in law in the room with me. I just wanted my mom and my husband, but when it came time for the birth. My mom was helping me and my husband, but my mil was also in the room. She can be in the room, but only 2 people can help you with the labor.

When both of my children were due my mil asked her son if she could be in the room but wouldn’t ask me, her and I never had a close bond and she had caused issues in the past and was very controlling. We both felt like she would try to overstep and take over as soon as baby was born… 1st baby I said no if my mum isn’t in the room ur mum isn’t in the room so instead he asked my dad to come support, 2nd baby it was just us but she kept calling whilst I was in labour and demanding to be the first person to get a photo so she definitely wasn’t the first person to get one.
If YOU want ur mum and sister tell him that’s what U want too bad and she can wait in the waiting room, u may not even be allowed to have the extra support due to covid.

somebody once said: sure once they both spread open their legs for you to see for hours while doing a big shit… :wink:

Honestly, 3 is too many…plus doctors, nurses etc…I’d have Mom and hubby during birth. If Covid allows others and labor looks to lengthy, have sister and M I L tag team, but kick them out when time to push. Relationships can be weird, but trust me you will want her help once baby is here.


Best birth experience ever was just my husband and I. If you weren’t there when we made the baby then you can wait until we get home, plus covid, limit the amount of people. They will have a lifetime to love on the child.

Honestly you won’t care in the moment.


3 people?
Why do you need two support people…let him have one.
Babys not even here and hes already being pushed aside.


You are the one giving birth. I have been with my daughters. My son’s wife only wanted him. My son wanted me there because of my experience. He and I respected her privacy. I was in the waiting room.


If you gotta have your vagina all out and exposed, ask him if he’s cool with his willy flying free for all to see.


It’s your birth, your body and it should be what you want

I wouldn’t want my MIL in there either. It’s my private parts being displayed. No thanks. He doesn’t get a vote on this.

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Stick to your guns bc I said absolutely not to MIL too. I don’t want her seeing my twat for one. I don’t like her that much. My husband, my mom, and my aunt (a nurse who saved my life the first time) was with me.

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Its your choice you will be at your most vulnerable point, do not let him waver your decision and if he keeps taking it out on you maybe consider him not being there as well as you need to feel your most COMFORTABLE at such a vulnerable moment


lol NOPE. I was only allowed 2 family so I had my husband and mom and told them my sister was my photographer lmao. Your MIL does not need to be looking at your lady bits. She can wait out in the waiting room or at home.

In that situation I would say okay no one in the room other than us.


Hell to the no. If you’re not comfortable, there is no reason she should be in the room. My husband didn’t like it either, but he’s not naked pushing a kid out of their private parts, not to mention pooping while it happens. They’ll get over it, I promise.

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The one with the legs gagged open spilling blood chooses…as soon as he gags open and spills blood he can call his mom .its not a damn dinner party for people to be offended they arent invited.

I don’t want my mother in law to see my vagina either

Not real sure why anyone would want anyone but their husband in the delivery room. Not saying have who ever you want in the waiting room but keep that delivery experience special between the two of you and that lovely new baby

Don’t do it been there done that had to have a c section so it ended up just being me and my better half anyways …

tell she is not the Grand mother of the soon to be baby/2 problems gone

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Is your body your decision

Compromise. Or have no one but him.


I had my husband kick both our mothers out.


Well. I might pause a minute. Is this the only time he’s been mean and aggressive about a disagreement or is it often? Is it usually involving his momma? This is a You decision and You alone. If she makes you uncomfortable then she isn’t needed in the room. Period. It isn’t a right to be allowed in the room. And if your husband doesn’t agree then he doesn’t need to be in there either. Its your support team. Not a Broadway show.


You should really just have your medical personnel and your husband. It is a private moment and should not have every second person attend. Your husband should be respectful of you at this time and protect you. Make a birthing plan and stick to it. She can see the baby later. You weren’t there for hers🤣 she can’t be there for yours either. No compromising on this one, as you are giving birth.