Definitely extreme, that’s where you hide the controller. Trust me I get the frustration but that’s not how you go about changing what’s going on. I’d suggest either reaching out and trying to get it back or replacing it. But having a serious discussion about what’s going on. If you’re at that point where you’re selling his stuff, leave. You’re already doing it on your own, being single will be less stress because you won’t also be trying to get him to do
I’m a grown ass man, run my own business, work a second night job and am a solid gamer. It did upset my misses but we actually talked about it like adults and she realised that if I didn’t have gaming as an outlet I’d be a mess so instead of trying to change me she met me half way… she is now also a business owner and gamer
You’re both wrong. He should be helping. You’re immature for selling it knowing he’s going to get mad.
You’ve got 2 b kidding me…shame on you. He has every right to b mad I’d leave ur a@'@
Hell no girl you are fkn awesome!! Tell him bye bitch
To far love. You should’ve talked to him about it like an adult instead of selling it like a teenager but it’s your life love! Do you boo boo.
What happened to communication in a relationship?
I can’t tell you if you are wrong or not bc a Karen reported my last comment
The Xbox was not the problem. You all need to communicate. Get that XBox back and learn how to communicate like adults.
Definitely wrong with selling his stuff.
Communication goes a loooooong way. But after that move I doubt he’ll listen now.
I keep smiling anytime I invest with her, she is is good at what she does, she’s an expert trader:point_down:
He’s a mess but what you did was incredibly immature. If rolls reversed on something you’d be livid. If this is how you handle stuff no wonder he sits on it all day.
This has to be a joke.
Damn! Yes you are definitely wrong. Im not a hard core gamer but if you did that to me i’d never trust you with any of my things again. Should he be more hands on, present and involved? Absolutely! But you had no right to sell his xbox.
I mean how would u feel if he sold something that belongs to u? Yes it’s very much wrong! What happened to communication…
Your husband? I was confused for a second and thought this was your child.
Unfortunately selling the xbox will not solve the problem, for those saying its his property, you are matried so it is both of yours, but he is not choosing to spend this time with you and he is choosing to not help with the kids, he is choosing not to help around the house, atbthe end of the day he will choose to do what he wants and if it wasnt these before they will not be now, he would have to choose to do these things on his own instead of you forcing him to do it.
Yes. You were wrong to sell it.
Yes. He’s wrong for neglecting his family.
You need family therapy.
My husband’s is not quite as bad as that but very close sometimes and definitely passionate about it. He does all types of gaming not just Xbox but he absolutely will prioritize it sometimes and even if he makes time for us I know he’s really just thinking about when he can get back to doing what he wants.
It’s not to the degree that you mentioned but they used to really bother me. It was one of those things that I just had to let go to keep our family. And he’s made compromises and changes to make time for us and I have made compromises and changes to accept that this was an important hobby to him.
As someone who’s dealt with this I can tell you first hand that you’re not going to all of a sudden magically make him spend more time with you by violating him and stealing something from him which realistically is what you did. By going behind his back and taking it from him. Think about it. When someone tries to rip something away from you what do you do to it? You cling tighter to it and if somebody does take that thing from you then you feel victimized.
That is his hobby and his escape and his coping mechanism. You were totally wrong to sell it but I 100% empathize with you to why you did because there was a time when our son was a toddler that I threatened to break his freaking computer and his Xbox.
I would ask him to sit down and talk to you about everything. But before you do you should apologize. Tell him that you did it out of frustration and pain and that you’re sorry but the reasons behind your actions are still valid. Tell him that you will get him another one but you want to talk and come to some sort of compromise.
Maybe you guys can agree to some sort of schedule. You have to figure out what works for you guys maybe he will wait to play it until the kids go to bed and he can play from like 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. or maybe he needs to unwind right when he gets home from work for an hour and that would be a better time for him. But tell him that he needs to invest into you as his spouse and partner and a woman. You deserve to feel more important than games and more beautiful and desired. Devoting all his time to that neglect both you and his kids and your resentfulness is what led you to sell it. He’s not contributing as a father or a husband just by earning a paycheck. He has to be present. Maybe you guys can go on a date night once a month or every other week. And you can set aside a stay-at-home date night once a week where you spend a few hours together doing something that isn’t gaming. And in return once or twice a month you should set aside time when the kids go to bed to play video games with him. Offered to try some of his games and learn them. I flat out told my husband there are things I’m never going to do. He wants me to learn how to play magic the gathering or do some really intense games on Xbox and I just can’t. It’s just not in my capacity. But I did learn some of his games in the VR headset and I did agree to play games and so he sought out games that were a little easier for me and we do them on occasion. My husband complains all the time in fact he posted a meme today about what men really want and it’s a guy with his girl playing Xbox I’m like seriously? Of course I would have time to do that if I didn’t need to work and raise two kids and clean a house.
The fact that your husband has all that free time means that you are probably doing almost all of the child’s care and housework. Right now I think a compromise and honestly some couples counseling would be your best bet. See if you can get the Xbox back or get a different one. Come up with a schedule and write it on the calendar so nobody can lie and say it was a different agreement. Make sure he’s schedules in time to be with his kids and be with you or help with the house and make sure that you respect his blocks of time where he’s allowed to play Xbox. Yes it seems really regimented but until you guys figure out a more natural balance, you’re going to have to do it like that. There are a lot of things that men could be doing like cheating drugs gambling and so I’m grateful that my husband isn’t into any of that stuff but it doesn’t make it any easier when I feel like he values something that’s not real over the necessities of our household. Good luck
I mean ya what he is doing to his family is toxic, it’s also toxic to sell things that don’t belong to you. Y’all need to figure out what’s important to you and act accordingly even if it means a divorce. This behavior only escalates with nothing being really solved.
Yea you’re in the wrong.
You were wrong. It wasn’t yours to sell. If you couldn’t get him to talk to you with the Xbox,you haveno chance after doing that. How would you like it of you came home from work and your dog was gone?
YES…YOU BIG TIME. …WRONG!!!..what a rotten wife…controlling…bossy…in fair…what about communication!!! How would you like it!!!
I’m glad my husband is home and rather play on his games then running the streets. So wrong.
Kick his useless a$$ to the curb. Obviously he cares more about his game than you are the kids.
Girl go get his xbox back ASAP
You’re wrong
Um yeah you’re in the wrong lol what you can’t just sell someones shit while they’re gone no matter how much you dislike it.
Ur 100000000000% wrong I would divorce you asap
If he’s threatening to leave over this, he’s an addict. Individual, couples, and family therapy are needed.
yes nit the smartest thing to do, you should have sat down and talked about his addiction to game playing and work on a plan with him in regards to cutting it down and set aside “family time” and “mummy / daddy time” and explain that you just physically and emotionally cant do everything at home without his support, lets face facts its ALOT off work to look after the kids and house as us mums dont get time off, we are at our jobs 24/7 and it just shows with what you just did how easy it is for us mums to loose our cool
What he was doing is wrong, what you did was wrong also and very childish y’all both need therapy or to just not be together. If my kids dad sold my stuff without my consent I’d be mad AF too. If I was him I would leave you, but also if he is the way you say then you should leave him if he won’t change. Y’all both seem like you’re childish.
Are you serious? Married or not is he not entitled to his own things? Nor do you own him. This made me furious because if my partner sold literally anything of mine while I was out on purpose just in spite because it was annoying him I’d absolutely lose my shit. I wouldn’t just leave I’d leave in a scene. So the face your husband is just in his room is pretty damn depressing. If you didn’t like his gaming talk to him what you done was pathetic and completely WRONG
Nope, bye bye Xbox! Next, bye bye husband if he don’t start acting right!
Yes you were wrong?? The hell??? What is wrong with you. You don’t just up and sell things your significant other cares about. Maybe use your words instead of being petty ??
Everyone saying you’re wrong and I’m over here fist pumping in excitement that you had guts to do that I wish I could sell my husband’s phone. He’s always talking to everyone else except us from the time he gets home until the time he goes to bed. My daughter and I now shut ourselves in the room watching YouTube videos and ignore him back
Your both in the wrong and sounds like you both need to grow up
It goes both ways… but YES your totally in the wrong for selling his Xbox. First off he’s not a child he’s your husband. You should of talked to him regarding the issues/problems and than went from there. You just taking something of his and selling was a terrible idea!! You do need to make things right and than have a discussion like ADULTS
Yes your wrong be grateful he goes to work and he is faithful!
Yea u was wrong u should have just smashed in front of him then he couldn’t have got mad for you giving away his s***
Love it! You go girl!
Yes you were wrong. I’d probably divorce you. It was technically stealing bc it’s not yours.
Doesn’t sound like his there in the relationship soo bye bye little boy
He didn’t talk to you before. Tell him don’t let door hit him in the @$$ on his way out. Life is to short to put up with an adult husband as another child. U deserve to be happy.
I don’t get it. Women complain when they drink, drug, screw around, has porn or doesn’t work. Yours wants to game and you SOLD it?
Yes you were wrong. He is a child and he needs to get his priorities straight, but he has to choose to do so.
You were wrong, it wasnt yours to sell. You need to talk and see if there is a time he can do without it.
Is he like 12 years old?
Tell him to grow up…damn…really ?
I mean…… sounds super petty of you
Yes you are in the wrong. Replace it with the newest model.
Are you a stay at home mom? If so…then no. He doesnt HAVE to help around the house or with the kids if busts his ass at work all week. As a gamer…I Would so divorce someone that sold my PS4! All your game data is stored on that game system. He may be able to get it back IF has an Xbox acct and logs into it on a new one,but he may not. How would you like it if he sold off your phone or tablet…whatever you spend most of your time relaxing and watching? Maybe your streaming device ,tv,or internet modem? Hmm??? Yeah. He so should divorce you for that. And you shouldn’t have even argued about buying another one bc you Owe it to him for STEALING his property and selling it ILLEGALLY! Did you know that your husband could report that game system as stolen and file a report…especially if he has the serial number off the Xbox?! Do you want theft charges really? I always take a pic of the serial number sticker on every device i own so i can file a report if it comes up missing. Replace it and apologize asap! Geez. This trend of SAHMs getting petty bc their husband, who busts ass all week to provide for them,wont come home and do their job of cleaning and taking care of kids needs to end. If a SAHM…that is your half of the work! Also should cook dinner and take it to him,wherever he eats,and offer to rub his back and pamper him some every now and then for making sure you and the kids have lights,water,a house, internet,clothes,etc! It definitely isnt cheap…especially with inflation right now!
Nope, replace the husband. There are better men out there than some perpetual peter pan who won’t grow up and be an adult.
Wow girl you show him" I meant business!" He will learn the next time you give him a warning. I am sure their was many. He needs to grow up! It’s fine to have hobby ,but your responsibility comes first!
Let him leave - if he isn’t paying any attention to the family - why keep him around.
Your my hero …That’s awesome
Yes you were. He’s an adult his game
your right to sell it X
Man I wish I had your guts I’m in the same boat and I just keep to myself
Meh… tell him to get a real man’s hobby. Like hot rods. Hunting. Fishing, building stuff
Iif he bought it then it wasn’t yours to sell. There’s better ways to handle this than going behind his back. It makes you look shady
Least you sold it and got the money. I busted the computer with a cast iron skillet!!! My bad… He will get his crap together or leave.
You married a boy. That’s no man. You should have gotten rid of him along with the game. If he’s going to leave his family over a gaming system, THERE’S YOUR SIGN!
Nope your not wrong. Might as well be cheating oh he is w his Xbox. Tell him you thought you married a man not a child. Oh and what’s his is your n what’s yours is his so yeah it was yours too. Just split the cash. Oh & tell him Bye bye
You’re both wrong but what you did is worse lol what if he sold your phone while you were sleeping ?
Selling his Xbox out from under him was a very passive aggressive move.
I understand your issue and agree because I have the same issue, but, You selling his Xbox was wrong
You were so wrong. How would you feel if he sold your phone? Or anything else you own? That’s rude and disrespectful. Shame on you. If he’s ignoring you then there a problem in your marriage and that’s not the way to handle it
Get rid of him he doesn’t deserve your love or the love of his children. If he ignores you and the children by playing on is Xbox all night. Don’t blame you for selling it is rudeness would drive anyone up the wall
Get yourself a boyfriend
I’d be mad too. It wasn’t yours to sell. You both sound like children. You should replace it and you both need to have an adult discussion and work on boundaries
You were wrong and disrespectful. He’s addicted. Many people are addicted to gaming. It’s not right that he’s not helping but you were wrong and selling it hasn’t made him change. You probably need some type of counseling for the marriage and to help him with his addiction.
Hell no your not wrong he has responsibilities same as you do to raise his children all of you people need to grow up .
Lawrdd my husband would divorce me if I sold his Xbox… he already resents me for not letting him buy a bigger TV…mine plays to take his mind off his physical pain though
The fact that you don’t realize how wrong it is, is concerning. Yes. He was wrong too. But damn. You stole something that wasn’t yours and hocked it. Yikes. There are a ton of different ways to handle that situation but what you did, wasn’t one of them.
Your family should be first ,not the Xbox. He is behaving like a child. But you should not have sold it. He will need something to do when you two divorce
I would have done the same thing. And if he threatens to leave, show him the door. Every woman deserves for her partner to make her to center of the universe, not the table scaps
Good God in heaven,he locked himself in the bedroom!! 10 year olds do that!! Reevaluate your marriage.
Tell him that once he starts putting that much attention and love on his family then you’ll think about buying him another xbox when he turns 18 and becomes an adult.
Omg I would be soooo pissed if someone did that to me… all that progress lost… yeah, he’s on the wrong, but you went too far… should’ve just talked to him…
You were definitely wrong I think you could’ve went about it many different ways he’s your husband not your child and you selling his things was like a mom move not a wife move
Girl mad respect!!! That’s awesome. Men need to grow the hell up and quit the gaming
He has a problem and your selling his game behind his back just escalated it. Not the way to solve the true issues which appear to be a mix of addiction, immaturity and lack of communication. While I share similar frustrations, acting on my wish to set all the self books on fire (stop reading about improving your life and just act on you read already, same amount of time as your
husband spends gaming) would only make our relationship worse.
I think that was very childish, it did not belong to you. How would you have liked it if he sold your crap? You wouldn’t. I would apologize, tell him why you did it and how you feel and replace it. If he doesn’t change then you know where you stand.
You’re joking right?
Probably should have hidden it rather than sell it but I totally get it. My husband is constantly on his phone and it drives me nuts. Sounds like he has his priorities backwards
I mean yes that was a bit much but also you shouldn’t be with a guy like that in the first place. Throw out the man and keep the Xbox next time
I think you went to far. Although he should be helping. Maybe a conversation instead of selling his stuff.
Girl you shouldn’t have sell the Xbox you should’ve thrown the whole man out the house with the Xbox
Probably should have had a conversation before that move
Get rid of the extra child and get yourself a real husband sis
You were in the wrong. What if you had something that you really loved and he didn’t like it and he sold it on you. You would be pissed too. Why didn’t you sit down and talk with him first instead of selling his Xbox. That was just insane and crazy
Haha well Hun you can’t force shit on an adult. He’s not your kid even if he acts like one. If talking about things didn’t work you should just leave. Selling his stuff is wrong.
Boys will throw a temper tantrum like that, my ex got physical with me when I turned his off. Just leave girlie that’s all hell care about
I love you for this.
Continue to wear that crown proudly sis
Yes you were wrong. So is he. You both need help.
that is gold!
My partner is exactly the same… Hats off to you for having the balls
I would be serving him with divorce papers next…. That’s just me tho
Did you talk to him and tell him how you felt before going to this extreme?
I’d divorce you for that, lmao. There are other ways. Did you buy the Xbox? Nah, you didn’t. You best get your butt on the road and get that man his Xbox back ASAP.
Na if he’s gonna act like a teenage boy he can get treated like one.
You were definitely wrong as heck. You don’t have any right to sell his possessions. How would you feel if he went around selling all your stuff?
He ain’t a child that needs grounding from something
You’re in the wrong but I completely understand your frustration.You should have discussed prior any issues you’d had with him and his Xbox and come up with a compromise or time schedules etc
Lplololol…throw him out too. When you throw the Xbox out, you treat yourself as his mother and he is no different than a kid. When you throw the man out, you treat him like an adult. Pick which one you want him too be but it seems like you already made that decision. Look, if he acts like a child, then he deserves to be treated as such. I guess he works hard, blah, blah, blah, but so do you and you need to stand your ground.