Ummmm. I’m a gamer… my hubby is a gamer… that crossed a line. I mean… they aren’t cheap for one. Games are a stress relief. Did you even talk to him? Like… wow!
Shouldve just hidden the power cord
My husband is laughing his ass off - that says it all. Kudos too you mama - legend
Smarter than me sellin it I would of just smashed it
U didn’t cross the line, you leaped over that thing smh
Nah, no time for teenager. He should grow up and be a man. Don’t worry if he leave. That shows he values the game more than your marriage
Let’s turn the tables around, what if he did this to something you owned. Just turned around and sold it without even saying anything?. How would you react?. I would be pissed. Yes you were wrong, and he has every right to be mad at you. No I don’t agree he should be playing it 24/7 however this situation just didn’t happen over night and could of been handled so much better.
Yes you shouldn’t have sold it just sit and talk to him explain to him that you need his help and if he doesn’t comply with it divorce him or separate.
Yes you were. Also why didn’t you have a talk with him and how you have been feeling with the relationship first??
Maybe he’s depressed
I mean I think that you guys could have found time to talk about things. Also he needs to chill. One. Those aren’t cheap. Two, he needs to see that he is neglecting everything and everyone
This is why men’s mental health is never taken into consideration. You definitely crossed a line. My husband is an avid gamer. Have you ever looked at it from his perspective? Maybe it’s his outlet. I mean would you rather him be out at the bar? No… let the man play his game and release his tension stress and anxiety in his own means.
Throw him and his Xbox out
I get the “why” you did it. But, yeah, if my husband did that to me I’d be upset. I wouldn’t lock myself in the bedroom mad, that’s a little extreme. But then again I agree that maybe you might have tried to talk to him about it first or just hid the chord.
Your husband is addicted to the game. He may need some professional help to kick the habit. It can be as addictive as alcohol or cigarettes.
Thata was to extreme, maybe some communication first
Oh man have I wanted to do this so many times. But it took forever for me to find the damn PS5 in a store so it makes me think twice
Yeah you were absolutely wrong. I understand why you did it but did you communicate how you felt before going to that extreme? I’m not a gamer at all however my husband was for a bit I would never ever do something like that without having a conversation with him about it. I’d rather have my husband home than out somewhere getting drunk or possibly having an affair to let out some steam.
Oh your a brave women thats all I can say😅
I mean. You were 15 once and got so far on super Mario 3. You should understand lol
Hahaha… your husband needs to go to a rehab.And you need to mind your own business.
My hubs is a gamer…this is all he did when he was working long hours…it’s how he decompressed…you def were in the wrong…
Yikes!! That was way overboard. Karma sucks. He might sell something of yours when your not looking. He WAS at work, for what? To pay for a roof, food, clothes, your family’s simple pleasures? Your Not a nice person. You could have unplugged it? Hid it? But wow.
I wouldn’t sell it behind his back. That’s wrong. It may hit the driveway in front of him, but that’s direct at least
It was wrong to sell something he loved
You were wrong… is ur husband ur son… na man… dats a big man… you had no right to do this…
so he’s not talking to you now, he wasn’t talking to you before you got rid of it so what’s the difference, let him pout. It looks like his toy was more important than talking and interacting with his wife and kids. My husband said if he leaves you wouldn’t be missing much
You bold sis, and way out of line
You sold something that belonged to him behind his back. That’s all kinds of wrong.
Since he is showing where is value lies. Replace it and pack it up with him and his stuff.
Girl this is divorce territory
You can’t force him to love you and the kids nor make him responsible so I wouldn’t have sold it but I sure would have packed my bags and left with the kids and let him pay child support and spousal support.
He should’ve taken a break and been more present at home, for sure, but it sounds like you just waged war. If you are tired and want it to be over and don’t really care anymore, then you made the right call. If not, you have a mess on your hands.
Nope not wrong fuk his feelings just like he doesn’t/didn’t give a fuk about yours
Hell nah!! Sell that shit… If he wants to leave then bye!! Only thing gonna change is you won’t have to stress over him being present and not helping
I’m sorry but you selling it while he was at work made me cackle! Lol. I would of left someone addicted to a game due to my Dad being on one except for going to work. It’s disgusting to me to know someone would rather live in a virtual world with people they have never met than to be in the one where the people they claim to love are.
At least he isn’t playing with another girl and it’s only his Xbox.
What happened to communication? You literally went from 0-100 without blinking and NOW you are wondering if you did something wrong… this can’t be real… or maybe someone is fishing for someone to validate what they did was the right thing. NOPE, NO MA’AM that was wrong… plain and simple.
You may be in the wrong but he was there first calling your name
I am a gamer you are a cunt plz do ur husband a favor and leave him so he can be w some1 that respects him
Let him pout ,why are you worried he wasn’t talking or paying attention to you and the kids …what a sorry man for a husband I would of had kicked him out the door along time ago…just saying…my opinion
I love to play games myself and so does my partner but we still talk and do things together. Clearly it was over board obsessive for him. He’s a grown ass man with a family that still needed his attention. Either you both will have to go to counseling for the distance or divorce.
Well you were wrong…totally but so is he. Not the way I would have gone about it and definitely immature on your part. I’d be super pissy at you too
Yes. Its like if he sold a valued possession of yours without your knowing.
Um ditch him… sound like an extra kid anyway… i have a zero tolerance video game rule in my house… i refuse to let my man get hooked on them
Yeah, you are absolutely in the wrong and you knew that… that’s why you did it when he was at work.
Lol hell yes you were wrong…it’s called compromise and don’t sell someone’s shit
My husband used to game and he would do it once I went to bad at night only. I don’t mind him playing but not all day everyday lol. I personally wouldn’t of sold it, but he also needs to grow up a bit🤔 with how he is acting right now .
Get him another one and give it to him as a going away present. By all rights he is already gone. So sorry.
Definitely went over the line
Not the right way to go about it …. I don’t see a future if both of you act that way
Ummm, sounds to me like you did him wrong, because you didn’t talk to him about it. You just took matters yourself. Sounds like you both need a counselor. I would be mad too if my husband just did something so drastic without discussing anything with me first.
It wasn’t yours to sell.
You should of communicated.
I would have straight cut the cord. Let him look at it and not play it. Straight up.
You could’ve hidden it just to see the reaction and maybe recording his reaction would’ve made you go viral (I would’ve watched that on repeat) lmao
But you were wrong for selling it behind his back. You owe him a heartfelt apology and maybe a replacement but also need to have a serious sit down about what caused you to flip like that.
My husband would kill me
He provides for you… so why can’t he chill and relax and unwind. Toxic
You were very wrong!
What is he a husband or a child? You did the right thing. You got rid of the Xbox and you can get rid of him also.
Are you his wife or his mother? Selling something of his was insanely immature, assuming you didn’t try communicating or emphasizing you need help or he needs to step up… I’d be furious if someone stole my possessions, regardless. That’s a low move. He works and wants to unwind after work, don’t we all?
You was absolutely in the wrong that’s like him taking something of yours that’s worth value and he sold it without your knowledge instead of selling it you should have talked to him about how you feel and come up with some type of compromise but selling it was very vern wrong
U should have added a little bit of water into it everyday until it no longer worked lol but let him leave ,if he won’t do anything but play the game he’s pointless anyway
Stand your ground, you are so much more
Hell no. You were totally wrong to sell it. If he knows he’s putting in no effort to you and your family. Then listen to what he’s showing you.
You’re wrong. Personally I prefer to just get mad and throw raw fish at my bfs x box. Wait, no that was just him pissing me off when I had raw fish in my hand. Red flag the relationship wasn’t going to work
Girl that is not your place. He has a mama and if you don’t like your marriage than leave
I would be too. Ok it’s a problem but he’s not your child. You shouldn’t treat him like he is.
Lol I thought you were his wife. Not his mom.
He should divorce you.
He plays games like a child and is acting like a child. You were not wrong. He showed you that you are married to a child.
He may be depressed and using the games as escapism from what is bothering him. If so you took something that is giving him some relief from his depression. I have been there when i am depressed or my anxiety gets high i turn to my games to escape the real world for a while.
well… guess you got their attention… bet it won’t change anything… the Xbox was just a crutch for a deeper issue
You’re both in the wrong
Then left him leave lol. He sounds immature and childish.
People saying you’re not his mama. Well he needs to start acting like an adult. However, You shouldn’t have sold it behind his back, you should have confronted him and had a serious conversation.
Just leave he’ll come running back.
You sound shitty… I bet you’re fun…
You seem like a complete narcissist.
What would you do if he did the same to you and sold something you loved?
You are completely lacking emotional maturity to even think you are correct.
Oh wow. If someone sold my Xbox I would be LIVID! ESPECIALLY if it was my significant other! Games or no, that was out of line.
Nope you were in the wrong that was his, I understand you want to spend more time with together and less time him playing Xbox but you should be communicating with him not selling his things. That was his outlet, his me time, even if you don’t agree you need to come up with a compromise not start selling his things behind his back
You should buy him a new XBox. He’ll still have his account, and the games (if they are on the hard drive), that being said, hopefully you didn’t sell the hard copy of any of his games.
After buying the new XBox, make some conditions. Nothing crazy, but let him know that you and the kids need him too, that he shouldn’t put the XBox over the needs of his family. Work it out in a way that works for the family, and everyone in it, including him.
This should have been a discussion before you sold his XBox though. Put yourself in his shoes for a moment. Suggest counseling if the issue persists, but, as much as he was in the wrong, your solution was also wrong, and probably makes the issue worse.
Lmfao I hope he sells something of yours that’s equally important to you
Tell him you don’t need another child, offer to help him pack and wish him good luck buying another Xbox with what he’ll have left after child support.
Why didn’t you just pack it up and stash it for abit . Communicate he needs to step up with his family before he gets to game. …selling it a bitch act to be honest
You are married to a child. If he continues to act like that, put him out just like his Xbox🤷🏻♀️
Let him leave. He wasn’t paying attention to you or the kids & house anyway, right? So let him leave. Sounds like a teenager that doesn’t want to do his chores and is having a tantrum that you “grounded” him from his games. Smh. If he’s a real man, he’d never have started a habit that kept him from his responsibilities and willingness to indulge in his family’s presence. I’m not saying a man can’t play here and there. But that kind of obsession?? No ma’am. I couldn’t deal with it.
Having said this— I’m assuming you’ve already spoken to him about this being an issue. If you’ve never tried to discuss this, absolutely you are wrong to just go off and sell his stuff without him even knowing how much it bothered you.
If you HAVE discussed this and nothing changed… then that means nothing was ever going to change.
I could say so much.
But the bottom line is that he needs to make up his mind of what & who is more important: his family or his gaming.
If he wants to leave bc he wants his games… then you know what your answer is.
I would be mad. I did this one. I just smashed into pieces. Guess what it solved nothing. More fighting. What if he sold your stuff. I understand you were mad but wrong way to go.
You should have put your foot down a long time ago. You should have just gone to him, instead of selling the thing maybe just taken it away and had a conversation with him expressing your feelings and listening to his reasons as to why he plays so much on it. Then maybe come to a compromise. You should rather replace it and come to a decision on some ground rules regarding his gaming. Men also need their down time to transition from work back ti home life. And unfortunately for some it is more difficult than others. Anyway by selling the xbox behind his back does not make you any less childish. Get over it, replace the thing and have a ‘adult’ conversation with your husband
You are NOT wrong. Now maybe he’ll grow up and step up. Do NOT replace it. Tell him that if he gets another one, you’ll sell that one too. It’s time to sit down together and have a conversation about how a FAMILY works.
Did u pay for it was it yours to sell definitely didn’t make things easier for your relationship sounds like your scolding a child not the Adult way to take it
I wish my husband would play with his playstation more. When he would play his I could actually do something I wanted to do or get some stuff done . I miss him playing it.
Very childish of you.
Girl u done fucked up kiss that relationship goodbye
you should have been open with him and had conversations with him about this before resorting to SELLING it BEHIND HIS BACK!!! You could have even threatened it; but to actually do it
you sold a piece of property that wasn’t yours, which is illegal btw
and putting that much time into it, yeah, he clearly worked hard for his progress (I know because im also a gamer) & as shitty as it may have been for you and your kids, if you were an adult and communicated it like one then maybe things would have gotten better… he probably spent so much time on his game because it’s a mental escape from you
Sounds like it is his coping mechansim and also the new way guys bond. Was anything else tried or talked to him before selling? Many take that very serious (believe me I know) that is they have been playing something for a certain time they make to different levels to play with their team. I dont know its a new weird thing like replacing when guys went out to the bar and came home late now you know where he is bit same concept.
This relationship sounds exhausting
I remember when a lady in Stay at Home Moms said she threw her man’s PS5 in the pool. The comments weren’t in her favor either
Oh dear…not a good move…think u better get it back or replace it…could be doing worse things.
Maybe put the purchase sum toward counselling over his gaming addiction
Omg, if you haven’t had couples therapy it is a bit extreme. But damn, when did being on a gaming system all the time become ok? Does he get to decorate the house? Bitch no… that don’t matter, he has kids, a spouse and a home to take care of. I probably would do the same thing if he refused to address the issue.
Lol Forget him! Leave!