My husband is mad that I sold his xbox: Advice?

I mean… I divorced my first husband because of that! In my opinion, you did nicer than I did!!! :100::100:


:100: wrong! There are other ways to get your points across


I had an ex husband who did the same thing. I ended up divorcing him and when I cleaned out the house to leave, I took his Xbox with me :woman_shrugging: I left a note in its place that said “how does it feel to lose something you loved so much?”


Hmm. Well, I get mad if someone touches my things as little as a pencil. It is mine, don’t touch. As far as your reason, not a good enough reason to go behind his back in a sneaky manner and sell off what is his. I would lose my $&<@!!!

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You were so wrong I wouldn’t blame him for getting a divorce. The trust that he had for you is gone.

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It doesn’t really matter what your reasoning it, if it’s not yours, then selling it is wrong… & if that’s your move, I think your marriage needs work on both ends.

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Is he ten years old?Sorry that’s not a man.


empty out the bank accounts, get a place to live DO NOT let him know and then file for a divorce and leave not worth a minute of your time.

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I just bitch til my guy cleans if he doesnt listen to my ask within a reasonable time or esp if he gives exusesbecause iwork and clean and pay bills :roll_eyes:. Like walk and get in his way from. Game , vaccum in his way of tv ,turn fan off to vacuum and dont plug it back in​:laughing::rofl:. Go out of my way to make his life hell if hes lazy and our familyand friends know how much i do before so they know hes not unheard of being lazy on as far as chores go lol when kids are hungry i tell kids nice to meet you hungry i am mom maid and tired. Go find dad he is the chef aka cookand dishwasher. Tell him i sent you and dont stop pestering per mom .tell him ill give you something easy that he wont approve of dinner;) with lots of messy dishes. That usually gets him moving. If not i honor my promise and say told ya so, to late…

Im quite sassy and a pain in the butt. I work and pay sooo many bills so he cant pull that card. I try to communicate but if i made exuses like he did with cleaning our house would be filthy and not picked up

I’m sorry but I’m just dying at this right now😂 my husband does work allot and I do complain don’t get me wrong but he doesn’t game anywhere near the 5-6 hr mark anymore he actually became considerate. Buttttt I may have threatened to take it and break it during a mental break down while dealing with our 5 kids… but I never would be brave enough to do so. I give you credit for it. But now your having to face those reprocussions I didn’t want to face.

You need to trade in your boy husband for a man period end of story


One it was wrong to sell it there’s other ways to stop him from playing it. Lock it up, the controller the plug in. I like playing games myself but there’s moderation. Yes he should help you but you need to replace that Xbox girl.


Oh you fucked up :rofl:

You took his one thing
You destroyed trust
Some people drink, some play games, you should’ve tried a meaningful conversation

Ooooo you fucked up baaaaad

You’re definitely the ahole!


I’d be so mad if I was him lol

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Its his out… its his time… You owe him a new Xbox


Tell him see ya good bye.

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He needs to leave you now


You were wrong to sell it. Yes. You could’ve just hid it. Long enough to have a serious talk with him. Then if he still refused to live in reality after that inwould have gave it back and moved out for a few weeks. I know how frustrating it must be with a man like that because one of my sons is just like that with his ps5. But you went about it all wrong. Now he’s going to make this your fault and blame you for his bad behavior because you made this one mistake of selling his game system. My husband is the same way but with TV and baseball. I hate it so much but I’m not going to sell the TV or cancle wifi and cable.


His belongings are his belongings… & You shouldn’t have any right to them to do such a thing. In my opinion this is the same thing as stealing and then selling stolen property, which you could be arrested for… Married or not :woman_shrugging: could have went about it in a much better way. I would’ve done what some others have said, changed the WiFi password until it was worked out, locked up the controllers/cords, etc until he showed effort towards his family. Something that doesn’t involve taking his belongings, and since you did sell it, I hope you gave that money to him since it was his. :woman_shrugging:

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You owe him a new Xbox

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Yall need counciling.
Honestly, selling someone else’s stuff is a criminal offense.
But your right, he needs to be a family man.
If you had to resort to being a criminal to make him see that, girl, you both have issues and you both need to either hash it out in counciling & you need to replace what you sold, or simply leave.


Sounds like he is a teenager, time to man up and partake with family or go move to Xbox world, and let your wife find someone suitable for her.


You were absolutely wrong to sell his xbox. Period. Did you talk to him and tell him how you felt and what you were willing and capable of doing if he didn’t turn it around? That being said, he has no right to sit on videos games every waking moment he is not at work. He needs to be attentive to yours and your children’s needs, not acting like a 13 year old boy. If he wants to live that life, he can grab a bag of Cheetos and MTN dew and live in his mother’s basement.


Hide the controller dont sell the thing :rofl::rofl: OP is the definition of “fuck around and find out” i bet shes bitched and bitched and bitched… i feel like he had a few warnings… :rofl:

What a child. Let him leave. Lol that’s ridiculous.


Was he a cheater? On drugs?
Idk your life but…if this was all he did wrong, u are the jerk here. Sorry…wow…id be soo pissed if I got so far and someone did this to me.


Yes, you were wrong! What gives you the right to sell something of HIS behind his back. What if he sold something of yours behind your back…I’m sure you would be mad too. Well, I hope you got that attention you were wanting… :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Yup ur a c u next Tuesday for that move


I’m sorry but I do not think you were wrong. Even my hubby does not think you were wrong. He needs to grow up and stop being so childish. It’s a damn game, get over it. He has a family and should be helping out with household duties and kids, this coming from my hubby (who loves playing games and being on his phone but family comes first). He wants to act like I child then I would be packing up a leaving with the kids. He’s not a man at all!!!

Damn I would’ve said he’s overreacting if you hid it but you sold it. He can’t get any of his memory back, you fucked up bad.

I absolutely understand the reason for it but I wouldn’t have sold it… I would have either have him a ultimatum or hid it until he gets his shit together.

Video games got my ex husband a divorce! Grown men should be grown men. Sure play a video game. Cool. But every free minute playing a dang game. No sir! Ma’am I applaud you, who cares what all these judge mental folks think! :heart::heart: do you boo boo! Let him leave, it’s so much better not feeling like you have another child all the time. Let that go honey! :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


Make sure you have your own money in a separate account he can’t access. Have enough for a new place and pack up then move. Once you leave file an ex parte motion (emergency custody) for the kids since you are the one caring for them. At the old place that he would come home to leave him a new Xbox and your key to his place.


Let my man sell my Xbox, he’s getting sold next.

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No you wasn’t wrong! He is childish! Family should always come first!! He wants to act like a kid and not grow up then he can leave!


video gaming is a real addiction. And playing that intensely to the point of neglecting his family to the extreme is an apparent addiction. If she threw his alcohol out because he shut himself away from the family to drink, you all would be applauding her.


Omg…your lucky to be alive. Yikes. Would you sell his motorcycle, bike or hunting rifle?

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You were wrong. Period---- sad part---- you knew you were wrong---- you want people on Facebook to validate what you did— ain’t happening!!!


YOU WERE ABSOLUTELY IN THE WRONG ! I will agree with you that its wrong for him to be on the xbox constantly ignoring you and his kids.

You had no right to sell it/ do that.
What you had the right to do was sit down and have an adult conversation about the issue.


There is WAY more going on here than the damn Xbox. No, you should not have sold it. No, he should not ignore you. Yes, he should help you and pay attention to his kids. He sounds like an extra child. Move on. Next time, hide it or take it somewhere else.


Wrong, imagine him going and taking something you love and selling it out right without warning! What the heck!


I seriously considered this when I was married to my ex. Instead, I told him it’s me and the kid or your games. He moved to Colorado. His loss

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Wrong, yeah. Would I replace it? Nope, he’s acting like a child. You need to move on.


He wasn’t talking to you before! Lol :woman_shrugging: but you had to know he was going to have a tantrum?
Let him leave then if he can’t take a beat and realize that game means more to him then his family and his priorities are messed up.

2 wrongs don’t make a right… That’s all I got to say!


You do realize you basically robbed this man, right? Instead of having a conversation with him, you stole from him and sold what you stole. You’re dead ass wrong and you know it. It’s the principle of the thing.

Yes we were most definitely in the wrong on that one you could of hid it and talked to him about i wish this was what my husband did to me

Should have smashed it so he still had all the pieces. :rofl::rofl: Video game addiction ends marriages.

Wtf. Yes wrong. Replace it. Honestly I’d file a report. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Yes. You’re wrong for selling something of his. What if he sold something of yours? Now him not helping and being zoned in on video games and not his family, a while different situation. But you’re still wrong for selling something of his.

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NOT WRONG. he is a grown man with responsibilities who is neglecting his family. He’s acting like an entitled teenager. I’m sure you’ve given him plenty of warnings and it’s his fault for not trying prior too. Fuck all these girls telling you that you are wrong. Fuck men who think a fucking game is more important than family. Let him have his tantrum in a locked room. That’s all it is…a manipulative tantrum.

There must be something going on with him. It’s hard out here. Life is hard. We need to support our men to have healthy lives mentally emotionally and physically. Treating your man like a child won’t bring about adult outcomes. Addiction is hard tho so getting help for you both would be a good step

Yes you were wrong. Were you trying to provoke a response or what?

he has an addiction to it, lets see how important his family is to him, would he react the same if he lost you and his family


Was it yours to sell? Doesn’t sound like it. Is it funny as hell? Yes it is.
Probably not the right way to go about things. Honestly if he’s that mad I would leave his ass. Like game over, the end. You don’t get to be glued to a game every minute your home when you have a family.

Honestly I never believed I would ever earn from bitcoin investment until I met Mrs Olgusya Gribova she helped me gained financial freedom and free me from debts, so I am doing her a favour by referring others to her… thank you Olgusya.

Your problems are bigger than Xbox.


What did you expect, honestly? Did you expect him to see the error of his ways and you’d guys have a grand moment? Be honest…you did it to punish him.


I say you weren’t wrong and I’d let him leave. It would be one thing if helped some. But it sounds like he’s neglecting his kids and duties as a a husband. If roles were reversed and your weren’t caring for your kids or the home because you were too busy going out or something similar, people would be up in arms. Let’s normalize men helping around the house and with kids. Send him on his way until he’s ready to man up and stop acting like a high school student with no responsibilities.


I see his point, because it’s his property. HOWEVER…he’s behaving like a a child. Throwing a temper trantum. Shucking his responsibilities. He needs to grow up. No, do not replace it. Replace the locks after you kick his *ss to the curb. And secure the money!


So if he for example thought you were on your phone too much and just sold it one day you would be ok with that? I’m sure you wouldn’t. He’s wrong if he isn’t helping in the house but it was very wrong of you to sell his property. This is toxic behavior…just like he is having a tantrum now you were having one when you sold it.

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His anger is justified because you sold a possession of his. I’m sure you’d also be upset if he sold something of yours that you enjoy/love. He’s acting like a teenager throwing a tantrum without even trying to acknowledge why you resorted to that. But tbh you could have just hid it. Maybe y’all need to have a good talk about your marriage, maybe couples counseling?

Get outta there… Doesnt sound like much of a marriage

Yes you were wrong! How would you like it if he sold something you obviously loved? I will say he definitely had his priorities in the wrong place but still… You should’ve hid it or something and after he learned his lesson gave it back

You had no right sell it, that is over stepping the line. If he leaves I wouldnt blame him. Everyone has an escape

It’s too bad that an electronic device has taken over his life and he neglects his family. Yes, you were wrong to sell it.

Dead wrong. Wtf is wrong with you?

You people saying he’s addicted but don’t know him or his side of the story are a bunch of toxic a-holes i wonder how many of you are single. As a man video games are a stress relief a way to decompress maybe he’s so burdened by his everyday stress that video games are his only way to feel he’s progressing in something. This woman took that away without seriously considering his feelings and she’s surprised he’s upset. She’s lucky he’s locked himself on their room I wouldn’t be so nice.

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I broke my partners, unplugged it in front of him walked out to the driveway and dropped it till it was in pieces, his mummy brought him an upgraded model the next the next week, we aren’t together anymore haha


Well, I threw my husband’s laptop across the living room because he was addicted to World of Warcraft. He beat my ass pretty hard. And I left him. That gaming addiction runs deep and there’s nothing you can do about it. I can’t tell you what to do, but I can tell you what I did. I walked the fuck the fuck away.

I’d dump you too :joy::joy: I love my Xbox. But I do the chores and watch our kids all day too lol

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Could have unplugged it and locked it away , had an adult conversation about how he’s spending to much time on it… easy

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Um yes I suggest you get that back he should press charges he can do that

I mean I wouldn’t want to stay in a relationship like that honestly so I’d walk away before going as far as selling my partners possession. I’d communicate that I was going to leave or say I want a break because of the behavior since they aren’t putting in any effort or care into the relationship.

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Wtf. … is this real?

Is he 17 yrs old? Too bad tell him to help around house and kids!!!

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Seriously what a baby,
I can’t believe he is carrying on over an Xbox.
You did the right thing now you need to throw him out


So yeah at this point I guess this is what you could do… as far as paying him back that’s on you…

You sound childish. Technically, you could be in legal trouble for theft. I’d press charges on you if I were him, and then I’d leave you.


Yes you are wrong! You sold his property,something he clearly enjoys a great deal,that is not how to get his help :woman_facepalming: Imagine he sells your hair straightner & makeup cuz he feels its a waste of time :woman_facepalming: ijs,wth

You were wrong. Try and get it back from whoever you sold it to.

Your my idol!!! :joy:

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Lol I wish I had the guts girl. Back when my now husband did this, I wanted to do this every damn night. Yes you were wrong but hell, you go girl! Lmao #boss

i wouldve done the same shit🤷 if hes not gonna help with the kids, then him and the dumba$$ xbox can go

You’re the reason why we can’t have nice things.

I hope he does leave you. You’re BIG stupid


Obviously he wasn’t listening. Ask him why he plays te game so much. I think i know why

Both my husband and I are gamers…so I think that it was alittle extreme to sell it because you could maybe talk to him and if he doesn’t change than maybe but how is that going to solve the problem…my husband games alot but he still helps out.

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whoever thinks she’s right y’all should save your spouse the hassle and file for divorce or leave the relationship before y’all start acting like a fool like this


Yep dead ass wrong. That was not ok!

Tell him to grow up !

I probably wouldn’t of sold it but I would of hid it from him for awhile. Y’all sound young to. Maybe both of you will grow up soon & see past both of y’all’s mistakes. It’s part of growing together as a married couple. You will have your ups & downs

You were wrong … you should have gotten rid of him too!!!


Don’t be surprised if you come home and find something you love gone! Paybacks a bitch

You did the right thing

I mean selling it was probably a tad bit to far. I get being upset , I’d be to if that’s all he was doing but regardless you can’t just sell his stuff . You wouldn’t like it if he took something of yours and sold it. You guys need to communicate a little bit better


I’m not reading past I sold his Xbox… you had no right esp if you didn’t buy it. You are not his momma….I’m shocked y’all be getting and keeping husbands…SMH


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