Yta , dude id flip my shit. My depression is so bad lately my switch is all i do if my wife sold it the backlash would be so bad
Selling His Xbox which was not yours to sell thats a very silly thing to do, Maybe thats his time out to enjoy and escape, After a hard day at work, Pleasure time out… Seems there is lack of communication between the partners, You guys need to talk this out tell him how you feel, but nicely, dont argue just explain the situation, You spend to much time on your game could you at least CUT down some of your time for us as a FAMILY, So we can do things altogether, ect, Surely he would agree, He must really enjoy playing and thats all good, But he needs to man UP and be there for you all as a family to grow together, If he does not well hes not really what you want or looking for within your relationship,Good luck Hope you guys can work something out that suits all of your family
He might sell your car and make you take the bus. He’s going to make you suffer. You should have held out on sex or cooking or something you have more control over.
You’re both in the wrong. It sounds like yall need a major sit down and talk moment. It sounds like he may be depressed and using it as an outlet. I game a lot when I’m depressed. My husband also games a lot but he works hard to provide for our family so what he does in his spare time as long as he isn’t hurting himself or others or cheating, I don’t care.
Did you try to talk to him about how you felt before resorting to such drastic measures? If not you are definitely wrong. Your wrong either way. Was not yours to do that. And he needs to grow the hell up.
Wow, what a dick move…
I’d personally end you if you had done that too me, do you know how much time and effort goes into one’s progress on a game ?
Yeah sure, he could probably throw ya a bone and give you more attention and help out a lil more with the kids, but there are much better ways of handling that situation…
You were bang out of order
Runaway.i will not be ignore for a damn game
you got some major balls on you selling your man’s toy
I believe you need more than the removal of an Xbox to improve your marriage. You are dealing a young boy who puts gaming above his commitment to you and your family.
If you have expressed your need to have him present in your lives, and he has not heard you or does not care, you need help. The constant gaming is a symptom of keeping distracted so he does not have to participate in your marriage and lives. But he must! He has children who need their father and a wife who needs his partner!
Perhaps you could have said, if we can not come to an agreement to limit your gaming than you are not willing to continue the way things are. Then tell him why you are so hurt and concerned for you and the kids. But, I have seen how gaming becomes addictive to young kids, so it is not a far reach that many men and women do too.
Bottom line, if you have tried counseling, being truthful, and he does not care to change, he will just get another Xbox. But can he find another you who would put up with being ignored? I don’t think so. You alone can not fix your relationship by simply ignoring his choices or by throwing out the Xbox. He needs to pull up his big boy panties, agree to counseling and to being the man you married, and fight for his marriage and family far more than an Xbox! I would find it difficult to not be valued more than gaming, and I fully understand why you did it, but his reaction tells you, he still does not get it! Time for him to grow up!
One more thing, if you were gone all the time from your home, the kids and him, how would he feel? You might ask him. I think he forgets that dropping out of relationships is the same thing as leaving, but his body is still there. Then why be married? I understand completely. Quit settling for less, and make you and your kids your priority and let your husband know it.
Good for you! Now throw his crap out and change the locks
Get ya self a ps5
Jayd van Daalen check di comments
Wow I’d leave you too
It wasn’t your call to do that
Throw him and his fucking Xbox away, don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with him having a hobby but when a man has kids and house to help with, both need to be taken care of before he plays his game. The game cannot be his priority. It should be for when there is free time like after kids go to bed not before. DO NOT REPLACE IT UNTIL HE UNDERSTANDS THAT!
You just sold something that belonged to him while he was at work? Are you for real? I would feel viloated if I were him. Sounds like you both could benefit from some marriage counseling.
Way to be an adult about it.
I am not a gamer I don’t play them I don’t like them and I never will but you were VERY, wrong to sell the system on him!!! WOW!! I can’t believe anyone would actually do that!!!
I would have break it …and kick his ass out of the he needs to grow up … because his games is more important than his family and work because each second day he stays out of work just to play games
You were so wrong. How would you react had the tables been turned?
i would leave because there’s no way i’d have a husband that doesn’t contribute to the care of HIS children and HIS household. if he wants to play games when he’s home instead then he should be a single man with no responsibility.
you were wrong for selling it, but you’re not wrong in how you feel. i’d buy him a new one and divorce him.
Him or the Xbox something had to go haha
You both have problems. You treated him like a child by taking away something of his to punish him, thinking that would result in him giving you what you want.
He needs to prioritize his family over gaming, that does not mean he can’t relax and play video games.
If you’ll don’t get some serious counseling for your relationship and individual you’ll won’t last another year.
You both obviously have serious communication problems and are no where on the same page. You seem to think you’re above him, like what you say goes. You’ll are fighting against each other for power and not fighting with each other as a team against the problems.
There should never be a “what I say goes” in a relationship. And I feel that’s exactly how you think.
If you both want to try to save the relationship you need to drop everything and start fresh (if it’s not to late).
Yes he needs to grow up, but I think what you did was also wrong. You can’t control someone else, a you can control is your situation,that being if y’all can’t get on the same page, maybe consider taking a serious break
Sounds like a baby. . Replace it or get a divorce and find a real man
You sold his Xbox? HIS Xbox? Not yours. Don’t touch his shit.
He doesn’t have to man up and help with kids or housework. He works correct? He has the right to relax.
You should have talked to him instead of touching his stuff and made a schedule.
I had a baby with a guy who worked 3 weeks on 1 week off and he never helped with our daughter or the house work. He just gamed the whole week.
He EARNED it. You’re immature. Hopefully he comes to his senses and leaves you.
Honestly, you were wrong.
Buy him another one. Then explain why you did it.
To a gamer it isn’t just a game, it’s a life choice. A lot of hard work and money goes into the progress and achievements
I’m not a gamer. Wouldn’t even know how to hold a controller, but my son is.
Rude, Wrong and all the above. It was not yours to sell. Better ways to fix the problem. Just like your kids ask him to limit the time. Family first.
Yeah no I would have done the same or smashed it I would plan as day say to him if that x box is worth more then me and your children or our marriage then you can leave and I won’t look back their is some serious issues here do not let up on him about that absolutely unexplainable
My lort…this generation
Far as I’m concerned when you are together and have kids you should be a team as that helps out on everything but I believe you should have warned him if he continues to play the game and not help then say goodbye to the Xbox… just saying
Sorry… you’re wrong! You crossed the lines especially if that was his. You had no right taking something that he bought and helped him relax after busting his butt all day for his family. You’re not his mom you’re his wife. He should walk.
Instead of throwing my hubby’s/kid’s xbox away, I get far more satisfaction when I walk in & unplug the shit mid-game Take the trash out when asked
You really overstepped by selling his stuff. You wouldn’t like him doing that to something you enjoy
You’re both in the wrong. He seems to have a gaming addiction which needs to be addressed and sorted you needed to have an adult conversation about how it makes you feel when he’s on it and he should tell you why it’s so important that he plays it 24/7. My partner went through a phaze of coming in from work and putting his game on even if me or the kids were half way through watching stuff I told him we needed to talk or it’s over he listened to me and he now barely ever plays his games I would never dream of getting rid of HIS property that’s controlling and narcissist he’s not a child even if he is acting like one. He needs to grow up and take on his adult responsibilities and you need to stop being controlling otherwise your relationship will never work
Catlin can you even imagine
Man child my EX always put the PlayStation first get an upgrade. 1 of the first things I asked my partner was does he play the PlayStation etc he makes my life easier not harder
He’s a grown man and these are games. He needs to man up and be a father and husband
Sounds like a couple of teenagers…
You are wrong for selling his stuff… he works and paid for that. You should had sit him down and explained how you feel… what you did is wrong.
Time for a grown man.
You don’t just sell someone’s property without their consent, you’re in the wrong totally. I get you’re pissed, but that’s mad level pissed
He’s still acting like a manchild pouting in his room. He’s planning on leaving you.
This marriage is beyond rocky and already over, Becuz he refuses to try. If u have to stoop down to this level to beg him to acknowledge, he’s still not then it’s not worth saving. He gave up on relationship a long time ago. He has a serious addiction and chose his addiction over his family.
You’re my hero!!
Sorry but how old is your husband 10? Locking himself in your room. He needs to grow up he’s addicted like a kid would he allow his own children so much gaming time.I don’t think I would of sold it though I would of said maybe get the addiction sorted or I’m leaving you he needs to make the choice
dide you expect it not to have repercussions? did you not give him notice?I’d have been steaming mad too though I hope I’d have been a bit more grown up about it
Get rid… he’s lost his progress in the game and now his marriage… bye bye man child
You are completely wrong for selling it. It wasn’t yours to sell. I don’t blame him for being upset. How old are you, 5? Time to grow up. If you were upset with him being on it so much you should have just been an adult and spoke to him. You get what you deserve.
What a horrible thing to do. A relationship is based on trust. You trust that a person won’t give away things that matter to you. Hiding it would’ve been a possibility but that was a dreadful thing to do.
If he was ignoring you for the xbox in the first place then the relationship was already over. Getting rid of it just helped you to see that. If he loved you when you tried to be acknowledged while he was playing his games he’d have paused them and helped a bit, he didn’t acknowledge you because he didn’t care you are just a housemaid and baby sitter to him. Give him the money to get a new xbox and pack his bags while he’s out getting it. He’s chose what’s more important and it’s not you or the kids. P.s. no you shouldn’t have gotten rid of his things, two wrongs never make a right, but its shown you his true feelings for you by doing so
Your marriage ended the minute he constantly ignored you
Trade in your man child for a real man
Yeah it was really wrong of you to sell it. And despite peoples ignorance on adults being able to game, this was the issue. If he was ignoring you, you should have just left. Plain and simple.
Honey you change the wifi not sell his stuff
Sell the darn thing he’s a grown man with the family he needs to take responsibility for his family and all act like a teenager playing games all the time be a man
No…. Stealing isn’t wrong……
No its about time he grew up and share adult responsibilities with you, sounds like hes very selfish and whats the point in his being there if hes not being a father and husband
You are wrong and inconsiderate to have done such a thing, its not about a xbox, you should have communicated your concerns to your husband, he is in his right to be peaved at you in my opinion.
Maybe he needs more “X box”. Think about it🥰.
Gee sounds like he’s ganna make you the XBOX
Gaming has only been good for my life
Now my man don’t play like that but I’d he did then so be it! That man goes to work and busts his behind and you go and sell his game. It could be worse. He could be in the streets drinking but he chooses to stay home and be on the game to unwind and you sell his shit? Yes you’re def in the wrong. What if he sold something you really liked; like your make up or your phone? You’d be pissed bc those things are yours and your way to express yourself. I bet you get mad if he chooses to take a nap or sleep in on the weekend. These men work hard and here you are selling his crap. I hope this is a fake post. You get what you deserve now. Relationships are a teamwork effort. Hiding it maybe… but you sold his stuff. Like I’m actually upset for the dude. You best get on the internet for the right purpose and start locating how to rebuy him another one.
Sell him as well . He isn’t interested in you and the kids so pack him up and send him on his way
You don’t just sell other peoples things that’s stealing
Ummm wow. Communication ! You has no right. To Sell someone else’s things without their permission. It’s not the point it is a game it is the point you did it behind his back. You stole it, posted it, met the guy, sold it. That is truly unbelievable. I think I would have to leave too if you had such low respect for the things I love. Games or not.
He’s in the wrong for playing video games all the time and not investing time in your marriage however you are just as much in the wrong for selling his Xbox. You both need to get your priorities straight and learn to communicate with each other. If the shoe was on the other foot you wouldn’t agree with it whatsoever. Childish and immature
How old is he ? I am assuming 3 and 1/2…
You did the right thing what a sook
When he finds another woman to let him come thru and play Xbox in exchange for some good sex and good meal and piece of mind, u gonna cry foul. That’s where this is headed. Take away a man’s hobbies and you’re asking for trouble
I get your upset that he isn’t spending quality time with you or the kids… but selling someone’s belongings without permission is wrong. If I were in this situation I would have approached him and come to a mutual understanding/ agreement.
Yes. Yes you were. Messing with someone’s belongings, whether they are necessities or luxuries, is an abusive behaviour. If you want him to put more effort into the relationship, and the family, that was the worst possible way to go about doing it.
You could’ve achieved the same outcome by just hiding it, and telling him that you need to talk things out and will return it to where it was, after you’ve done so. Selling it went too far.
Put simply: You approached the problem as if he were doing it just to be neglectful, without ever actually confirming that was his reason. That shows a lack of trust. A game, he can work back up to where he was, with time.
But you pretty much just shattered his trust in you. If you don’t do something to earn a bit of it back, he probably is gonna leave, and you’ll have no-one to blame but yourself.
Yes you were in the wrong to sell someone else’s property without their permission. It sounds like you have poor communication skills and had a tantrum moment. I would recommend seeking out a therapist that can help with the communication in your relationship.
I think you should have been happy he went to work, maybe that was his escape from his days stress. I think you were wrong to sell it, should have sat down and told him how you felt. Asked him to spend more time with you and the kids. You don’t just go sell his shit… What gives you the right to make that decision for him. I would leave you too.
Yes you were in the wrong! You definitely should have discussed it with him first! With that being said, he is acting like a baby!
Pack his bags and show him the door
- He needs to grow up.
- So do you.
You all need to communicate and if you have and he is still picking the Xbox over you and the kids go ask the in laws for childsupport or leave. I’ve been there. NEVER AGAIN.
Of course you were wrong.
I’d leave you.
Straight out.
You don’t mess with someone’s property, even if it is only a game. That’s some petty ass stuff right there.
Your poor kids are getting a good lesson on how to have a toxic as hell relationship.
Do you work?
If not then you need to re-evaluate yourself. If that man provides for you and your kids and games a little to relax then you should be happy.
That’s dumb! You can see he obviously is addicted to it and you’re making him quit cold turkey without any warning. What did you think the outcome would be?
Gaming is an addiction. Just saying.
imo, y’all are both kinda acting like children. But let me say…
He doesn’t help, always plays the game, I understand that upsets you. Mothers need help! & if you have a partner, you shouldn’t have to do it all alone.
Now there is alternative actions you could’ve taken before selling his belongings. BUT…
He also doesn’t need to be locking himself in the room or threatening to leave. That’s ridiculous. I’m sure he’s very upset, rightfully so.
But it sounds like maybe communication needs to be worked on here as well.
Good luck! Xx.
I am with you girl KUDOS to you
Oh Lordy if he feels that way about this game pretty sad so get him a new one wrap it up give it to him as a parting gift and tell him to get the fuck out it’s like a big baby throwing a tantrum
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Were you wrong? Yup. No question. You don’t take something that belongs to someone else (even if that someone is your husband) and sell it without their knowledge or permission. Do I understand why you did it? 100%!
You don’t say how long you’ve been married but from what I can tell from the information provided is that the bigger problem in your marriage is communication. While “fighting” is considered communication, it is not usually the most productive form. I’m going to guess that your husband’s (seeming) Xbox addiction has probably prompted more fighting than talking. I don’t know if you talked to your husband before resorting to selling his Xbox but I don’t think many people would go to that extreme without some conflict over it beforehand. But if it sounded like “you need to get off the Xbox and spend time with us/help around the house” then it probably wasn’t all that effective.
Again, without a ton of information, my “advice” will rely on a lot of assumptions. That said, what I read is that your husband sounds like he might have some kind of Xbox “addiction”. Selling his Xbox will be no more successful than dumping an alcoholic’s booze. The problem won’t go away. But I’m relatively sure you didn’t think that you would find marital bliss after you sold it behind his back.
My suggestion would be to TALK to him. If he’s not going to talk to you unless you replace it, maybe open the conversation with “I am sorry that I went to the extreme of selling your Xbox. Before we talk about replacing it, can we talk about how it got to the point that I felt that was my only option?” I don’t think it’s going to be easy but TRY to keep the contentiousness out of the conversation. He is going to be angry and rightfully so. You took something of his and sold it behind his back. You can’t control his anger but you can control how you respond and TRY to set a calmer tone. Acknowledge that what you did was wrong. Don’t make it an “excuse” or “justification” - own it that you handled it badly. Be open to replacing it. And TALK to him about how you got to the point of doing something that drastic. Try not to make it sound like an accusation. “Honey, I don’t think you realize how much time you were spending on the Xbox. I love you and I have been missing having time to spend with you”. It’s easier to have a conversation instead of an argument when you don’t put the other person on the defense.
I’m sure that you didn’t think through how selling the Xbox would play out in your marriage. You sold it because you wanted your husband to spend time with you (and to share household responsibilities). That’s not what happened and I’m sure if you were thinking rationally, you would foreseen that. But when emotion takes over logic, that happens. Now you both need to find a way to move forward where you both get what you need
Was it yours to do that? Cause I read HIS Xbox
No you were not wrong in how you felt. You were wrong in trashing it before providing communication. I would have recommended explaining to him how you feel and yall discuss good times for him to unwind on the game. But kids come first. See if his habits change and recommunicate often. If he still wasnt getting it…I’dthrow his sht out the window on the interstate… I’m sorry but you are getting so much bad advice. I work with men all day long. I come home to cook and clean and take care of babies. My husband helps me the entire time. When the kids go to bed. He can do whatever he wants to unwind. But those babies come first.
Have a good life with out his paycheck hope he leaves you high and dry the Xbox is a phase maybe it’s his outlet from real world problems ever think of that wake up you ain’t that special and can be replaced easily maybe by a woman who will play Xbox with him
Yes you were wrong. Do I understand why you did it, yes. Still wrong though. That being said, he’s acting like a big baby over it too!
Hes acting like a toddler having a tantrum and you are being the adult by doing the punishing
Tell him to sit on the naughty step !
He needs to find his ++ and be a dad
Good luck
Dude. I dealt with shit In the beginning, then the middle, and again here last year. Married 13 years. I HATED that stupid Xbox. My husband was obsessed. He paid no attention anything other than his game.
It was worse that we worked opposite shifts and he didn’t take care of the kids the right way. Left the 10 yr old responsible for the younger 2. My kids ate quesadillas 4/7 nights a week. Finally after about 3 months he realized how ridiculous it was. How much resentment our family was holding against him. He put it down and it has been doing nothing but collecting dust since. I even was like 1 day all day a week is fine. An hour here and there fine. But to be glued every minute of the day is ridiculous.
I woulda broke his shit in the yard if he hadn’t quit. I told him that. It’s was rough but in the end he made the right choice.
I’m in the same boat with my husband of four years. He’ll completely disregard his family for a game and do nothing. I finally complained about it enough though that he got tired of hearing my mouth about it because he’d play for 6+ hours with nobody home and do absolutely nothing during the day before going to sleep just to wake up and go to bed while I was working full time and managing housework and four children. I understand, but yes you were wrong.
you could’ve simply talked to him about how you feel instead of taking something that’s his and selling it without him knowing. that’s very messed up imo lol
yup you sure were it was his i’d be annoyed as hell if someone sold something that belongs to me
Get rid of him too shit…I been there before with my kids dad…tried everything to get his attention off tht game and on me…if even dressed sexy…and he would literally look around me or tell me I’m in the way and he cant see tv:pensive:… fuck tht shit…I’ll never come second to a game again…soo many times I wanted to smash tht thing so I give u probs for selling it
he used to tell me thts how he relaxed after work:woman_shrugging: then id be like dont sound very relaxing when ur screaming at a tv smh over a stupid game:woman_facepalming:…if tht xbox is tht important to him tht if u dont replace it hell leave you… you hold tht door for him bb girl…fr! You wasnt wrong for what u did and if he dont get tht than thts his prob…
He has an addiction. An addiction is anything you can’t control. It has taken over his whole life but the answer isn’t to sell it, because it only added to the problem. Be careful what advice you take because most people will say, “I will do thus and so”, but unless they are in that situation, they don’t really know what they would do and bad advice can bring you more harm.
Sometimes you have to go to extreme measures to get someone attention. He should have maned up instead of acting like a 12 year old