My husband is mad that I sold his xbox: Advice?

You say its an addiction get rid of the sourse

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I know exactly what you’re going through although I didn’t sell my ex husband’s xbox I got really pissed off at him one time because I was trying to have a conversation with him and he was ignoring me while playing his game so I turned it off while he was in the middle of a matchThat really got his attention then Although it did not make him stop Playing xbox 24/7. What you really Need to do is have a sit down conversation with him and you give him the ultimatum what’s it gonna be me and the kids Or the damn xbox Because right now you’ve chosen the xbox Over us And We don’t like it

Better than what I did. I threw my now ex’s playstation in the creek outside of our apartment :person_shrugging: sometimes we just get sick and tired of trying to get help, let alone be noticed. I applaud you!!


Nah, I saw this yesterday. Someone just copied this post

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That was a low blow you could at least put it some where . And if he don’t remember his password or whatever he could lose all progress
GROW UP!!! You should have talked to him And told him how you feel .

It wasn’t yours to sell

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If he’s a father and not paying act attention to the children or acknowledging them at all, I wouldn’t have stirred the pot. I assume you talked with him about the issue yet he still ignored you, I’d have told him to leave. You deserve better but at the same time, you shouldn’t have thrown his property away.

Yes you were wrong so sell his property, he’s not your child so don’t treat him like one. BUT I do think you should have given him an ultimatum…you or the X box. He may well have chosen the X box but that would have drawn a line under it and he could have gone off and lived happy ever after with his one true love.


If it wasn’t yours to sell then yes, you were wrong. Period. You were right to feel the way you do, but there are more mature ways to handle it. That was childish on your part. He is even more childish.
Talk. Even if he isn’t responding, make sure he knows you will not be replacing it and if at the end of this, he’s picking the Xbox over you and the kids, then I suggest going through a lawyer to make sure you are getting proper child support.

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Couldn’t u of lime hid it somewhere n the house to make him think or let alone talk to him about it u sound selfish big time

I’d leave you.
This was immature at hell.
Maybe he should take your phone and sell that and refuse to pay you back.

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Also you not only made him pissed off at you but how do you think he’s now gonna treat the kids?
Dumb move on your part.
Grow up lady. You just put your kids in the middle of an adult situation.

My fiancé is the exact same way with his ps5. 95% of our arguments are because of the game. It’s literally from early morning until morning again if he doesn’t have work so I feel you but mine offered to sell his but I said no. You never want to take away someone’s peace and joy. That’s what they like to do. Yea he should be focusing on his family and I told mine this too but I gave him options. I told him by either he only plays it while I’m at work, or he put the game up for like 3/4 days out the week. I would never have him sell his game. I feel like that was wrong to sell his game.


It wasn’t yours? Anyone would be pissed that’s messed up. You could’ve talked to him first


It wasn’t your property to sell.


Advice. Get a good lawyer… it might not be today it might not be tomorrow but divorce will be at your door soon enough


This is about everyone cannot go eat at the table without their cellphones with them. very rude

Dump him family comes first.

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You’re wrong! He’s not a child, you should have sat down with him had a talk but you decided to be childish as well about it. I don’t think you would be very happy, if sold your make up or any of your things!! SMH He could be worse him being out at bars all night…Get That man another Xbox!


Oh ya you was wrong selling aybe unhooking and hiding would of been better and just telling him you sold are telling him you took untill he learn to help more are maybe talk to him about how he can limit hos time on it and how he can have some family time too


You only had a right to sell 50 % of it. :laughing:

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Reconsider your entire relationship


Men are just big kids. Selling it might have been a drastic move. But he definitely needs a reality check.

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Yea you definitely TA in this one


More Sexbox leads to less Xbox.


Yes. You’re wrong. It wasn’t yours to sell! Go get a new Xbox !!


Bruh… You’d be calling you ma and asking to sleep at her house the next week or year or so. :joy::rage::joy::rage::joy:


He’s threatening to leave because of an Xbox :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ya’ll need to grow up . How petty :woman_facepalming:t3:

What roll models your children have :roll_eyes:

If he isn’t there to help what’s the point of him?


Your wrong. Yes he was being a man child but your wrong.

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let him leave, you wont have the negative extra stress then. But NEVER let yourself be broken down with empty threats.

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Wrong? Yes. Clever? Also yes.


Shouldnt have sold it that was wrong, instead should have packed all of his belongings up into boxes and set on the front porch then talked to him when he got home and tell him he either needs to grow up and start being present more or he needs to get out. Now you need to replace the xbox with a new game and then call a divorce lawyer and tell ur husband to move out


Maybe he’ll get into porn and you’ll be happier?

You need to reevaluate your whole relationship.

Your both wrong u shouldn’t have sold it coming from someone who has thousands of hours on xbox I would be livid. He should also be helping period. You are both adults and could have figured this out without selling his stuff. You need to get him a new one and he needs to get his priorities right and grow up.


Lol let him leave you been doing everything alone any way . Let him live alone and after he gets home from work amd he doesn’t have clean laundry or food in the fridge he will get his ass up and wake up. You didn’t get married to raise yet one more teenager he is a grown man . Next time he threatens to leave go to his room pack his stuff in the language and open the door and say go head . Trust me he will not leave amd if he does he will be back in few days. And if he doesn’t you didn’t loose much and you will realize that once he is gone.

Brooooo how dare you sell a dudes Xbox THAT HE ACTUALLY PLAYS ON!! Married or not that’s BEYOND disrespectful and you ABSOLUTELY should have talked to him about your feelings and issues instead of just selling it. Bad move. Your def the a hole. Games aren’t ‘just games’ to gamers. Didn’t like that he plays shouldnt have married a gamer💁🏽‍♀️
Should he help you and prioritize? Absolutely, that’s why it should have been a conversation instead of a tion


Yes, I do think you were in the wrong. I completely forgot your frustration, but we all have our vice.
My husband used to play so much I contacted Microsoft and asked for spousal support. :rofl:
He still plays many years later, but at this point, 20 yrs later, I just don’t care.
Yes, you definitely owe him a new system.

Sounds like he has a problem. Says he is not going to talk to you, it sounds like he doesn’t anyhow. Let him sulk for awhile. He has a family that us more important then that stupid game. If he wants to leave, let him. He is not worth having around.


You got games to.
I don’t see any problems here :rofl::rofl:


Wow. First of all, it wasn’t yours to sell, so technically he could press charges against you for larceny. Second, even if he was playing it constantly, it’s probably a temporary addiction to a certain game (which happens to people sometimes) and he’d get over it eventually. You could have just changed the wifi password and he couldn’t have gotten on it until he paid you some attention.


I’m sure he played before you got married. You should never try to change someone. You are dead wrong!

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You were extremely wrong…you need to take to him…and if things don’t change…then get rid of him…not his entertainment

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I talked to my bf about not being as helpful so he sold his himself. I never said he had to not mentioned it would help anything, just that I need more help and we can schedule “me” time for each of our individuality. I see the frustration and why you took that step. If there were conversations or pleas for help that went unheard I probably would have gone off the handle and sold it myself as well :woman_shrugging: he absolutely should help more, he’s a father and lives in the house as well. Communication is key in these types of situations though. Marrying a gamer isn’t a fault, but they have to be able to find / make balance between their gaming and their family.

Oh hell no, I wouldn’t have sold it, I would’ve just smashed it into pieces ahhahaha


Lmao. Eta here. You don’t sell other people’s things out of spite. And he should be helping around the house.

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Id friggon leave sounds like another child your taking care of. Sad .

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This is messy. He should be helping out but you showed a huge lack of respect for him as your expected partner and a fellow adult by selling something of his whilenhe was working.

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Yes you were wrong. You had no right to sell it. You should have talked to him about how his spending so much time on it was a having a negative effect on you and the family. And that either he would have to spend less time on it or lose his family. But you did not have the right to sell it!

You could have just hidden it.

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If it’s gone on this long, you either accept it or you change it. Selling his things to “teach him a lesson” is not the answer. That just causes resentment.

He can help out and balance his family life with his hobbies or he can gtfo.

Let him you’ll give make a point system for everything he does. 5 points for washing up, 10 points for hoovering and same for cleaning the bathroom. He he does these things quickly and really well up the points and the score system!

It got his attention. It also makes you realize that he is more worried about the progress of a game system then the progress of a family. Time for him to be an “adult” and start being, acting like one.


That’s not right. My husband gamed HARD before we got married, it bothered me in my marriage, we came to a mutual agreement of how much he should game and now we’re both happy. Games are his happy place, he deserves to have that. If he wasn’t willing to have that conversation with you then there seems to be no respect (on either side) of the relationship. Partnerships must be unified, and that was not a unified decision.
That being said, I get it, and it’s hell when your partner is addicted to video games, it is VERY isolating, lonely, annoying, and down right just not fair. In a short way, now you can have the conversation about how much an appropriate amount of games are and what your expectations are of him , if he agrees you need to buy him another console because that was his property, if he doesn’t agree you need to buy him another console and leave because it’s not worth it for either of you.


Oh wow. That was extreme. You should have talk to him about the issue. Even if grown adults are still playing games excessively. Ridiculous.

I went through the EXACT same thing but I just got a divorce. There was no fixing that.


He’s really threatening to leave over a stupid gaming device? If that’s more important than his family then let him leave! Don’t replace it. I think selling it was the right way to go, you’ve seen his true colors and they just got brighter. You do what’s best for you and your kids!


Yes, you are absolutely wrong.


Yeah here’s some advice. Maybe find out why he doesn’t want to be interactive with you. Ask your self a few questions like, are you mean to him? Do you have a job or provide income? Are you his partner or his mom?
If you not doing anything wrong then he is just an addict. And instead of taking it away from him like your his mom maybe you should have tried a different approach.


And this is how I divorced your mother kids.

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Sorry dear you were wrong for that if he bought that console with his own money before y’all were married then you had absolutely no right whatsoever to sell it. Because that was his stress reliever. If a man doesn’t have a stress reliever then it can build up and boil over on the family. However I think you should have sat down and talked with him about it first

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Personally I think you had no right to sell his personal property. If I were him, I’d be livid. My boyfriend doesn’t even play his console that much but he’d have a panic attack if it were gone. We have our ways of relieving stress, most guys choose video games as theirs. I think you crossed the line big time. Imagine if he sold something of yours and you came home to it just gone. No matter the situation, you’d flip.


Yes, you were wrong. You should have been communicating the issue. Maybe even couples therapy over it. Selling his things without his consent is absolutely toxic. If it was a husband doing this to a wife, there would be no question here.

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Girl use the money you made selling it and file for divorce cause that is a whole CHILD not a man :woozy_face: he’s clearly looking for a reason to leave since him gaming like a teenage boy didn’t push you away enough for you to leave.


Girl it sounds like you raising another child. Let him walk. He will be back because nobody else ain’t fixing to put up with it either.

Sitting down and talking to him would have been a much better approach. Selling something that belongs to someone else is wild.


Tell him to grow tf up. A grown man has no reason to be playing video games. Especially if he’s ignoring his responsibilities.

Jacquelin Burnsworth you AF lol

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Love this , you’re not wrong

You were dead wrong. If it’s that deep find a babysitter to help out and go cheat with somebody, but babyyyy you don’t ever touch a man’s video game system :eyes::eyes::eyes:


Since he’s acting like a child, neglecting his every home responsibility, you did what any mom and head of household would do and eliminate the video games. He threatened to leave you over some video games?!? Girl, he’s throwing a tantrum like a kid that doesn’t know priorities yet. You already made the first move, don’t feel bad stick with it, put your whole foot down and say you start acting like the man of this house, take care of these house/family responsibilities FIRST like you should be. You shouldn’t even have to tell a father and husband to do what he’s suppose to do. Play video games after he’s handled his duties, kids are in bed, when you’re both clocked off! Otherwise a divorce, child support, spousal support and a REAL MAN in you and your kids lives might be that next move. So go ahead let him throw his fit bit don’t back down on what you know is right! I’m with you on this one :point_up:t3:


NO, you are not wrong!!

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Lmao one thing I’m NOT going to do is touch the Xbox. If you were my wife, I would put you up for sale so I could buy it back :weary:

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Yes you are wrong.Who are you to sell his stuff…id leave too if i were him.You showed you have no respect.Wow smh🤨


Get his password and change it and fake a hack on Xbox

I think you are both wrong.

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Just leave him, don’t sell his shit. That’s not your stuff to sell. Yall are toxic and need to break up.

And you couldn’t have a conversation with him?? You sold his stuff and now are surprised that he’s pissed?? I hope he leaves you too, you clearly don’t respect him enough to have a conversation about how you’re feeling.


1 you should have went and talked to him like an adult and voiced your needs wants and concerns. 2. Selling his game system was just petty. 3 yes he may be acting like a child but not everyone wants to sit around and just watch tv or sit on their phones all the time. That was his outlet and you took that from him. I’m not justifying him not helping or spending time with you but at the end if the day the key to any relationship is communication and you failed to do that.

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Let him leave. Get a divorce. Find someone who will worship you and your kids!
Excessive gaming was part of the reason me and my ex split. I am happier than I’ve ever been and am getting remarried this month, he seems happy in his relationship with someone who games too and we co parent successfullt so everyone was better off!


Just get the fucking divorce already

There was definitely a better route to this but I get it, mine always on his Xbox too

Yeah you’re wrong! I would’ve left you immediately and pressed charges for theft. You could’ve been an adult and talked to him about it, I would be furious. I hope he doesn’t start paying too much attention to the kids.

Oh my. This man has 1 root out the door.

She was halfway right and you all are halfway wrong. Have a man’s gonna have to come home and act like a 12 year old child and sit down in front of a TV sat and play the Xbox and totally ignore the fact that he has a family then I’m sorry that Xbox would be taken away from a 12 year old child and therefore the 12 year old man child same thing his Xbox should be taken it should’ve been hidden I don’t think I sold it that’s the only part I would’ve done different but I had a flat out threaten him and said hey you don’t start acting like a man and step up to the plate and help with his family instead of coming home and nap like a child you’re going to be timed out on Xbox time. you wanna act like a child treat you like a child

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Lmao you are both children, I feel sorry for your kids.

Sell the husband too

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Sorry but did u buy the system? If no then yeah ur wrong. Different ways of going about that and u went down the husband is gonna murder me road. I understand what ur saying and why ur upset but u fucked up

Run the other way he’s just another kid for you to raise!! Run, run, run!!

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I would be so mad. :grimacing:

How would you feel if he sold something u OWNED and enjoyed while u were working to support ur family?


He has addiction and family should come before a game system he needs to grow up maybe take the kids and go away for a few days and see if heaven misses you all if not he should be out the door you and the kids deserve better good luck

You wouldn’t like it if he sold your stuff while you were at work. Be careful he might just do that to replace what you sold. There are better ways to go about it then selling it behind his back.

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Lol I would sell him too😂 He seems like a child for acting like that. Just go buy another one that’s better or newer for goodness sake.

If it was me, I probably wouldn’t have sold it but talked to him about his childish addiction to a game. He needs to pay more attention to his family than an Xbox. You shouldn’t want to be with someone who would rather and only play video games than be with you and the kids anyway🤷🏼‍♀️

Let him leave, when people ask why he left his wife and kids and he says “because of a video game”. He will feel and look like an idiot and dead beat father.

There should be a time to play games and a time for family he needs to equalize his time for his family… I’m sure he will come home with a new game system

I really hope y’all did counseling or talked or something before doing something that extreme? That was a bad move.


Yeah you’re in the wrong pr!CK, you sold it out of spite, the one tool he uses to decompress after a day of work,


I guess I wouldn’t have sold it just would have hid it for a while :grimacing: idk I can understand your anger tho.

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By him playing non stop video games shows he doesn’t want to be present in the marriage. By you selling his Xbox gave him the excuse he’s been waiting for to leave… get yourself a good divorce lawyer and find a better partner for yourself.