Lol love it I would have just hid it and said I sold it because I know how important that is to them but kuddos to you
Absolutely you’re wrong. You don’t sell your partner’s property without their permission. It’s an abusive behavior and controlling.
Honestly this whole story is a mess…
If you communicated with him about how you feel and he did nothing about it then I would have just walked away. You obviously knew that by selling this it was going to cause further issues. He has a right to be upset. This isn’t how adults handle things. You both are handling this marriage in wrong ways.
Was he a gamer before you guys got married?
Being in a relationship with a gamer isn’t for the weak…I am glad mine has an equal balance of his time.
You did the right thing.
Well, I think you know now that you definitely weren’t right lol.
Is he wrong for playing video games 24 7 and not helping you? Yes.
Is it simultaneously absurd and sad you felt the need to sell an adults possession? Also, yes.
Does the answer being yes to those questions justify what you did? Absolutely not.
Took me months to find and secure a brand new xbox and you straight sold his sh!t on marketplace ruthless, but take a moment to imagine HIM deciding YOU are on your phone too much, or spend too much time fixing your hair or doing your make up, or whatever thing you enjoy doing as an adult, so he sells your sh!t?!? Obviously not cool to do something so permanent to something that isn’t yours and you don’t even care ab.
Yes totally wrong! I would’ve just hid the system while talking to him about it instead of going behind his back and selling it. Plus it wasn’t yours to sell
I would let him go, yes you may have went to far but you need to find someone who pays attention to you and your family! He is literally throwing a fit like a child would!!!
Okay, so first, you’re both toxic af. I can’t even get to my second point because you guys need therapy.
You should have hid instead and sat him down for a conversation about it.
You’re both wrong and frankly childish
And all you women who are saying “yes, you were wrong… BUT” Justifying her actions… Are just as toxic as her…
U R/were so wrong. I honestly don’t kno how he could let you stay or ever trust you again & that’s even if you replaced it. It’s the principal of what U did, it wasn’t yours &,
it. was. Wrong.!!!
That’s what parents do to their kids - he’s not your kid. And I wouldn’t do that to my kids either.
I think it was great! Go youuu!!! He’ll get over it.
if the relationship doesn’t work out, she’s not replacing it, it’s a marital loss, he lost progress and a system she lost time and effort put into a relationship that she’ll never get back
that will scar her more then him not having his xbox ever will!
I had the same issue but you were wrong for selling something of his. Do you want him selling something you cherish and care about. You can litterly go in the settings and put a time limit. He honestly did loose all of his progress. It’s on the system you sold. Unless he had a external hard drive. It’s wrong he’s on it so much but that is a habit that can be changed and fixed! It takes time and dedication on both ends. You should never sell his property. If I did that to my husband he’d be hurt and say he wants to leave too. He’s saying he wants to leave because you took something of his and sold it behind his back. If you were struggling for bills I would get that but you did it to spite him and to make him bad because you’re feelings are hurt. There are other ways around this. I know because I’ve been there. You have gone too far. If someone works they should have their time to play the game. Should it be 24/7 after he’s off. No but that could have been fixed. Now he has to restart his progress when he buys another AND HE May just be on it even longer. I hope he puts a password on this one so if you try and sell it they get fked in the process because what you did crossed many boundaries! You could have hid it! Now do the right thing and give him the money YOU made for selling his property so he can go and buy a new one. What you did to me would have made me want to leave too
I wouldn’t have sold it I would have hid it and he could do stuff to get it back. Then in a few weeks hide it again. Idk… he should be with his family but you need to figure out how to modivate him.
This behavior is toxic. Simple.
Did you talk with your spouse? Try to work through it? Make a schedule? Communicate?
Or did you just assume he would know what your asking of him and then sell his favorite thing?
My fiances a gamer. I helped build his PC, hell I bought him the latest XBox system for Christmas last year. I would communicate before ever stooping this low.
I would never manipulate my spouse like this nor would destroy his property. At that point you should have just left on your own, especially given you like to jump straight to the consequences.
Yeah I was ignored in a relationship for xbox / video games . It’s a addiction and hes not gonna change . Shit sucks
Nah girl, I see you. You needed that money to move out!!
I remember when I was in high school…
Seems a tad dramatic. Things like that should be talked about.
… are you living off of him? Or…
I wouldn’t be touching HIS stuff if I were you. Fucking ignorant. I see why he doesn’t wanna acknowledge you… you’re probably a real gem too…
I get your frustration. Use words. Be adult husband and wife and sit and talk about these issues.
You should have hid it and told him you sold it to prove a point. But since you sold it, Buy a new one and try to come to a compromise. If that’s not attainable then see if he really leaves
I understand where you are coming from. I probably wouldn’t have sold it, maybe hidden it instead. But your husband needs to grow up and contribute to the household. He’s not a house mate. If he doesn’t want to, you might need to think if this is what you want your life to be.
Pfft. I took an axe to my boyfriends Xbox.
Girl ur fired lol that’s pretty petty to sell it n kind of a d move… there is obviously more to it . But if you’ve been making moves like this before and you continue you definitely will be single either find your happiness or find your happiness.
No games are evil and addicting
I was married to a complete gaming addict. I feel this. I probably wouldn’t have as it wasn’t mine. I would’ve left or kicked him out first- let his Xbox keep him warm at night.
Good job you did.
I once sold “ our” boat because my husband ( then) only took his friends out in it and never the kids and I. What could he say? I had paid for it.
I would be pissed if my husband sold my xbox. You should of talked about it, put aside times for him to play, something. I know personally that gaming is an escape from every day stresses and you just took that away. If he sold something you cherished while you were out, you would be pissed too.
Omg…find a real man…not a boy…
Wow, even if he is being an (blank) you don’t sell his sh**. That causes more problems as you notice. What if he got mad at you for something and sold your stuff, I am sure you would be pissed. You two need to hv a conversation and try to resolve it. Mean time u go out and buy him another one and apologize. Be the bigger person. Then talk to him about how u feel, tell him what you need. If he doesn’t listen or change then he doesn’t want to, doesn’t respect and you hv a choice to make, divorce or put up with it.
Tell him to pack his shit and get out if he’s gonna act like that about a material item and some bs game !!
I would been pissed too if he was ignoring me n the kids
Boss move right there lady
You weren’t necessarily right for selling it but I would definitely consider reevaluating your relationship with him because obsessed gamer’s like that never change. His gaming will ALWAYS come first.
This is the funniest shit I’ve read all day. You probably shouldn’t have sold his stuff though. You should have just packed all his stuff up since you’re doing it on your own anyway.
Tell him to grow the f up…
You can’t just control an addict. This is going to blow up in your face🤦♀️
I’m dead that’s his life
Toxic as fuck to sell someone’s console, no wonder the mf ain’t talking to you if that’s how you act
I mean anyone that thinks it’s okay to just take something their significant other loves/loves doing and sell it has some deep
Issues… sounds to me like you’re just straight up lying to make you not seem as crazy for selling it… prolly one of them chicks that thinks the universe revolves around you and that he should never do anything that doesn’t revolve around you and got mad he plays his Xbox a little bit… he should leave your immature ass regardless of whether you replace his Xbox or not
Don’t sell other peoples shit. You sound toxic asf and I’d leave your ass too.
He need to grow the FU@K up! Life isn’t playing stupid games. Good for you! But he won’t change.
Yep u were wrong. It’s his possession. It’s his hobby and passion. If u don’t support that then find a new man that fits your wants. There’s lots of relationships were they both are gamers… maybe try playing with him?
Girl you’re wrong for even worrying. Sounds like you need to leave his ass. No effort in his family that’s not a keeper
I wouldn’t have sold it. I would have just moved out as he played. He’d have gotten hungry and noticed you were gone sooner or later. It’s not worth it to compete with a game.
I would be pissed at you too!!
He didn’t put effort into you to start with it sounds like. I mean… you shouldn’t have sold it. I’d be pissed too, but he needs to grow up!
In my opinion, yea you were dead wrong for that. He’s 100% wrong for not helping with the kids, house etc but to sell his gaming system without his permission, while he’s at work, seems really childish and petty. I can absolutely understand why you were angry but there was a much better way to handle it. I know everyone is different, we all have different things we will/won’t put up with but, to me, seems like there’s a lot worse he could be doing besides playing his game. It’s about compromise, on BOTH your parts. My husband is a hardcore gamer, he’s playing Evil Dead on his XBox as I’m typing this lol but I know how much he loves it and how it helps his depression, being able to do things in which he finds joy. I’m the same way with reading my books I could never take that away from him, nor would I want to, because I love him. If my husband decided to sell my books while I was at work, without at the very LEAST talking to me about it, I’d be just as pissed off, and I’m not losing the progress I’ve worked on for who knows how long like your man just did. May seem like “just a game” to you but obviously it’s important to him and unfortunately we don’t get to choose what is/isn’t important to our SO
Let him go. He wasn’t there even when he was home, too into the games. You need a husband not a little boy.
He should absolutely pitch in and help with your family, but you’re borderline psycho in my opinion for sneaking around and selling his peace of mind. It sounds like you’re a bit combative and I know some people shut down when met with that type of energy. He is silly for thinking his progress in the game matters more than your family though. You need to have a clear discussion of realistic expectations and you need to understand his gaming is escapism. Talk about when it’s appropriate for him to play and when it’s not. You’d think it would be common sense, but you can’t expect someone to be the ideal mate without communicating your needs no matter how obvious they seem. I don’t agree with the other comments that you should leave your marriage, but something definitely has to change. Also, don’t do shit behind his back! It’s just not right!
It’s one thing to HIDE IT, or give it to a FAMILY MEMBER. Til his behavior changes, but WTF! You actually sold it!!
You honestly should’ve just left him instead.
Oh god. I’ve wanted to smash my fiance’s before but I wouldn’t sell it. Maybe hide it but never sell it…that was his…not yours.
It sounds like he needs to grow up and be a man not a teenager. Also that tells you that he cares more about his Xbox than you and the kids thats wrong
You took something that wasn’t yours and got rid of it. Yeah that’s wrong.
You sound like his mother not his wife.
Sounds like a bratty child.l him not you! If he cannot grow up then let him rent a room and get a new Xbox. I’m sorry your dealing with an extra child
Y’all both need to grow up. He needs to help around the house and with the kids but you were wrong for selling it. I would of just hid the power cord and had a conversation with him about what’s going on. It’s ok to play games to decompress but not to the point that they are on it all day everyday.
I smashed my husbands Xbox in the middle of the street years ago lol… I had a 1, 3 and 4 yr old at the time and was doing everything while he played games… Fast forward now he has a playstation 5 and it didn’t help lmfao. But our kids are grown and I enjoy my peace when he’s on the
I understand how you thinks he can’t live without it. I wouldn’t be able to live my life without my family. He needs to install healthy boundaries and his use of his time on the game like children. Be limited to a 1- 2 hours per day. Because there is no balance with family, house chores and his self time.
Is he your husband or child👀
He sounds like a dork. Move out
I play video games alot but my wife understands that it is my therapy I don’t play constantly but I do play it almost everyday for a few hours yes I would be mad as hell if she ever did that to me but not to the point where I would throw a fit about it but seriously tho u should have jus hid it don’t be surprised if he leaves you some people take that shit to heart
You know you were wrong
You’re definitely in the wrong. That’s something he obviously enjoys and uses to decompress. Maybe he’s getting depressed or has something going on and he’s using his game as an escape and coping mechanism. You clearly think you’re his mother and deserve the right to punish him smh.
You are in the wrong . Fix it
I get your reason. I don’t agree with the way. If my husband sold something of mine without my consent, I’d feel pretty pissed off as well. You may deem it childish and disrespectful that he plays games all the time. He probably considers you selling his property the same. Communication is key here.
You ever hear that saying, two wrongs don’t make a right? This is that.
That’s messed up fr!
You are absolutely in the wrong, your his wife not mother. That’s is his way of relaxing after a long day at work . Shame on you!
My husband plays all the time. He does help around the house and with our kids but he loves to relax and enjoy a game, hell, so do I. I really don’t think selling it will do anything for your marriage but end it tbh. There are plenty of other steps you could have taken first.
What did you expect him to be? Happy???
You just did what a million other women have only thought of doing. I get why he’s mad but he needs to grow the hell up and interact with you and the kids. I mean, turn the tables and threaten to leave HIM. Tell him you’re gonna take his kids away and find a grown man to be there for you & help with the kids. If he’d rather lose you and the kids than his Xbox, let him go. When kids ask what happened when they’re older, straight up tell them that Daddy chose a video game over us.
Let somebody sell my PS5
Tell him to get over it and grow up
Yes you shouldn’t have done that
What a loser lol, byeeeeee
Should have put him on the free for taking page!
Please tell me this is a joke. You never sell something that gives someone enjoyment. You selling it makes you seem controlling. Have a conversation about him helping more,maybe seek outside help like counseling. If he doesn’t want to spend time with you or the kids or help then just leave. Selling his things is not going to make him want to change.
Leave that childish loser already your the one settling for less in a man grow up and get an actual grown man already
This is Gold!!! Jessica Macbain
You are so in the wrong. You sold your HUSBANDS belongings without his knowledge?
He needs to grow up. Ignore his bad behavior like u would a child maybe he will get over it aside from that u kinda did him dirty but he needed the intervention if he ignores the world around him and and is on it every waking second it had to be done
especially if you’ve talked to him numerous times about it. If he’s threatening to leave over a gaming station tell him to take a hike then
Yeah. You were wrong. That’s controlling AF, it’s his property, and I don’t blame him for laying that ultimatum down.
Toxic ass women like you are terrible. If he won’t change how he behaves. Deal with it…or leave. Don’t act like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
What’s understood doesn’t need to be explained .
Get his game back! And approach the situation differently
I wouldn’t have sold it. How would you feel if he sold something of yours? However, I wouldn’t put up with a man who puts his family second to a game.
I’m wholeheartedly with you everybody makes excuses for men .Though I would have probably hid it but still he doesn’t help out with housework or kids Red flag . And he threatened to leave you over a game yeah he would be the one leaving
I mean yeah you were wrong BUT if I had the balls I would so do this!! when someone is more interested in their gaming system then you and the kids then F*** that gaming system!!!
i would’ve left him and let him have the xbox
You both could have met half way lmao
Well that was fucked up. I understand your reasoning but the way you went about handling the situation was very childish in my opinion. Sounds like the both of you are acting a bit childish.
Not in defense of him, but what you did was utter disrespect. That’s just plain toxicity.
You SUCK for doing that. Unpopular opinion I know.
Women who hate on having a guy who games are ridiculous. It’s his hobby and what if you had an expensive hobby but he came in and got rid of it? You’d be just as mad. This is so childish.
Question dear. Do you work too
You are absolutely in the wrong for that. You are his wife Not his mother. Instead of being immature and selling his belongings that I’m sure He paid for you shouldve talked to him about it!
I’m telling you right now these adult males that are hooked on gaming is wrong. Everything in moderation is fine. No you shouldn’t have sold it but he shouldn’t be on it every minute he’s home either. He’s not acting likes a husband of father he’s being selfish and that’s childish.
I’ll take “two wrongs don’t make a right for $400!”
This has to be a joke