Sounds like you got rid of the wrong thing…
He should be more worried that he’s gonna lose his progress with you and the kids
My boyfriend left me pregnant when I disconnected the wifi and hide from him , I tried to talk to him before I got to that level but he refused to do it. After two months without talking to me ( pregnant with his son ) ( I saw him again with his son was born ) I shouldn’t have never got to that level if he was willing to fix his priorities, we got back together and now he hardly touches that game machine and still struggles when he goes back and play , but now he catches himself and stop it… It’s an addiction and everything else you are addicted, it’s hard for people who loves video games to stop it
Didyou say that was your oldest child???
Cudos to you! You are a better woman than I am…I would have busted it into a million pieces!! #truestatement
Honestly, I couldn’t have done something like this. But I’m internally laughing because maybe it’ll teach him a lesson. It’s fine to be a gamer, but organize your priorities around it. You haven’t spent time w your kids in two days because gaming, nah, good riddance to the Xbox.
You are absolutely in the wrong. Do you know how much money he probably put into that? So, what does it mean when we take something that isn’t ours? Is ok to steal something of someone else’s just because you are married to them? Absolutely not. Plus all his info is probably stored on there and I would leave if someone pulled something like that on me. If you were not happy, you could have just left.
Stand strong he’ll either get over it or he’ll buy him a new, one just to piss you back off. Laugh out loud
Yes. You were wrong.
But that jigga is hella wrong as hell, too. He needs to get it together. There definitely should’ve been an adult convo had by you and him
Yes your definitely in the wrong u don’t go and do such a dis respect thing to your husband Wrong
Wow that’s just so wrong of you. Maybe try and enjoy playing the game with him if that’s the case it gos 50 50 right?
You’re both wrong and immature.
Maybe he should replace you…
Wow that really messed up . It’s one thing to put it up , but to sell his Xbox without his permission is wrong . It seems a bit controlling . I understand you want more help from him around the house. But you’re definitely not going to get it from him now. Communication is everything. Maybe if you spoke on it previously and things haven’t changed. Maybe look at the way you approach him first? Try a different method and if that doesn’t work . Then get up and leave.
You’re both wrong. You shouldn’t have sold HIS Xbox and he shouldn’t be obsessed with it. My ex husband was like that.
Woahhhhhhh…you sold someone else’s belongings?? I woulda his it maybe but sell?! Yeah you messed up!
I would have smashed it and left it in the yard for him to pick up. Lol
My point of view on this is instead of getting rid of his Xbox all together there should’ve been a conversation with your husband about how your feeling about his Xbox time and him not being involved at home. That’s where I would’ve started. If he loves his family he would want to make the effort to help and fix the issue. My other advice is have you thought about why he likes the Xbox so much maybe it’s his de-stress from work ect which is far better than him doing alot of other worse things. Now I don’t know that you didn’t have a conversation with him because you didn’t clarify. But think about how you’d feel if he took something you loved away that was your entertainment to unwind. Just my two cents
As a gamer lol. I understand and you definitely crossed a line. With that said… I take care of my home, my kid… everything. He needs to prioritize more than the game… and you need to replace his game . Just an FYI his progress is tied to his account. Not the system. Unless he was playing on story mode which he likely wasn’t because everyone plays online.
His progress is still saved but you need to replace the system
I dare someone to throw my stuff away or sell it your just a b**** buy him a new Xbox:woman_facepalming: you had absolutely no right selling his stuff. Maybe you should of just talked to him about it lol. I hope he does the same to you and leaves you in the process
Im not even a gamer and i still agree that YOU ARE SO WRONG to do that. wtf is wrong with you?
I would have broke it and sent him packing lol that boy can go back to his mamas house smfh
You couldnt just disconnect and hide it? Selling sounds extreme to me not saying hes ok. He should be more attentive. But selling is childish
Locked himself in his room…
Honey tell him he does not level up if he can’t be a father and husband.
You definitely did right. It hurts I know but he’s just not thinking about You and the Kids. His priorities are definitely off. Ask him if he’s a child or a man.
If he still feels this way send him to his Mommy. You don’t deserve that disrespect and neither do your children.
Yeah that was wrong and childish, communication let him know what you need help with and when if he still decides to pick the game over his family and responsibilities then you have to make a choice…put up with it or leave
You are 100% wrong. How would you feel if he went behind your back and sold something of value to you? He shouldn’t be spending all his time on the game. Especially when he has a family. But you should have handled the situation a different way.
Your both childish as fuck
Sorry your wrong …not the way to handle it
My opinion is yes. At least he’s at home with you all instead of being gone all night/day. I mean why not play something together? I personally love playing Xbox myself. I had my own before I was in my relationship. I’d be very upset too. Some PEOPLE just love their games and it’s not a bad thing. I get feeling ignored but that should be talked about together. Why not find some games u like to play too? At least it’s not a porn addiction. Just my opinion.
Wow! Just wow!
That’s going too far!
Narcissistic behaviour that is
Your better than me! At least you got money for it , I woulda just thrown it out a window
You should have just secretly sabotaged it… Never said a word when it didn’t work… Hahahaha
Uhm… in my experience you ask for advice before making a move… think you’re looking for validation.
My advice: You’re his wife and not his mother. Act like it.
Thats the gamer life! You should have had a conversation with him…
Yes you were in the wrong
Send him back to his mama until he can grow up
He sounds like a child not a husband.
Yes you are wrong don’t get when he sells something you like.
Well, that was childish of you.
If he’s the sole provider I do think you were wrong. I’m a stay at home mom of soon to be 3 kids(ill be 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow) I do everything hubby does help when asked or needed but when he wants to watch his shows/play his games,etc I allow him too
You sold his property. That’s a pretty crappy thing to do. Are you prepared for him to sell your stuff now whenever he feels it’s taking up too much time? Also did you even bother to clear off his account and the financial information saved to it? Bc if not y’all better lock down your accounts asap. Gonna go ahead and give you a heads up that he’s still not going to spend time with you even without the games. They were just the convenient excuse. If he had wanted to spend time with you he would have… removal/destruction of a partners property is considered abuse. You should’ve just two carded him… therapy or divorce. Neither of you are adults.
I might be the ONLY ONE on the other side BUT, I just bought the new Xbox for my husband past week because he deserves it! He is a great husband and provider, no addictions whatsoever (except video games
) I guess it really all depends on the limitations they put on themselves. My husband works full time, helps at home, & gives me & our son a decent amount of family time & he still plays video games after work, & during weekends.
MATURE MEN know how to play video games
Let his a$$ walk out and get yourself a mature man instead. Selling his console will change NOTHING!
Change his diaper and put him in his crib.
You have a child on your hands. I wouldn’t even throw out my kids stuff so yes, you are wrong.
I get it my hubby plays a bit too much also but I would never just sell it without him knowing.
Tell him to grow up and step up as a father and husband before he loses more than a game console. Your not wrong… I don’t care what anyone else on here says. A Grown A$$ married man with a full time job kids and responsibility doesn’t do that crap. Let him get mad… just ignore his childish behavior and keep moving forward.
You were wrong. He is definitely an addict and needs help but you should not have done that maybe you should have hid it instead. Did you even have a conversation with him first??? Bad move!
That’s not an excuse to sell someone else’s item… as frustrating as it may be the problem lies with your husband not the console & with that kind of response I see why he only wants to play on the game
Do you work or you take care of kids. I get that you feel like he not giving you attention. Do you think selling something he uses to unwind was the answer ? Fuel to the fire. You could just go do things and show him you can be happy without him and give him a taste of you not being there
Let him start selling off your stuff and see how you like it. Then come back and let us know how that goes.
Oh heck no!! What if he sold your stuff behind your back? Also technically that’s theft cause that was his not yours!
If you’ve had conversations before about this and nothing changes, I would have said the only thing you did wrong was sell it. I would have beat the thing to hell and or given it away! He needs to reevaluate his priorities and ask himself why it even had to come down to the extreme measure. I think God that my family isn’t into the gaming thing. I hear too many horror stories of this same exact situation!!
Pack your bags the kids bags and leave, run.
You knew he was a gamer when you got with him, married him and had kids with him. You were very wrong
I would’ve hid it till we had a serious conversation, but I never would’ve sold it. That’s crazy. And you literally wasted so much money now
How would you feel if your husband chose to sell something of yours without your knowledge or permission? Poor form mate, very poor form.
What reaction were you expecting. ? I would have been livid . You are trying to control him. It doesn’t sound like you’ve had communication in a while. There seems to be an underlying problem. Manipulating him will never have a good outcome. Possibly get some professional Counseling. If he doesn’t want to, maybe you can get some by yourself. . Sounds like he has shut down . Hopefully it will help .Praying for a positive outcome
I’m not sure I would have sold it. We own three and they are so expensive!
I think both of you are wrong… He should put his responsibilities first and you shouldn’t be deciding the fate of anyone’s belongings but yours…
Good on you for selling his 'preferred ’ lover!
You should of left him. Let him figure out what is more important not made the decision for him
A lot of y’all women are used to being below your significant other and it shows. My husband games as well but pays attention to me and I know once our daughter is born she’ll have his attention as well. Can’t be all about your game and forget about your family and then be mad when something like this happens.
Yes you were wrong. You should of talked to hi like adult. Him gaming so much is wrong as well but that was his property and you should of talked to him about your issues rather then stealing his game and selling.
I’d sell you to the gypsies. Bye!
I would’ve sold the man instead!
I do believe you were wrong. That was his property. There should have been a better compromise before selling someone’s property from under their nose. What if he sells your car? Your clothes? Yes I think he needs to spend more time with his family but this was not the way to do it.
You should have just put the Xbox and the rest of his stuff on the porch after changing the locks
You’re both in the wrong
Jasmine Salmeron this is gonna be us
He needs to grow up. Don’t have kids if you aren’t planning to be actual father. Breaks are fine. But alll day???
If my husband ignored me to play all the damn time I would have left his ass and taken our 3 kids with me to choose whats more important the stupid game or the family glad my husband chose us and limited his gaming when kids are napping no u shouldnt have sold it but got it out of the house and given it to a family member til he could grow up but it seems like ur man already chose his game I would leave his ass
If he cared enough he would change, was it wrong that you sold his Xbox? Absolutely… but if he wanted to be a more present father, partner, etc he would
Do you want to be married to him or to an Xbox?
I would have let him keep it and replaced the man instead
ur man has responsibilities now, i wouldnt have sold it but if he didnt stop it and start helping its gotta go or i would find a diff partner cuz ur not his momma ur not gunna slave away all day and take care of everything for him so he can just sit there and be ur big child.
My husband is a gamer and I would never sell his PlayStation without his consent. I hope he is petty enough to sell your favorite things cause I know I would, narcissistic much?
Throw out the Xbox and the man child, get a wife, live happily ever after. Oh wait that’s my story.
Wow someone has some growing up to do, gaming is ok, but shouldn’t consume your life period
He’s about to lose all that progress (or lack of) in his family life. Fuck that game box
I need more context. Have you discussed this with him before and told him how you feel? If you have, nta. If you haven’t, yta. Relationships are 2 way paths and we aren’t all psychics.
Yes you were wrong but if you kept talking to him aboit it then no you were right i give you props though for selling it . these days it excuses for not being involved by people there is life outside of a video game regardless of having a family. Should he have an hr or so of unwinded time yes but hrs nope. I wouldnt have sold it i would have taken it outside and ran it over with one of his outside toys lol
You should have just changed the wifi password until he could sit and have a conversation with you like an adult. OR I dunno, leave. You don’t sell a grown ass adult’s shit to “teach them lessons”. That’s not the way.
Hive him the game system with divorce papers. I would of just hide it u did go to far though.
I love this lmao. You did what a lot of us think about doing:joy:
My boyfriend is a gamer and plays his games on his phone or Xbox. I let him cause he is autistic but I would never get rid of it. That is wrong
So very wrong on more level than just one. Instead of communicating with your husband about your marriage and your feelings and the needs of your family— you chose to steal and sell something that wasn’t yours. You have now created a horrible situation full of anger and resentment… if you think THATS good for your marriage you’re sadly mistaken
Tell him to grow up or get out !
Sounds like 2 immature people in a relationship.
Can he sell your favorite things while you’re away?
Brave af! I have spent my entire 17 year failed marriage being third fiddle to alcohol and video games. I have birthed 2 children raised them alone, no help except for 8pm to 12pm when they were infants so I could sleep. Most of our vacations had to include video games. Wish I had the strength to throw it away.
And I’m betting he still isn’t helping with his kids……
I mean did you talk with him about the situation? Does he know you’re mad? Or did you all of a sudden throw the Xbox out? Either way, the
My partner is a gamer. Same thing comes home from work and is straight on the game until bed time. I threatened a few times to smash the console. But in reality it’s their way of relaxing and winding down at the end of the day. Have a conversation with him and tell him how your feeling. Communication goes along way.
He can get all his stuff back just means he will need to remember all his log in details to get his games uploaded on the new console
He don’t deserve you
He deserves a little apartment with just a couch a tv and his Xbox l
You deserve a attentive man one willing to be a partner in this life
who wants to share a life with a selfish person? Nobody
I absolutely understand your frustrations on him not taking part in the family. I would be irate if my husband was doing nothing other than on a game system. He is a grown man that has started a family and has responsibilities to that family. But! I do not think it was right to sell something of his behind his back. I’d be mad to, as would you if he had done the same to you. This is something that should have been talked about, therapy perhaps. Again, I completely get the reasons why you’d want to sell it but don’t really agree that you did. Good luck.
Let him cry a river, he will get over it soon:joy:
Selling it was too much … if a game system is dividing you two then you don’t have much of a relationship …
Idc what he isn’t doing that he should be. You had no right to sell something that did not belong to you. If I came home to find my husband sold my gaming PC, I would be filing for divorce. That is controlling and although I understand your frustration which is completely valid, you should be replacing it immediately. You basically stole from your own husband in my opinion.
That was messed up! Lol no way would I ever ever sell my husbands XBOX. Wowwwwww yeah you were SO wrong to do that