Give you 10/10 for bravery but no you were wrong. He is also very wrong putting it before his responsibilities but two wrongs don’t make a right. Communication and trust and if you don’t have that your lost in your relationship. Leads you ti a really awkward cross roads but as a couple only you both can decide which way you go!
Wonder how you would feel if he sold your stuff while away. Bet he helps even less now. Lol
You had no right to sell something of his because you don’t like him using it. If he did that with anything you care about, you’d lose your shit on him.
I would’ve just locked it away lol
From a gamers point of view, your husband had an addiction. Us gamers use games to relax or just to escape the real world at times ESPECIALLY if we had a bad day/something is bothering us. If you have him warnings that’s on him but unfortunately you took it a step further. The only thing I can recount that my wife has ever done was sell my set of subwoofer speakers that was valued at 300$ and sold the speakers and box for 40$ at her yard sale.
You were wrong for selling it … but he’s locked in a room behind it?
You both are seriously in the wrong. Holy crap.
Where are the adults in this relationship?
If a game system is what’s dividing your relationship, I don’t think you have much of a relationship. Selling it was too much.
My husband plays his game after work, weekends and on his spare time. That’s his way on winding down after a long day at work or a stressful week. He even play the same games as the kids.
Find something that helps you wind down and leave him w his.
Girl… let him leave. Take his ass to court for abandonment, and suck him dry if every penny he has. That is not a man…that is a child. Tell him to go back to his mama if he doesn’t want to participate in the family you made together.
then let him leave … any man that puts video games before his own family doesn’t deserve to have a video game system
Watch out Martin Ramirez
Yes, you are wrong.
I don’t even own one but if you sold something of mine and did not replace it immediately, I’d divorce you in heartbeat.
You overstepped big time.
I’d be so fast. Bubbye.
Yes you were wrong
2 wrongs don’t make a right
The toxic in me says:
Nah you were right
I would be livid if my partner did this lol we wouldn’t be together anymore.
I feel so sorry for him. That was mean and cruel
Yeah, that’s wrong. You didn’t mention if you asked for his help before resulting to being petty. I’m not a gamer, and personally don’t care for it but thats 100% wrong.
Tell him to GO!! LMAO!! Gonna leave over a video game! Not a man!!! Lord!!!
I’m not sure I would have really sold it. Mai made him think I did. Then workout some family time and give it back.
You were wrong for selling it but I understand why you did. My boyfriend is a gamer too and it drives me nuts sometimes
Wow. I hope he leaves you. That is childish and immature. You had no right to sell his things because you didn’t like it. Grow up, learn to communicate. If he won’t simply leave him.
Shouldn’t have sold it, u should have picked it up and smashed it right infront of him.
Husband?? Sounds like a child to me who can’t get his own way I don’t know if that’s just me seeing this but wow a grown man acting like teenager with an attitude problem I’m sorry but you should have more help and time to help you not just put his own needs in front of his kids needs it’s just wrong to me to be honest I wouldn’t of sold it though I would of compromised and hope that things sort themselves out tbh
This is super messed up. I hope at no point in your life u obsess over anything… If u don’t like him playing games and you’re irritated then you need to voice that. If he doesn’t change, leave. Don’t sell his shit without talking to him… That’s insane
Yeah. You were in the wrong and acted like a child. Tf?
If I had already talked to him about the situation and asked for more help and he ignored me I would’ve just went on the internet app and blocked it from the internet for awhile. I’d be mad if he went and sold my system behind my back. But it’s already done so I say he stops crying about it and spend some time with his family. And no he won’t lose progress as long as he knows his Xbox profile log in info, you just sign in on any Xbox and download the games you were playing.
Straight savage. No fks given lmao I think it’s great. … was it Wrong yes… If he’s been warned multiple times… then he sounds like a douche canoe anyway
10/10 for having some major balls but yeah I think any man would react the same way. imagine if he sold something of yours without your knowledge? Not cool for anyone to ever do.
Yes you was in the wrong OMG the least you could have done was talk to him and tell him how you felt! Not go and sell his Xbox for Pete sake’s that’s a big no no. What kind of monster are you?
Yup that is how my ex was! On his PlayStation then got a pc and is always on phone or tv also
That depends on how you choose to live your life. He has shown you who he really is … Believe him THE FIRST TIME
Sometimes the upgrade is being alone
You deserve happiness so do your children.
Been there done that aside from selling his xbox. No adult man should choose games over his family.
I mean I can see if after numerous attempts to try to talk about the problem maybe taking it “Away” to try to get your point across. But actually selling it!?!? Yikes I get why you did it… I’m assuming it was somewhat impulsive? Or I hope lol but it was definitely wrong. Sorry I’m with him, you owe him a new one. But you also need to talk ab why you did what you did what you did. Hopefully you guys can compromise with things here on out!
Pack up his clothes and leave them on the porch, change the locks, call an attorney, and tell him to growup!!!
Do you think that selling the Xbox will fix the problem? Absolutely NOT , he is the problem not the game, he clearly doesn’t have any interest on his family and relationship with you , I mean, I get that maybe playing a little bit before bed will help to release some stress , but playing all the time is unacceptable.
I will have broken the Xbox in front of him …. And asked him to leave
I love it! Let him leave
Wow let’s sell your stuff out from under you. I would be livid. He should leave you for this. There is such thing and talking and putting your foot down but you have gone too far. I would never be able to trust you again if I were him.
you were wrong…
You don’t go through what he goes at work. My husband plays and if you want attention stop nagging. Do all the work and instead of investing your time in worrying about him. Do you (as in at home NO CHEATING) never I mean never sell something that is not yours. Please let him know his stuff is saved to his account. That’s just wrong. I mean I used to get upset, but now I have time for meeeeeee and watching MY shows I love. Showing independence attracts him I to your world. I’m sorry to say this. Now that you have all his attention. You may need to deep ——— cause. That’s a release for men and you gave an open window. (I’m sorry if I was to blunt not trying to be mean)
If you think this is really about an Xbox, then neither of you have any idea what’s going on in your own home, marriage and lives…this is indicative of bigger problems, wish you well and hope y’all figure it out
If my man was on the game and don’t make any time for his wife and kids. The game will be sold and I will walk out on him to make him learn his lesson.
Girl,HE WORKS, let him have his game, he should help you out at the weekend though, but you were wrong, childish. Now go buy him a new one. He won’t lose all his progress as its saved on his profile
Super ballsy of you to do that!!! Perfect!!! I gave away my hubbys Rottweiler years ago. I was 8 months prego with an 8 year old son. He bought the dog for himself. He spent 0 time with it. I fed it etc… it literally became to big to handle. I begged, talked and pleaded for him to either take care of it or get rid of him. After months of no change. I gave it to a family another family!! It was 3 f’ing days before he noticed!!! Which proved my point! He was furious!!! Oh well, ain’t had a dog since! Go girl!!!
You’re wrong. Selling the console without his knowledge was wrong and NOT a mature or constructive way of handling an issue in a relationship.
That being said, if he is threatening to leave over a gaming console… bye. Shows where his priorities are.
I would have bashed it with a hammer grown ass man needs to be doing other things and then play his game. GOOD JOB DON’T LET PPL GET YA DOWN.
Hes still going to work? He deserves some down time too.
You can’t respect your husband - and this is the reason he is going to be hard headed - and he can’t respect you and your wants either!
You could of hid it not sell it can’t force anyone to be around you or force someone to do what they don’t want too do period
Sounds incredibly immature to me
. You could probably live without him! Better to be pissed off than pissed on!
Tell him to go live with his mother, if he wants to act like a child
You’ve heard the saying “two wrongs don’t make a right”? That? Should be inserted here. Was his obsessive gaming ok? Absolutely not. Your behavior was equally as bad.
How would you feel if he took something that was yours, that you love, and sold it? I imagine…you’d feel similar.
I’m going to add:
If you guys have been together for a while and this is a fairly new behavior for him.
You should have (and still can btw) seriously taken the time to try to understand what’s going on with him.
That amount of gaming can mean addiction sure…but it can also mean other things.
For example…A LOT of People game to escape reality. They turn to it more during times of heightened stress, depression, or anxiety.
I personally dive into projects when I’m upset. Especially if I’m not ready to talk about it yet.
Selling his stuff without his consent. That’s messed up. Imagine if someone sold your car without your permission if y’all ain’t happy, leave eachother but stealing and selling it and not expect an argument? You delusional
You better hid your jewelry
Wow that’s messed up
Yes, you were wrong. You communicate if there’s an issue. You don’t steal someone’s property and sell it.
You knew that was coming…what did you think was gonna happen???
Nope from what I have read in these mum pages and groups more of us need to do exactly what you did.
He is wrong for putting the games before his family but you selling it want exactly right either. I get it, you need him to unplug from the game and you’re so right but if he can’t let go of it then it may be best to let him go.
You’re both immature & shouldn’t have gotten married or had children if you can’t even communicate.
Completely wrong!!! He is an adult. You are not his mother!! You can’t just take someone’s shit and sell it.
I would be pissed!!
If you didn’t replace it, I would take something of yours that you value and sell it!!
If you don’t like his behavior, you talk about it. If that doesn’t work, you continue to communicate, LIKE AN ADULT!!
If his behavior doesn’t change then you have a decision to make.
Definitely wrong for doing that. How would you feel if he just got rid of something important to you? Y’all need to sit down and work on some communication and come to a mutual understanding and agreement
Big baby let him stay in his room and remind him thats tbere is more important things in this world like family kids
Yes you were wrong for it.
Selling it was wrong! Him not helping you with the kids and not being a part of the family daily responsibilities is also wrong! I can see after work getting on for a couple hrs but not using all his free time gaming! You both are wrong in this! Talk it out, set boundaries on family time and gaming! Communicate!!! If it doesn’t change just leave and don’t get with a gamer!
Yes, you were wrong. Yes, he was wrong to treat his family that way, but selling his Xbox won’t fix the problems you have. How would you like it if he sold something of yours that was your favorite thing … a favorite outfit or a favorite perfume that he doesn’t like … or these days it might be your iphone or your TV or your stereo. You’re treating your husband like a child, because he’s been acting like a child, but he’s not a child.
I think some marriage counseling might be in order, if you want to save the marriage.
Should of talked to him my hubby is a big game as well and I will say something to him. I game as well but nit as much as him and I know stuff like that is not cheap
You can’t force someone to do what they should for their family… selling his property will remove that but if he truly does not want to be supportive an Xbox is not going to make a difference
You are wrong for selling it. Those are not cheap and its his property. However i definitely don’t agree with neglecting your family for a game. Id have talked first or maybe hid it and told him you sold it then come clean and let him know this is his warning or something. And if he still doesn’t get it then consider leaving. Now he will resent you and prob get another system and want to play the game even more to get back his progress to where it was before.
I mean it was definitely wrong.
But he’s also a man-child. Should have just cut your losses and kicked him to the curb.
Wow…who the hell do you think you are?? Replace it now!
Wow… you are controlling
Y’all really think these marriages are going to work huh?
Probably just should hid it first and told him that u sold it. Then you could of negotiated with his excessive use. Then u could have told him u will leave. Good luck
For those that say. “Tell him to grow up) or the “to leave” just stop. Cause be happy he is at home instead of something else. Men get frustrated just like women. Yes I get it. We MAY do more. Cause that’s our babies. Do not get mad at him. You may feel alone and I get it. After a long hard day at work. You want to unwind. Let him do that. He isn’t sticking his joy stick somewhere else. Be happy.
Is the guys name Devon same situation I had exact same done left his ass months ago
Ok question before you did this did you try to discuss this with him? Have it out and tell him what you want and need from him? Did you warn him that if he didn’t do better you would do that? Or did you just decide one day while he was at work, without giving him fair warning etc to change his ways, before dishing out consequences as you saw fit? Marriage is a partnership not a dictatorship and communication is key. Good luck.
Wow. You are so wrong. Wth!
It wasn’t yours to sell and if you think your relationship is going to get better after selling his Xbox you are sadly mistaken. I can only imagine what type of human being you are. Your relationship has a lot of problems that venture much deeper than the Xbox. You didn’t help anything, you made matters much worse. Regardless of his effort into your relationship you should replace his Xbox because again it wasn’t yours to sell. You could have tried couples therapy, date night, better communication, anything but you didn’t. You were hurt and you wanted him to hurt like you were hurting and so you sold the one thing that mattered to him in your opinion. It was childish. You both deserve other people.
Yall are both wrong.
Not in the wrong at all, gaming addiction. Is serious and if he isn’t helping with the house or kids I’d do the same.
Let him walk out over an Xbox. Shows his priorities and will be great to tell the kids as they get older why daddy chose not to be around.
I have 0 empathy for him.
As an adult of you have to game to escape you need to check your priorities… and seek help.
Bro I would’ve smashed it right in front of him not sell it
Nope!!! You were in the right 100%
You have a husband not a high school teenager!!
Yes it was wrong. What if he sold something of yours? Also wrong of him not to help tho.
Haha! You go! I wouldn’t do it but I appreciate your lady balls
He’s wrong for being on the game so much but you’re absolutely wrong for selling his gaming system. My husband is a gamer and he works his tail off so it’s his way to unwind. I don’t blame your husband for being mad. I’d be livid if my husband sold my games and stuff without my consent.
I’m not sure what kind of work your husband does or if you work full time or are a SAHM. But my husband works construction 60+ hours a week & is on call 24/7(they fix water main breaks & leaks) his Xbox is his way to unwind from working so hard. Especially in this heat he works his butt off and he likes to come home, cool off, unwind & get on his game with his buddies. He still helps around the house mostly on the weekends because he is so wore out from working so hard during the week(I don’t blame him) there has to be comprise. I would much rather my husband be at home playing his Xbox on the mic with his buddies than out drinking or doing god knows what. I know he is safe and I know it is what helps him unwind, relax and just gives him a break from life for a little bit, it is his escape. I do 100% think you were in the wrong for selling his Xbox. It should have been a discussion and you should’ve communicated how you feel and asked him to help you more when he can. Communication is KEY in a marriage!! But to sell something that is his escape and hobby like that behind his back was not the right thing to do. I’m sorry this is just my opinion!
All these new school people. Lmao.
No one is old school crazy anymore and that’s why all these people are crying about how their husband doesn’t do anything.
Well here is an unpopular opinion.
I would have done the same thing.
I probably would have broken it.
Let him be mad. Sometimes you gotta make a point. And let him leave. Sounds like he’d be doing you a favor.
Wow his only time away from reality and you sold it? You’re a shitty person
Being the wife of a gamer I can understand both sides of this. Like you said he doesn’t help with anything around the house or spend time with you but in his perspective you’ve done the worst possible thing. I want to say you shouldn’t have done this but I can see why you did. You’ve basically given him an ultimatum and I’d wouldn’t be surprised if he chooses the Xbox over you. I would think the Xbox obsession is covering up for something else going on with him. Maybe insecurity or something else. I would definitely seek counselling. This is clearly an obsession that’s taken over his life where he needs professional help.
Yea wow I’d leave you to for selling my belongings, imagine if u came home and he sold all your makeup and perfume and his reasoning being u don’t need to look good or smell good when u leave the house you’ve got me……
I would do the same thing. My husband was this way. And it ended up being him in a relationship with some girl on the thing. some people are just plain stupid I guess.
Two wrongs don’t make a right
you’re 100% wrong, idc lol
For all the women saying that shes controlling, that she needs to be grateful he’s not out there cheating.
Just because your standards are at all times low and you pray a fish for swimming, doesn’t mean you get to dictate your little pathetic relationship dynamics into someone else.
He should’ve been more attentive in the relationship than the Xbox. You got his attention now. Make him comply or leave, the ball is in your court now. If he puts effort into the relationship he signed up for he’ll get a new one otherwise let him go.
Well, it wasn’t yours to sell so
I’d also be pissed😵💫
I hope you at least gave him the money you got for it… then you still owe him the difference for a new one.
In short, yes… you were wrong.
Definitely in the wrong…well, both are in the wrong…however, he needs to figure out how to be a husband and dad as well as gaming! There is a balance, but you took that option off the table! Maybe both of you grow up and talk instead of being petty!
I would do this in a heart beat! I literally asked my husband on our first date if he played video games because I refuse to date anyone who does! Ps. I love that you sold his shit!
Wrong for sure! I have a gamer nerd bf but he is exact opposite of what you describe. Mine cooks and cleans and works over nights shifts too. Even if he didnt help out, I’d never do that! It’s just their way of relaxing…
If he is ignoring the kids , not helping around the house at all, and ignoring you… that’s a struggle for me . I demand 50/50 in my house . I stay home and raise the kids , but we had 9. I cook and grocery shop, do extra curricular activities with the kids and all the laundry . He helps when he gets home with playing with kids , baths and reading. We both get down time after kids in bed . Your husband is a husband and father . He doesn’t get to be a little boy on his electronics all day . Some time before and after work I could see, but not all that fine you described . I’d be petty and hide his cords though . I wouldn’t sell it .