He’s a grown man. Don’t sweat it. He needs to spend time with him family.
You are wrong and he needs to grow up
Upright selling my belongings behind my back? Yeah I’d leave you to. This is coming from a gamer, that’s messed up. That’s hours of his progress lost.
As a working mother, he needs to learn to balance life and his games and grow up a little if he really doesn’t do anything with the house or the kids.
wow–certainly not the way to solve the problem and yes you were wrong!!! Buy him another one and seek marital counseling as it seems he is addicted to it
Definitely wrong you treated him like a kid and sold his console however if he’s gonna leave you over it that shows you right there where his priorities are! Dudes a lame And you well that was brave of you to get his attention in that way!
It wasn’t your property to sell. How would you like to if he sold your car? You are extremely immature and out of line you have control issues that need to be addressed. While you can have a discussion it’s not your place to touch his belongings
He’s wrong and you’re wrong. Doing that won’t fix his crappy behavior and will only make it worse.
I don’t know what the solution WOULD have been as I don’t know what steps you tried to take, if any, before selling his game system. But I do know that doing that behind his back was 100% the wrong move.
I love to play sports. I take most opportunities to play whenever I can. If I was with someone who would just sell all of my baseball gear when I’m away to get me to ‘stop’ playing, I would be absolutely livid. There are better ways to go about it.
I’d be pissed only at the fact that it is all of that progress lost. My boyfriend plays his games but he also tends to us and our needs as a family. So I do also understand frustration if you’re not getting what is needed in the relationship/household. But selling the Xbox is sick, unless you’re the person who originally bought it.
Replace the husband (man child) NOT the Xbox!
Brave move good for you, stand your ground
I’d be pissed if my husband sold something of mine. Period
Soo wrong for that… there are other ways to go about getting his attention
Because boy do you have it now. And not how you wanted
I wish I was this brave!!
Wrong but understandable.
Tell him he’s right, he is going to lose all of his progress….with his wife & children! Good grief it’s just a fkn game. Sit him down and tell him he needs to get his shit together.
And this is what most females are going to have to deal with from here on out bc children today are on devices, playing games and not living or learning how to LIVE!
God Bless!
Buy him a gaming PC then pack your bags and leave.
I would be pissed off if my man sold something of mine …
If he was doing nothing but playing let him go don’t be a fool no more
Totally wrong so many other options and ideas lol
You’re both wrong. You’re both childish AF. You’re relationship was over before it began because you’re both too immature for marriage.
I think you both could use some more maturity
10000000% you were wrong
I get why he is mad but if he’s seriously threatening to leave you over, I’d take the first step and leave first like what the fuck
Yes, you’re wrong for getting rid of his XBox. He is working to support his family and come home to play. What if he buys a new XBox with his pay check and turn in whatever is left to you, its up to you to budget it. You guys should have work things out. Talk it out and compromise.
I took my ex’s power cable to work with me
Video games ruin marriages. Dudes use them to escape and get their entertainment. It keeps them from being present. They get addicted. You just dumped the liquor bottle down the drain, basically and he’s big mad. So be it.
Yes you are in the wrong. He should help out, but you shouldn’t have just sold his stuff. It wasn’t yours to sell. I enjoy my husband playing his video game at night… That is my “me” time. - We are together all day tho because we own a business. He’s probably going to sell something of yours to show you how it feels…be prepared. You might get dumped over the Xbox
Coming from a gamer that’s really messed up and there are so many other ways you could have went about it…not cool
I would do the same thing! Women that put up with this behavior are only hurting their kids. I wouldn’t replace it. I’d tell him to get his a… in gear and get involved with the family or find someone who will
Absolutely you are in the wrong. He could have been out here cheating on you with someone else. How would you feel if he took your stuff and sold it? He is 100% in the right to be pissed off at you. You should have been an adult and told him that you 2 needed to sit down and talk about somethings but instead you act childish and go sell his game. He isn’t a child he is a grown man. Don’t like what he is doing then just leave but you had absolutely no right to sell something that didn’t belong to you!!!
If I were him I would definitely leave you bc you trying to act like his mother and not his wife.
Atleast he wasn’t out drinking and cheating every night… us men need some way to escape due to all the pressure that is put on us men… and to be honest if I was him I would have left that was wrong
Woah. Before selling did you try to talk to him about maybe limiting his time on it without loosing your shit on him? I’m sure after working all day he wants to unwind & I’m sure you do too but men unwind differently & honestly would you rather him be on his Xbox or running around? If that was me I’d be pissed too, I’m sure he worked for the money to buy it. & maybe the two of you could have come to an understanding of when it’s appropriate to play, like after you’ve spent time as a family & the kids (if y’all have any) are asleep. I can see where you’re coming from but just straight up selling it while he was at work is kinda f*cked.
Y’all were both wrong
I probably would have given him a warning, then waited a few days.
fck yeah your in the wrong!!! & i hate this type of shit!! If that man has been working all day & your not then u shoulda respected him!! why would u ever think your allowed to sell his personal stuff while hes at WORK!! i swear its girls w/ the good men that actually PROVIDE that are so immature AF & play victim after crossing the lines then try to say the men are the wrong ones for stepping up & calling it out… meanwhile im over here by myself, done been thru hell trying to just survive & raise both my sons without their dads or a man at all and just been praying & wishing a GOOD man that works & provides would come into my life but no, just a bunch of ppl that wanna “chill”, try to use me or waste my time and i keep waiting for something thats actually worth it but immature females like u end up messing up all the good guys over shit that could have been fixed & dealt with way better! u dont even deserve him if “this” is your way of getting back at him cuz if u guys are a TEAM then u dont do “getbacks” instead u work thru it TOGETHER! i wish the internet buys him a new system & he refuses to talk to u FR now cuz what a b*tchass bully move! reminds me exactly of somebody else i know thats doing this same type of shit & destroying a GOOD man! u better hope he pays the bills with his next check cuz he could buy a new system & stay in a motel for a week straight gaming & see how much u get talked to then!
I don’t believe you should have sold his xbox, but they’re his children to and he should be spending some time with them and you. You should have given him an alternative though.
Mate. YOU are in the wrong. If my husband sold my Xbox or gaming PC I would leave him. It’s not his. However, he shouldn’t be playing it 24/7.
Posts like this really make me appreciate my husband. I’ve definitely known people that played video games like that, thank god my husband isn’t one. He is currently sitting playing with our 4 year old. If I was married to someone that ignored us like that for video games I wouldn’t stay.
I will say it’ll ruin ya, but playing every once and a while hurts no one.
I mean if he is working all day and you stay at home it’s your job to take care of the house and kids bc he is paying all the bills. Yes he should help with the kids but you took it way to far and now I doubt he will ever help you with anything EVER again. Grow up and stop acting like you are in high school.
A bit too far… there are dudes out there that aren’t addicted to video games… shoulda left him and his Xbox alone for Pete’s sake and find a man that doesn’t game. If you have to change someone to conform to your standards then they are definitely not the one for you.
I find it hard to believe someone actually went this far. Tell me it’s a joke?!
Oh this is classic, hahahaha sounds like a kid chucking a tantrum hahahha
You could of hid the cord, box, or remote to teach him a lesson, but to sell it??!! That’s all kinds of wrong and I would be pissed and threatening to leave too (and I don’t even like Xbox)
You definitely wrong and I hope he does leave you because of it
He should be dating a gamer tbh. Some women are treating men like children just because they game. My hubby and I are gamers and it suits. But I would be upset if he done it when he was supposed to be helping, as he has done in the past.
I’m gonna go against what seems to be the majority, and say, No I don’t think you were in the wrong. There seem to be bigger issues in your marriage than you throwing away his game box. And he’s been hiding from them. Maybe once he calms down, you guys can begin talking and quite possibly seek marriage counseling. Sounds like you need it. Good luck to you. If he’s not willing, that’s your sign to take the kids and leave him.
Yes , you are very much in the wrong. It was not yours to sell. He could be doing way worse like cheating on you but he is not. He is gaming. I hope you do replace it.
Girlll. You fked up!! He will probably leave you now fr
Girl if he wouldn’t help before, why would he help now? With the stunt you pulled, he’s not helping and you probably just caused irreparable damage to your marriage instead of getting a therapist involved. What he needed was you to bring attention to his lack of balance, not sell his personal mode of release, smh.
May the odds be ever in your favor.
Someone would any of my gaming or electronic equipment without my permission they will be living on the streets. No way.
Yes you were wrong in selling it . Should really communicate.
You are wrong and an awful person for doing that.
I’m shocked right now. I’m a gamer, I play within moderation, but I would be LIVID if someone took it and sold it. WOW. Speechless.
No you aren’t. I would have laid down my expectations first, then said it’s me or the game. I have had to do the same with my ex. Speaking from experience, don’t bother. If they are already acting like this they will continue. Just get rid of him now. His behavior is terrible. Do you want your kids growing up thinking his lazy, worthless, tantrum throw behavior is okay? Cause they will learn to act just like him, do you want them to act like that?
He’s wrong for not being a partner.
Selling his toy wasn’t maybe the best thing to do vs kick his teenager-acting-ass out.
But. I could see a moment of petty rage causing this.
Sounds like things are at the “therapy or it’s over point.”
Apologies for dropping this here but it feels too great to stay quiet, Good work needs recommendations.
C oonnect with Mrs
lmao if my baby daddy didn’t help cause he was too busy playing his game i’d ruin that shit right in front of him. For the people saying you’re wrong … just advocating for dads that pick gaming systems over kids
For everyone saying she went to far!! I’m sure they’ve had this argument 1000 times… he should have learned the lesson during those 1000 arguments!! I am kinda jelly that I didn’t think of this when my ex did this!! Plus if he was a decent husband or father he would respect his family enough to see that it was a huge issue! Good for you op and DO NOT REPLACE THAT XBOX!!! If he’s gonna leave over that then he’s basically saying that his video game progress is more important than your family!!
You did it for the right reasons but you are still in the wrong you should have talk to him and come to some sort of compromise or get your things and leave
Wrong for sure. Not wrong for feeling like you do. The way you handled it was wrong. He is not a child and that belonged to him. Should have bought a small lock put it.on the power plug locked it and tell him it’s somewhere under this mess or with the kids. Bet he’d help then
No he needs to leave you why would you think it is okay to sell something that he bought and paid for you are very very wrong for doing this
He is your husband, not your child!!
You are definitely in the wrong for selling it, you should have communicated your frustration to him before deciding to do that.
That probably went to far maybe talk to him about your concerns
Yeah your reasons may have been good but huge asshole move. I can’t blame him and I’m no gamer.
Yes wrong, what if he sold something of yours I would be pissed. U should have given him the choice then when he chose wrong you leave ! See how he likes that
Yeah you did. Wasn’t your property to sell. I get being angry and wanting to do something to the thing that took up his time, but to sell it or break it isn’t right. You needed to talk more, go to couples counseling, give him an ultimatum or legit leave.
Your feelings are valid, your actions were not. at all.
Lol you are WRONG. Yeah he should’ve been helping with everything but you do not have the right to sell his shit. Replace it and hope he forgives you and your bullshit
You were right!!! Kick him out…counseling he has his priorities wrong…not healthy to game all the time…stick to your guns girl!!!
He sounds like a child and you need a man…
Yikes. You both sound really immature, that being said, after he calms down you should both have a sit down discussion at the kitchen table and discuss where to go from here because what’s done is done. It should have been done prior to you selling his Xbox but kinda late for that.
You are in the wrong . I would be mad as well This doesn’t sound like a nice relationship
I understand where you’re coming but you probably should have sat down with him first. I think you went a little too far.
Why are people saying she’s wrong and forgetting the part where he doesn’t help out with the children like wtf at least comprehend that part
And no your not awful for the poeple saying you are
Petty but not awful!
Probs too far but hey , one can only express their feelings about shit so much. I’m a gamer but I’m playing when my kids are sleeping. There’s a difference with having the time and simply not making any time, and your hubby isn’t making any time.
I want to say that you’re wrong but I won’t. I will say this: boo you got balls and I LOVE IT!!! I wish I could do something like that! But him threatening to leave over that shit….I’d replace it and tell him to get the hell out!
Your feelings are valid. Your actions were wrong
Let him go…don’t have time to care for man child
If he can’t put that much effort into his family and home then he isn’t worth a shit anyway…
You are wrong! A lot of gamers use that to get away or have ‘me’ time. I would be pissed too!!! I game n would be pissed as well.
Whew. “Thems fighting words.” My husband is a gamer and has been since we met over 25 years ago. 3 kids later and I may have thought about that or threatened it but … that was not a good move. Just my opinion. I would definitely recommend having a conversation about him helping.
Honestly I’d leave you to. I don’t care if he is your husband, if he bought that xbox it is his and you owe him the money. If you are unhappy with him leave. That was pure petty and childish on your part.
You MUST be a younger couple because you do NOT just sell someone’s property. He isn’t bar hopping or hoe hopping, he is at HOME. If you feel he isn’t paying enough attention to you and the kids… that’s what you two need to speak on… not doing something in a vindictive tone. If that is his ONLY hobby and thing that relaxes him… why take it away. If he is under 30 he needs to grow up a bit and the two of you should have talked about expectations LONG before marriage and kids because the game didn’t bother you before but is an issue now.
You were WRONG! The right thing would be to not be home with the kids when he gets home. Just be gone. Go to your moms for a couple of weeks. Nothing you said makes it sound like you work… so of course you want some attention from your husband but nagging him and having an attitude and then selling his stuff isn’t the way it’s taken care of.
mature up and he needs a wake up call. Replace it ASAP. It’s JUST a game to YOU but it’s his hobby and a way to relax and spend time with friends online. You just royally messed up
Ok so when he gets mad at you can he sell the things you like the most that belong to you? No… then your going about it wrong yall need marriage counseling
I mean. You coulda just put a sign in password on his account and when he asked for the password you have a conversation about it making you upset then give him the password. Selling it behind his back is a bit extreme wtf
You should have sold him instead
Wow. You were wrong. How would you feel if he sold your phone while you are asleep? Just took it and sold it. Your marriage has big problems and it sounds like communication is the biggest problem.
My son would have left you and my ex husband would have left you if you sold their game systems. You don’t sell someone’s stuff because you feel neglected.
You need to replace his system and then you need to talk.
Yup that was a little wrong and dirty, but you should stand by your decision. I would do the same no regrets.
He locked himself in your bedroom like a child lmfao
Yeah you made the right decision, now tomorrow go to the courthouse and get those divorce papers
What the hell this has to be a fake post. There’s no way that you did this.
Your man stays at home playing video games and doesn’t go out cheating? What’s the problem.
First of all girl you don’t go to those lengths. As a gamer wife I’d be pissed too. Now you can do the right petty thing and put a lock on the plug so he can’t play till you unlock it. I think he’s being a brat about it but you kinda were too by selling it behind his back.
If you were that upset with him leave him or talk to him about it. It was childish and petty to sell something you didn’t buy him
You are a douche…if he sold something of yours you would be livid
No. You are in the wrong here. A conversation should have been had about you wanting him to help out more. You don’t just sell his fucking shit. Maybe he’s using it as an outlet. Maybe he’s depressed. Maybe he’s tired of fighting with you.
You shoulda sold him and kept the Xbox.
He isn’t worth keeping
Lmfao omfg that’s like taking candy from a child mid bite smfh ya you was wrong
My husband said you weren’t wrong at all and I agree with him.
Hubby needs to man-up and own his responsibilities —- wife, children/family, home.
It’s wrong to sell somebody else stuff. U could’ve just changed the wifi password he wouldn’t be able go online with it till y’all talk things out. U should replace it next time talk about y’all issues not sell his stuff to get a point across which u did it in a wrong way yes he should help with the kids but at least he went to work came back home he ain’t out cheating he playing a game maybe play with him bond with him too