My husband literally only works and sleeps: Am I overreacting?

As far as human beings are concerned, it is very simple for us. There are only two things that we need to worry about. One is “Love” the other “fear”. One of these two emotions is the ultimate cause of everything that has ever happened to you, for you or near you.
Every positive thing that has ever taken place in your life is the result of some sort of Love; every negative, some sort of fear. It seems like the more simple the idea, the more abstract it appears. I think that we really are too smart for our own good sometimes. After more than thirty years of searching for the meaning of Love, someone finally gave a definition that made sense. They said Love is when you have no ill will towards a person. Simple enough statement right? I ask that you stop here for a moment to really grasp what was just said. It might be the most important lesson you ever learn. The most striking thing for me is that it’s how I feel about you, not how you feel about me. I thought that in order to feel Loved, I needed to find someone that would Love me or give their Love to me. Notice that every time I use the word Love it’s capitalized, this is not a typo. I was taught that God is Love. Love is an aspect of God & therefore He is the source or “cause” of Love. What a tremendous relief! I spent more than thirty years trying to wrestle Love away from other human beings & failed miserably. For the past few years, with this new found understanding of Love, I have a fantastic relationship. No fighting & arguing, lying & cheating; no abuse or neglect; nobody is taking advantage of anybody; no one is being taken for granted. And why? Is it because I found the perfect girl? Or is it because I have a better understanding of Love? Here is the answer: No one is perfect! I don’t demand that she Love me, in fact I don’t need or expect her to. Why? Because God is Love! I get Love from God & as long as I give that Love freely to others, never, ever expecting anything in return (that’s what “give freely” means), then God keeps giving me more. God is the source of Love, not my girlfriend. She is the opportunity that God gave me to demonstrate (or manifest - covered later) His Love. If you don’t believe in God yet, that’s ok, just stop trying to pry Love away from other people. Try to just simply let it exist inside of you & then live by the principle of giving rather than getting.

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I’m a single mom with 3 special needs kids. I run a medical billing business and take care of my kids during the day and work 3rd shift 6 nights a week anywhere from 8-12 hours a shift as a CNA. I sleep 2-3 hours a day except on my day off when I May get 6 hours of sleep.

That being said, I don’t have the luxury of sleeping 12 hours a day, I don’t even have the luxury of sleeping for the normal 8 per day.

I work 830pm to 7am. That is seriously a hard shift and it’s exhausting. He needs to adjust to that shift. It took me a year before I could function on only a few hours of sleep a day. There are days I choose sleeping over eating. I also have days where I lay in bed and don’t sleep at all because the sun is up and I can so are my kids .Cut him some slack. Day walkers will never understand what we go through physically and mentally as night shifters especially when their parents who had to deal with the guilt something as simple as sleeping.


I just started the same shift about a month ago and unfortunately it’s his body getting used to it. I’m doing the same thing and I feel awful for my kids even they they are having a ball while I’m sleep :woman_facepalming:t2:


It sucks working overnights. He sounds like he’s miserable and probably depressed. If he’s not happy talk about what you can do to help him and don’t be surprised if he needs to switch hours…,


The do us both a favor seems like maybe he purposely is avoiding you and the family and is maybe checked out of the marriage already


May need a B 12…injection


Working nights literally ruined my son’s dad and Is relationship. After 5 years we separated because if I was doing it alone why not just not worry about another child (him)

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I currently work third shift. 10-7
I come home and sleep 8-1:30/2 and im up the rest of the afternoon… I have 5 kids… couldnt imagine not doing so…

I’ve trained my body to do this daily… it was rough at first but I adjusted. It was for my kids, I’d do anything for them.


No you are not. My son works 3rd shift, 12 hour shifts actually, comes home sleeps for 4 hours then is up before the kids come home from school so he can play with the 2 yr old then picks up the other 4…yes 5 kids…helps with homework, dinner, cleans up, kissing them all good night after tucking them in with Mom then heads to work. Now Sundays you can usually find him napping for 4 hours in the afternoon but I think he makes 3rd shift work because he wants to.


Maybe the quality of the day sleep is not good maybe see if you can improve the env. Dark and quiet… give a little bit for the body to adjust. Then set an alarm for 8 hours of sleep. If he would agree to it.


As someone who works 7pm-730am…it’s hard

Well, he’s only been working like this for a month. I think maybe his mind and body are going to take time to adjust. It won’t happen overnight. I remember when I was young, used to sleeping very little, and worked night shift. I was a wreck. My body felt weak almost all the time, my feet killed me, I could sometimes not stand on my feet when getting up after going to bed. My mind was useless, really. And worked like that for some time, and I never got used to it. My husband, during the week, will work all day, comes home at about 5:30pm, and if I’m lucky he’ll still be awake at 8pm. But he’s sometimes so tired, he falls asleep while watching TV with the kids, luckily after eating and having a bath. It doesn’t bother me though, even though I have 5 kids to get to bed. I think you should talk to each other, and honestly and seriously put yourselves in each other’s shoes. He needs to think about what you’re going through, and you need to think about what it feels like for him. Communication is very important. Also, when talking about it, watch how you phrase things. Because any person, especially tired, will immediately go on the defensive if they feel attacked. When I talk to my husband about something, I always think about what I’m going to say, and how I say it, and think how I’d feel if he said those things to me. Just my opinion. Good luck


3rd shift is horrible. When I worked 3rd I had alot of trouble adjusting it took a few months then I quit, it takes a toll on your body and mind especially if your not use to it. My bf works 3rd now I only except him to help around the house on his days off. His outburst was alittle too much tho, maybe try and talk to him.

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how old is he and what kind of work does he do

Yes you are over reacting. 3rd shift is horrible on the body to work… let him get used to working it. It will take a few months at that. Not 1 month


Nope. I work this exact schedule and I sleep from 8am to 2:30pm so I can spend time with my family. I get an extra hour of sleep when the kids go to bed at 9pm. There’s no reason to spend all day in bed.

I’ve worked nights before. It KILLS your social life and romantic life. You’re always tired, and it takes years to get used to for some people to where you can either stay up to hang out with someone and then go to sleep or get up early enough before work to hang out. And then you have to worry about not ruining your sleep schedule yourself on your days off to spend time with your loved ones. It’s really difficult, and it’s a hard choice to make.


I’m in a sort of similar situation, mine lays in bed a lot trying to sleep because of his pain that he also doesn’t try to manage(sprinkle enough CBD is how he lives) and it is very frustrating to carry around the weight of doing it basically on your own another direction. I’d be thrilled if mine had a better job to back up his lay in bed self but do I see your point of view, absolutely! If he isn’t meeting you halfway or at least trying to work together to come up with something that works for both of you than move on you still deserve to be happy

His body is adjusting. 3rd shift is crazy. I think you should chill out

I know it can be difficult, however, please try to be patient. You said he’s only been at this new job for a month. Regardless of what shift is worked a new job is exhausting on the mind and body. I just started a new job myself about a month ago and it has me mentally and physically drained even though I am still working the same hours as my previous job. Some people can adapt to change faster than others, I do hope it gets better for you both though.

Hi there, my husband and I had the same issues when he went on 3rd. It doesn’t change with time. Best thing is for him to go back to first ASAP. You will start resenting him so much.

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My husband used to work the same shift and he would get up at 4pm everyday to pick up the kids from daycare and then meet me back home at 5 when I get home and we would cook, clean, and take care of the kids together. He should not be in bed until it’s time to leave again. Him asking for you to kick him out seems like he already has his mind made up. I would have a serious talk with him about the marriage.


3rd shift is hard, I would have to set an alarm to get up around 2:30 try to function during the day then after dinner take a nap before getting ready for work. It’s a hard adjustment to do and you have to want to do it. My husband would come home from 3rd shift and try to watch our kids while I went to work and that was awful but he eventually got out of 3rd shift and I moved my mom in to be a live in nanny which has really helped us.

Night shift is the worst I work it and all I do is sleep full time sleeper the sleep you get a night is not the same as day sleep it’s way worse

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At the moment…yes, you are being unreasonable.
Take a breath and a step back.
The circadian rhythm in the body is naturally designed to be awake when the sun is up and sleep when the sun goes down.
When you work a night shift you are completely changing and going against that rythym. It makes it hard for you to actually rest, even when you’re exhausted…even when you sleep. That’s under the best of circumstances.
Then add in day time household sounds, which add another issue to actually resting/sleeping during the day time.

It takes time to adjust. My husband has worked overnights twice. The first time was 12 hour shifts and that about tore our relationship apart.
The second time was an 8 hour shift.

The second time around, he had to find a routine that worked for him. At first he slept a lot…then we found staying up after work was easier on him than getting up early. So that’s what we did because that’s what his body could tolerate.


Let me say THIRD SHIFT BLOWS especially if it’s your man working it because let’s be real they exaggerate everything lol. Mine works 3rd shift 10-6am then comes home and I have to be to work at 7 so he gets our youngest to the sitter at 7:30 then gets to shower and sleep. He sleeps until anywhere between 3,4,5 but will most definitely sleep longer if I don’t wake him. We have black out curtains which make it easy to stay asleep for sure but he also will take a nap before work sometimes so he doesn’t spend so much of the day in bed. I wish you luck!

It does take time to adjust to working midnights. Like others have said, it does take a huge toll on the body. Let his body adjust. Also it’s not the same as a night sleep, as everyone is awake and making some type of noise so not sleeping as soundly. Maybe start looking into some blackout curtains. That may help a little. But give him some time to adjust.


I work NOC 6p to 6a and still find time for my hubby and 10yo son. It’s hard, but very do-able. Roles are reversed here, I work and he is home. He lets me sleep as long as I want or feel I need to, but I don’t. I get home around 730am and we have coffee together. I go to bed and wake up at 3 (whether I work that night or not) to snuggle/ talk to the kiddo and have convos with hubby. I then get ready for work or walk around the house like a zombie. On my days off, I devote to them, pitch in with housework (hubby does it all while I sleep) and if it’s a rainy day, we all stay in jammies and be bums.


Leave him alone before you push him out or force him into using crack


I work 12 hours, get off at 6am and usually up by 1pm, if he wanted to make time, he would… although I’ve been on nights for 3 years, give him a few months for the sleep adjustment at least. But then there’s really no excuses.

Sounds like depression for him possibly. Not over reacting tho

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That is a very difficult shift to work. I would suggest he find a different job or look into alternating hours. It is not unreasonable to want your spouse to not only help, but spend time with your young children while they are just that…YOUNG.

What he said was hurtful, no doubt, but he may very well have said it because he was tired, frustrated, and in his mind (this happens all too often with guys) feels he’s doing enough at the moment that he can’t understand the complaining on the other end.

Getting up at 4-4:30 pm is not an unreasonable request, as that gives him a full 8 hours sleep - something we as mothers don’t usually get a lot of times during the “normal night”.

You both need to discuss this further, but don’t approach him right when he’s coming off of a work shift, as he will be tired and therefore, irrational and the conversation will not go well.
Hang in there!!

This situation is more about the relationship status than the work schedule or sleep hours. He’s showing no interest at all about spending time with his family and he clearly stated to kick him out already and “do us both a favor” He doesn’t even want to talk about or work stuff out. So if I were you I would seriously think about doing myself a favor as he said (forget about doing him a favor) and kick him out. It doesn’t sound like he wants to be with you or your kids and as sad as it sounds I think it’s even sadder to stay with someone who has that attitude towards you, your kids and your life together.


I think asking him to help with the home that he lives in and messes up is not unreasonable. Yes, third shift sucks, but he can’t neglect his family; you all should be his 1st priority. My stepdad was a third shift truck driver and he always helped before he went to bed. It can be done. His reaction was defensive because of the adjustment, so you guys need to try again with this talk maybe on his off day.


Sounds like He’s not happy with his work schedule. That schedule does suck so give him a break if he only started a month ago maybe give him another month to try and adjust if it goes on and on then I would talk to him again.

Give him time to adjust to the hours. 3rd shift is no joke and sleeping during the day doesn’t allow your body to rest like it does at night.


I work 6:30pm to 5am. My husband stays at home. I come home around 5:30am hangout for a bit, I go to sleep around 6-6:30 and am awake by noonish. The days I don’t work, I wake up with everyone and go to sleep when they do. I have 3 kids and being able to juggle night work hours and non work hours but I try not to miss much with the family. Yes those hours take a toll on your body but give him some time to adjust. But with his comments he said, I’d be hurt too. Good luck!

I agree! I work 24/48 and a lot of times the first day off is wasted, because I am so tired

If he is not naturally a " night" person it can take a really long time to adjust to it. He’s not adjusting well yet apparently so he’s grumpy. I work 12 hour night shifts and prefer to stay up for a while after I get off work to get some things done at home then sleep until time to get ready for work. How far does he drive to work? How hard is his work (physicallyand mentally)? How old are the kids? Especially since lock down it can be a challenge to get kids to be quiet and kept occupied while someone else is trying to sleep. Do you work outside the home too? That can put an extra burden on you, and make you feel like you’re a single parent doing EVERYTHING without help from him. When I have a rough night I tend to go straight to bed and sleep close to 10 hours. More if it’s my night off. And I AM a night person. It’s an adjustment for everyone but it sounds like you need a discussion about him doing more on his days off and less on the days he works. He does need to spend more time with the family. Be prepared that he may never really adjust to night shifts. In his mind he may be enduring a lot for the sake of the family, not just working night shift but getting used to a new job, and that you’re expecting too much from him. It’s a lot to deal with and I hope things work out better for you soon.

Idk about y’all but most men seem like little kids when they can’t sleep. Soo dramatic about it…
I’ve worked over nights several times in my life with small children and still managed to get them to school, cook, clean, make it to doc appointments, go food shopping etc. And so on.
Maybe homeboy needs to look for a different job if he can’t handle doing his job and being a husband and father. And if that’s not the problem then it’s just him being lazy… just remember better alone than in bad company. I’d rather have child support payments to help then having an absent husband who’s sitting right next to me doing nothing… well sleeping in your case.

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He might need time to adjust to his new schedule. The nasty attitude can go
Though. I’d focus on you and your kids. Let him be his own problem.

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Night shift does that to you. It’s not meant for some people and all the sleep in the world won’t rest you.


There’s a reason it’s called the graveyard shift.


I work 7p-7a if I’m off the next night I come home and sleep 9a-11a then I’m up until my kids go to bed that night. If I work back to back I sleep 830-1 then try to get another 30/45 minute nap at some point. I always have 3 kids in sports starting this week so I have to drive them to sports at 6 and go straight to work. There dad works days and sometimes doesn’t get off until 6.

I’d say he wants out and this is his way to get out. Perfect gaslighting right there. Play the victim blame it on the wife and be free of all responsibility except to work a standard 8hr shift.
And yes I’m a shift worker. Yes the first 2-3nights I think 10hrs in bed is fair. But after that 9hrs maximum. He can choose at the start or end of the day but things still need to be done by HIM. like be a husband, father & active household member.

Biggest issue is the comment TBH.
Was he like this on day shift?

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Look every person’s body is different. His needs to adjust to the time change. It takes alot out of a person’s body. I did the same thing when I worked the night shift. Give him vitamins and iron. Give him a break on his sleeping

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It’s concerning that he said “kick me out and do us both a favor”


As a graveyard working mother of 2 i can tell you this shift is the worse for many reasons. I also have depression and that doesn’t make things any easier. Please don’t hold this against him.


You work those hours and apologize to your husband.


You’re overreacting! For 11 years I’ve been doing the same thing. Get a hobbie! You’d be upset if he didn’t work and bills were not paid. You can’t have it both ways

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Apparently you have never worked nights, 10 year veteran at that life. It’s a hard shift & if its manual labor it’s even harder. Sounds like depression to me bc sleep is his only way to get away from things in life, also know about that as well. Either u adjust or he gets another job bc its apparently affecting him. Come with understanding that this schedule is rough

I would stop doing his laundry. I wouldn’t make him any food and I would definitely make sure there wasn’t any left or anything he could just throw together. You’re his wife not his mom or his maid. Hopefully your kids are old enough where it doesn’t have an effect that he’s this way. Tired or not no excuse…
Shame on everyone siding with his behavior

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Or someone who spent most of their life living around working graveyard shift 11 to 7 I know that it gets tiring and I know that it’s a lie especially if he’s done it for months those constant night after night after night lts just so tired and mamas to be there for him its like being a SAHM aren’t you tired at the end of your day

I used to work 11pm to 7am my husband would have to leave for work as soon as I got home. I would get the kids up and ready for school/day care and sleep 10am til 3pm get them from school and then sleep 6pm til 930pm when my husband was home. It is definitely an adjustment to work though hours.

My husband works at a steel mill hot to say the least he works swing shifts and he has only been getting a 24 hr turn around once a week to come off of a 3 or 4 night rotation to a day shift rotation and this is him we have been married 17 years together almost 19 and he is 44 now qnd he works about 86 to 94 hour weeks and he is lucky if he gets 5 hours a day sleep if that we have 2 daughters still at home 10 and 11 and he still manages to make time for them and I not as much as he would like and most often he is very grouchy so we have came to an agreement that once a month he takes a vacation day or personal day and he spends it with his family and our older kids and grandkids so give him time to find his medium its a hard shift period stand by your man and find a schedule that works for you both and his comments could be from being exhausted mentally not just physically and he could have felt like he was being attacked I would wait until he is awake freshly showered full belly and sit him down and talk to him not at him he probably felt like he was be lectured like a child tell him how you feel and say something like babe we need to find a happy medium for us both and the kids I understand that this is a very trying time and that you need time to adjust mentally and emotionally it is hard when they go from being home at night withtheir kids and family to not being there I know for my husband it was a hard adjustment it takes patience hunny I wouldn’t listen to anyone saying he has a side piece im pretty sure that’s not the case if he is to tired for you and his kids wich he obviously loves or he wouldn’t be doing what it takes to take. Care of you all then he is more than likely to tired for any side action plus you say he is at home when not at work hunny please just step back and maybe give him some time hope this helps sweetie

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The fact that he said kick me out and do us both a favor is what bothers me. I’d tell him bye then and let him get a taste of his own medicine. You shouldn’t have to force someone you’re with to spend time with you.


I work night shift… its different and sometimes 12 isnt even enough :woman_shrugging:


I mean just take a second to think of how tired you would be working that shift. It’s completely draining and ruins your sleep untill you can fully adjust. Give him time and support him. Grave yard shifts are not for everyone. Why don’t you one day try n stay up that shift. Try n clean or get things done the whole time he’s working And see how easy it is to function after. I think you are extremely over reacting which is making him snap.


He needs to step up and be a parent and a spouse. If he cant hack it on third shift then stop. I worked 7pm-7am for 25 yrs. It is hard to adjust and it is not healthy. Man up!


Mine works 3-12 … goes to bed and wakes at 10:30 then all over again
Has to leave by 1:45 - 2:00 I’m used to not seeing him.
4 kids and some mornings he has to be up by 8 with them. Gets pissy if I tell him to get up with them around 7 if I have to work.

He may have been snappy and said something hurtful due to being exhausted. Those are some rough hours and if it’s physical labor he probably does need sleep.


Yes and no. If he’s not accustomed to working nights he probably needs this without a doubt. If you’ve ever worked nights you would understand it’s different and unnatural to most.

No, because it’s understandable to miss him and want more. The approach should be a kind and understanding one. Not one that could possibly be construed as “bitching.”

Untreated depression clearly, get a divorce if it’s a problem.

Sounds like he’s trying to avoid you :woman_shrugging:


Took my hubby and I years to figure out a perfect timeframe for him to be at work where he has enough time for sleep and family. It’s a hard task. Time together is important, and I know this may sound harsh, but it’s the time together you are craving, not help with the kids. Best thing I could recommend is to just let him know you miss him, don’t nag him about helping out. All it’s going to do is upset you both and cause unnecessary strain. He’s probably of the belief he is doing all he can and working hard to support you guys. And remember, time passes, the kids will be less demanding over time. Best way to look at any situation in a relationship is: You guys against the problem, not against each other. You both have the same goal.


Do you work outside the home yourself ? I’ve worked those hours and its exhausting. Even after 12 hours it can be a struggle to get up and do it all again. It kills you mentally and physically to go against your bodies normal routine
Have patience and in time you’ll work out a routine that suits you as a family . Be thankful hes working and providing for his family…or leave him if you’re not happy. He honestly doesn’t need you moaning while he adjusts


Sounds like depression.

Worked 3rd for years…raised 5 kids in the process…11pm to 8am…came home fed kids breakfast and sent to school…slept till 3:30pm…started dinner and fed kids…did laundry…took care of me…went to work.
Not hard if you just put all your ducks in a row and stick to schedule.


No you are not could be on some bad drugs

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Honey, I understand your feelings but, give it some time. I worked nights at a hospital so I know. Nights are against your body’s normal nature an it’s hard on your body. It takes awhile gor the body to adjust. Everyone is different so there is no magic number for when he will adjust and it’s only been one month. On his days off plan family time. Quality time is better than quantity. In the mean time you and the kids plan things to do. If your feeling overwhelmed, do you have a friend you and she could swap time to give each other some “me” time? Or a mom group? Otherwise sweetie, just give it time. (((HUGS))). God Bless you! Oh, do you belong to a church? Check there for some ideas or support :heart:

Give his body time to adjust third shift is a tough shift it messes with your sleep pattern your eating, digestion etc etc

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Literally fuck everybody making excuses for him. I work 3rd shift and still have to be a mom and wife. He can step it up and not be a total dick to you.


I work NOCs as a Travel Nurse and I’m a single Momma to 2 boys who also Nannies 3 kids 4 days a week I just picked up a 11pm to 9am shift on Monday night slept not even an hour Monday before my shift drove 1hr to my shift worked and didn’t get home until 1030am had 5 kids Tuesdsy slept for a little bit in the afternoon woke up for dinner and was up until bed time.

I do not see why he cannot not get up by late afternoon at the latest dinner and be present before his shift. If I can do it while nannying 3 kids and being a single mom he can doing it while being married.

My husband JUST got off his 8pm-8am shift of 2 years and is finally o. Dayshift again and I can tell you that crap does a number on you! But not only is it hard on whoever is working it but it gets LONELY to the spouse! You start to feel like you’re doing everything alone which you are and it wears on you too. And don’t even get me started on the “days off” they don’t really exist…im sorry you’re in a place in your relationship that’s making you feel sad and unsupported…when that’s literally all we really want. From what he said to you in response to you just trying to communicate how you are feeling…he doesn’t sounds happy at all with what yall have …I know that hurts… he has got to get a grip on what he’s got and the real potential of losing. Even IF he’s working a little graveyard shift he still needs to be part of the family :woman_shrugging:


I relate, and everyone saying 3rd shifts hard… that’s nice but that’s the job they CHOSE, they still have responsibilities as spouses and parents and as a member of a shared household regardless of what kind of job they have and they can’t neglect them because of such… it’s not fair to the kids or spouse.

My mom worked night shift for along time and by the time she was done it had put a strain on mine and hers relationship and I was 8 years old and it pissed me off my mom was only ever around to take me to school and pick me up from school… took awhile to get back on track not to mention to put a very heavy strain on my mom and dad’s marriage and it didn’t take long for divorce after that…

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It may take him some time to adjust to the new schedule

Girl leave that man alone :unamused:


I work 3rd shift… I’m hella jealous. When I get home he’s just leaving and I got 5 kids to raise.
Tired or not he’s a father💁
I nap in the middle of the day when my youngest does and sleep on my off days. It’s exhausting but it works

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He sounds depressed.


Night shifts are hard on the body and need more sleep time to recover.i work nights and will literally get up and hour and half before my shift starts


He may have some health problems. I have to sleep a lot, myself, but at least I’m not married.

My husband and I both work 12am-8am and get home and stay up to raise our child together. We go to bed around 5pm-6pm. That man needs to figure out how to be a family man but also a working man. It’s not fair to put it all on you and disregard your feelings


He’s struggling! Those hours are brutal! I understand u guys need time too. But men fight battles being a provider they usually dont talk about… stay strong with and for him. Be open. If hes the only income in the house he might just be struggling. Moms go threw alot but so do Dads. Be patient. He aware. And give both of u some grace. Routines are hard to create on a weird schedule. My husband works nights for 3 weeks straight then comes home and is up all day. He definitely takes some time to catch up. And thats ok. He needs it. I agree with above comment let him know u miss him and love him and are proud of him for working such crazy hours for ur family. Guys need assurance too!


You said it’s new job? Maybe it is just going to take time for his body to get used to the new schedule of awake and asleep. It is a hard transition.


Night time fucks with you so bad. You never get the amount of sleep you really need, even if you sleep all day. My husband and I struggled and almost divorced because we were in “different worlds” him days and me nights.
It was until we switched lives and he worked nights and I did days, that we both realized it was our job. Try and talk to him on a day off, and express your feelings, without making him bad for working. Because even though you’re tired, he’s tired too.

3rd shift is rough and trying to adjust is very difficult. It took me close to a year to finally be able to do what you’re asking of him. Then your days off you cannot just magically stay awake all day and sleep that night as every other day is opposite that. I understand how hard and lonely that must feel but working 3rd shift is not what we are used to. Give it time if you really do love him and want it to work and hopefully he won’t require so much sleep. His attitude doesn’t help though at all.


Sounds depressed. It can be early stages of depression… seek a therapist and express your concerns to him and have him see his doctor.

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My husband works 8 pm- 8 am. He will sleep 10 am - 5 pm. He still helps with kids and other tasks. 12 hours a day is absurd and he should adjust that to make his family better.

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I worked nights at the glove plant until I got on days

My husband does the same thing. But our kids are grown up. But he has always did it.

Sounds like you already know your answer. Seems like he’s doing that for a reason…

It is so sad…seems like an excuse for not doing anything with and for family…
I work nights for 23 years…and some days i sleep 4/5 hours so I can be with my family and do housework…


You’ve probably never worked 3rd shift. Let the man sleep!

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Noo you’re not over reacting I’d be expecting the same… he should be able to work and be a dad & husband , come on there are dads/moms doing it everywhere all the time… lame excuse… , he sounds selfish & maybe it is depression you can try talking to him. Bt if he’s not willing you don’t deserve to be put through that, you’ve given him all this time/ kids and taking care of y’all’s family ? and he’s not taking care of your mental state or making an effort? Oh no I’d be “bitching” too! !!! Hang in there, you’re amazing ! :heart::heart:

3rd shift plays havock on the body.let the man have a man who works


Youre not overreacting. That’s ridiculous.


Not overreacting. It would bother me too. At least get up to have dinner with the family and afterward help with at least the dishes or folding laundry. He should put on an alarm.

The switch to 3rd can be rough, it does take a solid couple months - at least for me- to get used to the routine. Hopefully when his body is adjusted better it will get better at home for you.


His response sounds like he is just done. He does what he needs to do to support financially and he doesn’t want to do anything else…sounds like he’s really done with the situation but doesn’t want to be the one to end it. Sorry if sounds harsh, but thats what his answer to you sounds like. I hope you all can figure out how to fix the situation.

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