My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

My sister and i were 9 and 14 and we mowed on riding mower and weeded mega flower beds

Absolutely they should help. It’s part of being a family.

You were going to pay someone to do it. The kids are doing it. Pay them. They may hate doing it BUT I bet the Pride they feel afterwards outweighs the hate.

I was push mowing by 5 weed whacking about 8 and riding tracting by 10. Taught me a lot that i passed on to my kids.

Yes. Get those kids to help out. Someday they will have to do it at their own home.

He is right. They can do the yard work. I’m sure he didn’t go in the house and leave those two kids out there to do it by themselves he stayed out there and he supervised nothing wrong

My question to you is would you be upset if they were boys? Just because their girls doesn’t mean they don’t need to learn how to maintain a yard and I don’t see anything wrong with it. But you need to ask yourself were you only upset because they’re girls and if they were boys you wouldn’t be upset. Women should never have to depend on men and if girls are not shown how to take care of things they will have to depend on a man that knows or another woman that was shown from their father or their mothers on how to take care of things. I as a female know how to cut grass, weed eat, change a tire, change oil in my car amongst other things that most women depend on men to do. I was shown by my mother and from the man that I am with now. I don’t think it’s wrong that your husband is teaching your children your daughters how to take care of their own property when they get older.

They are not too young and the responsibility and exercise is great for them.

We did these chores and more younger than that. So yea teach them to work

They are not too young. Teach them how to use the equipment properly and teach how to be safe with the equipment and let them do it.

Definitely old enough. We mowed my Grandad lawn between us and at 13 I was putting washing on or taking out and putting on line, hoovering, dusting and cleaning kitchen bathroom and own room. My brother at 9 was also doing jobs including the general tidy up, bins out, own room and cooking pancakes and other basic cooking. I prepared dinner for cooking later… Also doing stuff with Dad on car etc. At 14 all the above and painting and decorating my own room .All whilst doing part time work and School.Did you really mean your 9 year old has a mobile far to young.

He’s right kids should help out its good for them to help out around home

No and they should be doing their own laundry if they aren’t already.

At 9 I was operating tractors and equipment. It is good to learn and earn.

No we had to growing up it’s not gonna hurt them if you worried about the weed eater put the nine year old on lawn mower

Both are old enough to help with the yard work, in my opinion.

Nothing wrong with kids doing yard work its good life lessons

As long as he’s supervising and there wearing gloves and maybe safety glasses you shouldn’t worry most stuff has safety features now …

I think he’s right if he taught them how to use and potential danger and safety glasses

Never to young to learn to take care of your own home. Helping out is part of being a member of a family! Sounds like dad was supervisor!

My kids mowed at that age with supervision

Builds a healthy respect for manual labor and those who, through happenstance or education limits, do all that type of work.

I do not see anything wrong with that I think it’s good that they help out all children should it makes them a better citizen.

Your girls will be fine. Teaching to be self reliant strong capable women is all parents wishes.

Most definitely it is okay that they are learning to contribute to the family.

Nothing wrong with that. Hopefully he also teaches them basic car and home maintenance .

No. He’s teaching them responsiblity. The house is run by the people who live in it. Or thats how it should be.

Children should contribute to the household. If he’s outside with them, I think they’ll be very careful. If something should happen, he can get help on his phone. But I think it’s an outside chance that anything will happen.

Pat him on the back for a job well done and make him a special dinner! You will thank him And so will they when they are grown

Its called teaching the kids to be responsible. I was mowing grass at 8

my son, and daughter helped with all chores including and spliting and stacking wood for the fireplace

I started mowing our yard when I was 9.

Kids need responsibilities! Kids are too coddled these days. What kind of generation are we raising now?

No way is an appropriate age as long as they are being supervised

By the age of 13 I had a regular job babyaitting 3 kids 6 days a week one of those being an over nighter.

Your husband is doing exactly what he should do. Teach our young ones that there is no free boat we al have to work

Absolutely not. I was cooking meals,doing dishes and had homework. I was 11.

If they lived on. Farm when I was young they would be doing a lot of work, when I was 20 it was my job to water the big horses they had to be
Led to water, so pretty short girl leading them. I rode my horse and carried water to the farm workers. It sure doesn’t hurt them to work.

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Let the children help it will build good character and work ethic.

Life skills, kids need chores and what is a weed eater???

I started hailing rocks and shoveling wheat at 8. Started to drive an Allis Chalmers crawler at 11. Plowed 25 acres. I’m still here.

Children should have Chores. They should share the work around the house. I think your husband is right.

I think it’s a great idea :bulb: I take the tablets away from my daughters and have them do chores around the house. It’s a way of them learning to help around and earning stuff they will appreciate you guys later in life and you will too. If he needs help with that let him deal with that I’m sure he’s frustrated too, as long as he doesn’t hurt them for not doing it right then let it be.

Our children did chores every day before school & after school tended to goats, chickens, horses, hogs, they turned out to be amazing adults never in trouble with the law 2boys 1 daughter

Please … he’s teaching good life lessons. I hope you are not questioning his teachings in front of your girls.

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Nothing wrong with kids doing yard work as long as they are supervised.

9 and 13 are definitely not too young to help out at the house and in the yard.

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Yes mom, you are wrong. It doesn’t hurt either one of them to sweat a little. Your husband cant and you are working o5

I think a weedeater is too dangerous for a 9-yr-old girl.

I think ur over reacting
My 7 year Mows the lawn best he can
My 5 year old clean ups and picks up leaves

Better then letting them sit and play games all day.what we teach our children is how they will behave in the future.

There would be a lot less problems in the world if kids were given responsibilities

Better teach them how to work and cook while they are young also to respect them selves and god before their so-called friends lead them astray

Put them to work! Those type of jobs are meanial. I was bailing hay all day in the hot sun when I was 8. It will be a good lesson to work hard and help around the house.


Why be upset over children being taught responsibility? At 9 and 13 they should have been already helping out especially with a parent in a wheelchair.

I started doing chores & yard work when I was about 5. It’s a good thing that your kids are doing these things now😉

Good for them, it teaches them, how be responsible and know the feeling of a job well done, most kids are lazy and disrespectful, teach them while they are young

This is good. They are old enough to help out. I teaches responsibility and skills they will need.

We mowed lawns, weeded garden, dad put us on the tractor and raked field when we were 9.

My 10 year old grandson dose both so I don’t think your husband is wrong.

I seen kids between 9-12 who does yard work for extra cash. If they can be taught how to use it they can do it.

Your husband cannot and you cannot do it. Nothing wrong with kids working in the yard. He is being a wonderful parent. You are way overreacting all together. Quit being so sensitive. Do you ever get out there and do yard work?

We grew up helping with yard work and house work ….it didn’t kill us

My oldest son mowed other peoples grass when he was 10 years old. Nobody made him, he just wanted to make money, put it in a bank too.

We lived on a farm and our kids, all 5 of them had chores to do. Feeding the calves, gathering eggs, mowing grass, picking strawberries and raspberries,picking sweet corn and helping in the garden. They did dishes and hung clothes on the line.

They need to do chores and a 9 year old does not need a cell phone ,they need to learn they need to work for there things

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Sounds like he wants rounded childhood learning responsibility.

There is nothing wrong with the kids have chores…inside and outdoors.

My dad always said; you pay for other people’s knowledge. Your husband is corrrect… young men now days are coddled so much, they do not grow up to be a man.
Let them do as many chores as possible. One day, you yourself will not be physically able to do this work…
my dad taught me all kinds of skills, I do most of the repairs in the house. Even If I have to hire a contractor, I know what to tell them Kudos To your husband. I’ve mentored over 25 kids, mostly boys, stepmom to 2 boys, and grandmama to 4 boys and 2 girls…

Hard work builds character…it will not hurt them…they need to know how to work to deal with life

Kids should be out in the yard and cleaning houses teaches then responsibility this generation of kids are lazy and don’t understand what real work is

Stop over reacting . Maybe if more kids learned to do things other than use their phones and internet we’d be better off . I started working a job when I was 14

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Me and my brother chopped wood when he was 6 and I was 8

Good Job Dad! You are teaching your children what it means to be part of a family.

Teach them now and they will know this stuff. There’s nothing wrong with children helping with chores.

I was cutting grass at age 7. It was not self-propelled. They are old enough.

It won’t hurt them teach them early work habits. They’ll thank you one day.

I was doing more than that at their age. I think it’ll benefit them to help out in any way they can.

I don’t see anything wrong with it at all.

As long as they are being supervised, there is nothing wrong with them learning how to mow and weedeating.

Our four year old grandson lives to help mow the lawn. We have a battery one and he does it on his own. Weed each tho, nope.

Nothing wrong at all teach them young! So many don’t want to get off their A** & work anymore. Glad to here your husband is holding on to some old fashioned work ethics!!

My 11 yr old mows but on our zero turn. I think it’s good for them!

Teach them early. Use safety googles for eyes. And watch them.
It’s ok for them to do chores

Nothing wrong with it, I did that growing plus all other farm work. Build character.

Just make sure they are taking safety measures. Googles for flying objects. Hard shoes etc. No sandals.

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My 10 yr old daughter use to mow. Yes your over reacting take it easy momma

It ok…
They will learn what to do to keep up yard.
And they not to young to learn how to clean house either.

My kids started doing yard at even younger ages and they didn’t have carphone or spend the day playing on a tablet.

I did it. My daughter did it. She made $$ doing other yards. It’s okay

I was driving a swather, cutting hay at that age. And driving a tractor and baler.

I was mowing other people’s yards at 8 years old, along with weeding and store errands. Parent’s need to teach life skills.

You are overreacting just ask all us farm kids who started doing chores at an early age.

It’s a good thing. He is teaching them about work ethic! To many are lacking that today!

He is teaching them to pitch in and care for a family. He is teaching them responsibility.You should be proud of him and the kids.

My boys were 10 and 12 when they started their own mowing business for some pocket money. They ended up with 11 customers on a regular basis. Good on your husband for not teaching them to be lazy

My daughters and sons did yard work

Nothing wrong with it at all. He is guiding them to be thoughtful and self reliant. :grinning:

This is great training in learning how to work and work hard in life. This will not kill them. Only make them stronger.

No I don’t think so. That is what’s wrong with kids now day.