My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

If they can handle phones and tablets they are old enough to mow the lawn and weed eat.
My grandchildren do it, so can you. My daughter is a special Ed teacher. She would tell you. Teach them young.


He’s right, teach them how to do things, besides tv and phones

Yes. You are wrong. Your husband is right.

Not too young at all

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I did that work when I was younge

You are definitely over reacting.

It’s good for kids to help out

My son started mowing lawns two years agobought his own push mower from saving money from doing other WORK. he mowed enough to buy himself a rising lawn mower this year. He is 12 now. It is good for them! We live on a farm so our kids have many more chores than that.


See nothing wrong as long as they have supervision.

Sure. I did yard work as a kid.

Its an amazing thing he is doing :star_struck:

All good! raise their allowance a little!

It all for them to help out.

No do not be up set it’s good for them

Heck no, let them help out within reason

Exactly right and we’ll said Kelly WTF is wrong with America today!!

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No they’re not too young. Good job daddy!

Yes part of being a family. Everyone pitches in

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Won’t hurt them a bit.

Good for him teach them at a young age.

Teaches them responsibilities

Most definitely it is good!

Well done dad ur teaching responsibility and accountability…a lesson they will teach their own one day…mama hmmm u sad yes

Yard work/hard work is healthy

He’s doing a great job of raising your children.

Shit, I grew up on a farm and worked every day of my childhood. It didn’t hurt me one bit, and taught me responsibility and how to work to get the things I want and need. They are not too young to do it, as long as they were taught how to do it safely

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Consider it a training lesson for doing adult some day…

It’s great. Not too young!

definitely NOT too young …

No it’s good that they can help out. They should help

They’re old enough, as long as they are surprised

I did work in thd yard snd helpred in thw house.

My 8 yr old mows lawn

It’s fine they do chores

Lord yes ! Let them mow and weedeat . More kids need to have this in their lives …

dad right, mom wrong.

It’s OK to have kids do chores.

Good for your husband, you love and support him. Great training for your kids.

That’s great. Kids need to learn

By all means,have the girls help both of you,help…them as well.

No your husband is teaching them right

If they are girls then even better.

Your husband is correct. They’ll be fine

They can help out with supravision

Not too young, probably need supervision

Good for him they need to learn responsibly for their home and help

Tommorow theyll be teenagers get it now wjile you can!

They should be happy to contribute to family and home

Too young??? Absolutely NOT!

Let them do the work you guys are family and we all work together

Too young? No. Absolutely not. There’s no reason you children shouldn’t help out around the house and-or have assigned jobs. I would clean the house and my sister cooked when we were kids. We both cut the grass. My neighbor and my son used to cut our neighbors grass when the neighbor kid was 8! The neighbor kid wanted a lawnmower for his birthday and his grandpa got him one & a weed eater . :woman_shrugging: They made a little cash from cutting yards that summer. My son was 10 or 11 that summer.
Our job as parents is to teach our children to be responsible, respectful adults.

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Three cheers for Dad

They need to be helping. My job was weed eating

It won’t hurt them at all.

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Of course they should be doing it.and more.

Good for him (teaching the kids life is not easy) and it’s good that kids now how to to do things around the house Great Job Dad

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It is good for them.

It helps learn to be part of the team( family)

Teach 'em while they’re young !

Work won’t hurt them

Kids need chores, in my opinion.

They are not too young.

That’s how you raise them

Girl they are plenty old enough

Let him teach them to work! Just my opinion!

Nothing wrong with it. My daughters were about that age when they started being responsible for doing their own laundry. We took turns doing dishes. This is the time to teaching kids a good work ethic and responsibility.

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Nothing wrong with helping around the house

I don’t see a problem. They’re old enough.

Good for them builds character!

Yes, you are in the wrong. It is good for your children to do chores and help out. You are a family that rises and falls together. You should not have to carry all the weight. When I was a child I did chores as soon as I could walk. We lived on a farm with lots of chores and two working parents. Life is not free, and we all must learn to be productive assets to our environment. Kudos to dad, and know that he is teaching them life lessons that will only enhance their adult lives!

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I was put to work at my parents bakery at age 10. It taught me responsibility. I wish my dad had taught me yard work as a kid because I never mowed a lawn until I divorced at age 28. Kids need to learn to help. It’s good for them and you.

Not too young at all. A little hard work is good for them

No they need to learn those things

Teach them now or they won’t be able to do it later

Nope your husband is correct.

Hell no they are not. Young they will grow up with good value

Yes, can mow and weedeat

Get them ready for the real world.

Not seeing a problem at all.

Absolutely!! Teach them young !

Good he should have started that 5 years ago

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They need to k ow how real life is

My granddaughter drives our tractor and mows our lawn❤️ she’s 11

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I think it’s a great idea! We always did chores growing up. It teaches responsibility and helps them to contribute to the family. I think it was good thinking on your husband’s part!

I think your coddling them It’s not going kill them

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They are not to young.
Let him raise them right.

Nothing wrong about kids helping out nor having chores !!

It’s not going to hurt them

Wow! Sounds like he’s an amazing father. They should also be cooking, cleaning and doing laundry. Mine started at 5 and they can all take care of themselves even though I’m a SAHM. I’m not going to raise lazy spoiled kids. Not in my watch! You’re an enabler.

No let them do it they need to know

Good for children to work in or out of home!

You have a good husband. There needs to be more daddy’s like this. Your 9 and 13 year olds will be glad when they get older that they were given chores when they were young. They are not too young to do this kind of work. I am the oldest of 9 kids. I was mowing with a mower when I was their age. I am 68 now and I am glad I was taught to work young. I hope you as the mom give them housework to do too.

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A little work will not kill them

I was mowing the lawn at 8 yrs old . My dad had Polio and couldn’t walk very good. I did all the snow shoveling and always carried in the groceries as well as did housework. I was the daughter who was a Tom boy so I did some of the hard stuff

no, they are old enough to do it.

Um idk about the 9 year old weed eating but the 13 year old is fine

Teach them to work, when they are young. They will never go hungry !

Are they still alive !! Yes !! They’ll cope

My grandson had a weedeater when he was 6. He loved it so much that he went around the neighborhood taking care of everyone’s weeds. He always had a pocket full of money, but just wanted to work.

Yes and you are great parents

Need to help where they can.