Not too young for yard work.
Just an observation…the kids who had chores at home in my day are now e joying a comfortable retirement after a successful life. The ones who had no chores are still struggling.
Yes it won’t hurt them
I was doing all that before I was10
Driving tractor by that age
It build strength and character
Work is good for them.
Not bad for them at all. Relax.
When I was 12 I mowed lawns in the neighborhood to earn money. I also had a paper route that had me up at 2 every morning and collecting at night. Nothing wrong with teaching responsibility and building some character in a young person. We need that to become the norm.
More parents should have their kids work. 13 yr old is more than old enough. 9 yr old if driving a riding lawn mower would need to be a simple easy to control mower not a zero turn and should be a responsible child.
They are learning to help. Believe more kids should be doing that and our world would be better. Too many kids have nothing to fo anymore but get into trouble. Yours will grow up better in the end. Be proud of their help. Learning responsibilities
No they are not to young this helps them learn responsibility
If he’s watching them I think it’s fine. It shows them responsibility.
My dad had us doing about of stuff like that. And I’m grateful. One reason is because it made me independent, and built good work ethic.
My 8 and 9 year old help out. They love the riding mowers. And they are very proud to do it. I don’t have to force them to help. They want to learn. So yes they should help out.
Let the kids work. Support your husband.
I mowed when I was younger and I am allergic to grass
Gee. A little work builds character
Nothing wrong with participating in family duties, builds character, teaches them how hard mom and dad have it, there is no I in team work, you husband is not only solving the problem, teaching them values that will last a life time. They will be absolutely beautiful and better people for it.
i think its a good thing he has them helping out.
No harm in having kids 10 and up do yard work. The child who is 9 can pull weeds by hand. Get children’s garden gloves to protect their fingers and hands. I and at least 3 of my 5 siblings took care of our yard.
It depends on the attitude. Forceful work is not going to be good! Come help Dad get through with the yard work and we’ll go get an ice cream will!
I think when you are part of a family, you should have to share a little responsibility by doing your share!
Its ok to have them help
My nine year old neighbor has taken over mowing my lawn for me. I pay $20 for it. I still do the weed eating but at least I don’t have to do it all anymore.
13 and 9 is fine for this type of work. As long as he is supervising them.
It’s not going to hurt them
No to young to help, makes them better people
Nothing wrong with it!!
Yes. They need to learn to take responsibility.
There learning young
Yes you are over reacting, teach children work ethics
My kids of various ages also have different chores they do each day to earn privileges like phone, tablet, tv time. If they don’t do their chores they don’t earn privileges.
No problem with that at all.
Yes mine did now and weedeating
They are part of the family, they need to help around the house, dishes, folding laundry, weeding, mowing the lawn. All chores are age appropriate except for mowing, only the 13 year old should do that.
Life is about helping each other.
Yes and it is good for them to help out and have some chores.
They are not too young!!
These young folks are learning something that will stay with them for life.
They will be better adults.
I would shake your husbands hand
Nope he’s not wrong. He should have started making them work sooner than 9 and 13. I made mine start picking up their toys when they got big enough to walk! If they are big enough to pull them out, they are big enough to put them back.
Not to young. It’s called work ethics. It’s good for them. Gooooo dad.
You are wrong, he is right. The end.
Let them do it it’s good for them to learn these things my 10 year old granddaughter helps with house chores and also helps grandpa do yard work mowing and weeds
Old enough to sit in school ,old enough to do chores!
It was my sister’s job and mine to maintain the home while my mother worked. We did everything including the yardwork, cooking and laundry. I was making beds and cleaning tubs by the age of 7.
No, I don’t think your children are too small. If they are properly taught safety protocols on how to do the chore they are going to be okay.
Oh no kids have to do chores! The Horror.
A little work never hurt any. As long as he supervised it.
I think youre over reacting. Your husband is teaching your kids responsibility and to pull their weight in helping out their family. Theres nothing wrong with that
I mowed at 9 yrs old
There is no reason the kids can’t help with this yard work.
I am a girl who is 30 years old and doesn’t know how to do yard work, I don’t know anything about cars, I don’t know basic maintenance in a house, and I don’t know how to assemble stuff. Without my husband I would be hopeless. If I did have girls I would make sure they know how to do that stuff because it is not just boy stuff but adult stuff.
Dad deserves a medal.
Don’t be upset it’s good for them to do
Good for your husband. Those kidd are old enough for chores and learn responsibility. Ad long as they are taught to operate the tools properly leave them to it
Good for your husband! Children need challenge and that’s a good one.
Its good for them. Families take care of each other abd do you what is needed.
I chopped wood, mowed lawns. Cook dinners and did laundry as it was just my mom, brother and me. We all did our share.
I was mowing when I was 10 almost an acre by hand mower
I felt bad for my dad working all day the having to mow when he got home
I was the landscaper/gardener
Why is it wrong to instill a healthy work ethic? Mom I was doing this stuff when we were 7 or so. As long as they are safely using the machines. Being watched over it is fine
No he is doing right by teaching them Responsibility.
I personally see nothing wrong with it
Builds character and when they grow up they can manage themselves won’t need a man to do it.
Hard work never hurt a kid
Helps build skills while helping out the family. All kids should.
Wow I’ve been doing chores since I was 5. At 12 I took over lawn care and my dad took the dishes for me. Every Wed I had to mow my lawn and the neighbors lawn. My oldest started chores at the same age. It’s good for kids to be a part of house chores. That way when they are on their own they know what to expect in life.
No they are basic life skills everyone needs to know
No it’s teaching them
its ok for them to help but not do it all
Mine started around 7/8.
Yes with a reward afterwards
I agree with the husband, they are old enough to cut grass and weed eat. These young ladies will be better off than the other kids who do nothing and don’t have chores, kids are to soft these days.
Kids can do a lot more than we give them credit for, not often at all but my 8 yr old has helped with both those things, plus many more chores around the house. He will be a self sufficient man when he grows up and not rely on a partner to do it all for him.
I did it… is there something actually wrong with kids pitching in at home? NO there’s not a thing wrong with this at all…
He is already suffering life’s cruelest medical problems. The least these kids can do is help him with joy in their heart. I would be happy to help my dad if he needed it. What is their problem. They won’t be that age too long.
As long as he is supervising, it should be ok
They are old enough to do that and probably alot more.
Most definitely. Teaching them to be responsible. Earn the right to have a phone.
Yes they have to learn sometime
It’s a little concerning that you asking such a question. At 13 and 9 they are both capable of helping with chores, especially with your husbands condition. He is instilling a good work ethic. They will be better off for it. I would make your husband a special dinner and let him know you appreciate him
As long as the safety feature is working on the lawn mower and self propelled would be nice but not necessary.
Also how much of a yard are we talking?
My son mowed the lawn EVERY sat morning before hockey practice. Yes, he also did all the weeding plus fertilized our trees with spikes until he was 19 yrs old. He started at the age of 8 yrs old. Teaches responsibility, showing pride in helping the family. Also reminds them it’s not ALL ABOUT THEM.
I wish mine would while they can and will do it let them it’s less jobs for you to worry about
More parents need to do this!
Why can’t he just ask for their help instead of forcing them off the bat by taking their stuff away? What kind of nonsense is that? They’d probably be happy to help their dad out and be given some responsibility - no need to hold anything over their head.
No. It is good. It will make your children better people!
Been mowing since I was 8 years old
U should be praising him, my boys were pushing mowers making poket money when they was that old,
I truly hope you are joking?!?
Your husband is right
If you are so worried about them doing simple yard work, be thankful you don’t have a LARGE garden!! Pulling weeds, picking beans and peas,tomatoes and okra! Then later digging potatoes.
Years ago, little ones, ( 5-6) learned to plant and pull weeds and help around the house and farm. Today’s youngsters ave it too easy. Mom does it all and they grow up to be a gimme kid /adult, not knowing how to do anything and wind up living in mom’s basement on food stamps and welfare.
It doesn’t hurt your kids to mow and weedeat. Good for your husband for giving them responsibilities. They aren’t too young. He got the 9 year old a weed eater that fit her age and size. The 13 year old is plenty old enough. When I was a kid I was splitting wood at 13, raking leaves, working in the garden. It’s called chores.
They are part of the family and should help!!
I as mowing at 7…hardworking does not hurt anyone…helps build character.
That’s awesome they are helping. It also creates a great work ethic. Believe me I was doing way more than that at their age
That’s not hard work. They need to get out in the fields and work. They are a part of the family. No it is not wrong for you making them do something around the house.
No….they old enough to help!
Lawd these new parents are something else. We was doing Saturday morning yard work from about 5 on up. Everyone was outside! And the younger ones was “playing” but working too, even it it was pulling weeds as they watched us. Yall keep raising these soft namby pamby kids and you wonder why they don’t know NOTHING about normal everyday things. Shouldn’t be an 8 year old alive that can’t at least rake a yard.
Maybe have them do opposite …?
If they do not learn to work now, it may have repercussions latter.
Yes…they need to learn responsibility and a good work ethic.
Yes they should do yard work dishes clean house and what ever you need done
If you need to ask, theirs a real problem here
They are fine. It will make them better adults