Nothing wrong with chores! It’s teAching them how to be responsible ….keeps them off these Heroin streets
They’re plenty old enough
They are not too young.
Wow I started mowing and weed eating at like 6 or 7 lol no this is normal
Even if your husband wasn’t handicapped the kids should be doing the lawn work some of it the mowing the trimming the edging the picking up the leaves and twigs and shit shoveling snow helping out with dishes and laundry there’s nothing wrong with that that builds character and gives him a purpose in life other than being a bum
Omg no!! Builds character!!
Sorry, they are not too young. My dad had us doing the same thing only our mower was a push mower, no electricity or gas power, just push it. And we didn’t have weed eaters back then so were used scissors and clipping shears to get the edges. Good exercise, builds character and gets them outside and off their devices. More parents need to follow suit.
It’s more than ok. He should be commended. And for taking their electronics away as well! My daughter had to earn electronics time by doing chores or reading since she was in the 2nd grade. And that counted for TV as well. And she turned out more than fine.
No,a little work never hurt anyone
No it’s called chores.
Nothing wrong with it just don’t expect perfection.
No it’s good for them to help and they are old enough
He should be watching them to make sure they don’t get hurt. No need to take away their electronics and threaten. Just explain it is part of the family chores.
OMG, really! no they’re not too young. Kids should be learning to do chores early in life. Trust me, they’ll be better for it in their future.
They Other than getting their electronics back they should also be rewarded in other ways to show them hard work pays off!
No let it they will thank you later on
Hell no he’s right they should be doing house work too
They are not too young. This is what’s wrong with today’s kids. They are coddled and never grow up
teaches them responsibility let it go. If more parents would do that it would be amazing they would appreciate what they have
What about we that don’t understand what is weed and moew
I mowed our 2 acre lawn when I was 5. Lifted bales of hay and unloaded wagons when I was 4. Shoveled cow shit out of barns when I was 4. Did weeding when I was 4 so kids need to do chores. Makes them responsible and alot less time on there hands to get into trouble
Teaching your children responsibility is a tool they will carry for the rest of there lives !!
The fact that you see this as a problem is the sign of how bad values are present day. Your husband is turning them into family oriented, hard working, respectable women.
you’re kidding right? I’m female and cut lawns when I was 13.
I had to do more than that, lol!
You mean that it’s NOW taken you this long to be upset with chores?!? No!!! I’m surprised you even had to ask…it builds character and teaches responsibility. No way is that wrong.
Seriously??? No disrespect, but… Come on.
Yes. This teaches them that as a family, everybody steps up as a part of the family team.
Are you kidding? We were doing chores at 5 years old. Nothing wrong with learning responsibility.
Of course they aren’t too young to help! What’s not OK is for you to be working that many hours, and still feel that you’re “slacking off”… stop that!
They are not too young. He’s is actually teaching them great life lessons. Thank him.
No way it will not hurt them
It’s good for them. Its what every child should be doing especially if their parent is handicapped.
It’s not good for them to be eating weed… Haba! It is harmful to there health �
They should have stepped up and done it with out having to be asked!!
Give them allowance money for their work. You won’t have a problem.
They should do work around house teaches them reasonability , the 13yr old will be working out the home soon .
Been mowing since he was 8.Wanted a cell phone cut grass buy ur own.Kids today parents too soft.
Thwy will love to earn money like this
Of course it’s called learning responsibility and respect.
I was doing full yard work at 6. You’re over reacting
So wrong …give them their stuff back. They can help; but, not like this.
As long as they’re supervised, not EVEN an issue. Though saying he “takes away” their electronics until they’re done, makes it sound like a punishment. They can’t use them then anyway.
Why would you be mad at your hubby for that? Really? Land the helicopter, Sweetie!
I was doing that growing up. That normal
Those ages are perfectly fine to be doing chores. 13 is plenty old to mow. If they were boys would you act like this? NO!!!
It is teaching them responsibility
I do think nine is too young! It depends on the size of the yard as too the thirteen year old mowing. Is it a riding lawn mower?
Pat ur Ole man on the back good for him won’t kill them
This has got to be a fake question…
They are old enough. If they were taught some safety first and were supervised.
To many think phones and computers are the way. Ours don’t have either and work everyday.
The 9 year old is too young. I started at 12
My kids from the 2 year old to the 19 year old all do yard work. What’s the big deal ??
Taught my son and daughter to mow at 10
Teach them work ethic now. And you won’t have to support them later
As long as proper safety precautions are taken …it is fine.
Why do ppl ask such ridiculous questions… why would you be upset that he’s teaching them work ethic.
Is this a real post??
Is this a serious question?
Hah. …Rookies…I was doing yard work at age 7
Chores builds character…it is great parenting…
WHAT is weed eating?
Hmmm…? Do I know you?
Vekwedu vanotoswera mumunda vachisakura. Nekuhuni tunoenda futi.
Why would you even ask such a question?
Teaching the kids life skill is great.!
Great that’s where we started it’s good for them
Good job dad kids need to help theys r a good age dad can help by bringing there to see that theys don’t get hurt even if it not done the way u want praise thems n say good Jobs. See how it goes mom.
Let him teach your kids!!! They need direction not laziness!!!
Nothing wrong here, agree with your husband
Good for him! Hard work builds character! You’ll thank him some day!
As long as she’s supervised we were doing yard work at a very young age builds character
Shit my Pops was in the bznz,it was outta school into work clothes!
Yes kids should do this and a bunch of other stuff’
Absolutely your kids are old enough to mow and weed whack!!
It builds character - the good kind.
It teaches them responsibility. So no it’s perfectly fine
No that’s what wrong today kids need know they need do things
Noelle Lilley DuBois austin wasn’t trained?
This seems perfectly reasonable. I’m with your hubby
Not going to hurt them in the least
Yes!! Kids don’t need to specialize in couch surfing and video gaming!!!
As long as they are very safe,
Good for him! Hard work never hurt anyone!
He was right to put them to work they’re old enough
Hell no.whats wrong with your lack of expectztions fromvyour kids.get for real
They need to learn responsibility! Not everything is free!
Not a damn thing wrong with that
It’s fine, builds character
Teaches them a work ethic.
Well you can teach them now. But you can’t teach them later. Its YOUR job to teach them.
Yes mine did everyones but mine.
Seriously?? Of course it’s OK. Kids should do chores. Help your husband out!
How dare him make kids work
My children are between the ages of 9-13. We live on 12 1/2 acres with cows, goats, chickens, rabbits and dogs. They tend to the chores and they help build the cages, fences and what ever else needs done. They are learning a very good life lesson. The family that works together stays together. We are now working on getting a tree nursery started.
As long as they have safety gear and shown all the safety things they need to watch for. My granddaughter loves helping me do whatever outside work that needs to be done.
My 6 year old is out helping carry branches I cut down. He wants to use the chain saw but obviously isn’t quite old enough for that! He’s happy to help, and it’s so healthy for them!
Sounds age appropriate.
They would do these things every day if we’d let them! My kids love it! Teaching them these life skills young is very important!