My husband makes our 9 and 13 year old do yard work: Is that okay?

I mowed as a kid and never died nothing wrong with alil manual labor to teach kids responsibility


Um we heat with wood solely our kids have been made to help us cut, split and stack wood since they could walk and my youngest is disabled. We gonna stay warm everyones gonna help :woman_shrugging:

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I think as long as dad kept an eye on them and told them good job it okay it we’ll give them a good start on responsibility

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I think it is wonderful! I am making sure all of my grandkids understand and know how to use every tool available. It astonishes me that we are not making our kids get out there and work and maintain their homes.


My kids mowed…I mowed as a kid…
Nothing wrong…I think he’s doing a great job….they will appreciate it later…when they have great work ethics…and the self control…to work first and play latter…you need to give your hubby a big thank you. Your just feeling a little over protective……mommy guilts are a b——

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Exercise, pride in work, off their butts in front of Electronics!
My children learned at a very young age! They did not suffer from it!
I commend him for teaching life skills!

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My brother and I push mowed an acre yard every week in summer from 6 years old owned a shot gun at 12 unless you want your kids bed wetting into their teens you gotta make them learn to take care of themselves

It is the best thing you could do is have them doing chores. A 9 year old is very capable of weed eating. I was working on a farm doing all kinds of chores from age 7 and I am so grateful for it now.

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Well considering I grew up in the 70s and 80s, and my chores, included yard work, chicken house cleaning, horse stall cleaning, milking goats and cows, gathering eggs from chickens, ducks, geese and guineas, from the time I was 2, bailing hay, helping with crops, feeding animals, helping slaughter things, canning and helping cook meals, and doing laundry, pretty sure they’ll be fine.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. He’s teaching your children valuable life lessons.

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Your kids have got to learn sometime how to take care of themselves, teaching them how to do chores and to help out around the house is a good idea!
Holding their hands is a wonderful thing to do but you can’t do that their entire life, so buck up look at the reality of the situation and be a good mom!

I’ve had my grandchildren mowing since they were 7 and 9…with my supervision. I would walk along the grass with them. Now, they are 12 and 14. My oldest is my granddaughter and she loves to help me cut grass. My husband cant because he cant be in direct sunlight because of his meds.

I’m surprised they didn’t start sooner! Don’t coddle those girls and teach them to not work. They need to know what it means to work and take care of of them and theirs. It will teach them so many lessons rather than just being Pampered their whole lives.

I was breaking horses, on the roof fixing the swamp cooler in 115°+ heat, mowing, fixing/building fence, dishes, vacuuming, cooking, raising our own food, chopping wood, learned to survive in the mountains, etc all by the time I turned 14. As soon as I turned 16 I had 2 jobs while I was going to high school. I learned a lot. Life beat the hell out of me but I gained so much from it and became resilient.

Being upset that they have one outside chore, especially since your husband is disabled is most definitely an overreaction. Let him parent your children as well because they’re his kids too.

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He shouldn’t have to MAKE them do the yard work. They should help because they’re family. 9 and 13 year old kids are old enough to help out.

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My 9 year old helps my husband mow, with supervision of course. She helps dump the grass catcher, pick up sticks in his way etc. She loves helping & he appreciates it! She helps nw around the house with chores as well!

Hmm?? Usually I’d say it’s a great thing… In this case I’d have to ask if these girls would have a emergency plan just in case they get hurt… Flying rocks… Perhaps a mower accident with dad being quadriplegic and not being physically able to help his girls in case of a accident. I’d save it for a yard service.

I push mowed at 7 had to hold the brace in middle of handle was too short for any thing else. This is the reason kids r soft people over reacting.

My Dad had me & my siblings outside every Saturday morning doing yard work.

You are overreacting your husband knows EXCACTLYhow it’s supposed to be them kids need to do dishes and clean sweep and everything so they grow up right follow your husband lead he wants to raise your kids right to be productive kids and adults

Nothing wrong with teaching your daughter how to be independent . They might have a home of their own one day so they need to learn .nothing wrong with boys or girls washing dishes or cleaning house or yard work . This is how Parents need to raise their children to be independent and not be dependent on anyone.

I did, supervised by an adult! We didn’t have weed eaters back then, but my Dad used a gas edger! I wasn’t allowed to use that until I was older!

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Doesn’t hurt those kids to help…teach them the basics…work ethic…helping out…being responsible…make them better human beings…

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Girl let them kids do that. Bc they gonna remember what dad taught them. And that’s how to not rely on someone else to do simple things.

thank your husband for doing this. He is trying to raise your kids with some respect for a job!

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No they are not to younge for a bit of yard work and if it helps you working so much and him for obvious reasons. They are summer holidays and still have the rest of the day for phones and I pads, plus they get a taste of adult or home ownership. Nothing bad ever comes from a child who has been taught chores around the house

Yes it’s fine to make your children to do things around the house or anywhere they are needed. Start teaching you’re children some skills and give them choirs to do and teach them about hard work and nothing in this world is free. We had to work before school and after school every day when we were coming up. We grew up on a farm where everyone had to work that was able. It didn’t hurt us at all and we grew up andx done pretty good for our selves.

It’s ok for children to know that they are needed by the family to work and help out. Don’t they realize that your husband cant and that all you can do is work ? Please don’t defend them like they’re helpless princesses. It will help them build character and keep them from growing up to be selfish and uncaring, we’ve seen too much of those kind of people already. Adversity builds strong character in people. Encourage them to be strong women who helped their family during hard times.

Yes… you’re wrong!

I was moving every yard in my neighborhood when I was 10…that was 5 yards every Saturday and 5 more on Sunday…

Surely your little princesses can handle one simple job once a week…


No not too small , raising responsible independent women with work ethic and skills is much better than letting them sit all day . You are working and they need to help out . It’s good

Seriously? My sister & I had to make dinner while my mom was working. My brothers had yard work with my dad.

I started mowing the lawn at 7, 13 is plenty old enough to mow. Kids need to do chores, or you’ll end up with entitled spoiled adults.

Not too young! I had to fight my dad to mow. Not because of my age, but because he liked his little riding mower. SO DID I! LOL

Y’all need to hire a landscaper because them girls don’t need to do all that, inside chores is what they supposed to do only.

So when/who else should teach them a wk ethic but their parents!! Do these kids even clean their own rooms!!?? I’m sure your husband wishes HE COULD DO IT ALL, but more important, he’s teaching kids what to do when they have place of their own! They aren’t "babies at that age!

I did that and then some I grew up on farm everybody had to work . It won’t hurt them they need to learn labor skills.

I did all that when I saw their age!! My parents had 2 1/2 acres of land in a matter of fact I got a pull tons of weed if I act it up!! I am proud of the fact I can work the land and chop wood!! I loved chopping wood so much they stopped using it as punishment :joy: I wish I had more land with my kids mine are 4,8,9 we would be out there every weekend!! It could be a very good experience for your children… if you know they are going to be doing some yard work you could make them some lemonade and sandwiches so when they take a break it’s refreshing…

My kids do it. It teaches them good traits to have. It would be better if they get an allowance. Even if it is small. And yes, some will snap at me and say…I put a roof over their heads and food on the table ect…but that is part of being a parent, you are supposed to feed abs house them :rofl:. But you also should give them some motivation for doing the yard work. But that is JMO

Just make sure whoever weed eats wears safety glasses, something in the eye is very painful and dangerous. Adult life isn’t easy, this will help get them ready for the real world, not everyone has the golden spoon.

They will turn out much better adults having had some responsibility. So many kids today aren’t made to do anything and spend most of their time glued to their phones and games. They are not being taught any responsibly and that will hurt them in the long run.

I starting working when I was 14 and shined shoes and took peoples groceries for them from the supermarket. The younger the better instill a good work ethic

Seems like a non-issue. A family does what family needs to keep it running smooth. I have no problem with them doing yard work.

Yes it builds character.teaches work ethic.thats what’s wrong with todays kids .earn nothing. everything handed to them.

My son was 9. Make sure hydrated in this unbearable heat. Good luck to caring participating youngsters.

Nothing wrong with these children helping out

Good work never hurt anybody our children helped in the yard every weekend
When they were about that age

Your husband is awesome and so are your children…working together as a family!

Not too young but bmmaybe a better approach instead of demanding. Explaon every family member needs to work together for the family to function at its best. Give them extra money for extra chores. Be sure thry are wearing earphones and eye wear bc they are young and don’t think to protect their hearing and eyes. I think being mean about yardwork is wrong. They are still kids. Ask your husband to find a different approach.

Omg! Grease monkeys were kids that age climbing to the top of factories to grease the pulleys and shafts. That maybe a bit much but pushing a lawnmower even at 9 isn’t. I was dissembling the mowers and trying to rig it up to my peddle gocart at that age. My kids were emptying the dishwasher at 4. Get the kids a jug of gas and see if they will mow that lonely old ladies lawn for pocket change. We are in for rough times when this generation is in charge.

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Nothing wrong with this your kids need to learn how to do things and do it the right way it’s good got them

My 7 and 12 yo do. Their laundry. Make their beds. Wash their dishes .I ain’t the only one that lives here. And they make most the messes.

So teaching your children how to cate for their surroundings is a crazy idea to you? You have a disabled husband and two able-bodied children that are old enough to do what he’s tasked them to do.

Wow! at age 11 I was workin for my parents that had a job shop to help support our family, ( remember the treats that came in kellogg cereal) got the toys before everyone else , an learned what life was going to be like. Didn’t kill me , I have made it to 79 years. yes kids need to help out where they can.

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i dont think a 9 yr old can handle a weedeater.Everything else yes.Got 2 college gradds out of it!

It is AWESOME that they do this! Job well done father! Mother, don’t cottle them, dad is doing great!!

Nothing wrong with it. Teaching them how to be responsible!

That’s great. Those kids must feel quite useful and accomplished. I hope safety glasses etc are being utilized.

Back in the day we did yard work during summer. Up just pass dawn and start pulling weeds from flowerbeds that had been watered evening before. We did this until about 9 to 10 am depending on heat. Summers average 100*+ . We would have a hearty breakfast, then clean our rooms. Come evening we would do other lighter yard work, dump pulled weeds and prepare flowerbeds for next day. Large front and backyard with a lot of rose bushes. Beat ironing and having to learn embroidery!! Nobody messed with dad’s mower or edger! The 13 yr old maybe…under 100% supervision!

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The nine year old is definitely too young, it also depends if your 13 year old is mature enough to do it right.

No weed eater for a nine yr old. Sounds dangerous.

No. It is important they feel like they are part of the team. However, I think he was heavy handed punishing them before they got to work. He did not set up a proper attitude and now it will be a battle every time. There should be a reward even if it is just a compliment for doing a great job. They are children not adults.

Nothing wrong with hard work at an early age, teaches them good worth ethics

Tge answer is “NO”. he’s not wrong. Shoe them how to do it tge right way. My youngest was driving a skid steer on a dairy farm at 5. Make your kids chore… it is a responsibility that will stay with them for life.

No its not wrong teach them how to maintain a house they will appreciate stuff more then these kids that have everything done for them

I think it’s a good idea. I’m sure he shows her how to use the weed eater. I can’t use one. Lol

Respectfully you are over acting.
Not going to hurr them to learn how to work at a young age and will benefit them through out life.

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A good work ethic is formed at an early age. As long as good safety measures are being followed having them help with yard work is fine.

I mowed when I was 8. Worked in parents cafe from the time I could reach the sink! We all did. When we were fone yhere, we weeded yhe garden had a big one for the cafe. 40 tomato plants, and that was about a third of it. Mom canned and froze vegetables for the winter months. If we didn’t work, we didn’t eat. Creates a healthy work ethic.

Yes they grow up and won’t help parents at all just sit and watch parents do it all even if their sick

Be positive mom! It is a great way to build real self confidence!

Nothing wrong with them doing it, my grandson used to help me when he was like 5 years old just raking and picking up leaves, he loved helping.

Should have started them, years ago by handweeding the yard and appreciating the Outdoors .work is good for everyone.

Of course they are not too young. I am surprised they haven’t had routine household jobs before now considering your health problems. It makes kids feel good about themselves if they are treated as responsible members of the family with jobs to accomplish for the good of the family

At those ages its great. They are part of the family so they need to do chores to earn their keep so to speak.

I did when I was there age . That’s how I got my first bicycle

Why shouldn’t they help their Dad who is in a wheelchair care for their own home? Even if he wasn’t in a wheelchair, they are perfectly capable of chipping in and helping in and around the house.

Nothing wrong for any kid to help at home, house or yard good for them teaching responsibility

Parents like you are the reason teenagers are lazy and unable to perform simple duties you’re pathetic

Dad is doing great I was mowing neighbors yards at 9 years old. Way to go dad. On the other had they may be too young for phones.

Let them do yard now days are lazy because parents dont make them do anything but play video games.and when they finish the yard make them do something else responsible.they will be better in the long run.

If you think that 13 is too young to mow the lawn you need to check yourself

I was cutting fire wood with avhainsaw T 10 yrs old .hardessed a mule and drsgged trees off the hillside at 8 yrs old drove tractirs at 9 yrs old .more parenrs need to teach thier kids how too work

Yes. They do a lot in the house and in the huge yard. And they get paid a bit for each job done. Not by the hour but by the job. They sometimes even ask what they can do to help.

Good! Kids start working at 5yo with small responsibilities at home. Waiting til 13 is wrong in every way. They should learn to appreciate where those phones came from and the value of work. I hope he adds a lot more jobs to them.

No you should not be upset and let him teach the boys how to be responsible and proud men & of their work. Tell him thank you

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They are not too young for that kind of work. At least they had motorized mower and electric weed eater. At 7 I had to learn how to cut grass with one of these…

What universe did you grow up in? If you want to have incompetent failure to launch 30 somethings living at home, unable to cook, clean or do anything other than consume and want to be entertained 24/7 then go against your husband’s proposal…in most parts of the world children as young as six assist in household duties, farming, etc…if you want to grow ungrateful narcissistic self absorbed idiots the by all means require nothing from them, coddle them, reward them the same whether they do something good or not…please, think about how truly self entitled your question is…what, are you royalty? How awful should they git their hands dirty, you can hire some poorer person to do the work, pay someone to take tests and do homework for them, get them bone spur deferment so they don’t have to serve, etc…where will it stop?

This post has to be a joke. Lady he’s instilling work ethic into your kids. Also it teaches them to help as a family unit.

Nothing wrong with kids having to help out the family. All kids need chores.

Omg grow up lady ! This is the start of their work ethic later in life. My dad had me help at 6.

No that’s terrible. Let them play games and get fat doing nothing. Let them be lazy and know nothing about hard work and responsibility like YOU MUST OF HAD WHEN A KID IF YOU HAVE TO ASK.

They live there too and they have all the conveniences of life that you work and pay for. Teach them responsibility and let them earn living.

Looks like you gots all the feedback you need. It’s kewl your girls can help with yard work!

There’s nothing wrong with those kids helping

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I was doing that at 6 or 7. So not a big deal it teaches them responsibility and honest work

Teach them how to work early. Do they get paid something? They should

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Best way to teach them not to be lazy when they become adults. The US has enough of that going around.

Good for him you should be proud he’s teaching them responsibility for the place they reside it’s not going to hurt them whatsoever

You had me up till he took away their phones and tablets. They should do their chores without having to take away their devices. :innocent:

Are you for real? Your husband is doing just what he should do as a father. Stand back and let him do his job. I’m 77 and worked from the time I was 6 years old. When I was 10 or eleven I cut grass. What doesn’t kill you makes you better.

The father is right it teaches the children and good work ethic