My husband never compliments me: Advice?

Are you at home with the kids all the time?

How does he feel about his work? May have nothing to do with u. :thinking:

Check his cell phone.


Mine did that too! Then tried to throw me down the stairs! Not kidding…


My friend had the same thing happen and she found out he was watching Porn. They are now divorced.


Sounds like he’s cheating :grimacing:


I’m sorry but the last few times I heard this exact same story before, the guy had a girlfriend who is well aware that he is married and uses it on him in the arguments they have and it makes him resentful of you, even though you haven’t done anything wrong.


Hes either cheating or just not happy…Try counseling, if that doesnt work decide if you want to continue unhappy


Maybe give him time to decompress before you talk about difficult things.

I loved this life for 24 years. Leave now while you are still young enough to find someone who will be a better match for you.


Hmmmmm, sounds like my ex.
Found out he had been cheating.
Keep your eyes & ears open.


Take a mini vacation and stay naked the whole time…if he isn’t game then time to move on

Thts how i felt wit my ex
We broke up in January
And decided to stay friendly and I feel like he loves me more now then when we were together
Now I fucked up and am having his kid…
Yes ik I’m an idiot but I still love him very much…

You sound somewhat “Needy”?


So I think your on the 7 year itch. It’s that time in your life where you either want to get out or just move along not being bothered. A. Let him come to you. B. Pretend to be uninterested in him or his day he will see the change and come forward he misses you or needs to talk. But everyone needs space, personal space not in a bad way to break you up.

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Yeah, dude’s cheating. Sorry kid.

Why waste your life on someone who cant be bothered with you. Run


Deal with it or leave the situation those are your only REAL options… sounds like he a Gemini tho…


Have a real talk. Word it so that you arent blaming him, “what can I do to help you express yourself more in our relationship because I need more, and I want to help us do better”
Married 2 years. But I find this sentence has such a huge impact. It isnt blaming, it isnt derogatory. It explains the problem and looks for a solution.

Why is it that it’s automatically always the guys fault? You are hearing one side of her own rosy poor me story. Nobody ever gives a damn about his story. You have no idea about what is going on. Maybe she is cheating and trying to overcompensate for her own misgivings.

Sorry but an affair is the first thing I thought however, he may not even realize that he’s acting differently. This epidemic has changed alot of people and their thoughts on things such as survival. Either go to counseling or both go, get someone to watch the kids overnight for a date night so you can regroup or talk, either way you need to do something because it will eat you up inside and you have kiddos to care for. You deserve to feel lived, wanted, needed and beautiful but he deserves to get complements too. I dont know the whole story but dont keep on this path because resentment and doubt will destroy your marriage. Good luck hun

Stop the crying…work from,S T R E N G T H. Not from weakness…you attatck for a change

He may not be cheating. He may just be tired from work or is having good days and bad. Greet him when he comes home, make him a cuppa and leave him to unwind. It may take til dinner time for him to recover. Then when kids are in bed, ask how his day went. After all, he is supporting his family. If he tells you he loves you, then he does. Most guys dont say it everyday.

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I don’t wanna jump to conclusions but to me this seems like he might be burned out

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Use reverse psychology.Ignore him if he is around.Just prepare his needs like food and clothes.Then ignore him.Dont talk to him just do whatever your chore.


don’t play games…see a marriage counselor and get some help…


Have you considered looking into love languages? Check it out because everyone may have a different or changing love language. Also… just an idea but maybe try complimenting him and make it part of your day to day and maybe he will reciprocate. It’s easy to get in a rut and not always easy to get out. Try reversing it into him in a positive way and see how it goes. Good luck. Stay strong.

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Visit a psychologist
Sometimes it’s happen due to depression.

Marriage counseling could help.

Change yourself first. Get happy with who you are. Get self confidence. You did not marry him to make you happy. A marriage is about letting the other person grow. But if you depend on him, this will never work the way you want it to.


You only get treated by what you allow

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Once you stop acting like it bothers u and just do your own thing he will change unfortunately a lot of guys are like that the second he worries you might not care he will be all over u


It’s been a rough emotionally draining year and a quarter. He may have exhausted his emotional account and has nothing left to give. Why not get a sitter and schedule a date night where you can go have fun and an adult conversation. Be honest. I would hope you don’t NEED him to compliment you. Dress for yourself as a woman. IMHO a lot of men don’t know how to communicate well. Good luck.

You want truth? Coming from a man? His seeing somebody else I made that same mistake and acted the same way. Bad things are coming sorry to say


Don’t tell him what he’s not doing, tell him what u need. Make it plain and simple before u decide to cut him loose. This way there’s no I didn’t know what u wanted or needed.

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If you love him give him some space. Maybe he just needs to work it out. Been there done that.

My cousins brother needs a new g/f if ya wanna hook up with him :joy::joy::boom::boom::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::mask::mask:


Even if you don’t want to leave, make plans like you are. Get an education or job or whatever you need. Get emotional support from friends and other family members. Do as much possible by yourself. Go out with your girlfriends. The weird thing about most men is that they don’t value you if they think you are a “sure thing” in their lives.


Go to church TOGETHER and be seen out with friends etc, it’s not over you both need to grow and not hibernate. Have a life

He is just a manipulative narcissist. Leave him while you still young


Bipolar does this also


He has already moved on and is probably seeing someone else.


Make yourself self independent, when you show you can take care of yourself and don’t need him you gain self worth and it can make your marriage stronger. Besides if he did decide to leave you need to manage life on your own


He doesn’t want to. E married to you anymore. Take it from one who found out the hard way.

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A person can only treat you. How you allow them to treat you. Turn the tables on him give him a taste of his own medicine. Let him see how it feels. When he comes home leave him with the kids. Go have you some time away from him. And the kids take time for you. You matter just as much. Taking care of kids 24/7 is a job by itself. Start loving yourself don’t never let a man valid your worth.


Sometimes absence make the heart grow stronger.
My advice is take a break from him. See how he likes that.


1st don’t post on Face Book for the world to see


Honey I’m sorry but if he isn’t telling you how he feels, if he isn’t complementing you it’s because he’s doing it to/for someone else.


Become as independent as you can… get an education a great job… not saying not to love him… learn to live without him… make new friends… etc. you’ll know when it’s time to move on. Know your worth and what you bring to the table. Learn to live your self.


Let him know what you need and how good it makes you feel. You also need to love yourself dress up because it makes you feel good,its hard with little ones but try to find you time let him wait to see you come in the door.

Maybe Covid and all that it’s brought/bringing is taking its toll. Have patience but be prepared incase. Wishing a happy outcome for you.


Maybe he is very tired from work and needs some time to « decompress » when he is back home? Let him have some space when he is back and see what happens.

I stuck one like that for 14 years before I pulled the pin. Thank God I did. My life is a million times better now. Don’t be afraid to move on from any relationship that exists only because of inertia.


He Will Never Admit it but, I “Guarantee You” that He is Involved with Someone Else !


Stressors in life can test a relationship, children become priority and we can forget about ourselves

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See a Marriage Counselor. Preferably together.


Get a job put kids in daycare 50/50 on daycare bill make urself independent he has really cheaked out of your marriage and like u said doesnt have the balls to say girl get a job hopefully u have ur on car fix it were you can support yourself and kids get ur on place self esteem hon you can do

You happiness shouldn’t depend on his mood…go after your own happiness and to be on the safe side , get your financial security in place while you’re at it. Remember what they say about the 7 year itch, it comes and goes. Are you up to ride it out?


Be positive every individual is different. He definitely loves you but way of expressing his love and care is different from the way of others.

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Let him know how you feel. If he acts cold, ignore his ass. He will come around if you become more independent.

U have an emotionally lazy spouse that avoids mushy connection. Makes them uncomfortable unless they’re prepared for it in the moment. It’s a bad excuse for why you’re not in touch with your spouses needs and they need to reevaluate how they treat you on a day to day basis in the midst of all the pressures that life has to offer.
(Yes I’m single ladies. :relieved:)


Buy the book love languages! And ask hard questions, figure out what’s actually going on.


Hes in the closet with a secret boyfreind

Sounds like he checked out of that marriage and father hood. Maybe he needs to get help. I feel for this famiky


Lol. Jk. On people actually commenting really social media boo hoo

I hope things work out for you, with or without him.

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Really you posted this on Facebook… I am surprised the FB fact checkers didn’t dispute the post…

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Put what you just posted on here in writing and leave it where he can read it. Sometimes reading something gets through more than hearing something coming from somebody’s mouth


The more times I read this the more it sounds like my relationship. There’s slight differences. In our 30’s, 2 young kids. He works and I’m home with kids. Gets annoyed when talking about things. Guess what. I put my foot down a long time ago! You’re either in it for life or your not. I’d speak up life’s to short! By the way we are very happy with it lives and everything gets better when you with together!

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My ex did that then I found out there was someone else, mind you it’s wasn’t worth the fight and hard work trying to keep him. Cut your losses, life is way too short to waste it on someone who doesn’t see your worth :slightly_smiling_face:


Maybe he is having problems at work.
Maybe start of with how was your day at work .and leave it like .for a while then you could say it’s great to see you home from work and that kids live seeing home after work etc.
Say would you like me to run you a.nice bath when you get home from work and have dins later . Maybe he needs to feel special to. And say to him I love you handsome etc


Try reading the Five Love Languages.


This is what we in the business call “red flags”. Don’t ignore them. You are confused and unhappy and on the edge. What else do you need to know? He won’t change. Can you find a happy place? Can you go there alone, with your children. Seek a more peaceful existence.


you be you - if that doesnt work get out!


either he’s cheating on you- or he’s morphed into an asshole. i have the same issue with my own husband. the only difference is i know he isn’t cheating on me. his stroke prevents him from fucking outside of the home.

he is an asshole though

My wife and I love each other. At first I talked a lot. But as time went on I reverted to my quiet self. Don’t listen to these pinheads. If something is bothering him and he doesn’t want to talk. Let him handle his moods. Some people want to handle things themselves. Let him know you are there when he wants to talk.


Regardless of what goes on at work. Get couples counselling, have weekly date night.


Worries sometimes get in the way . Perhaps you need a weekend getaway to talk and reconnect .


It sounds like a combination of the “seven year itch”, and he has his own demons that he needs to sort out, hence the inconsistent moods. Try couples and individual counselling.


Give him a good sloppy blowjob and cook him his favourite meal. That will cheer him up

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Sounds like infedellity.


Compliment him :slightly_smiling_face:,greet him with positive words,he himself might need some Cheering up and it will be reciprocated back to you.

He could be struggling with depression but doesn’t realise it. Work might be getting him down but doesn’t know how to voice it ?? Xx


You gotta let him be who he is.

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some people both men & women need a lot of leave them alone. let the man come home relax decompress at least an hour then try talking to him. most men dont want feel interrogated when they come through the door. worst thing you can do when your working 50-60hr weeks. if he needs to soften up you need to toughen up.

He could be suffering from depression and fighting a battle within himself which takes every ounce of his energy and thoughts struggling with this and has nothing to give to others. If it is this then he needs professional help


Why are you airing this on facebook instead of seeking the advice or listening ear, of a professional?? I don`t mean to insult or demean your problems, but social media is not the place to air personal problems - especially when it involves someone else.


Life is too short to live in misery. It’s evidene his love for you has died.

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Move on he is cheating on you. Red flags are flying in your relationship.


My husband said to ask if he is stressed at work or about other stuff. Maybe get conversation rolling and see if that can lead to open communication and better the relationship


It sounds like talking to him about how you feel doesn’t get you anywhere and that he brushes you off as just complaining. Start writing down when this happens. But you also need to write down when he does good stuff too. Get about a month of stuff in your book and then give it to him if the bad is outweighing the good. Keep it to yourself if you end up realizing you are too focused on compliments and less on actions (he took out the trash for you, cleaned your car for you, etc.).
You may be right but you are at the 7 year itch point in your relationship and it gets tough about that time.


As I agree it sounds like depression, my question is do you compliment him??? It goes both ways. Men like to hear compliments, get flowers even!


Sounds like depression to me too. I’ve mentioned to my bf of 6 yrs how he never compliments me but then he turns it on me and says I don’t compliment him either. So I make it a point to compliment him. Tell him how thankful I am for him, what a great dad he is, etc. I still don’t get compliments. I’m a stay at home mom, I clean up after everyone, cook, laundry, do garbage, baths, bedtime, all by myself. Sometimes I lose my shit, sometimes I say absolutely nothing, sometimes I nag, and sometimes I remind him of all I do and how it goes unnoticed. He works overnights comes home as we all wake up and goes to bed. Wakes up an hour or 2 before dinner and takes a nap after dinner before he has to go back in. But I stopped reminding him of what he misses out on. He will figure it out


You answered your own question twice in your post… “he comes home from work”, guys seem to literally bring their work home with them, if they had a good day at work, they’re in a good mood when they get home, if they had a bad or stressful day, they come home and don’t really wanna do anything but relax and keep to themselves cause they’re still irritable from work.

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Mabey he’s having bad days at work and it’s just work stress he don’t want to bother you with.

Y husband is the same way. We have been together for 7 years have 2 kids and when i want to talk he his short with me. But on weekends i make him do things with us on weekends and he does. Every sundays is family day we go to flea markets. My husband complains about everything im mean everything in do and dont do. But i just brush it off because he doesnt know what i deal with at home. Im a stay at home and he works 6 days a week. I have a book that i write in when we fight or argue or im just in a bad mood because of him and he ends up reading while im asleep to see what i write and he trys to make it up to me the next day.

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Start ignoring him all together . Let him cook ,clean and do his laundry for himself watch how fast he comes around if not try counseling


It goes both ways with compliments etc but do you help each other out with the basics - house chores, kids etc?

Keep trying…We will always have, bumps along the way😉 Set up date nights/walks ect … Have you ever heard of The Seven Year Itch? The seven-year itch - Wikipedia