My husband only cares about himself and I'm having a hard time

if your doing it all on your own anyway…and hes not going to help… tell him to burn rubber…you DONT NEED ANOTHER CHILD TO RAISE…

That’s when you come in and change sh$t boss up like you been doing and lay laws make sure your clear on what’s going to happen from here out or it’s clear you can do bad all by yourself he dragging you down and you don’t nor kids deserve that if you love him and you want to make it work you going to have to treat him like the kid he’s acting like!

You answered your own questions!! Get out, finish school. If you Bhagwan to see if you can stay with your family. Quit being a doormat :heart::heart:you CAN DO THIS!!

Sorry but it won’t change. He knows hecan get by with it.Until ureallyput your foot down.he won’t change. Terrible thing to say but kick him to the curb.u would get more help without him.think but u an your kids.dont live like that. Hope things get bettet.You have a nice day

First question do u still love this guy if the answer is i am not sure

I would suggest marriage counseling this might be a first step see if he willing to go an stay active
If this fails u know your next options

Have a plan and stick to it

If he refuses to go to consoling go to your other options step

Leave…your already doing it all. Take the stress away

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Tell him to hit the road. You don’t need him you are taking care of yourself and your family. Don’t need him since he is not doing a darn thing. Time to start a new life without him and time for him to learn to take care of himself. He is not worth the trouble. Best of luck I hope everything works out for you and you find someone who will take care of you and your kids and bring you happiness.

It’s time to leave your doing it all by yourself anyway look at it this way one less kid to take care of and less stress God bless you in your decision

Yeah you’re not his Mother tell him to either shape up or ship out…

He doesn’t contribute anything so why is he there? You won’t even miss him, just one headache gone!! Get rid of him. He serves no purpose!!!

Life is too short to live like that. Tell him to straighten up or you will leave.

Change the lock. He may thinks he’s at the wrong house and leave.
Better yet- you get a new key and let him walk into a empty house. He should get the message then.

No judgment, only you know when youve had enough… i know all too well how you feel☹️, but live for you, live for your kids, only you can make a difference, youll know when and how.

You need to give yourself some space from him. Leave the house for some months with your kids. Don’t go back until he has changed. When I said he had changed, I mean he has to be sending money to you for your upkeep as well as your kids while you are away from his house for at least six months. Make him understand once you have agreed to move back in that if the past mistakes happen, then you are definitely moving out again. Since he has seen you done it before, he would not want to make the mistake of making you do it again.

If you are doing everything already leave his ass you are better than that!! Send him packing he only loves himself!!

Looks like you can do well without him!!! Obviously he is not working all that time.

Time to kick him to the curb, then you can get the support you need through the legal system.

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If you’re already doing it on your own already just cut him loose, that’s one less person you have to take care of!!

If you are already supporting the house hold, then leave, or kick him out.

Leave that crap! He doesn’t eat food or get a place to sleep if he doesn’t contribute… nope nope nope!

Seems like you would be much better off without him

you need to leave, or throw him out, you’re doing it all by yourself anyway. Courts will make him pay support, you can’t make him take the kids, but you’re still better off without him.

I don’t think you need him and it doesn’t seem he wants his family. You will be happier on your own.

You don’t need him. Just put a legal end on what is already over. No talking in the world will change him, he doesn’t want and doesn’t care. Move on and give yourself a chance to be happy.

No judgment but you don’t need to enable and support rotten behavior out of anyone much less your spouse. Time to be courageous and change. Time for him to answer what he expects to contribute to this marriage. You are worthy of a loving caring supportive affirming encouraging spouse who would go to the ends of the earth for you and his family to love provide and support. Is his behavior harming you? Is it harming your children? YES AND YES! Today…make a change. You’re NOT HIS MOMMY

My question to you is why is he still hanging around the house. He is a poor example of a husband AND father. Since he does not contribute in any way get rid of Him

You ladies must make a change you can make him change by you changing little things and big things try it trust me!

You don’t have a husband, you got a non contributing roommate.

She forgot to mention who pays for their home and bills :thinking:

been there, done that, if you feel alone may as well be alone x

Why are you still with him? You are basically doing everything by yourself. You need to get out of this relationship

Divorce. If he a real man u wouldn’t have to ask anything . He would do anything in a heartbeat. Sorry u have to go through this. Not right at all.

Pack his bags and put on porch

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I don’t understand what the problem is… send him on his way!!!
You’re doing everything by yourself… you May as well be by yourself… without the headache

It’s sad about your frustration. Yes your husband should help. You made a commitment when you married him.

Why is he there? Stop doing his food, washing, etc. Let him move out and fend for himself. He’s doing it anyway so tell him to find a new place to do it in…

It’s time for you to go out with the girls n just be all ready when he comes in the house just tell him your going out with the girls m dnt tell him where your going just leave if you have only one car do you have keys for it as he walks in you walk out no conversation between you n him at all your being used n being treated like you dnt exist

You’ll never find the right person if you’re with the wrong person

Dump him. You might as well be alone. Put all bills in his name and find somewhere else to live you’ll be happier. He’ll have to pay to look after his children and his abode. Read between the lines ( he has a girlfriend).

Why do you even keep him around? He needs to pack his stuff and get out. Unless you stand up for your self it will continue. Not to be rude but if you allow it to go on it will never change.

Some people (men and women) are so set in gender roles that they fail to see the irresponsibility in their attitudes.
Laundry, dishes, dinner, shopping, cleaning - LIFE SKILLS, not “woman’s work.”
He can be responsible for breakfast or dinner on days you have classes - DON’T tell him how - pizza? TV dinners? McDonald’s? Let him do it his way, even if it’s not your way- I’ve found this to be a major issue in my relationship- I went to refold a towel because it wasn’t done the “right” way and he promised to never fold another… so I let it be.
If you care about the relationship and want to make it work, assess what you need from him and be firm and direct - about both your expectations and your intentions. If he doesn’t shape up, you’re already doing it by yourself anyway.

Who pays rent, utilities you or him. If everything is you then give him an option shape up or ship out. If you are providing, you can make it on your own without him no doubt about that, you’re on your own already. Just saying he’s no good there’s no love, respect an no appreciation in him. So your choice is up to you and you want happiness, ask our lord to guide you and give you strength to carry on the responsibility as a single parent, you’ll be happy and enjoying the life you want, you’ll find another who will make you happy in return…God bless you on your choice…

Good morning husband. I’m raising my kids not you

Leave him, get child support and alimony then find a husband that loves you

You can do bad alone, leave and have apiece of mind. Let him move I with his other significant & stop using you.

Ok, do you know how to get rid of a big part of your problem? DIVORCE!! At least then he has to pay child support!! You’ll think you’ve hit the jackpot!!

I would tell him to get out. If he’s going to treat you like you and the kids don’t exist then let him be by hisself. You’re already doing it on your own

Sounds like my husband when he was an alcoholic. He will need your help to beat this.

He’s already taught you that you don’t need him and that you can do it by yourself kick him out if he isn’t going to contribute equally… You may want to try counseling I would probably start would probably start with showing what the bills are and say you are equally responsible as a contributing member of this household and their father these are not options this is what you will start providing for your family you will not be coming home drunk at 2 or 3:00 in the morning we all work hard together and it is not more my responsibility than yours… At least if you get him to contribute some money if you decide not to kick him out right away you can put that aside to help you for when you are in a place that you can… Honey hes not doing anything for you you are clearly doing it by yourself now.

Time for a divorce. It want ever get any better and u r to good for that

Not judging, so what do you need him for?

So why are you still married- he’s not home and not supporting you and the kids you might as well be divorced and happy!!!

Of course you’re not happy but you’ve got a choice you can go to counseling speak up or leave and I would tell him so

Get rid of him and take care of you and the kids. If he truly loves you he will change if he does not you did not need him anyway

Tell him to hit the road. You don’t need him and the kids sure don’t need that .

Leave he’s not going to change, went through the same thing. Tried to have a sit down talk with him about things and he ended up punching me in the mouth. I gave him 10 mins to pack and get out while I went next door to call the cops. Best thing I ever did was to get him out of my life. Don’t live your life like that, stress will cause you a lot of health problems in the end, you need to be happy so your kids can be happy. Get away from that germ, there’s no cure! He is who he is, what’s born in his blood you can’t beat out of his bones. Do you and your kids a favor, get him out now!

He sounds more like a dependent than a help mate

Tell him he’s gotta go and have his stuff packed and outside. Your already living without him

It’s goes same for a lot of dads also. Not just moms.

Some people don’t deserve to breath fresh air

Don’t sell yourself short and waste years allowing this. Make him go or you may look back 20 years from now and wonder why you wasted your life

You are divorced without the paper work

His Actions are screaming at you. No respect for you… and u can’t change him, so sounds like you have your answer.

You can do better by yourself. You might as well… you can’t do worse!! You’re already doing it!! :sparkling_heart:

Get rid of him, get you some peace and ger you and your kids on a schedule. You will be GREAT…Successfully done with 3 kids which are know grown

Time to move on. He isn’t going to change. See a therapist to he l.p. you move on.

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Been there done that, you don’t realize what’s happening until it’s too late. Pack up you and the kids and leave. It will be a reality check for both of you. Also make sure that you cover the basis with financial and legal support. Good luck.

First and foremost when that guy comes in at 3 A.M and drunk…he has not been at work. He a biological contributor…not a daddy and seems to have a problem with a disease called lazy butt and selfishness. I would not support him in any way financially. Get your education and tell him to grow up and become a responsible adult. This is not a marriage or a home. It is a play ground for a selfish baby. Sorry, but we see too much of this today. Men who are supposed to care for their wives and children but think only of what pleases them…

It’s ok for all of us to tell you what to do but it’s you who has to decide what to do. Can you parents help? I would leave him it it was me.

You ladies must wake up and smell the coffee & :pray:

There’s an old saying that applies: If you want to keep getting what your getting, keep doing what you’re doing. Also, If nothing changes, nothing changes.


Sounds like you need to such him

He will never get better. Things will never improve with him. Never. Only you can change your situation because he will never change. Good luck.

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Are you serious. You knew long before this who he was. The the real problem is. Are you going to do something. You already know what he’s doing

I understand you feel you are between a rock and a hard place. Divorce can be liberating and a way to make him legally responsible to contribute his fair share, while releasing yourself from the toxic mental and financial abuse . Seek counsel through Safe House, Safe Harbor, (sp?) because if he doesn’t leave, you must leave, with the children. If that’s the case, the exit may need to be discreet and sudden. Safety first! You are a good mom, person. We will pray for you!! Trust God through this, He will never leave nor forsake you!! He Is on your side, and that of your children!!!

“And the day finally came, when being in a tight bud, was more painful than it took, to bloom”!

“The time not way out is through”

You will break free!! I’m praying for you!!! Miracles happen in the way God knows as best!! Trust in Him!!

Remember, you are not his Mother, and perhaps it’s time to send him back to Mommy!!

He isn’t a father, barely a husband. Time to kick his a** to the curb. If he can’t support you physicaly or emotionally, he can be forced to do it financially.

No one can tell you what to do you have to be strong and do for you and your kids

Thats why i left my first marriage. I told him if i was going to do everything by myself, it was going to be my choice, not his. I worked 2 & 3 jobs to make ends meet & took college classes one night a week when they were at their dads. It sucked at times, but i was so much happier because i didnt have to worry about him, his attitude or relectance to help out.

You need a wake up call girl! He’s an alcoholic!

Leave. Quit carrying his dead weight. No surprises. You are not going to miss his help . He gives nothing.

You must tell him how hard it is tell him you study to help the family adVance ak him to do the three thing you need help with be specific more than three won’t work

Take care you and the kids only. Since he doesn’t want to contribute, he can do for himself

He be pack and out the door to his mom home

Time to start a new life! If you’re doing it all yourself why do you need the excess baggage and expense!

Life is way too short to be miserable!!!

A post on fb said, the worst weight you can carry is a sorry man.

Don’t let the door hit him in the ass on his way out!
See ya

Well, your doing it all yourself anyway… So get rid of him… One less to worry about, and continue on without his lazy arse dragging you down… You don’t need him to survive… Your doing it all anyway…
Life is to short to be stuck with a person like that… :blush:

Leave him it will be just a hard as staying take him for child support you all ready take care of you and your kids and if you leave wont have to take care of a poor excuse of a man !!! I bet you will be relieved and have a little bit of money left over to do something special for you and your kids !!

If your doing it all on ypur own you dont need it

You let him tell either you start now or get out

WHY PUT UP WITH A FREE LOADER either you and the kids pack up and leave or put his sorry excuse of a MAN OUT !

I would say ADIOS amigo. Do not get yourself I’ll over this guy. Your children need you.

If you are carrying the load by yourself, leave. You have proven you can do it on your own…so do it.

Kick him out. The marriage is over . Divorce call a lawyer tomorrow. Sounds like you’re doing everything anyway tell him to leave then that would be one less thing you would have to worry about.

Change the locks on the door,put a note on the door that says when you pay you stay simple as that.

You are doing it all by yourself anyway. No need for him . He gives nothing to the relationship except stress.

Leave him since you do it all on your own anyway

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I would tell him to get out of you place. Since he is never there and doesn’t pat for anything.