My husband only cares about himself and I'm having a hard time

Time for you to put your foot down and tell him what you need from him…

Kick him out. He’s hardly ever there when he is you’re looking after him. He won’t change he’s no use to man or beast. There’s a real man looking for you

Why would anyone judge you? He’s not doing anything to help you out so kick his sorry a__s out,then go to a lawyer & let them get the money out of him.He Don’t deserve you or your kids.

Doesn’t sound like a marriage to me😳time to re evaluate

Throw the whole damn husband away.

You do realize that without him you will have one less mouth to feed. Its not cheaper to keep HIM

Been there, then got divorced!

You thought he would change, but he didn’t! Your fault, not his. There are better men than he is. They are very hard to find.

I agree with Tammy. If he’s not participating, he’s not part of the family. Either he gets his act together or one of you is leaving.

Where did he think that that would be ok to do? Has he always been like that?

It’s already like he isn’t there so kick him to the curb!!!

You work and bring home a paycheck.Done…your only responsibility is you and your kids.

KIck him to the curb. Why do you keep him in your life, he is not contributing to your family. Kick him out and change the locks and get a lawyer to sue for compensation for his kids.

If you have to ask about this, you already know the answer. Boot his ass out, get a divorce, take him to court for child support

All the same. Answers leave

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If you got to do it by yourself you might as well be by yourself. Does he pay the rent the bills

Get Rid of the jerk your better off just you and the kids i will pray for you

Not judging but if have to put it on here you know the answer

Get rid of him your better of on your own well your on your own now so do it you don’t need him

You can do bad all by yourself…Marriage is a partnership and Childern come from both parents… Family is a lifetime commitment…If you are doing all yourself,why is he there ….?

If you are doing it all on your own be on your own

If he’s not contributing what do you need him for?

Leave…he’s not happy…at all. Neither are you and I bet neither are the kids. He probably feels trapped just like you do. Tell him you are not willing g to go on like this…after you dave enough money to move out. Ask parents if you can move in with them for a few months. Leave. If he realizes he needs to treat you better he will change…otherwise share custody of kids and don’t ask for child support. Your children deserve better. Don’t withhold kids from him…thats what drives me mad.

Tell him nothing, kick him to the curb while you are young enough to have a life for you and kids. Get a good lawyer and make him support your children

If u r doing it by yourself anyways. Leave him. Save some money with one less mouth to feed. 1 less person using water and electric. And 1 less person to worry about. Marriage is a team. So it sounds like it’s already over. Now time to make it official.

You are doing it on your own. Why is he there?

You don’t have a husband you have a child

Seems to me your single
Not married.

Sending hugs
You deserve better and with someone who appreciates you

Time to leave the useless SOB. IF he works and he should he NEEDS to contribute. What gives him the right to NOT help financially or help u with the children.

Why are you allowing this you and your children deserve to be treated right. Kick him to the curb this is Not love and file no support charges against him.

Give me a break you know what to do

Leave file for child support and find your peace he isnt worth it. PERIODT!

Leave and don’t look back. You’re not married you have three children

You married him!!I did that much had four under three.

File for divorce and full custody of your children

Just a heads up, it doesn’t change. And when you finally leave his ass, he will publicly show himself doing what you wanted, with another woman. Time to move on.

Was he like this before you had a family?

Get up and leave, pack your crap and say goodbye, don’t even argue with him, don’t start a fight just leave and be quiet, God Bless

Send him packing you and the children deserve better.

Pack his bags Nd send them 2 work wiv him.

Rehab and AA. Works wonders for a lot of people.

Kick that bum to the curb, you might as well be by yourself your already on your own.

Had one just like him! You can try marriage counseling or you can open the door and let him go! However, if he acts this way while married don’t think he will change after you let him go. Just figure you are going to do it on your own! It will be hard. On the other hand you have one less “ child” to deal with! It will get better. Just read someone said to leave kids and go for a break… check with legal services as he could claim abandonment and get the kids. Be prepared $$$, family, lawyers, whatever just to be safe and protect the kids.

I don’t understand your question‼️ Leave him, how does he add to your life❓ This shouldn’t take any thought‼️ Do you enjoy being a victim❓

I’ve been where you are and I got out .

real simple,get a divorce,

Question. Why are you staying with the louse? You’re doing it all anyways

Happening more and more with these boys not wanting to be bothered and not being involved with what they very well started

Been there. Leave and start over. It gets better.

Make a change…pack him a bag and get him to leave for a few days

And yet you stay with him, why?

I would give him a month to change (put it in writing just in case he forgets what you expect from him) OR START PACKING HIS CRAP !!!

Dump him. It will be difficult and worth it. Best of luck. You deserve better.

Time to kick him out, who does he spend his money on? Think about it

You’re a single Mom…
Ditch him

divorce…you doing it all alone anyway

Why you with him then

Divorce is your answer, and make him pay your way.

couldn’t agree more I had more after my husband left than before you may even qualify for assistance

No judgment for you :disappointed:please leave this person he is not a husband or a father you should not have to deal with all of this :disappointed:God will bless you in any decision that you make :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

I would of left his ass long time ago

Its such a problem im gonna air it out on facebook. :-1::angry:

No. One. Is. Judgeing. You. Keep. Your. Head. Up. Kid o0

Dump that bum.he isnt home because he is seeing someone else throw his butt to the curb

Read your letter out loud. And see what conclusion you reach—-just say in!

Kick the deadbeat to the curb and file for child support.

Anyone who doesn’t work is LAzy

You married him you should be prepared for the consequences

You will be better off without him

You can do bad All by your SELF

See a attorney, don’t tell him, that way your attorney can find out how much money he is making, then file for divorce, he will have to financially help support you. If that doesn’t open his eyes and make him change, than you are better off without him

Get counseling as soon as possible

So why are you still there… start working a plan for exit yourself.

Make a plan and get him out without warning. Take him to court, divorce him and get child support and don’t look back.

Leave,save yourself,your not raising a man too!

Sounds like my x husband

Why do you keep him?

Move on. It’s hard. But this is hard too.

To the curb he should go!! He’ll be giving you money in the form of child support :blush:

You’re still married why?

Better to be alone than miserable…it will hurt like crazy but at least he won’t be your problem anymore.

Why should we jugde you? If you are a beliver, trust that God or Allah will punish him. You must show him you mean what you say. Because we womans are very good at treatning to leave, say this will happen if you dont sharpen up abd so on… Or we stay quiet and hope it will be better. Trust me, it will not be. As long as you lrt him treat you this way, he will never change. I have been where you are now. 15 years I lived in this situation, til one day I said to myself: Do you really want to live like this?? And also showing your children its ok to treat their mother like this? No, its not ok at all. You have shown yourself that you can manage… You are a strong person… :heart:

Its now or never pack your things and leave his not worth it

Tell him to shape up or ship out!

You know what you need to do

Get rid of him. He doesn’t contribute. Why is it such a hard dilemma for you?

Get that education under your belt so you can get a good job and then get rid of the Excess baggage

You’re doing it all by yourself … do yourself a favor and get rid of him.

What ya need him for

I would tell him where to go.

Please,for your children, find the courage and get help to move out and move on.

Get rid of him NOW. Let him support himself and It seems you don’t need him AT ALL!

You have THREE kids.

He got a job move in get child support n a peace of mine

Divorce and move on! He is a bum!!

Why are you still with him.

Why are you still with him!!!

Get rid of him! If you are paying everything and doing it all by yourself, you don’t need him!

I guarantee you will see this get worse!