My husband only cares about himself and I'm having a hard time

But I love him. ROTFL

Welcome to the real world Honey

Your with him why? Better to be alone than in bad company.

I would leave i did life so much easier

You seems to be managing your side well. Do the right thing,just leave him he is a liability than an asset.

Time for him too go.

Leave him . That way you won’t have to support him you won’t have to be bothered with him

I’d leave. No reason to stay if you’re not happy

Why u stay with him?

Run! You already do everything yourself!

It’s hard but to the curb I go

Just pray it works out

Tell him to get the hell out

Get rid of him. You’re doing all by yourself anyway. You don’t need him

Why are you with him then?

And you’re still with him, why???

Change your locks, send him back to his parents.

Well. I say. Run. Get out

Leave his butt you can get more help.

That is not a husband.

Do what makes you happy

Maybe it is time to move on.

File an annulment case against your husband for lack of conscience and support. He is an irresponsible head of the family.

Why are you with him???

So sorry to hear you are going through this, please seek help.

Don’t put up with it 15yrs like I di

Time to start packing, lol

Either he helps out 100% or bye bye.

Open your eyes, tell him good bye, maybe paying chilfd support will open his

You know what to do.

He will not change unless he realizes he needs to change. Best wishes

Hold on for one more day, things will go your way. Only you can have the things you want. Make a decision and go.

Why are you with him?

See ya bye Hubby, no I’m not leaving you are…

Get out of the situation and b happy

The only that can change that is you !!!

God will take him out

Tell him bye- bye, u proved u don’t need him so go. He needs u more.

Read your article back to yourself , you may fined the answer , it’s in there . No Judgement!!

Get rid of his sorry. Ass prayers

You already know the answer. Now you’ve got confirmation. GO!

He would have to go!

Why is he still there?

Leave him… of course his having affair… Just leave that Jackass

Whos this pointing :point_right: at ??

Why are you doing this?

You will do better by yourself

U will be better off DUMP HIM

What are you waiting for?

If he’s doing nothing to support you why stay?

Time for you to dump him

Tell him to step up or step out.

Talk to a legal aid attorney about divorce

Basically you’re on your own.

Clearly he dint care. Leave

NO more martyrs! They all died already. Leave and be happy.

Why keep him around? Really!

Then let him go be by himself

If he’s not paying for anything why is he there

You are doing amazing

make him leave ,not you. make him pay hild suport! or go to a marrige theripist

Let him take care of himself

Get rid of him
Bad thoughtless man

Just leave his sorry ass.

Get rid of that Jerk

Leave. Or give him an ultimatum. Get off your butt or we are leaving/tell him to get out

What difference would it make if you leave him? What will you gain once he is gone in your life?

You know the answer, deep inside you. Just decide on what you think is best…no matter how hard… Start anew! No matter how hard the change would be. Anyone who is working hard for her kids, God will help and rescue. It may take time for things to get better but at least you are no longer stuck in pain and disappointment.

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ITs no wonder he doesn’t want anything to do with you and your whinging, get off facebook an do something useful.

Stop taking care of him. No cooking, cleaning laundry. Personally I’d go.about my life as if he didn’t exist. Kick him out, you’ve already proven to yourself that you don’t need him… Don’t forget to seek child support.

You are an amazing lady. Please ck out alanon and co dependents anon. They are both on line. Your asking for support and all of these people are here for you. Grab a hold and begin your journey. You are modeling for your kids. Turn the page and choose yourself. Choose them. Give yourself permission to heal and grow. You. Are enough. No one can change him It’s difficult to have a relationship with someone who is already in a relationship with the bottle. You however can do this. And we’re all here to support you

I don’t have enough information…

Sometimes starting off a wife may start off doing everything and will not ask for help… and even when the husband tries to help, the wife puts him down or wants it done their way… then after awhile the husband stops trying and feels worthless, but most men will not voice their feelings… so they just act out

that sucks! So the difference in your life right now is having another person to tend to (except he’s not a kid!) . I think it would be best for you to divorce him since you’re doing all the work yourself. I know it’s a hard concept to take but he not pitching in to chores and finances are making you depressed. Get rid of the toxic factor in your life: HIM.

Girl, I have been married almost 40 years. My husband won my heart by washing dishes for me. We have three sons. Two of the three would have preferred their dad had been the one to stay home. He cooks, cleans, does cloths and even now that our sons are grown. He takes their calls and is on the phone for hours. This is not bragging. This is me telling you, your already doing life without his help. Kick him to the curb. A judge will see you get child support. Money is not everything but its a start. Get a sitter for Friday nights. Plan on going to a movie, soaking in bubbles, reading. Anything you want to do. No chores! That is your time. If only for two hours.
When asked out don’t judge the book by its cover. My hubby is average in looks. But above average In everything else Trust me, I would not trade him for the hottest man on earh. I pray you find someone worth your love.

If your doing all this by yourself you are a strong woman why even be married anymore its all on you anyway what kind of man let’s his kids down you do what’s best for you and your children is it fair to them that their father is there but not there don’t bring them up in that kind of energy try thinking about how to survive this until you can do better for you and your children women have raised kids on their own for centuries don’t stress pray and ask God for guidance I hope it works out for you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

When I was only three here is what my mom told my Dad before she left. “If I can take care of three I sure as hell an take care of two”. Food for thought.

Leave him u do it all
No need for another kid on top of the 2 already

Sorry I am not as nice and polite. Your married if those are his kids and does NOT help then pack your kids and any crap you need and leave. Never look back and NO second chances.

You’ll have to sit that husband down and have a serious talk with him about helping you. In my opinion, if you can do all this by yourself, you don’t need him at all. If he still can’t listen to you after you sit him down and have this conversation with him, you’re better without him. That’s one reason why there are so many single mother and women out there in this world. Kick his ass to the curve and that will minus that extra stress off you. You’re pretty much an independent woman and I praise you a lot for it. Love, peace and good luck to you. :v: :heart::handshake:

I would have the locks changed and his belongings sitting outside when he comes “home” at 2-3o’clock in the morning with a note saying you are not his mama! Or better yet divorce papers!

Then why are u keeping him kick his lazy ass to the curb if u are doin it all by yourself u really don’t need him

When you leave go for child support and if you have a house keep that to

My ex husband and I tried to make it work after our divorce. He went home to his parents when his dad got sick and was gone over two weeks. I asked him when he was coming home, he said he didn’t know ( I was sending him money for food, gas, etc). I asked for a time frame and he said he wanted me to see how it was without him. Oh, was that a mistake. I let him know, “I only want to know if youre coming back so I know who’s watching the kids ( he had no job). Otherwise I don’t care. Fact: I pay all the Bill’s so I don’t need you for that. You don’t help around the house, so I don’t need you for that. You drop the kids off to my mom half the time so I don’t need you for childcare. I don’t trust you or even like you anymore. you have not made you presence necessary or even wanted. So stay away. Cuz we’re better off.” And we have been. You’ll have less stress not having to waste time worrying about someone who is not worrying about you. And the kids don’t need to see you so unhappy. You don’t need him and they don’t either. Trust me, whatever he weighs will be a weight off your shoulders.

What you have is a parasite not a husband or a father. Do not warn him, but prepare quietly to leave him. You would not want to take the chance that he would become violent. Take a look at your support network and if possible live with your parents until you can get on your feet.

You obviously don’t need him, since he is not there anyway. Kick him out, or leave with the kids.

Stop doing anything for him. You’re technically already a single mom . if he refuses to leave then you need to make arrangements to leave.

You can do bad alone get rid of him. I don’t understand women that he’ll hold onto a man for just an occasional romp in the hay, not worth it

I went through the same thing. I left.

I’m not going to say it’s an easy decision but it is one that you have to make. If you are doing everything alone including your marriage then what is keeping you?
He walked out on his vows the second he stayed out and drank instead of coming home to his family. He made the decision for you.
Ask yourself what are the pros and cons of this relationship. You might have to struggle a bit but trust me in the long run you will be happier.

Change the locks on the house and don’t give him a key. And tell to go where the sun don’t shine.

It’s time to leave you kids deserve better kids need dad and you need real marriage wearyour respected,and supported leave

Divorce his but make him pay child support and get on with your life he’s a sorry excuse for a husband and dav

Sounds to me like hes having an affair and you’re letting him get away with it!! Fuck him off!!

Your already coping on your own without his support… kick his ass to the cerb and sue him for child support and find yourself a man who can support you financially and emotionally.

Go away for the weekend with friends. Let him see how hard it is for you daily.

Said every woman ever since the beginning of time…

Divorce his lazy ass

make a plan…dont tell or let anyone know…then soon…carry thru and get out of that house with the kids…go get a judge to have him removed for reasons hes not supporting you and the kids… and hes a threat to all of you when he gets drunk… or plan to get help planning for shelter… they are always willing to help women with this… get the tel number in your town or another town… and get it done… time to get out!!

What are you going to do about all of this that you dealing with ?

It will never get better. Trust me. Leave now

Kick him out change the locks or pack up with the kids move out go stay with family make him see what he is missing