You don’t need him
Throw him out
Don’t want to sound negative but it’s going to get worse
Dump him. Move out possibly in with your parents. He is zero.
Kick him out. You’re paying for everything. Your children are learning from what they see.
Hell no.
Get rid of him. He doesn’t care for you or your kids.
See a solicitor and leave him… take him for half and start a new happy life !!
Start preparing a plan to get away.
Get out. That’s not a marriage. You’re being used.
He has a girlfriend get a lawyer
Honey if you’re doing everything anyway why do you need man dropping Like It’s Hot kick his ass out change the locks on the doors file for divorce full custody of the kids and tell him darling I do everything anyway why do I need you go back home to Mama where she can take care of you and put up with your BS and when you become a real man then call me if I’m still available cuz I’m a catch I might take you up on it but we done
Either put up with it or leave…
Get rid of him… you’re already a single parent
Sounds like it’s time
To move on he won’t change
Get rid of him waste of space
Divorce his sorry ass
And your staying because…?
Sounds exactly like my ex. If you’re doing all the work and paying all the bills, what do you need him for? Throw him out.
Divorce the lazy ass
i say BS… he need tofork over $$$ or take a hike
Go to counsing or kick him to the curb
Quit taking care of him. Pack his shit, put it outside and change the locks
You’re better off without him. He is draining the life out of you - just mooching off you. You are being a sucker.
He needs to go to the curb😡
Why are you still with him? Kick him out, go to court. He will be made to contribute.
You dont need him. Leave him.
It’s hard to help someone that dumb. The obvious answer is divorce.
Leave him. You have already proved that you can make it without him.
You do not have a partner you have a man child. Take your “children “ leave the man child. You’re already a single parent ditch the dead wood and move on from the loser. He will never change/grow up!
Get rid of this guy , he’s WORTHLESS.
How different would your life be if you separated??At least than you would get maintenance!! No love there on his part let the loser go there is only one reason men don’t come home at night Get out of denial
Be strong and independent and kick his ass to the curb with divorce papers and get child support and spouse support.
Your already doing it by yourself …kick him out
Than why are you staying with a useless person. Trow him out.
He would have been kicked to the touch a long time ago.
Your doing it all like he’s not there. Kick his butt to the club and carry on by yourselg
I’m sorry that you have to go through this . It’s so apparent of what needs to be done when a third party like I am reading at your post. The bottom line is people treat us the way we LET them. When enough is enough! It’s time to have that serious talks with him: SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT. You’re not his doormat, servant or his mom. Show him how much you love YOURSELF, while being a good mom and a loyal spouse. His irresponsible behavior gotta STOPPED, cuz he is a grown man. If he want to live like a bum or whatever, he can do that on his own time and term, you and the kids will not be in that picture, PERIOD. What type of examples is he setting for his kids? It takes 2 to have a good and happy marriage, if he is not in it with you, it’s time to hit the front door. You seem to be a strong independent woman, you will survive without him, in the other hands, he won’t survive without you. It’s his loss!! Life is too short to live in misery. Good luck to you!
So if he doesn’t contribute in anything , then why are you still babysitting? Your not his slave , his caretaker or his mom. Leave his lazy ass and if you so it all.? Then it’s time to move on without him. He is useless.
Never let a man take advantage of you. He does nothing but live in the house, gives you no money, ignores the children and keeps his money. You don’t need that kind of man. Drinking and coming home 2:00 in the morning. You need to have respect for yourself and tell him it is time for him to go. Your doing everything so you don’t need him. Be smart and kick his ass out
Run!! You’re holding yourself back bit more importantly your kids are learning HIS sad behavior when your amazing behavior should be center stage. GL
If you need a better reason to kick him to the curb… What is staying together teaching the children? They will either become like him or watch what you have put up with and grow up believing they too need to accept this kind of dysfunction. Sometimes we put up with things believing it to be in the children’s best interest, when in reality it’s not at all. He also sounds like a cheater, just saying…
Thats so sad. Alot if women do this . its easier to survive and not make waves. Yep familiar is always more comfortable. But…cut that cord. You dont need him for a thing. Dead weight for what maybe 5 min of attention to make you feel wanted. Your kids will be better with you being happy. Get counseling and see how to rid youself of this tumor thats only sucking more life out of you. I was there 7yr 7mo. Left never looked back. Best decision i ever made. Scarey it was. I hid out for awhile then moved to house by my parents. Got job and went back to school. Parents helped watch my son. I have never regreted my leaving only should had done it earlier. My husband beat me so i was really low when we ran. Good luck. Your children learn by example. All examples give or take abuse, worker or lazy sucker, loving and giving or a taker etc. Be that good example.
I’d bury him in the flower bed so he would at least he’d make the flowers grow.
Just kidding.
Tell him to shape up or ship out.
Leave him quickly. Why stay with someone who disrespectful you??
Divorce the lowlife. There are plenty of great guys that would treat you like a queen. He sounds like a total loser. Why would you stay in such terrible situation. He will never change, ever. Time to think about you and your kids.
Might as well do it alone since your doing it alone sis . Go find a man that will have your back (.)
Take your children and run
Life is too short to be miserable. Kick his ass out. You are already doing everything yourself. You got this
Why do you have him around for? He’s a useless father and husband. He doesn’t provide for his family! Get rid of him! He’s useless. He’s teaching your children that’s how women are treated. If you have sons they’ll treat their wives and children like that and your daughters will have poor self respect.
Kick his butt out and at least you’ll get alimony. You’ll have one less mouth to feed and you don’t have to wash his dirty underwear.
He has divorced you just to cheap to pay for the paper work hun! Change the locks. X
Whoa whoa whoa, what you mean “please help”, woman get you and your babies and leave his sorry ass. There’s absolutely no reason to stay. Get your shit and go and move the hell on. Take his ass to court and file for spousal and child support. Keep all of receipts and paperwork for everything you are doing for the kids and household.
People truly make their own hell, … what a life, the only thing i can say about this post is … let this be a warning to others. DONT do what she’s done!
Every one is entitled to one life, it sounds like he is sucking the life out of you also. You need YOUR life back! Good luck and say your prayers!!!
Nobody worth a damn would judge you. It sounds like you have a bum for a husband and your kids have a bum for a father. There’s the judgement. He’s a bum. I don’t know how to suggest you get help, but get help. Get a support group, maybe Church. And since you’re already carrying the load, kick his ass out! He’s just another obligation/burden to you.
That’s not a husband that’s a very large selfish child… If u are married you should share everything financially so what’s he hiding… Sounds like a twat tbh…
Sis you are a single parent. Tell him to step up or step out. You are modeling marriage to your children, please keep this in mind. Is this what you would want for your kids in the future?
You need separate from him move forward with your life Regardless of what he does or not get with someone New that willing to help you percent of the time
If you can survive without him GET RID. Life is hard with work home and kids. He doesn’t care for you or the kids, and he’s pissing the money away. He is holding you back. Get shot. Guarantee he will be crawling back looking for forgiveness within a month.
Divorce him. Make sure you also file for child support. He will be forced to contribute .
Don’t worry about if or how he will make it…he can go back home to his parents. about He is a big child in your life. You may still love him but he is dragging your spirit down. Your children see all this going on and it will affect them when they are adults. Divorce is not easy but it is the only way out. You sound like a very strong woman even though you may not feel like it. Don’t listen to people who tell you to
" stop complaining " …they are stupid, selfish and probably just like your husband
Wayyyy to many; My, myself, I, me and not enough; we, ours, together etc. That’s the problem. There is no “We” in this relationship. It’s tough work, but you have to either work it out and change those I’s and myselfs into we and ours. These are not just your problems or issues. Sorry you are having such a rough time. If he can’t get on board and make it a team than give him the big ole this or that ending. Being a drunk and being a selfish A hole is a very bad sign though. Maybe you should consider counseling and if he doesn’t want to work on you guys, then make that decision that’s best for you and the kids… Last option of course… Best of luck to you.
Stop complaining. You married him, now serve him hand and foot. He deserves it.
Just kidding. Dump him.
When he hits the CURB make sure his head hits first ! Your much better off without him ! Do yourself and the kids a favor !
You might as well divorce him
At least then he will have to pay support for the children. Since he comes home 2 or 3 or more hours late and drunk from work, you know he’s a liar.
You may as well be a single mother because that’s no marriage at all. I would divorce any man who acted that way. He is a burden.
A father and a husband should provide for his family. You’re not his mother get rid of him! What an arsehole!
Interesting that you say “I have 2 kids” rather than we. Tells you all you need to know.
So why are you with him? I mean if he does nothing, doesn’t support you or respect you, can’t be bothered to help out in any way what so ever, then my question is why keep him around? Guys like him are everywhere, sponging off of there wives and thinking they have it made in the shade. Time to show this lazy twit the door, change the locks and let him pay child support. I am sure you would be much happier without your third adult child. Find yourself a man that will love and respect you and quit supporting a guy that obviously doesn’t love you or respect you at all.
Being used sucks. Get your dignity and self respect back. He’s a looser. I understand totally you love him, but you do not like him. Get a game plan in your head stash the cash buy what you absolutely need nothing extra. If you have expensive cable all the channels cut it back. If its in his name don’t pay it. You know what to do, I know its hard but you are doing it all now. You will feel so much better.
He’s a drunk! Can’t see or feel beyond the booze. If he refuses help, this is a no win situation. If life is too tough, find a pastor/ church to help and DUMP THESE fools. Look up “narcissist” on Pinterest. Multi spouses, doctors describe how you can’t fix them.
Well if he’s living his own life and you’re taking care of everything, wouldn’t it be better for you if he moved out?
Kick him out …you and your kids deserve better!
Kick him to the curb…get yourself together on your own.
Put his ass to the curb. You’re doing it alone anyway so why have his negativity screwing up your energy flow?
Is he the father of these kids?
Kick him to the curb lady
Walk away. You deserve better. Or not. You choose how you live
File for divorce an be done with it move out qn get full custody of the children
My judgement is only against him. Dump the loser and do it alone. You’re doing it alone anyway. You’ll be a million times happier as will your children and he can find another cash cow.
Try again, dump the loser, I did 3 times, had to fix myself first, before I met my Mr. Right, it was worth it.
Leave!!! If you are doing it all, you do NOT need him. There is help for you and much less stress.
divorce his ass. or at least separate so he can realize what he’s missing
Kick his ass to the curb. You’re doing it all yourself anyway. Maybe you could at least get child support. Doubtful but maybe
Get out. Your already doing it by yourself. Hes wasted space and just causing you stress and he’s not going to change. Let him go home to mana.
Talk to him not strangers if ain’t listening then go were does he’s wages go if he buys nothing
Divorce him. You can do better…
Omg leave that worthless piece of shit
Throw him out. He is not providing anything why keep him?
Dump him ASAP! Evict him from house.
Get child support. What do you have to lose?? Stop abusing yourself.
Kick this loser to the curb.Why do you need him,he does nothing to help,just a burden to you.
Leave his pathetic ass and don’t look back. If he can’t be care for his kids and wife. Then he don’t deserve you guys.
Most Men are selfish
You’ve answered your own questions. You can obviously do by yourself. Dump his ass! You’ll be a lot happier.
Then why are you married…you are better off alone…stop supporting that selfish boy
Run and get those kids out!
Divorce, dear, it’s calling your name…
Leave him today. Better yet. Kick him out.
Divorce and get another guy
Why do think you need him? He’s selfish & a liar. Move on!
Get a good one dump him your not desperate are you?
Move on with out him!!!