My husband only cares about himself and I'm having a hard time

Let me tell you a secret…YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB! Time to do what is right for you and ur kids… if that is staying, have the conversation and if that’s going, throw him out! Life is too short, you and ur kids deserve better and ur kids deserve to see happy parents. Don’t think you can’t do it alone because you already are. Time for him to make his choice: party boy or family man and if he chooses the ladder please believe that has nothing to do with you…he needs to fix himself

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It’s not you you sound like a good mom
Take time make a time with out the kids and talk to him and tell him you need help if not let him go to his moms house stay there and get child support
You got to show him a man is supposed to give his check to his wife and his wife is supposed to pay the bills and make sure there food on the table my dad was like that and I got 5 boys there all married and there doing good
Thank God there lil sister in college and brother max help her get a car so she don’t walk and she is so far away but we have a family group and talk everyday I was a single mom and I worked very hard I still do

No judgement here, we all make mistakes when it comes to love. I would cut him loose and get a divorce. It’s going to be hard especially on the kids but there’s no point in trying with someone with that type of mindset. He obviously doesn’t care about his kids and didn’t want any in the first place. You could do better. Don’t waste your life on someone who doesn’t love you or care about you.


Stop doing for him and tell him how much half of all the bills are … round it up to one number if he chooses not to do this then you can do without him … get rid that’s half of the stress, pressure and unfairness gone

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I’m sorry but you deserves better!! There’s no point to stick around if you’re doing all that!! Having a husband or a wife they supposed to be able to lift you up & not bring you down. Good luck​:pray::pray::pray:

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Go be the single parent you currently are, if you’re able to now you will with him gone.

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You can only help yourself, have a serious talk with him, when there’s no change take the consequences. You’re already a single mom, believe me, you will be stronger without the grown kid who gives you hard times

Ur already answering ur own question hunny…MEN WILL DO…WAT U LET THEM DO…SELF LOVE IS THE BEST LOVE…:revolving_hearts:

Are they his biological kids too. Because the way he is acting sounds like he doesn care about the kids or their well being.

Sounds like it is time to value yourself.Not judging but your kids learn from parents behavior do you want your children to treat there future partners like this? Tell him to get it together or dont let the door hit him in his brains on the way out girl be strong for you your children will respect you in the future

You don’t need an extra kid to fetch and carry for. I’ve been single for over 4 years and wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve always done everything including working and study run at the same time as well as bringing up 3 kids and although it’s tough I wouldn’t have it any other way. I hope you can make him change his ways but if not don’t be worried about taking the other path and going it alone x


I won’t judge U coz I had similar relationships useless bloody partners who didn’t do shit, lust & not love situation so they weren’t in it for the hard just the good times or sex. I’ve been single for ages & gurl Im on top of the world. Today I wonder why I wasted the last 20 yrs.
Leave his sorry ass why put urself thru misery he doesn’t do shit for U & ur kids another damn self-centered mongrel. We warriors; U already know U can do it coz U do it on ur own now it might be a challenge but @ least if U f+&# Up aw well U did it by urself itl only make U a stronger person & you’l be happy & not have to stress over someone whose a lost cause. I wish a happy future for U😊

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Teach your children to do better. They are seeing this at hime and will follow in his steps. Find you somewhere to go and leave him. If you already paying everything , he isn’t good for anything than. He can be replaced

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Sounds like he is getting the best out of this marriage. He hadn’t listened tou your concerns or needs so best to call it a day. You will manage on your own as you already do on a day to day basis. Plus you eont have any chores to fo for him like his laundry or shopping/cooking food for him

If your husband is not your partner I wouldn’t stay. You should be a team a united front. Noone needs an extra kid. Your not his mother. Xx

Omg leave his ass-you n your kids don’t need him!!!

Is this even real people?? Careful what you write

We teach people how to treat us.

Since u are already doing it by urself this shows you that you really don’t need him. Maybe you should re evaluate your life. You are going to school to better yourself. I hope things work out for u.

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Sounds like you’re already a single parent

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You’re Single. With a marriage certificate. He’s just a warm body in the house.


Your already doing it all alone why have him and his opinion there and have to pay for it. :v:


If off… sound as though you have been married fir quite some time. So you have groomed him to be the way he is.
Now having said that . You have been doing “ it all” for this long . So you have been a single parent for sometime now. Gather up what you financially are responsible for: make yourself a budget of what YOU pay out…. Does he pay mortgage/ rent ….
Get it all on paper who pays for what and that amount . Then you can determine the type of housing you can afford.
Then have a talk with husband , this is not a complaining session it’s a “ when you do this it make me feel….” Kind if talk you must let him talk as well
Remove remotes
( put them in the dryer with dry laundry)
Kids need to be gone , no distractions . Plan for a time that he’s not working…
Tell him I’m a calm voice that he needs to make the time to talk … then tell him that you are worried about this relationship… and then talk …. It may get loud, but being loud doesn’t solve anything you are just competing to be heard…. It will take a while for this talk
You may not solve your worries but you open the door for both of you… be open with each other
No distractions
No hurtful comments
And don’t say “You never …”


Get out now, you are doing everything now, so why put up with him. And to come home drunk, OH HELL NO FORGET THAT SHIT. YOU CAN MANAGE ON YOUR OWN. HE DOESN’T CARE SO WHY BROTHER TO SUPPORT HIS ASS. GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN.

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Divorce his ass as soon as you possibly can. Get the best attorney in the state and sue his ass for some of his income. Good riddance


If you’re doing it all alone, DO IT ALONE. You don’t need an extra kid to take care of.


No te das cuenta que no lo necesitas. El a ti si . Porque lo tiene todo. Casa, comida y mujer. Tu no lo necesitas. Vete o bótalo.

Dump the inconsiderate bum !

You don’t have a husband. You have a boarder. Throw him out.


You are not married…. You are a single mom … so please make it official for you and your kids sake. Get a legal divorce, and call it a day!


You need to leave him. You are already doing everything on your own. Sometimes me think we just want them by our sides because we don’t want to be “alone” Us women do a lot and the day we realize we can fo it on our own, we won’t need them. Of course if they do their job then good.

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What’s love got to do with it? You can do bad by yourself. He can pay alimony and child support. Please don’t say you’re staying with him because of the kids. Not sure how long you’ve been married but I’m sure there were signs but you thought marriage and kids would change him. He’s out having fun while you’re holding it down. Leave and don’t look back

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I’m sorry this is happening to you :disappointed: he is your husband not a child and he should be treated as such!!! You know what the right thing for you to do is maybe hearing other people say it to you makes it easier I don’t know!. Set boundaries if he continues to not help then I would leave!

Kick him out and put him on child support


On top of all that he’s probably cheating if he comes home all hours of the night. Everyone on here is correct. You need to leave

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If u doing all tht on ur own, u don’t need a man stressing u, send tht man parking sweetie

Sounds like it’s time for a divorce to me. You’d be a hell of a lot happier. He sounds like he brings nothing to the table. Why stay miserable. Zero judgement. When you know better you do better. Now go do better. Stop carrying his dead weight through life & go be happy as a single mom.


Bring home another man see what happens :joy::joy:

Get rid of his ass.your doing it all now why do you think you need him? Only you and you only can change things for you and the kids.The kids should come first .Think about it!

You would probably have less stress without his presence all together. With what you say I wouldn’t be surprised if he was having an affair. You don’t see the money, he’s apparently working all hours and comes home drunk. Just get divorced, he’s an anchor. You’re all alone now anyways

This knob treats you like this because you let him,dispose of this useless person because he will continue to treat you like it.What you allow is what will continue, you already do it all on your own.Boit him out and get onto child support .it will free your life let him be someone else’s problem.

Stop whining and move your family out.He don’t need you guys messing w his fun…

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First Hats off to you fir being a superwoman…
Take a deep breath and ask yourself do you deserve better?
If the answer is yes, why do you think he will change…Your right he won’t change so you make the change
Know your worth
Kids deserve to see mom happy and being loved properly :two_hearts:


Are you serious, you need to get out now its only going to get worse!! I’ve been there except my husband didn’t work most of the time, and when he did he was selfish with his money, and we have four kids. If you’re doing it alone you might as well be on your own!!

Get right out of that situation better off on your own

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Get rid of him! That’s one less person you have to take care of. His “second job” is probably cheating, that’s why he comes home drunk. Prayers for you and your children. You got this girl!

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Deep down you know what to do


You are already doing everything yourself, so what would be different if you divorced him? You’d get child support at least.


Sounds like you’re caring for three children and the biggest one has absolutely no respect for you. And that will not change the longer he’s allowed to disrespect you the more disrespectfully become


You have to think for yourself and your kids do what you have to do you will make it , you already do everything

Let him pack and leave

I was in the sane boat as you. My ex was verbally abuse to me and our kids. What he is going is called financial abuse … you are doing it all on your own now … I have been divorced 12 years and am very happy now …

So if he’s not adding anything positive to your life and your kids’ lives… Why is he in it?


You have a BIG Kid for a Husband! Are those his biological children???

Put his ass out and change the locks :woman_shrugging:t4:

Try and stash as much cash if that’s an option and start looking at getting out, it’s not easy being a single, working Mum, but it sounds like you are already, there are support services out there. Try make plans before you become too low to continue, wishing you lots of luck

Do one last thing for him and yourself, pack his bags and kick him out

got to go send him out the door you got this

What a Asshole!!! Tell him to hit the road.I can’t believe your still with him.

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Make an appointment with a marriage counselor if you want to save the marriage… but if you’ve had enough, ( and you will know when you’ve had enough)… if you’ve had enough, kick him to the curb and try to be amicable for the kids sake.

Your lazy ass, selfish, “husband” is TOXIC!!! Kick his ass OUT since he doesn’t contribute to the household.

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Sounds like my exhusband. We were married 7yrs. I went to court 3x before i actually went thru with my divorce. I needed to make sure I tried everything to save my marriage before divorcing. By the 3rd time going to court…I was done. I knew then that I had enough and I came to my senses and realized im doing everything myself now so i know i would be ok with him gone.
Only YOU will know when youve had enough and when your ready to move on.

Sounds exactly like my ex. I’m a veteran and my father was a police officer so I turned into a detective. Followed him one night! He had no clue…Busted His Ass! That was just one time…there were many. I spent far to much time(10 years) worrying about a relationship that he really didn’t want.
If you’re doing it by yourself…Do It By Yourself! It’s hard, but…
YOU CAN DO IT! :muscle:t2:

Why are you still in this marriage, ma’am ?

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Do they write thus stuff to annoy us?

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Sweety take it easy on urself … ur already living as a single mom … just get separated… and continu to work on urself n nurture urself … if he stays in ur life he will never kno th blessin hes in … let him awake to his actions … u keep on carrying th extra load then he ll jus keep on handing u mor load … ur th one accepting it … get seperated n tell him either u act right or we aint back togethr


As above said. You’re already living a single life. What difference would it really make to you if he was not there anymore?? Literally nothing. There’s no way you should be putting up with that. Know your self worth. He needs to leave.


Have a heart to heart communications with your husband , make him understand , don’t shout , don’t just not say anything , don’t pass insulting words but instead , get his attention by mellow communication that he would be willing to listen , cooperate and compromise . Men can take it as nagging when a woman is moaning , don’t do that too , the best time to have a talk is when you are both resting and relaxing , try have a good conversations with him then , nicely bring the topic with consent that he won’t mind it and willing to listen and understand where you are coming from . In every problems /issues there’s a solutions , sometimes it’s the way we talk and come to the person . Try it then if it works good but if not don’t give up , let him do it by asking him whether he likes it or not but if he does cooperate and start helping , don’t forget to thank him and give him appreciations for his effort just to make him feel good and appreciated

Yes tell him to piss off for good


U needs tell him byeeeee if he leaves he’s not a loss anyways he does nothing for you and the family good luck there is nothing a man can do for you that you are not already doing for you!!!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband only cares about himself and I'm having a hard time

if you are doing it by yourself why hold onto that dead weight?


I was in that same boat, kicked him out, and I’ve never been happier. Get the hell out of that relationship.


Boot him out and get child support.


Leave, he isn’t doing anything in any way to help you so why stay. You don’t need him for money or bills and he doesn’t help with the house or kids. He is living the single life. Why stay if he doesn’t care.


Leave , make yourself happy , so your kids will be truly happy. Live the life your children and you deserve, settle for nothing less ever

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Narcissistic personality traits he has always puts himself first x

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Not sure why you want to be with him at this point? If you’re doing it alone, why take care of an adult child also? He’s draining your joy.

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Your doing everything and paying all the bills so drop the deadbeat and continue slaying your life with your children. Lots of love momma you got this.

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Sounds to me like your a single parent…so move on with your life, get your degree an live happily ever after with your children. Good luck an God bless.


If you have to do it all, what do you need a boy for, not gonna call him a man cause a man would be helping you out.


You are worth so much more! Divorce is scary but 100% doable. Say goodbye, for yourself and your children :pray::heart::pray:

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No judgement many have been here before… leave that fool and if he actually wants to fight for his family make him prove it… marriage is partnership and if he’s not a partner he’s in the way

Sound like you can do better all by yourself. It’s ultimatum time sweetie. He is not dumb. Have that come to Jesus talk and let him know you can shape up or ship OUT. You already doing EVERYTHING so him leaving wouldn’t make a difference. I’m all for working it out but he got some personal issues he need to seek professional help for.

:neutral_face: was in the same situation…. Don’t even waste your soul anymore. Just leave is all you can do. Even if it hurts. He’ll never leave. Even if he says he will. They always say they will :unamused:. They NEVER WILL.

Ahh join the club love

SOOOOOOOOO… If you’re already doing it all… Why are you still with him?


No judging god bless you for your hard work and keeping up with your family

Love don’t love nobody, you can be broke by your damn, self. DIVORCE

No judgement but marriage is suppossed to be a partnership. You need to evaluate your circumstances. How much are you willing to put up with? You might as well be alone. You are anyway.


Sooo, you file for divorce and claim abanadonment.
Why are you married?


Seriously. He’s a stressor.
You’d be much happier doing this on your own without his bullshit.

The longer you tolerate it, the more you are showing your children that his behavior is acceptable. That is NOT the example kids should grow up to.


Leave his ass. You’re already doing it on your own. What do you need a man for???

Giiiiiiiiiirl kick that garbage to the curb!

There’s someone out there who will love & respect you like you deserve.

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Leave and let the courts make him help you financially and you and the kids go be happy. Good Luck!


If you can do it alone. Then leave his ass. You don’t need the extra weight or stress.

If you’re already a single mom doing it by yourself just leave him.


If you are truly doing everything you don’t need him. Get out

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