You can do bad all by your self. Sounds like you already ate. What’s the purpose of a partner if he’s not building with you?
Girl if you are already doing it all on your own already you obviously don’t need him. Kick him to the curve you will find someone willing to be all you want them to be. Also in my opinion it sounds like he is probably cheating on you.
Get out of the relationship as soon as possible. You have proven to yourself you am so it all.
So you are doing it on your own, it will be easier if you drop the weight of taking care of him. Go file for temporary physical custody of the kids before leaving him. You will be better off .
Why keep him around if he’s no help at all you got this momma kick him to the curb!
Leave mama! I was in a simile situation. It was hard to leave but SO glad I did!
Kick him to the curb. Put his things on the porch and tell him to go. You’re a strong, capable woman! You don’t need him to feel validated. You’re already doing it all on your own. Find a man who wants to be a partner and not a teenager. You deserve the world. Hope you find some peace. Love and Light
I would divorce him in 2 seconds flat ask for 100% custody of the kids with him having every other weekend visitation and get him to pay child support
Kick him to the curb.
Sit him down, have a serious talk with him and put your foot down. He can either be a part of your family or he can go be on his lonesome getting drunk
So why are you still with him!?
I would talk to a lawyer. If he is seeing someone, you can get him for adultery. Good luck to you.
He is taking you for granted.
Let him go sis. Give yourself one less person to take care of.
Income brought in from both partners should be household income. I’ve never understood this “hers/his” thing. Should be clear as day how much there is, what is used to pay for whatever, etc. He should also be doing his share of the family/household duties since you work also.
It’s definitely easier said than done, but you need to take your babies and leave. He’s selfish and not putting his family as his priority. You’re already doing it alone, you might as well be on your own and not have all of this anger everyday. You’ll be happier in the end! Good luck x
Personally if you do it all by yourself now. I’d just leave. And make a happy life for you and your babies
Take the kids and leave him. You already said he doesn’t give you a dime for the kids, so you don’t have to worry financially if you leave. It will not get better.
Well, why? Like seriously, why are you still there? That’s not a husband, that’s a roommate. Dude, my husband and I take care of each other. The money we both make is in the same account, when I make money I spend on him, when he makes money, he spends on me and the kids. Groceries, pokemon cards, anything we need, we help each other. That’s a marriage. Not coming home at 3am, over my dead body would that happen for either of us. We prioritize work and the kids and each other, nothing else. That means, we figure out what we wanna do and have a plan set in place so it doesn’t come in between our family time or each others time. Get yourself a new man cause that ain’t one.
Girl I couldn’t even read the whole thing. There is no reason to stay with someone like that.
Take a day to yourself. Tell him to watch the kids.
Girl I’d drop him like a bad habit! You deserve so much more than he is giving you
I will not judge you…been there done that…get a lawyer as fast as you can…put his sorry ads out, lawyer will get you child support, you will find out that you will be better off in ALL ways…
You are being a single mom why not take him out of the picture all together? I have done it and I am much happier now!
Why is he still there? You obviously do not need him, considering you’re doing it all yourself and he doesn’t seem to help financially! He needs to move along!
Then why do you still have him
Just like in poker, you dont have to stay till the end if you’ve been dealt a bad hand, fold and hope for better cards next time or maybe sit out a few hands
You’re already a single mom. You get rid of him you would only have to take care of two kids instead of three.
Divorce leave, leave your supporting a man child bit a husband or dad
Good bye. See an attorney for child support.
If you’re doing it alone. You might as well be alone. If he doesn’t bring peace to your soul. Leave.
If ur doing it alone. U dont need him.
And this is why I am now single. Why stay?
I’m exhausted just reading that. Before jumping ship in the marriage, I would try marriage counseling. Then if that dont work, then leave. Sounds like he’s a taker and you’re a giver who isnt confident enough to set boundaries.
Sounds like extra baggage to me, lose it
You deserve better that’s just ridiculous, if he can’t help then he’s an issue
Your doing it alone. Get rid one less person.
Not gonna judge you my dear, gonna judge him…
you are already living the single parent life… just do yourself a favour and get out now. Leave him then at least he has to pay some kind of child support. Then you don’t have to worry about feeding him, cleaning up after him. Not sure what other advice you were expecting, sounds like you already got one foot out the door.
You know I just want to say leave him or rather kick him out since you are the main provider for the home.
Kick his sorry ass out!
He’s basically an extra kid. F*ck that! Gtfo or kick his a$$ to the curb. You got this queen. Don’t need no jester around
So y are u still there its like ur living on ur own ne way
Take him to Court for support!
So why are you with this man child?
This is literally why I’m single. I would ask him to do marriage counseling before I left. I asked mine and he agreed to appease me but never would do it, so don’t get your hopes up on that.
If he was at work he wouldn’t be coming home drunk……
Leave. You deserve way better.
I think you know the answer…
He is teaching you that you can do this alone!!! Good lesson, don’t waste it
You are a single mother …thats not a husband… He is a parasite… I feel for you…let him Man up or he leaves the house…such men never change…
I’m not judging, but you are already single and doing it on your own. You have to take care of the kids;you don’t have to take care of him. He’s like having another child around. I’d give him a choice. It’s all in his hands. If he makes the wrong choice, I’d pack his bag and show him the door. Then I’d file for child support, he’ll wish he had bought some groceries and helped out a bit!
Honestly sounds like you are a single mum, you may as well be
Get rid of this bum. I don’t know you but I do know you deserve better.
Sometimes doing it alone is better then feeling alone
Leave. You already know there’s something else going on. And you are already handling things alone. Why let him cause you more unnecessary stress.
If he’s not contributing anything then he’s just dead weight to carry. Drop him.
Sounds like he needs professional help and you need to leave.
Girl if you don’t leave him. You basically single already. Might as well.
Leave him it’s clear you can look after you and your babies on your own you don’t need him
Leave. You are living a single life anyway. Don’t stick around any longer. Go be happy… don’t waste your time on someone who could care less about you and the kids…
Where is all his money going?
You don’t have to take care of him! All the responsibility are left on you, then do it single!!
So you do everything and all you have is an extra child with attitude. Get rid of him .
That’s not a marriage, your basically a single mum already…. That was my life with my ex he was horrible to both myself and our son, he was cheating online and in real life, didn’t give a damn about our son until after we broke up and we are only now finally communicating properly. You will be better off without him.
Your doing it by yourself now. That should tell you something
Get rid of the selfish bastard, what are you wait for.
Girl leave him!! If u do all this by yourself now than u can do it all by yourself and be happy. Mental health n happiness is the biggest things. If you aren’t your best the kids pick up on it and before you know it they start having bad times too. You have to be your best for them and you!! Love yourself and the babies enough to walk away and have a nice peaceful life. I know it’s scary but be strong and remember you can do all things!!
If he isn’t contributing to anything other than the roof over your heads, leave him. Some men think that just because they pay the mortgage/rent, that it’s an excuse to be a shitty father/husband.
Since you have a job, just leave with the kids and look into government assistance or low income for housing. Drop the extra 200 pounds girl.
I’m not saying anything every one else has said it for me good luck
He’s a bum. Divorce.
Dont do anything for him just do what you need to for the kids and yourself or leave him because you can obvious do it without him hes just added stress and wasted energy
Pack his bags,he is a bum! What kind of Man doesn’t provide for his family, that’s just Gross!
No judgement. You said it all. You’re not happy and you don’t like selfish self absorbed people. Since you are already handling everything by yourself, you might as well just leave. Someday you might find the right person, but no matter what when you leave you will find yourself, and self love is everything.
Ask your self is this how I want my book of life to read… And from there make changes. You can hear this all you want but in the end it is your steps, choices and life. Change can be extremely hard but it’s amazing when we put our minds to it. I have been a single mom forever now. And I it. Just me and my kids. In the end it’s up to you. Take care sweetie. We are praying for you.
Throw him out. Your already doing it on your own. What do you need hom for.
You have already said it, and it’s unhealthy for your children to see this behavior. Do you want your children to grow up thinking that your husband’s behavior is acceptable? If you stay, you have to remember that regardless of what you tell your children, children will model what they see over what they hear. If you don’t leave for yourself, then please do it for your children.
I was in this same rut; took a look in the mirror and said. Why? Why keep him around and be upset all the time about him? I don’t need that and all his extra crap. So I left him, his extra crap, etc.8 couldn’t be happier!!!
Snow Buddies play me new but I would dump him ASAP
I’m sure you don’t want to hear this but everybody says you should leave him and I agree 100%
If you’re going to have to do it yourself then you should be by yourself. Don’t let him be dragging you down. That’s not fair. That’s not a partner. Don’t teach your children to accept less. You will be able to give them more happy and alone. No one is worth that heartache.
You’re doing everything by yourself anyways so why don’t you tell him to leave? If he’s not helping and only adds to the burden there is not reason to stay married.
He not working if he’s drinking you maybe better off packing his things and let him go
No judgement at all. But I think it is time you think about yourself and get rid of the extra weight. You really don’t need him, you are already doing everything yourself. Talk to a lawyer and serve him with the papers. Also make sure he gets the child support he will have to give you taken straight from his paycheck because if you leave it up to him something tells me you won’t ever give you a dime. Take a deep breath and trust me, it’s better alone than in bad company
You can’t go on like this. I think you know this.
Divorce him. You’ll get child support that will help you take care of your kids
Plain & simple leave & don’t look back , you & the children will be better off.
If he doesn’t help with kids, housework or help with bills why do you need him. Show him the door.
You already do it all - what do you need him for? Find someone who worships you - he is out there.
Sounds to me like you’re single… act accordingly
Escort him out of your life and do it fast and make a plan to leave him nobody can know just when the time is right run and never look back go to a domestic shelter if u have to your be safe and u can work towards your goals stress free you can do it girl. Your get lot of help if u keep doing what your doing for u and your kids.
Just be separate I guarantee life gets easier in the long run. File for support but know you may not get it. It’s sounds like he’s not into the family at all. I’m also curious if he’s not providing any financial support where is he spending this money he makes?
Personally I was in a similar situation with my now ex husband. I tried everything for years and finally I had enough. Felt like I was raising 4 children not 3. Like I was a single mom in a two parent household so we separated and divorced
I’m sorry, but he’s using you…good luck.
It’s a lot cheaper to leave at this point.
Better to be single than with someone who is a headache and making you stressed… be single ,he deserves to lose you.
Why are you still with him? He doesn’t appreciate you, he doesn’t respect you, he’s not a good father. If he comes home drunk, he wasn’t at work.
Leave his sorry arse!!
Life won’t change and you deserve better. Show him the door and don’t look back. Get a good lawyer. You’re better off without him. Find a support group to help boost your confidence.
You’re already doing everything on your own so why not get a divorce, seems like you’d be way happier because at least you wouldn’t have to clean up after him and worry about where he’s at. If you need help with the kids maybe his parents or your parents can watch them when needed.
KICK HIM OUT!!! If your supporting the kids , doing all the house hold duties , doing the drop offs and pick ups while studying and working and he doesn’t want anything with the kids or even spend time with you and isn’t contributing well kick him out. You deserve better or you could just STOP DOING ANYTHING FOR HIM no more cooking and cleaning his clothes anymore absolutely nothing and if he ask just say your tired and he is old enough to look after himself
sounds like yall need marriage counseling or a divorce.