She has to prove the discipline is directly related
It’s obvious he’s not an honest man. Such an awkward position he’s put you in and his response is I didn’t have to tell you? Makes you wonder what more he’s hiding. If you plan.on staying with him, one of you will have to resign. If there are many branches, one of you should ask to be reassigned. Not a good idea to keep working together.
YOUR HUSBAND needs to come clean TO HR - that you never DID have an issue, related to her, for those reasons, because HE WAS TOO COWARDLY to come completely clean, and NEVER revealed that info to you, prior.
And you also really have to ask yourself WHY.
This my friend is why you don’t eat and shit and the same table!!! Never fuck or go out with someone you work with or for.
And thats why you don’t date your coworkers nor marry the serial co worker banger
The question is how can you trust him in the first place? Number 1 rule of a work place romance is that you just never do it. It makes things very uncomfortable if things end. And I could understand if he had been with one person in the office, but sweetie you said “everyone” that right there would have been the biggest red flag before setting out in the relationship. Just knowing that he had been with multiple employees that you would have to see and deal with on a daily, sorry but no. You put yourself into this problem and now your stuck knowing that he had yet been with someone else that he didn’t tell you about, is it possible he is currently with her and has been steadily with throughout your marriage? And that’s why he didn’t tell you. But see you don’t know and how could you trust he’s telling you the truth.… my advice start looking for a better job, kick his ass to the curb and file for a divorce. Find someone you don’t work with and that can be trusted. Good luck
The real issue is not that your husband slept with her, the issue is that he slept with MANY women that you supervise and you can no longer effectively manage your staff. It may be time to seek employment elsewhere. Is he your subordinate as well? If so, how can you effectively manage him?
A man should not dip his pen in the company ink. If this other woman wins a grievance, you may no longer be supervisory material as you then become the weak link in the management chain. You will be used by all of his previous women. Unfortunately, you may have to choose between him and your future in this company.
You are going to loose this battle…if you were a man you would be fine…but you’re not so they are going to find fault and get rid of you…i would cut your losses …and definitely get rid of that POS…
…once liar and player… always liar and player
man, i know you have issues with work now, but i must say your husband sounds like a real horndog!! he should probably give you a list of the women he did NOT sleep with – seems like it would be easier that way!
I wouldn’t trust him. He’s been around way too much. I guarantee there’s MUCH more he isn’t disclosing to you. I’d kick him to the curb because I could never be with a man that isn’t honest.
Just stay strong hold your head up high and smile. Don’t let what other do get to you. Stay professional and just do your job. Your there to work and make money. And maybe your husband isn’t the man you thought he was. .
Sounds like he slept with everyone
This will go down badly for you, period. Once HR recognizes that you are supervising several women who’ve slep with your husband, your judgment and motive will be questioned. They’ll question if you’ve hesitated to discipline any of those women to avoid this kind of confrontation, and on the other hand, question your motivation if you have. No business I know of would be willing to open themselves up to lawsuits. You’ll likely be removed from your position or even fired. Your husband not being able to keep it in his pants is probably about to cost you your job.
Damn your husband is community dick, sis. Das nasty
As a professional and a supervisor I would suggest that you continue to do your job. As long as there are legitimate disciplinary actions against any of these women there should be no problem. Sleeping with your husband isn’t a free pass to not be an effective employee. Best wishes
Your hubby is a man whore and a liar by omission. I mean seriously…
We all know you don’t have
relationship”s” with “the office”
How did you miss this personality flaw? Seeing you’re a supervisor I’d be questioning his motives.
You married a whore. That’s your first mistake.
Don’t shit where you eat not to be mean but it’s the truth
A golden rule is not to date co workers …it becomes messy … always
Sooooo he’s slept with half the company.
Is there a woman he hasn’t slept with? This seems to be the core issue here.
Wow your husband slept with the company that’s messed up on his part and will probably cost you your job .
It’s unfortunate, once you saw his list you should have went and found another job. This was bound to come up. Either way there should be no issue if you have a legit reason for writing her up.
This is why you don’t get personal with co workers. It can always back fire.
Keep all documentation of said employee, write ups, dates and times of issues to show said employee was not performing to the standards set.
As for the husband, I’d toss him. Yes this happened all before you got together. It’s created a problem at work.
Heres something to remember ,
Don’t get your honey where you make your money
Go to HR only way we are NOT professional s
Get on with your life. It was before you.
His community dick will cost you your job
First of all your husband gets around!
Sounds like that job, everyone gets paid to F around… Kick his ass to the curb! He is a male whore, that just costed you, your job! Women needs to be more wiser than to fall for a nasty mfer like this…
Would I dump a man for not telling me everyone he has been with before me? No, I wouldn’t however there should be a damn good reason he didn’t tell you about this one girl when he openly told you about everyone else. Does this girl still have feelings for your husband or him towards her? In your situation, I couldn’t help but wonder. I’d worry about your marriage over your job. Has this hurt your relationship and trust with him, or are you both still happy? If he didn’t already openly tell you about the others, I’d say oh well this was before you and in his past but it’s odd that he openly shared about the others and left this girl out of the story. Honestly, if you want your marriage to stay strong and not have resentment or trust issues I’d think it’s only fair for both of you to find a new career.
Damn… this is why my golden rule in life is to never date in the workplace.
My heart bleeds for your Tangled weave.
That’s not cool he should of told you cuz look now your in trouble when you didn’t even do anything. Chick is using her sleeping with him as a way to get out of trouble If you would of knew you could of handle it differently. He straight made you look like an asshole. I don’t know I would be pretty upset not that he slept with her but that fact that he though you didn’t need to know
Your husband is a prick. Why would you marry someone who has to screw every one he works with?
A grievance is not saying you are in trouble. If you have facts of why she was disciplined and can prove it. As long as everyone else who had the same issues was disciplined the same.
Ok I’m not a fan of sex shaming so. Yes he should have told you about her especially if he knew there was issue between you already. However when sleeping and marrying coworkers its always best to move on from the job you share. Not only does it add tension to to work environment but as you seen at home too. My bf and I started as coworkers so I’m not at all judging. Just saying it’s easier to not work together, less work stress. It might be a good time to find other options of employment.
He told you about others but not this one? Sounds really shady to me. On top of that, a person who sleeps with that many women in the work place? Uh… red flag… I wouldn’t have gone past a fling with a guy like that. Red flags… red flags everywhere.
Wow… he sounds like the company hoe… and that doesn’t make u look too good for marrying him… I would be wondering who else he slept with and didnt tell me about… smh… good luck to u ma, I really hope it all works out for u…
Well he told you he was involved with few so why did he decided not to tell you about this one? I’m sorry, but his response is fishy to me
Stay professional at work, go through the process of questioning and be honest about not knowing until afterwards. The reason he didn’t tell you about her was because he heard you talk ill of this woman before. Sounds like the issue here is that prior to you, your now husband couldn’t keep his pants on at work and in your position and title, it’s gonna be difficult for you to do your job without backlash. I wouldn’t sweet being turned in at all. Just be honest about why you wrote her up.
Ma’am it’s time to throw the whole man away
No need to talk about past sexual partners prior to marriage for both…I have a feeling he was probably with others while you were together prior to marriage
If she is saying that they were together when you were married then they were together when you were married. Tell the truth to HR that you didn’t know, divorce your husband, find a new job.
Honestly…you get what you pay for!
Tell them if you fired everyone he slept with you wojldnt have any staff. Remind them of how many you havent written up.
He told you about all the others why not her? Sounds to me he has more to hide when it comes to this female. Prayers for you & ur marriage.
It was before you…
But it sounds like there are some trust issues on both sides. How important is your marriage to both of you?
If you have your facts straight about disciplining this lady then there should be no worries.
Also, maybe it’s time for you to find a new job with another company.
Sounds like you should look for a new job. You won’t be able to take action without someone pulling that card.
You shouldn’t be in charge over disciplining women your husband has slept with. That’s a conflict of interest. Period. There’s a reason many companies don’t allow dating of employees within their companies. If I were your company I’d probably fire or demote you. Your husband has slept with half their employees. That’s just the truth. No disrespect towards you. You obviously held no issue with who your hubby slept with prior. I agree he should have been transparent and told you but this situation is exactly why companies shy away from hiring couples. If I were you I’d speak to HR and seriously consider divorce before you end up on their chopping block.
Throw out the whole man child, He’s making you look bad to others when you’re probably really not
There’s probably more you don’t know About then and personally I couldn’t be in your situation with being around those women and him still being around them
You can’t control the past, you should let yourself feel the emotions and feelings like clouds, mourn the thoughts and don’t let them poison you, let them go by like clouds and let yourself feel them. He likely didn’t mention her bc you and she had beef before. It would piss me tf off too but we can’t control others, only our reactions.
Dont marry a dick slinger and don’t shit where you sleep. Shouldn’t have married him. You work with him and he admitted hes slept with all the females. Is this for real? Are we really this naieve?
Not speaking is not a good idea. It draws things out , causes resentments , is immature . Sit down and speak together and listen to each other with kindness only! Tell him he needs to apologize and make him do it even if this sounds stupid do it. Your job could be in jeopardy and he needs to know honesty is very important and and it’s lying by omissions . This girl is a trouble maker and management will know this. Use your skills to be silent to this situation while being professional. Good luck.
Sounds like a hoe 2 me!! My opinion is #1, don’t dip your ink in the company ink well!! I wouldn’t trust him if he’s that easy!!
Don’t fucking date at work lol hes literally fucking rhe whole crew of workers with legs and vaginas it sounds like u cannot change him
Keep your private crap off FB. No body wants to hear it!
Never mix business with pleasure.
Throw the whole man away
You need to get a divorce or a different job.He can’t be trusted
I believe u should look elsewhere for a job unfortunately this is always going to be on you, if u r disciplining or writing someone up it is because u feel it nessesary but because your husband has had relations with these women thier gonna use that against u. This is not a good scene. Its entirely your choice sorry.your going thru.this but you’ll get thru do whats best for u and your sanity good dear.
You’re husband was a whole hot mess…think l would have 2 let him go or something…l kno it wont b easy but…geeesh who knows who else he been humpn…go wit ur heart hunny…good luck…
Sounds like my ex. He couldn’t stop his penis from roaming into other vaginas and lying
The fact that he hid this woman from you should tell you there is more to this story! If I were you, I’d get another job and another husband.
NO tell him to get over himself.
He should have kept his mouth shut bragger .
I mean I get where your coming from you have to oversee these people so it would me nice to know who you are dealing with so that way this kind of thing doesnt surprise you when it happens and it is bound to happen but to not speak to him for a few days over it I think is over reacting a bit as you said hes told you about everyone hes been with in the work environment it is possible maybe he forgot one and in all honesty I wouldnt be worried about it because obviously she wasn’t good enough to make an impression so like I said I can see your frustration but to not speak to him is a bit harsh
Don’t get ur honey where u get ur money!
I say he’ll always be a liar and cheater…dump him and get him out of your office.
Stand your ground at the company. Win or lose if she was doing a crappy job then she was doing a crappy job. As for the husband, you knew he was a player so get over it and move on. Not all his fault.
Wow, this individual has used said worksite as his personal harem and it will only continue to bring more conflicting situations as you’re in the position you are in and was also another piece of his conquest within the organization. He sounds like a narcissist if you ask me. Either he has to go or you have to leave this company (unfortunately) because you will always be battling
Nuh your fault, you knew his history and decide to marry him still
Her allegation is about you, not your husband. Sounds like she’s using him to get at you, but that’s what you two signed up for when you got married.
If you survive this, then he should leave the company since you’re a supervisor. Good luck.
This is why you don’t date people you work with, rule #1
Dump your husband… He’s prob still sleeping around with co-workers and making an even bigger fool of you.
Get a divorce and new job.
Considering it was before you it really shouldn’t matter. Have you told him about everyone you have been with??
90% of men lie to get out of a bad situation. And they are quick to jump on the defence bandwagon when caught.
It sounds like he didn’t want to tell you because you were already having problems with this person and he didn’t want to make them worse, that is not your main issue here. The real problem is that this person has an issue with you, and the fact that you are with him, and wants to use that against you at work. This person is trying to use discrimination as a reason for your discipline of her. This is one of the reason that companies frown on employees dating …
Lying by omission is still lying.
Yes you are overreacting about being mad at your husband, you said yourself you can’t be mad about someone he was with before you. As far as HR, take the other ones he’s slept with with you as witnesses that you do not hold grudge because of before you
You married the local slut from your job. Now you have to deal with the bullshit side of it even though it has nothing to do with you. You should of kept it as sexual relationships.
Focus. As long as your write up was valid you’re clear at work. Ignoring the problem (husband) doesn’t fix anything. He may still be seeing her or forgot to mention it either way he’s the office joy stick. Consider finding a new position within the company or a new job because it sounds like this will be an ongoing issue. Otherwise be ready to defend every write up & possibly be considered the problem by your employer. Ask your husband to find his extra assets outside the job. Best wishes.
Don’t marry the office fuck boy
Aside from him already being such a gem if you have legitimate reasons for writing her up you shouldn’t fear her if you are just targeting her because of your personal feelings then you should fear your discipline
Never, ever. Never, ever. Never, ever F@ck where you work. It’s like poopin on your bed and peeing on your pillows…
Sorry but he sounds gross af! Maybe dont get with the dude thats slept with everyone at work🤢
Odd that he would mention everyone but this one person . I’d be more worried about that than the grievance.
This is exactly why I got out of management. It’s always everyone else fault. Entitlement and and no respect. They will always question your motive and that’s always their excuse “your picking on me” waa waa they cry like a baby. Girl get you a new management job and a new husband while your at it. I’ve been in your shoes (job not husband) and that union job will suck the life out of you. If you have a good HR team they will get you through it, if not do you want to fight this battle every day? If you choose to stay, start being a bitch.
is all I’ve got at this point
Giiiiiiirl…you should have never marry that hoe.
Get a new job
Lord girl did he sleep with the whole plant?
Wait…why do you need to know everyone he was intimate with before you…thats weird
It’s literally not your business… regardless if your work with said people or not.
Hopefully you have evidence of why you disciplined her to back it up. If you didn’t know about them, you didn’t know…
Sounds like he needs to be fired for being a dog around the females at work…sorry he will repeat his actions…
Well you know for sure you can’t trust him.
These are the types of women who lead men to believe this bs is ok
I honestly dont judge anyone by their past actions hence I see why you gave him a chance. Seeing that he was a bit of a man slut I’d assume he maybe forgot about her that’s why he didnt mention her. Honestly you are woman and it’s quite normal to feel hurt and disgusted seeing that you and the lady dont get along. I’d advice you to take a chill pill and get yourself together. Gather some evidence to prove that it’s nothing personal but professonal and go on with your life.
It’s just best to not date someone you work with.