My husband sweared at me at our friends house over a pineapple: Do I have a right to be upset?

Sounds like a classis narc, nip it in the bud or his controling will increase .


Never allow ANYBODY to compromise your standards. PERIOD.

Don’t tolerate that nonsense or it will get worse.

Get fucked up where you fuck up…just like a child😕 It only takes one time! That shit will not be tolerated😕 #ceaseanddesist

Believe me he will never change he’s the big guy


Lol softie. You would implode over here hahaha.


We have a pretty solid relationship. We don’t disrespect each other, especially in front of family or friends. We’ve had 3 petty arguments in the over 4 yrs we’ve been together. But we don’t call names or talk down to each other. We’ve been around several couples that disrespect each other, regardless of who is around. I’m just like holy cow. It’s embarrassing & uncomfortable to the partner, the company around you.


If you’re a grown woman you should probably toughen up over a few four letter words and get comfortable saying them too


Its just.the start of things to come. Brace yourself. Tell him if he ever does it again you are gone. And do it.


All of you blame the guy, let be honest she should never answer for him . He was there , if he wanted to cut the pineapple, he would have volunteered. At the same note , he didn’t have to talked to her that way . She knows her husband, if she doesn’t want to be embarrassed in public, don’t antagonized him . Relationship is compromised and understanding each other, otherwise no marriage would have lasted.


Don’t you think it’s gonna get better because it is not.


No you should have been firm and told him to never in his life disrespect or embarrass you in public or private ever again and that should be his last and only warning. Whether it be a situation where he is uncomfortable or angry he should at no point disrespect you or embarrass you. People only do what you allow them to. You let it slide this time and next thing you know it gets worse. If at any point he was not okay with the situation that could have been dealt with by him having a civilized conversation with you as husband and wife in private.

You should’ve sworn back, twice as much.


I would get my phone number. You’re husband sounds kinda insecure.

I’ve been married for 19 years. Together for 22.
Humans fight and argue it’s our nature. I yell at my wife she yells at me. At the end of the day we still love each other.

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He doesnt want u volunteering him for things. The swearing was a little too much. See if he does it again.

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I respond to disrespect with disrespect


If you know he doesn’t like something why do it? Also my husband and I call each other a dick and other things all the time doesn’t mean we are serious

Can you tag him so we can get his side?

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Ummmm nerp fuck him want i can slap him lol

It’s abusive. It’ll get worse


You volunteered him to do something knowing he doesn’t care for all that. Don’t try to show off his skills or knowledge if he isn’t comfortable with it. If yall are hanging with friends just chill and enjoy yourselves.

There is always two sides to the story, you haven’t put it in context. On another note what if he said to yiur friends hey my wife is an expert at doing laundry have her do a couple of loads for you.

If I was volunteered for something without being consulted first I’d use a hell of a lot more than 1 four letter word.

He sounds like a dick though even without the swearing.


Well his language clearly made you feel something that was not positive. What would I do - I would cut back but you don’t seem like that type of person but honestly my perception is you feel belittled and humiliated - you have tried talking to him. Time to think of some clever come backs and use them

hes an idiot! take a good look at your relationship. seems he only has the bals to cut you down in front of an audience.


Sounds like he is abusive.


Sounds like a big red flag my dude please be careful if you choice to continue but I suggest getting out sounds like it’s heading toward mental abuse best wishes

I agree that maybe don’t volunteer him for anything, Obviously he doesn’t have the ability to be a kind person. Sad to say you cant show off your husband because he’s not capable of doing something out of the kindness of his heart. As for the swearing part, girl it’s only gonna get worse. There is absolutely NO EXCUSE to treat someone like that. If he treats you like that infront of people, he doesn’t value you. Get out now!!

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Expect… What you let


He should respect you no matter where you are. But I think his point was that he didn’t want you to say he knows it because he probably didn’t want to do it. So you should let him speak when it comes to things about himself.

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You need to speak up tell him exactly how you feel at all times if you can’t tell him how you feel then your relationship isn’t as strong as it should be and he should not be talking to me like that at any point in time if you don’t get to talk to him like that why the hell would he be able to talk to you like that who does he think he is just because you love him doesn’t mean you want to be treated like that you can love somebody and not want to be with them because of the way they treat you so he needs to change his tune or it might happen and I would be letting him know that

I wouldn’t disrespect our friends house n got loud with him there but I woulda checked him when we got in the car. Also he doesn’t seem to like being volunteered to do stuff so act like he knows nothing lol extra n disrespectful

Don’t let him get away with that. It’s one thing if he just said he didn’t want to do it. Him getting angry over a simple little thing like that could lead to him getting upset over the next little thing and taking it a step further!

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Turn about is fair play. Do the same thing to him in front of his family. And when they say something. Let them know that that’s how he talks to you around your friends. Bet it stops really fast.


He’s right about the fact they should have been prepared, however he didn’t have to talk to you like that.
Also when they asked who knew how to cut a pineapple, if he wanted to do it, he would have volunteered himself. But again that did not give him the right to speak to you the way he did.

You shout at me and embarrassed me I will do it back to you in front of your fam x friends… Sounds like he is not a nice person… Next time you are invited out to dinner don’t go…

Regardless of whether you put him in an awkward position there is no need for swearing. He humiliated you in front of your friends and that’s never ok.


Dump his ass. His abuse won’t stop there.


Although it is rude to volunteer somebody for a task, he should never be cussing or yelling at you. I’m single by choice, and always have been because of stories like this one.




After 10 years in a marriage that started like that and ended up in physical abuse, the best thing you can do is leave now, it will not get better and it will not stop, it will continue to get worse


You got put a woman in her place sometime


Once is red flag. Twice is the start of a trend.


Verbal abuse is real.


:thinking::thinking: if my husband had done that to me…that poor pineapple would have been shoved directly up his ass!! (And he knows this)

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Put him in his fucking place. And if he tries shit I’d fucking leave. Fuck that bitch😂


Why TF did the friends have a pineapple if they don’t know how to cut it :thinking: maybe it’s deeper, maybe the friends like to see other couples fight and argue because they have a hard time behind closed doors.It’s a bit of a reach though :man_shrugging:t3::rofl:


I would of picked up the pineapple and threw it at him never let anyone speak to u like that it’s never ok


Ither leave and run sounds like the beginning of abuse or set his ass straight and tell him how it is and if he dont like it have him hit the door and dont look back

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Leave him, he definitely has an abusive side. It could be emotional mental physical etc. Leave him.

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Hes gotten in the habit of cussing at you? Meaning he’s gotten comfortable disrespecting you. And you have therefore allowed. Stomp that out now. Idk what your personality is but if you are usually more the quiet type and not say anything, you need to get a backbone because walking all over you. And I mean that respectfully. You need to put a stop to that NOW… partners should never talk to each other disrespectfully… its not okay


Wow… so just like that everybody says LEAVE??? How sad. Don’t leave, tell him how you’re feeling and ask if you could go see a marriage counselor, talk to someone before you throw everything away. If he says no, then fine but at least try. What he’s doing is not okay but not giving your relationship a fighting chance is worse.


Social medias sux when u need legit advice,I would NOT leave, tell him how you felt embarrassed and forgive and forget, simple there will always be another let down or fight , pick your battles , wish your family the best


I woulda asked him Who the Fuck he was talking to right in from of them. If you can’t address me in a loving and kind manner don’t say shit to me at all. You get what the fuck you give over here.


He’s a dick. Get rid of him. You deserve better.


I wish my husband would talk to me like that LOL… I would never do that to him. If he did that to me in front of others (or even alone)…my first response would have been “who the Fk do you think you are talking too?”… “cause I know it wasn’t me…Was it???.. Was it!” . He would have apologized in front of everyone or he would have been walking home. Girl, stand your ground and DO not let him treat you like a second class citizen. If he got away with it then, it will happen again. Just remember, YOU teach people how to treat you by the behavior you accept.

Wow , really get upset over being cursed cause of a pineapple. You’re an adult grow up. No don’t have a reason to be upset.

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even my husband says (I read this all to him), that verbal abuse is step one… if this continues, more abuse will happen, possibly even physical abuse. But remember mental abuse is just as damaging. My husband said that he wouldn’t even allow someone else talk to me that way either.


I would have left and left him there. At home I would tell him if he ever disrespected me like that again in front of people or not it would spell divorce, because that’s just the beginning of an abusive relationship waiting to happen.

Verbal abuse is as real as physical abuse …sometimes worse


Don’t let nobody disrespect you husband or not

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Id leave him at home next time. An tell him if he really is sorry not to do that again. If he does… Leave him on the door step with his bags. Not on x

Honey throw the whole husband away and try again.

He’s totally disrespecting you. I’m in a relationship of 22 yrs of verbal and mental torcher and I’m getting out. Had enough of that crap been pulled down to long. Either tell him he totally embarrassed you and himself and that your not being talked to like a piece of shite. He needs to respect what you say and lose his attitude. That’s OK with his pals but not to a woman

Well he shouldn’t curse at her but she shouldn’t offer his services to cut the pineapple. They should of had it cut before they came over. But naw i wouldn’t deal with the cursing especially in front of mutual friends OR i would cuss his ass out in front of friends and family and see how he likes it.

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This screams red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: run girl


Dump his sorry ass… No one would talk to me like that especially in front of friends…
If he is starting to do it now it will only get worse as the months and years go by…


That is some abusive gas lighting shit right there


I’d say he’s petty and immature. He got so upset over cutting a pineapple? If something that simple can make him go off, I wonder what he’d do in a more serious situation? He could have simply refused to do it. It’s just a freaking pineapple! Of course I would confront him about the lack of respect and also point out that he’s acting irrationally over nothing. If things dont change, and if there are children involved ( which we never get all the details, even though children weren’t mentioned so I assume there aren’t any), you have to decide if he’s the right one. You may still love him, but the way he treats you isn’t love.

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I’d say, if you can’t talk to me nicely, don’t talk to me at all…

Immediately divorce him.


No just swear back and you even

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Is he only upset with you at that particular friends house. If so he and the guy must have chics on the side

shouldve said yes i am!
u dont have to be a butthole bout it!

Maybe shouldn’t volunteer him for bullshit


I can not stress this enough. DO NOT VOLUNTEER OR SUGGEST YOUR SPOUSE TO DO THINGS WITHOUT ASKING FIRST. My partner does this a lot. Ive gotten to the point where i just say no. It is highly irritating as if they feel like they have a right to do so(my actually says this)… He just hasn’t learned the skill of simply saying sorry i decline.

I wouldn’t take his sh@# give it back instead of letting him make you look like a fool around your friends. Tell him straight or he’ll keep having it over you because you let him and he thinks he can get away with it

Kick his teeth out and divorce him go on with your life find some one who respects you

On a level :100: he is an arseole,also if you scared of him acting this way over a pineapple you need to either continue and be a mouse or tell him jog on,or continue to put up with crap that actually swearing at you over a pineapple is yes hurtful to you,but then it gets to maybe what next a slap or punch that,actually a lot of males and females are going through right now,domestic violence,mental abuse,towards man or woman is wrong,so grow strength that actually this is just a minor start,and stop it before it becomes a major issue

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Hmmm most abusers are nice when out and nasty at home. This is unusual. Maybe you could speak to a councilor or read up on it. But if this is repetitive behavior there is something seriously wrong. I’d get out you have this figured this out “he’s gotten in the habit?” Get out

Hunny all u need to ask is that his true self he doing in front of others or is his home life ? Either way that doesn’t excuse the behavior. No way should he want to treat you like that in front of others. The fact he doesn’t want to help friends with simple things speaks volumes as well.


You are better then me!! I would of told my husband who are you talking to and probably smack the s*** out of him. No man should disrespect a woman and vice versa!! Never let anyone talk down to you or make you feel belittled.

A loser is what he is !!

You are spot on girlfriend.

Wait, im confused at the issue? Me and my bf swear at each other all the time, even in front of friends, his family, so what did he actually say to her? Did he call her a bitch? If that was the case then you have every right to be upset and mad because that’s just not something you call your partner, unless you got one of those relationships but still. I understand him not wanting to cut a pineapple, I hate doing shit too, but also if he ain’t talking to you without a swear word, is there really something wrong with that? Lol I dont know. Unless the word is bitch, there’s nothing to be upset about it?

Narcissistic behavior…it will only get worse and their "sorry"is meaningless tvey say it to shut u up…end it now or you will live a life of walking on eggshells around him and misery…


First of all there’s no such word as sweared you ranting idiot!


An abuse situation in its early stages. Red flag!

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Once he started swearing…thats it…it will go on and on. Do not.tolerate that behaviour. It shows he has no respect at all.


He is Narcissistic! Run away .He might tell you he is good on his own one day,those words will hurt you because you will look back and think of all the time you lost, people like that can burn for all I know.

He’s being verbally abusive when you guys are around other people and not when you are alone?Honestly, I would leave his ass. If a man cant respect me, I don’t need to be wasting my energy on him. As the kids say these days ‘‘periodt,pooh’’.

Um I woulda kicked him in the nuts but thats just me


Just know this behavior will continue. So he apologized, for that incident…but like you said, he’s already made a habit of it. Sounds like verbal abuse to me, and if you don’t seek any help like marriage counseling…than it will continue, maybe even turn into physical abuse.


Looks like you’ve set this Page/Group up just to showcase your dirty linen and get validation about your relationship. And rope in strangers from around the world to bash your husband online. We don’t know you. We don’t know your relationship with him. You could be a psychopath. He could be a psychopath. Why exactly are you posting inflammatory things if you have nothing constructive to add to social media? What a load of nonsense. Go get therapy or get out of the relationship. Stop whining to random strangers around the world about your husband :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

I went though the exact thing with my ex. The abuse and punishment was way over the top as to what I said or did. Glad I’m away from that.

Sounds like a cheater… to me


Some of these comments!! He got pissed off coz you volunteered him for something without being asked first!! I agree his reaction should be spoke about! But calling him a cheater and saying he will turn physical on her is wrong!


Y’all are fucking crazy. Seriously like anytime someone gets upset he is immediately abusive and violent and gaslighting. For fucks sake. Maybe he didn’t want to cut a pineapple. Maybe he isn’t really that confident in his abilities and now he is embarrassed because what if he doesn’t do it the right way he looks like an ass. So yeah he got upset. I get upset you get upset everyone in this group gets upset.

Everyone’s immediate reaction is that he is toxic when anything happens. He can’t just have a lapse of judgement. For fucks sake get real. This is exactly what’s wrong with today’s world. Immediately everyone is toxic and should run as fast as you can. Then go live under a rock by yourself people have emotions.