My husband sweared at me at our friends house over a pineapple: Do I have a right to be upset?

Turn the table on him see if he likes it

If u weren’t married I’d say run, but, if ur wanting to stay get councilling together, learn to communicate so u will both be happier & understood.

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It’s a macho show in front of his so called frnds . Probably he talks abt you to them n not in a good way . Pretend his the man. Put him in his place in front of his frnds . Give a taste of his own . See what happens… j/s


Anyone who swears and berates you in others presence. To make you look stupid… is a stratight up asshole


Seriously lol me and my man swear at each other all the time I don’t make a big post about it so the answer is yes your over reacting what are you 12

Sorry but he sounds like an idiot he should have sworn at his so called friend and why be so mad at something so trivial this would be a massive red flag to me


Tell him to GTF it’s the only way

That’s how it starts! Been there, done that. It escalates!! We’ve been divorced now for 7 years.


Get out!! He doesn’t respect you. He’s doing it with his friends he will do it with your friends your family. It’s only gonna get worse. Don’t settle for less then you deserve. Life is to short.


Its a pineapple ,No one asked him to cut his dick off , Overreaction much ?? What a little bitch , Smack his ego back down in front of everyone ,See how he likes it !!!


The abuse will only get worse. Cut your losses and get out now.


I would say talk to him about it, but it sounds like this is not the first time. I suggest maybe counseling for both of you. Sounds like he has some underlying anger about something.


You are better than me because I would have went insane on him and cussed him up and down before I left him there.


Explain to him that him calling u foul names upsets u and ask if he thinks it’s fair for u to call him…Im sure u can think of something he would hate and then say if he continues to use that language then you will return it. If hes a good man he will learn to respect u if not then your staying with someone who dosnt…Do you wanna be sitting next to him 20 years from now still being a doormat.

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It will only get worse…save yourself from years of future verbal abuse that could possibly even turn physical. LEAVE!!!


Sounds like he has some anger issues …


Red flag!!! Emotional and verbal abuse right there!!! Counseling or divorce, give him an ultimatum.


Time to let him go babe. Doesn’t matter if you’re married. Somethings up


Sounds like he just doesn’t like attention drawn to him. And you put him on the spot. And you’ve had those conversations before. Maybe don’t put him on the spot anymore. Maybe there isn’t enough info here to give an opinion on someone else’s relationship. From this little bit of info sounds like you both have some growing to do. Learning to respect his boundaries. And him learning how to communicate to you in a respectful way you’ve made him uncomfortable.


Boundaries are needed. And hold him to them. Flat tell him that this behavior is unacceptable and that you absolutely will not tolerate it. No excuses. Tell him next time he does this that you will be sure to give e him a dose of his own medicine in front of his friends. Tell him this is uncalled for and that he can get himself together because you aren’t going to tolerate it. Then WHEN he does it again make sure to hold the line and tell him right there in front of his friends that you aren’t going to tolerate his disrespect and ugly attitude that he can lose the temper or he can go home. Don’t give him slack. Don’t make excuses and don’t listen to any of his excuses.

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Leave him. The abuse will continue and get worse


I was in a very physically/verbally abusive relationship before and to me that’s a big red flag. When your partner can start hurting you in front of others ain’t much longer til your no longer safe at home. I say leave before it gets worse


find his bipolar meds

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I would like to know what the foul word was…but don’t y’all ever swear? Shit they are just words.

Cuttin up pinnacle is a sign fo swingers to get the party stated… maybe you should thank your husband for getting you guys out of an awkward situation with your friends

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This is typical Narcissist behaviour. He’ll get worse probably… I’d get out of that pretty soon if I was you xx


Sounds like he’s a real jerk.
This is called verbal abuse. It might get worse. Don’t kid yourself. Counseling might help if he doesn’t wanna go I would get a divorce

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Totally overreaction on his part. Most guys love to show off that they know how to do something others don’t x

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He is verbally abusive and it will only get worse. Leave before you start a family with him.


He would’ve found his teeth laying on the floor of the friends house


Was alcohol involved? :thinking:

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get into counselling now. If he refuses to go then it is a sure sign that you have married an abusive person. RUN


Married 1.5 years and he is already pulling away… My question would be :woman_shrugging: What are doing or not doing, saying or not saying?!? The pineapple thing and cussing is a secondary issue to the real issue!!!

Leave. This is just the beginning.


Sounds like he may be a narcissist


That’s not a good sign at all. Time to leave cuz it’s going to get worse and worse not better


No man should ever treat or talk to a lady that way… Men need treat and Respect them the way he wont to tread… Harsh words are verbal Abuse and verbal abuse leads into Domestic violence there no man who should ever treat them like that

The whole thing sounds weird lmao

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Focus on Jesus Christ both of you find salvation he is the only way and the only one who can and will fix things is yall both seek God and live for God first everything else will fall into place!

Abusers r lyk dat dey will abuse nd apologise so u can stay…4rm verbal 2 physical

I suggest that you move on with your life, if this is an on going thing. It’s a sign that the abuse will continue. Good luck.

Save yourself all the hardship that’s to come and move on. I’m not saying find someone else just close the abuse chapter of life and move on.

When people cus, it’s cause can not voice what they really want to say ,. Saying ,are you crazy,. I watched to many lifetime movies to know. That’s a red flag.

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Absolutely no one should be talked to in a disrespectful manner. Get out of that marriage before it devolves into further abuse such as physical abuse that could cost you your life!

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His response to the situation was not normal or healthy. He really treated you disrespectfully. If this is a pattern, you should reevaluate your marriage. That does not happen ever in a healthy, loving relationship.

Sadly it will only get worse


Does he just not know how to act around others? Maybe he thinks he has to be a “big man” around people and his idea of that is to cuss/degrade you. Maybe he hates PDA… :woman_shrugging:t4:
If this only happens when you are out around others… tell him how you feel about it then don’t expect much interaction from him. Just socialize with others and do your do your own thing till it’s time to leave🤷🏽‍♀️


He’s bullying you. Yelling at you, embarrassing you & hurting you makes him feel good, powerful in front of his friends. It’s going to get worse, turn physical. Get out now!


I make it a point not to disrespect my husband outside of the home, and the few times he has I’ve confronted him about it. Does he have anger issues? Like it seems over the top to get pissed off about a simple pineapple. Does this blow up stuff and snotty attitude happen about simple things?


I’m telling ya pineapple is the root of all evil!!!


Not a nice man I really think he has no respect for u at all


Give it right back and see how he likes being done that way in front of his friends then he might see what it feels like. Dont let a jerk do you that way and take it. Your only enable his behaviors from then on.

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I would’ve called that CHILD out in front of EVERYONE! MISS ME! He doesn’t sound like a good husband or a good friend. Toxic! Run sis.


Id pay attention to how often he does that.if he continues it he thinks it is acceptable .and it is abusive behavior.he will get leave now before you get used to being dont deserve that. Its just sad.

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run. my dad is like this with my mom and it breaks my heart. :sob::sob:

Run baby girl, far and fast. This is how it started with me, at friends and I looked like a fool when everyone saw the warning signs and I didn’t.


Well, I know it’s a big pet peeve of mine when people volunteer me for things. He could be thinking “If I wanted to cut the pineapple, I would’ve said “I’ll do it” but that IN NO WAY excuses how he reacted and treated you. He sounds like an ass. Don’t tolerate it. Start documenting days, times, and what was said. It sounds like you’ll be needing it.

You need to take up for yourself. I wouldn’t have been able to control my mouth or maybe my hands. He might have a pineapple print across his cheek

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Give it right back to him in front of friends so he knows how it feels. That being said, why would you volunteer him? If he wanted to do it, HE would volunteer. I HATED it when my ex did that. And I hated it when my mom did it. You don’t have the right to speak for him. By doing it in public, you are backing him in a corner. He can speak for himself.


Tell him at the time he yells at you that you don’t appreciate him yelling at you. Don’t wait to get home. My husband used to do this when I would use the wrong word in Spanish in front of my relatives. One day my son defended me because my husband yelled at me at home for the same reason. My son told my husband, don’t belittle my mom by trying to make her look stupid. Your English is not perfect yet she does not belittle you. That was the last time my husband yelled at me. Love my young adults.


Red flags :triangular_flag_on_post: he will continue to treat you like this.


Keep the pineapple
Lose the husband


Sounds like terrets or bipolar…but seriously …different ppl different ways of thinking …but if I’m at a friend’s house to get together…i got no problems giving them a hand if they ask …but getting upset over something like that?? He clda just said he had no clue…

Sounds like an idiot.

I would’ve left. Dont put up with being mistreated by anyone. Teach people how to treat you.

Sounds like he is a childish ass with some narcissistic behaviors.

If he’s aknowledged and apologized that he’s hurt you, give him a chance to do it right next time. But…you teach people how to treat you. If he continues to do this, you have taught him it’s ok.

If this is the only time he acts like this…
Then I would hazard a guess…that he doesnt like going…that maybe these situations are even causing anxiety for him.

Anxiety doesnt look the exact same for everyone. Sometimes it can look like anger.

Does that excuse the behavior? Not really.
But it takes a lot of work to gain complete control over anxiety.
So for now…if it was me…
If I knew he really was uncomfortable (probably even anxious) … I wouldn’t make plans without discussing first how he feels about them and I wouldn’t push them if/when he says he doesn’t feel like it/want to.

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I’ve been married 13yrs. Not once have my husband or I called each other out of our names like that. Never. Now, he had yelled at me 3x. 2x, I earned every bit of it. Lol. It was my fault. But that 1x, I gave it all back. He already knows, I am not the one.
Now, Your husbands excuse of “You know I don’t like doing stuff like that” is ridiculous. He needs to grow up. It’s a gathering and sometimes stuff needs done.
I have to wonder what made him husband material bc I dated guys like that and we didn’t last too long bc they were arrogant and selfish in other ways that weren’t acceptable.

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Yeah that is seriously not ok!

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I couldn’t be arsed with a man like that …walk away or be his door mat. Life is too short find someone that loves you. Good luck🙂

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Blatant disrespect. Ditch him fast

Punched him in the throat​:person_shrugging:t6::person_facepalming:t6:

  1. He should not be speaking to you or anyone in that manner
  2. You should not be volunteering others for tasks without asking them first
  3. You both have the right to feel upset.
    You need to talk to him. You both need to get back on the same page. If this just started happening. What has changed? Recent stressors? Even good stressors effect us.
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Why did you marry him again?


I would accept the apology and get over it.

But that’s just me.

The heart ache

You should hear me and my husband.

I wouldn’t volunteer him to do something :woman_shrugging:

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You should have asked him first before volunteering him. Apologize to him and he should do the same to you.


He would have felt very small doing that in front of friends. I would have called him out right then and there. But that’s me! He also needs to apologize to your friends for being an ass.

Read the first line and stopped.

:clap:t3: You :clap:t3: do :clap:t3: not :clap:t3: need :clap:t3: anyone’s :clap:t3: permission :clap:t3: to :clap:t3: feel :clap:t3: your :clap:t3: feelings. :clap:t3:

That is all. Please carry on. Lol.


If you have to explain to a person that cursing at you is not acceptable then they just don’t respect you. Life is too short for dealing with being disrespected.


You wouldn’t say if your husband knew how to cut a pineapple? Seriously??? These comments are mad!

To the OP, your husband is gaslighting you lovey


First time he swears at you - Shame on him. Second time he swears at you - Shame on YOU. Nip it in the bud. Verbal abuse is never ok, whether you are home or alone - whether he wants to cut a pineapple or not. People will treat you how you permit them to treat you. Don’t allow yourself to be abused.


Even if someone has volunteered him, he has the right to politely decline. He’s an ass and set him straight before he thinks he can walk all over you for a life time.

I would confront him about why he isn’t as nice to you when friends are around.

I would forgive him for the outburst but lay down the law that nobody talks to you that way, nor humiliates you in front of your friends. Understand maybe he had anxiety over you volunteering him to cut the pineapple…that’s where forgiveness plays in. But no excuse for him swearing and belittling you.

Let him know you care and want to know if you made him feel uncomfortable but could have that discussion at home, in private and calmly.

Really, he should be aware that berating you is not okay…especially over a pineapple.


Throw the man away he is only trying to see what he can get away with. it with just get worse. Have you ever heard of give them a inch they will take a mile.


I mean I would of kept my mouth shut, and if he wanted to say something he could have, but that’s just me.

Not acceptable dont allow it. Things will just get worse as you go.


I would’ve thrown the pineapple at him :woman_shrugging:


When someone shows you who they are, believe them, the first time. This is known as a pinprick. A small painful hit, how you react to it tells him how much you will let him get away with. The next one will hurt more, and the next…ask yourself now and everyday, "Do I normalize everyday pinpricks?” Your response will teach him how he can treat you.


Sounds like he gets like this if alcohol is involved??? I’m guessing here. But unfortunately, a lot of people get more aggressive when they have had a few drinks. If this is the case, I would have a long discussion about boundaries with him and perhaps cut off levels if this happens when he is drinking.

Do not let anyone treat you in any way that you are not okay with. It usually starts out small like this and leads to bigger things. one of your boundaries is being crossed and it sounds like he is making an excuse rather than apologizing. Next time he speaks to you like that in front of your friends I would confront him in front of your friends. Just say, please don’t speak to me that way I have told you it upsets me. If he is a healthy minded person he will apologize and not get back at you later if he punishes you for it… run, it will only get worse don’t waste your life with someone that will embarrass you then disregard your feelings while getting mad because you stood up for yourself.


That’s verbal abuse. It’s embarrassing n very uncool. If it’s a habit n then he apologizes later it’s still a habit n he’ll probably do it again. I’d be upset n I would go to my friend without that “asshole” (haha) from now on!

Eff him I’d have gone, grabbed that pineapple and chucked it at him :eyes:


Do him the same!!! Let him know how it feels and to be embarrassed around his friends


If it were me and he disrespected me like that again I wouldn’t be so nice

That’s the whole situation?? I only ask because that seems seriously extreme. Was drinking involved? Did you guys have a tiff on the way over? Does he get this away around his friends? Your friends? Couple friends? Whatever happened before it’s not acceptable how he talked to you! He should apologize to you and the people he was around. I personally would have asked to him leave if that was my house. I don’t like drama or rudeness especially if they are guests in my home.

Whatta douche. I would’ve been like “well I was just proud of you for knowing how to do something that they obviously didnt” and watch his response.

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I would have pulled him aside right then and there and told him you dont speak to me like that ever and then tell our friends we have to leave. If he wants to act like a child treat him like one


My ex/ babys dad did this. He would yet at me in front of other people it was super disrespecting and embarrassing. One time he even told them I was being bitchy. To him yes I was but I wasent gonna have an attitude with anyone else.