My husband sweared at me at our friends house over a pineapple: Do I have a right to be upset?

While I am not condoning what he did, my question to you is did he do any of this prior to that evening? You married him, you either saw it and ignored it or this was the first time he verbally got loud and embarrassed you in front of friends.

Me and my husband would have been the evenings entertainment. The play write to The Bold & The Beautiful.

That right would have happened once but a second ooohhh hell nooooo, oof with his head, like the queen of heart says, No one has tge right to disrespect their other half and most of all in front of others !!! So sit down like 2 adults and talk about it to him and that u r NOT gonna tolerate that no more from here on, if it doesnt stop then, then he doesnt deserve u and must walk away from that, cause believe me, IT WILL GET WORSE !!!

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I would not put up with his verbal abuse. There is no excuse for it in any setting.

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That’s where it all starts… get out get out now.


Get out now. If you tolerate it you are teaching him he doesn’t have to respect u.

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Is he an abusive drinker? LEAVE!!!

We as woman have a problem of volunteering our partners without consulting them.


If u gotta ask, u know what u gotta do. Trust urself n do it

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Loser douche bag get the hell out been there. I ended up with up with a broken nose

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A man that comfortable in acting out in public like that is a dangerous man. If this one of many red flags then one needs to do what is best for themselves.


He should have not done that in the first place…but perhaps better communication would have prevented such an unwelcomed outburst?..I would feel the way your feeling, it’s embarrassing to get sworn at like that in public by your Significant other. My advice would be to just take note of it, talk with him about it and let it go BUT if it happens again…I would say either get our of the relationship or get couples counseling.

I broke mine by getting louder than he ever dreamed I could … and it always started with " Who in the f#$k do you think you’re talking to in that manner ?" They can learn … Remember you give people permissions to treat you however they do …


Narcissistic and manipulative


You have every right to be upset. Someone who loves you should not be talking to you like that. Believe me it is only going to get worse!


Sounds like he doesn’t respect YOU or his FRIENDS. He cussed at you for bringing up his name to help a friend and then he says " they invited us, I shouldn’t have cut something up". Yea. I’d get out and quick…


Too late now…u shud have corrected him in front of ur friend…u didnt…so he will of course do it again…

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Sounds like a toxic pos. Trying to act cool in front of his friends. Start saving up to move after a divorce.

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You shouldn’t have to ask your partner to not cuss at you in public or private. Sounds like he has some unresolved issues

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Swear back at the tosser and embarrassed him hrs just a loser and has no respect for you

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You should of told him to stfu :woman_shrugging:t2::joy:

Wow there is some BITTER ASS MEN on this thread
Over a pineapple :rofl:

Dude woulda ate his teeth with that uncut pineapple & wiped his face with divorce papers.

There is no reason for disrespect or verbal abuse and public ridicule


I put up with this behavior from my husband until I didn’t love him anymore. One day he yelled at me for going to the bathroom before bringing him what he asked for and I was done. Me and our daughter were gone within 2 weeks.

It will just get worse as time goes on… Run… as fast as u can.


Need to have a private conversation and tell him thats not ok to treat you like that. Tell him how much it hurt you and embarrassed you. If he truly loves you- he will feel like the jerk that we all are thinking he sounded like.
And biggest thing to remember - “sorry” is just empty words unless their ACTIONS follow!


Who does he think he is talking too ???

Sorry whats good for the goose

At the very moment of my husband treating me like that I would have walked out of the house and found a way home. It’s called setting boundaries.

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you need to snip thar in the bud. Next thing you know, he will get used to kicking your azz.

Please don’t let him hit you!!!

If i was you I would do the same see if he likes it


I would have pulled him to side and I would let him know that he’s rude and embarrassed

Sounds like he is taking bad about you with your friends so he has to keep up that facade in front of them.


Never let anyone get used to disrespecting you. Especially in front of your peers.


I would have corrected him in front of your friends and maybe tossed a pineapple at his face, cause I’m a little extra :woman_shrugging: then I would tell him, NOW, cut the fucking pineapple!


If he can disrespect you in front of your friends,then he dont respect you at all. He is supposed to make you feel safe and secure . When a man can get loud and say harsh words that make you feel a type of way . That’s a sign of a red flag for me .be careful that it dont get worse .


I’ll show you how to cut a pineapple Karen


Hit em in the head with a frying pan so that he remembers to never do it again


Become a lesbian :smirk::joy::joy:

Wow that’s a huge no no. My husband and I would never do any fighting much less putting each other down in public or around friends or fb. He doesn’t treat me like that anyway but dude… you should’ve looked him dead in the eye and said excuse me? You will not talk to me like that ever again.

Disrespectful and verbal abuse will just get worse. Get out now before it escalates.

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:joy::joy::joy::joy: divorce over a pineapple?
Just saying, and I have been married for well over 20 years. That if you cannot get passed this. Then you are not ready for a relationship. Period!

A relationship has two people with two different opinions. And arguing is how you find out the others likes dislikes. Why would you offer him up to cut the pineapple knowing he probably felt on the spot, in front of people?


He should respect you all the time especially in front of people be it family friends or strangers.

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My hubby tried that before. I told him to shut the fuck up, I am his wife and he WILL respect me enough not to swear and call me names or he will be kicked out the house so fast his head will spin. He’s gotten better

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I would have left and made him find his own way home. There is no way I would put up with getting disrespected like that.

I’m not letting anyone treat me like that

Are you making up all this shit that you put out? It is one question more stupid than the other coming every day.


As someone that used to teach self defense at the women’s shelter I’ve seen some of the worst - abuse doesn’t just come as physical bruises, it also comes in mental and emotional (Which is usually where it all begins).

Once they can erode you mentally and emotionally then they know you wont leave and they can begin the physical side of it. Then once that begins they know they tore you down mentally and you will begin to make excuses for the physical abuse.

Then one day they will put a hand on your neck as the escalation continues - at that point your days are numbered if you stay in the relationships, for it has been proven in multiple psychological studies that people that put their hands on your neck in anger have very high odds they will kill you.


What the fuck did I just read


In any marriage we all make mistakes. Let him know under no uncertain terms he can ever speak like that to you again much less in front of people. I have a firm belief never to fight in front of other people. Our issues and problems are that, our problems. He needs to know that. You’re not a child to be spoken to that way. Also remember to apologize for speaking for him. He probably felt put on the spot. I wouldn’t see a problem with asking my husband but every relationship is different. Remember to pray about it. Ask God to guide you and help you to say the right thing. Be calm when you go to your husband. Be very matter of fact. You are not bitching him out. You are drawing a line. You are not a child. You are his partner in everything. Partners need to know your terms. We have to teach people how to treat us. Do not come off as weak or complaining. Say it plain and simple. Then walk away. Don’t stand and argue. Don’t talk it over. Say it like it is and leave it. No matter what he says after. Say I said what I had to say. We have nothing more to discuss.
When I married my husband I stopped the wedding and refused to say obey. He agreed to discuss everything and consider each other’s point of view. You should have seen his mothers face. She was pissed off. Lol. I’m praying for you

To some it may not seem like a big deal, but personally I wouldn’t let someone treat me like that. I am not saying divorce, but definitely wouldn’t allow it


Lol. What an interesting dilemma.

Sorry there’s a reason he’s acting like that! He needs a breather/vacation! I know to many people like that! But the friend thing I would’ve said something right there like seriously there’s something else going on besides this pineapple or even you wanting to not do it! What’s really going on!!?

He is an abuser and you need to start standing your ground but it wnt be a good outcome. As an abusive man will never admit nor apologise for his faults.

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Serious red flag. This is borderline verbal abuse. I would suggest seeing a marriage counselor for a safe place to communicate.


Who tf doesn’t know how to cut a pineapple LOL


People don’t like to be put on the spot with things he maybe could of handle it little better but next time don’t put him on the spot but if he lashes out at u over nothing next time then leave


Sounds like gaslighting


Are you all smoking Crack? He used a swear word…omg!! He didn’t fucking scream and belittle her. Where the fuck is she from that a swear word offends her like that. He didn’t hit her. He didn’t flip the fick out. He said a sentence with a swear word. Jesus christ. This shit is fucking crazy


I’d smack the shit out of him and dare him to say another word


That’s being disrespectful if my partner does that I would speak up don’t allow someone to do that to you what he is doing is belittling you exactly what it is I would be like go cut your own fucking pineapples

Shouldn’t of mentioned what your husband know how to do no emergency could of kept that offer to yourself husband was right they should of prepared that pineapple to be the way it should be before y’all arrived the hollering profanity is uncaused for the attention you get at home should be a non factor if he doesn’t want to talk most men sit back and observe things verbal abuse y’all work it out through prayer cause what the Heavenly Father put together he said let no man put asunder that includes your husband


I woulda snapped on him… Like come cut this damn pineapple.


What??? Does no one use swear words? Where the hell are you all from?


I would say Bye Felicia!


Personally if he is that big of an asshole that he’s not even willing to cut a pineapple for a friend (yours and his friend) that doesn’t know how to it may seem like a small thing now but verbal abuse will escalate and so will the situations they will get worse. Maybe he needs some therapy or an undiagnosed mental issue, these things happen if it’s bothering you that bad ask him to seek help that it’s really bothering you and becoming a pattern. If he’s not willing to do that leave and cut your loses!!


Its called grooming and I’d say get out now!


Well, it’s probably not the first time , and it surely won’t be the last time for these outburst.


Get a back bone and cuss back at his ass the hell. You got upset are you 12 lol. You wanna get crazy I can too🤣


Fk that… its obvious that you are in an abusive relationship hon… normal people don’t go around making the person they are supposed to love feel like shit… emotional and verbal abuse is just as bad if not worse than physical abuse… bruises and stuff go away. Words stay with you living in your brain and heart… I hope you get away and get some peace in your life… most likely what you have told us is just the tip of the iceberg and what happens behind closed doors is way worse… get some help hon


I would have just told him to get out of the way then and I would cut it up myself. No reason to freak out over something so minor!!!

some serious thing going on in here. anyway here’s how to cut a pineapple


Don’t volunteer him for stuff unless he gives the okay first. My husband and I have this agreement and if either breaks it then we are allowed to be upset. It’s not abuse, it’s respecting one another. My lord ladies if a swear is all that it takes for you to back out then a long marriage may not be right for you. My husband and I are 15 years and still going for us and we both swear. :rofl:

Goodness, poor man can’t even say a swear word… You shouldn’t have put him into do it…without asking him quietly first…


Sorry but i just swear back and get ovet it


My husband an I roast each other daily, and even worse in public. :joy:

That is so disrespectful

Bishhh. Who the fk u thinking you talkin to should have been your response

What type of relationship they have that he would be so uptight over an pineapple. My husband and I also lend a hand @ others lack of skills. Each one teach one

Get away from that man first he shouldn’t speak to you like that and second why does he have a problem helping cutting a pineapple? It’s really not a big deal


Def would reconsider the marriage. He seems like an emotional abuser

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Been there!! Leave him now lasted 11 years in that kind of marriage. It gets worse.


Obviously the only correct response to this is to throw the pineapple at his head.


I would have turned around and asked him if cussing at me in front of friends made him feel like more of a man . Then once alone I’d let him know that’s the first and last time he will be doing that or he will find himself single again. No excuse for disrespect.


Women do it Al the time…but subtil

Your husband should never be disrespectful to you like that ever but especially not in front of company a my man talk to me like that no matter where we was I would tell him real quick you better check yourself what’s good for the goose is good for the gander you treat me the way you want me to treat you so is that what you want you want me to cuss you in front of our friends because I sure can if it precedes continues to happen he won’t be my man no more

Disrespectful. 1.5 yrs. Girl, you’ve got a long road ahead. Its one thing to have disagreements behind closed doors or in your own home alone but to do some shit like that out in front of others is disrespect. I don’t care if you’re hillbilly, redneck, thugging, etc, don’t do that shit.

As an adult, we should make better decisions but we all tend to f up and deal with young and old ass f’s which leads to the saying “you are treated like shit because you allow the shit”


Tell him too shut the fuck up and don’t talk to you like shit…


You put him on the spot. I have bad anxiety and especially social anxiety my husband would not have said I know how to do it even if I did

Say “thank you honey , I would appreciate that”.

Do you have rights? If you dont you’re in the wrong relationship

that relationship sounds exhausting


I would’ve said a few things right then and there. Like… whoa buddy, you better check yourself. Or… and if it continued, or continues, I’f roast him with sarcasm and leave. Obviously he has something to prove to his friend. It’s stupid but… when u learn to speak the lingo of stupid right back, it usually teaches them not to do it to being with.

He didn’t communicate very well… so what I get is…he doesn’t want you to volunteer him to do things… that would also mean not put him on the spot by asking him infront of others…
You also need to NOT wait for his abuse to happen before you also draw the line and agree … that any issues will be dealt with at home…

So you married a child?

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Call him out on it in front of your friends and see how he reacts. If this is something that has just started it could be a sign of possible things to come.


Kick his arse to the Kurb like I did with mine after 22 years just a shame I didn’t do it earlier :woman_facepalming:t2:
Mental emotional abuser


Do not tolerate! Make sure he knows you wont tolerate. If he does again leave. Lived this! Trust me me I say when you take a stand they will respect you more


Marriage is so overrated.

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I would get really close to his face and calmly and almost at a whisper say, “if you ever speak to me like that again, in front of friends or elsewhere, you will learn first hand how many First 48 episodes I’ve watched” then as you are walking away say, “I’m calling your mama”
Done :heavy_check_mark::100::joy: