You need to address this foolishness…Do not let anyone disrespect you…or mentally or physically abuse you…Nip it in the butt before it gets out of hand…
He was disrespectful to you and embarrassed you ! I completely get it ! You don’t have to curse him back but next time he does it , tell him you will not tolerate the disrespect and be talked too like that ! But say it loud and in front of everyone too ! You do need to apologize for making him feel uncomfortable for pretty much speaking for him to cut the pineapple! But other then that , you have nothing to be sorry for !! I don’t know if he has social anxiety or just wanted too feel tuff in front of his buds and be called out for being domestic or whatever… sure I get it but he didn’t not have too yell and cuss you for it ! He should’ve pulled you too the side and told you not too do that that he was uncomfortable. I don’t think it’s something you should leave him over ! But it needs to be addressed big time if he does it again!
Whats next?? Beating or death???
Leave him, it will only get worse!
I would say as a baseline the way you avoided using a cuss word in your description of what happened tells me you aren’t comfortable in significant areas he is and he clearly lacks respect for you and your relationship…at the end of the day it’s up to you to decide what you are willing to push aside, just please don’t sacrifice parts of yourself for the sake of making things work or because of how he sometimes makes you feel. If you feel bad in any way more often than you feel good about yourself or your relationship you should consider leaving him.
May be he has a gal frd there,be very careful with your frds.
Insecurities are eating him alive, little narcissistic to be the one displaying messed up behaviors and then blaming it on you. Will probably get worse
don’t tolerate any form of disrespect you all have been married a year an a half how long have u known him … i hope u keep bringing any concerns to lite asap nip it in the butt
He’s not your child. Stop answering for him. I as a woman would have given him the eye, but some men react differently. I am not saying he is right but you need to be quite if you know how he is going to react. I feel your pain but know your boundaries.
Typical narcissistic behavior
Get rid… He’s a narcissist, that’s abusive behaviour
So disrespectful! He wouldn’t treat a stranger like that (if he does then he’s just a complete jerk) so how in the world is it OK for him to talk to his wife like that? Set a strong boundary NOW or this will become your future… people treat us the way we allow them to treat us… read that again… good luck…
To the OP- there are one of two things going on here based on the little info given. If this behavior hasn’t been going on since you’ve been together, meaning it’s started in the past few-several months, what’s changed? Did he get a new job, is he drinking, drugs, seeing another woman? Also stop and take a look at his family. Do they act like this? If so, you’ve got your answer and you need to make a choice as to whether you’re going to love like that or not. Or he’s grooming you. And you should start being very, VERY careful.
Good advice is to talk to a one good friend and leave your problems off fb.this public forum is never a good wouldnt even know what advice to take cause its too many
Thats disrespectful asf
I wouldn’t know not one for drama in public but I would of lost my marbles and that pineapple would of been shoved so far up his anus he would of been lost for words lol
This isn’t even real this was posted in a nail group at the same exact time
Poor didums did he get you a tissue princess?
You freak out at that ??
Hate to see how you would handle a real problem??? As there’s women out there being asulted, abused physically and mentally.
Then next time, YOU call him out on it in front of your friends. They don’t seem to be your friends if they are totally okay with him disrespecting you. And while I get the fact that most friends think, ‘It’s not my business, I shouldn’t interject’, they STILL should have said SOMETHING to him about it. I know I wouldn’t be silent if my friend was being disrespected, BUT, that’s just my point of view and people are different. I mean, if he’s that comfortable embarrassing you, then get comfortable about calling him out on it in front of your friends. Establish your boundaries NOW before he starts upping the disrespect and embarrassment from friends to the general public. That’s what happened in my last relationship, and the only way my ex stopped was by me returning the favor in kind. I DO NOT recommend this strategy as the first go-to option! I have ONLY used this when talking to my ex had failed and all of my options to peacefully resolve the issue were spent. Sometimes, people can’t take the same treatment they give you. If he wants to get extreme and divorce you over it, let him. The judge would probably laugh at him and decline his request for a divorce. Record everything! Either on your phone or on paper. CYA = Cover your ass.
I wouldn’t have waited I would have gotten him alone while we were there and addressed it and ask him who he think he was talking to n tell I do not appreciate him using that tone with me and disrespecting me in front of our friends mutual or not. That’s just me tho🤷♀️ ik I’m not gonna get disrespected n not give the same energy back especially in front of people we know
Your friend shouldve called him out on his behaviour disgusting and total disrespect to you and your kids if you have any im sorry you where treated this way he needs shape up or ship out
Learn to keep your mouth shut next time…
This sounds really fake to me. Idk. Maybe ive just been around to many unhealthy relationships but this is nothing really.
Love protect defend in public and wait until your behind closed doors to criticize. But I be dam if a man will curse me!! Correct him before he gets to comfortable. Good luck💕
Ummm maybe don’t volunteer someone else to do something. I would have threw the pineapple. ( now there’s nothing to cut)
Abusive narcissist.
A hole
I’m going to add - my ex had said (very loudly, in fact) in a grocery store for me to ‘get stuff for my itchy crotch’ (ALSO TO ADD, I did not have that problem!) So I told him, also very loudly, ‘Should also get stuff for your small dick problem.’ LMAO Never heard the end of it but he totally stopped publicly embarrassing and disrespecting me.
Get out. Don’t walk. RUN!
Well he said he’s sorry. Not that that excuses anything he did. However, my boyfriend would never even say he’s sorry and would have somehow twisted it to be my fault…
Getaway today what is wrongwithyo runn
Sounds like he has done it before at home… and also before you got married!! Yet you married him anyway hoping he would change!!! Well here you are… nothing has changed
If this is true, your husband is a narcissist.
Out of all the things that didn’t happen, this didn’t happen the most
JFYI for the haters on here, she didn’t VOLUNTEER him; she simply mentioned that he knows how to cut a pineapple. You’re also acting like she asked him to deliver a baby…chill out
I don’t understand what you mean by mutual friends. If it’s friends you hang around with all the time and are comfortable with, why would he get all bend out of shape. Still, cursing you in front of anyone is very disrespectful. He is starting to show you he is an abusive husband. If he had not shown you this side of him before. If he had, you should have known better than to marry him. If it doesn’t stop now it will get worse. Trust me, I’ve been there.
The details here don’t matter to me ( offering her husbands skills to cut a pineapple ) it’s the fact that he’s comfortable speaking to his wife that way in public and just in general for that matter. I get it, someone shouldn’t volunteer someone else, but in reality why should she not volunteer him to do it? It’s a skill he knows how to do, don’t most men like that sort of attention anyways? Again though the details are not what is wrong in my opinion it’s talkimg to your partner like a pile of shit that is the issues for me
This all sounds so petty. And people in these comments are over thinking it. There’s nothing wrong with what she did, she didn’t volunteer him to do anything. Just mentioned he was capable to do it. A normal person that doesn’t mind helping out would have volunteered to do it. I don’t go to someone’s house and expect to be catered to. I help out my friends. If they need some dishes to be washed, I’m gonna do them. If they need help cooking, I’ll do whatever. I’m there to enjoy the company of my friend, not my friend serving me. It’s a weird attitude to go to someone’s house and expect service. It’s not a restaurant and I’m not paying my friend to be served to. When you change your attitude to be helpful, it makes your relationships better and generally people are likely to reciprocate. or it’ll weed out the people you don’t want as friends.
You’re husband has no respect for you or your friends who were hosting I’d be embarrassed
Let him sleep on the couch for a month.
Get out before it’s too late. He won’t change, and will get worse. Talking from experience
Tell him to fuck his ass and leave him, don’t ever believe it wont happen again because it will again and again. People like that would never change.
He is not respecting you. If he really loves you, he would not make you embarrassed in front of people. He is should have been concerned of his behavior not to hurt you.
The more you stay with him,the more this situation aggravates.
He will never change
U did nothing wrong. My husband swore at me 2 times 1 time with friends i told him later it was unacceptable and if he did it again id blast his ass on the spot. He apologized
2nd time was the 1st time i met his mother. I was nursing out 3 month old and asked him to change out 13 month old. He was doing something and i was unaware. He yelled at me and before i could open my mouth his mom said some pretty colorful words and made him apologize. Now if we have an issue its addressed at a later time in private. It’s completely unacceptable behavior
Obviously your husband has no problem with embarrassing you which is an issue! I say get out of the relationship ASAP because also speaking from experience he WILL NOT change his ways.
I would have just laughed it off and gone on doing whatever. Your story obviously leaves out a lot. If he does this all the time, well…you’ve got to either confront him WHEN it happens, or cut the damned pineapple yourself! I personally need more info before judging one instance. Could be a million reasons for his outburst.
If it’s becoming a habit he’s not going to change on his own. Either go to counseling or get out because it will only get worse.
He was wrong for cursing at you however you shouldn’t have volunteered him to cut the pineapple. He can speak for himself and if he wanted to offer to help he would have. I think you both need to work on your communication skills.
I feel like this guys is a military douche bag
I’m prefacing with I’m a Gemini. I have bipolar but I’m not like this at all.
Second, whoever thinks she’s settling for this treatment may be wrong.
I’ll explain.
Why I stayed with someone abusive is I didn’t learn from my mother how to leave a situation until it was too late. I’m now wiser and know what I need to do.
Anyone who has been abused comes to a point of “I can’t do this anymore!”
The poster may have hit that point but has no help to leave.
My advice: contact your local social services. (Google: [state] social services/Medicaid assistance) They should be able to help and most of them have an escape button in case the person searching is afraid of being caught. That escape leads to an empty Google page.
I hope they find help.
Seems to me your husband maybe is trying to be the big I AM…in front of your friends just say if that happens next time i will embaress you more than ever…that will keep him guessing😂
That’s a very strange thing to get upset over. What’s really up?! All cause you volunteered him to do something he knows how to do. Also, you should give him a taste of his own medicine sometime so he knows how it feels.
Is he having an affair?
be very careful my sister, something else is making your husband uncomfortable when you are with friends…he feels that maybe you will be attracted to them and leave him…something must have happened in the past with one of his Ex’s that make him paranoid. He does not want mâles near you, that y he is loving at home when it the two of you, cos he is much more relax, he knows there is no male to snatch you away from him.
you need to talk about this with him, even GO WITH HIM TO PSYCHOLOGIST…he needs help Before he get out of controll…if you dont controll that behavior on the early stages, Your man will soon become physically violent towards you and he then after that will turn to a Psycho…once he turn to a psycho, There’s no help for him
You can set all the rules and bouderies you want but you never gonna change how he feels, I hear others say “leave him” …if you leave him, you will be proving what he already scared of(you leaving him) and he might be a problèm in your life…fix this, Go with him to DOCTORS, show your support …tnk you
Get out as fast as you can. Whether he wanted to cut the pineapple or not, is completely irrelevent tbh. But if he’s sworn atvyou, abused you verbally before, ignored you and made you embarrased and unwanted in front of his friends previously, then it will get worse, not better.
You are worth more than that.
Sounds like he is trying to be “cool” for your friend by degrading you. I wonder if he attracted to her or him and wants that person to see that he doesn’t like you, your crazy.
He clearly has no respect for you and is most likely bothered by your presence,so the smallest things set him off with you. Could be an underlying issue he sees within you not situations… either way it’s abuse and you need to be very clear about your feelings in this. I wouldn’t up and leave immediately but some change with him must happen or you will need to go your separate ways
Time to move on and allows you be yourself! He is a control freak it could lead to violence!
Leave. He doesn’t care about how you feel.
I wouldn’t go anywhere with him
That pinespple would of been smashed over his head.
I would of confronted him in the moment. “Don’t you talk to me like that.” And if he continues, I’d repeat…
Getting cursed at over a pineapple is extreme, especially in public. Embarrassing you in front of your friends is not cool. His explanation was weak and irrelevant and he sounds like a classic narcissist. If you allow this treatment to continue it will only get worse.
Sounds like he’s a nobhead
He’s probably cheating…
He would have worn that pineapple across his face! My husband would never call me a disrespectful name!
You should have told him to be a man, get his last ass up & cut that f’n pineapple like you know he knows how to do!! The f outta here with that bullshit…
I’d shove that pineapple somewhere the sun don’t shine for someone talking to me like that. Especially since you reference to the last time which means it happened more than once
If you haven’t heard about narcissistic abuse check it out on YouTube. Your situation is written narc abuse all over! Good luck!
Be more assertive!!! he got issues
Stand up to him don’t back down never let anyone put u down for any reason!! Tell him next time he will find that pineapple straight up his ass!!
Hes belittling you to make himself look good. I bet your friends can see right through him. What an arsehole. Bin him before this becomes your life.
Lots of internet badasses here…most of whom are likely as single as they come.
Leave if you want…but if that was what you wanted you likely wouldn’t be asking for advice from the interwebs. You have already confronted him…if it becomes a pattern then address it again…but talking about it with gung ho strangers online can only convince you of extreme “solutions” as these people dont legitimately give a fuck about your life or circumstances.
You should leave him
Lmao as a friend, he should have been able to help. Like wtf? What friend doesn’t help a friend. Also, if he’s not showing love infront of your friends, and only at home, that’s a red flag. Why are you only good enough for his love while I’m your own house and nowhere else.
Tell him you thought you married a man not a tantrum throwing child
I believe in domestic violence when it comes to this. He curses at me in front of his friends? He’ll get bitch slapped and left in front of his friends.
He does that in public? Check him on it right then and there!
It’s disrespect and manipulation. He disrespects you in public and says sweet shit to you when you get home so he doesn’t have to deal with how upset you are.
Well you know they all probably feel embarassed for you too.
Slap him…bet he stops
Some men behave like that it’s sometimes a man thing or maybe he felt embarrassed that you volunteered him or spoke for him? What ever the reason he shouldn’t speak to you like that…talk to him explain how you feel that it’s embarrassing and hurtful to you…or if he does it again say straight away please don’t speak to me like that or throw the pineapple off his head!
Daily serve him pinnaple
You have to ask “Why does he do this to you in public?”
It all comes down to his coercive control. He wants to belittle you and it makes him feel good. He knows he can sugar-talk you round in private later. This pattern will escalate…
What you have to do is ask “Why do you put up with this very poor behaviour?”
What you allow, you have chosen.
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This is the dumbest reason ever. Please reread this situation and pretend you are reading this for the first time. It will absolutely get worse. Leave him. Leave him now
Be very angry. No excuse
Oh this is a massive red flag. Like, scarily.
That’s a big red flag.
He needs to realize his behavior is out of line. If he can’t outline a reason and a solution (cause/effect) then I would consider leaving. Nothing gets better without effort.
Get a dog. Much easier.
It will happen again
Nope, your husband should always stick up for you
Quit putting up with this bs. He’s abusive and it’ll get worse.
When he swore the 1st time at u . U shud have stopped him and said i Don’t like it Don’t do it again!!!
This will progress and get worse.
He’s probably f’?ing someone else and now everything you do or say annoys him… it’s not you it’s him sweetie.
You should kick him in his fucking shun every time he treats you like shit. Take it from someone who lived with an asshole 37 yrs. never gets better
I think, at least in this instance, he didn’t want to be volunteered to do something just because he knows how to. If he wanted to cut the pineapple he would’ve spoken up. I know I don’t appreciate being volunteered to do things especially if we are guests. I would rather speak for myself if I wanted to help. It does not justify him swearing at you, he shouldn’t disrespect you ever. But maybe just put yourself in his shoes if he volunteered you to do something you don’t like to do?