I wouldn’t exactly be upset about the swearing at you… but the freaking out and the entire way he talked to you over that, and in front of people.
Learn boundaries. I have learned from this experience that the line keeps getting pushed further back each, and Everytime. Until you are way into the unacceptable behavior, and will be dumped because he won’t respect you for not standing up for yourself.
Dont accept the behavior it will get worse, garanteeed!
Red flag, very disrespectful aggressive and could end up being physical.
What you allow will continue. I really hate to hear that when you confronted him about it he blamed you and said you should know… blah blah bs.
Sounds like the beginning of domestic abuse, it starts out slowly so be careful, not to mention no one should make you feel embarrassed public especially when you’re around friends or family …look out for other hints that you might have brushed off because they seemed little at the time .
You’re just getting to know the real him… And it’s just gonna get worse if you allow it.
It will happen again, because he obviously doesn’t see wrong in it. My ex husband was the same way. Emotional abuse darlin, only gets worse.
Take it from someone who knows first hand it only gets worse and it will never be his fault. Ever!
Red flags!!! Red flags!!! Get outta that relationship asap!!!
My god, i have been married 32 years and we have NEVER swore at each other. Even in a argument we never did. Even if we did argue we still had respect for each other. Maybe that’s why we are still together.
Walk away. Be dramatic. He is an ass
When you let someone treat you like that and not speak up they start disrespecting you. They also feel "powerful ". Men,especially, like being alpha especially when around other people. I don’t agree how he spoke to you and I do know you didn’t mean anything by it but by you pretty much volunteering him would have upset me as well. My husband will usually squeeze my hand and if I squeeze back it’s like you better shut the hell up. He has volunteered me for several things and it’s something that should be discussed but anyways as for the verbal abuse you are enduring you either need to show him you mean business, leave, or let him walk all over you and feel like crap with each and every waking day. Everyone on here will tell you what they would do in your situation but in the end you are the one that has to think long and hard
Damn, god forbid someone has a bad day lmao
Red flags everywhere
Tell him to fuck off see how he likes it the big dick!!
It gets worse. Run while you can.
Huge red flag. It will get worse.
Huge red flag. Hes going to start talking down to you when you’re around others to test the waters and see who reacts and how…
the abuse will escalate.
Do not tolerate this.
It may seem extremely small now… but that’s how it starts.
I’d highly advise you getting out now.
I hate he cursed you but I’m like that as well…if somebody ask do do somebody know how to do something or would I do something and if I know how to do something but don’t volunteer do volunteer my services…that makes me mad as hell
Well how old is he? Sounds to me like he is showing off for his friends. How does the other couple treat each other? Is he mirroring their behavior? Is he acting like this all the time toward you in public but nice when no one is around? If the answer is yes, I hate to say it, but he’s embarrassed by you. (That’s what my ex was doing…I’m not trying to hurt your feelings or make fun of you, I’m just giving you some possible insight.) if he ever does it again tell him you will get up and leave (make sure you have the car keys or a friend ready and waiting. Set clear boundaries before you go out. Tell him what the consequences will be. Ask for they keys. If he plans on behaving and respecting you he will understand and hand them over. If he fights you on it, your feelings don’t matter to him.
Thats how it begins…he will never change what u allow will continue…
If he said he won’t do it again, and then he does it again .Time to go
You need to make sure he stops that right now! I personally would have slapped his face in front of his friend!! How dare he speak to you like that. Nip this in the bud, I would be outta there!! X
How long has this “habit” been going on??? You’ve only been married 1.5 yr??
If it was a one off thing and didn’t do anything about it when 1st pulled up on it I would leave it off , if not and he’s constantly doing it u need to ask yourself is this what I want for yourself every time ur in the company of friends , tell him to change his attitude or he won’t be with u when your going out with friends
If I were you I’d crush that pineapple on his face.
Do like ur great grandma did. Wait til he’s asleep, sew him up in the sheet and take the broom to him and tell him to never disrespect u like that again.
It may be really hard to read all the comments that say red flags, get out of there quick. You may be thinking ‘wow, that escalated quickly’ but I agree. It is how it starts, and it only gets worse. For me it was so gradual I didnt notice. 19 years into the relationship I realised that i was teaching my kids it was ok to be abused or to abuse others and called it quits. It was at the point that it was a relief to get out. It all started so innocently, with the odd put down or nasty thing here and there. It was easy enough to shrug them off.
And eventually you will stop socialising and stay at home with him all the time … beware the controlling behaviour is starting. You will become more isolated and he will tell you that it is your fault you dont go.out because you choose to not accept invitations, the invitations will stop eventually. This is controlling behaviour
hes not worth it I would have smacked his ass
Red flags…if he doesn’t know how to behave infront of people. Try socialising without him…until he changes.if he doesn’t change the is the start of abuse and control. You need to make a decision regarding your future with him.
Get out or put up with it and keep quiet.
Smacked his @$$ with the pineapple he was obviously struggling and needed assist. Isn’t that what spouses do. Help each other find our way back when we have lost it.
If you felt embarrassed then that is enough! You were brilliant in saying he had a skill for this. A “normal” person would’ve lapped that up! If not, fair enough but there is no need to swear at you in front of anyone. This is a start of a toxic relationship. It’ll go from there to home if it hasn’t already??? I believe that it’s already happening at home??? Been there, done that. It’s going to get worse if you don’t sort it out now. Easier said than done I know. When you have hit the last straw for yourself then you’ll leave. In the meantime, it’s confirmed from ALL of us on this post. He is no good!
He’s ashamed about how he really feels about you and wants to prove he’s still hard or on the same level as his friends when it comes to how he perceives they view and treat women. In other words, he wants it to seem as though he has you under control!
It Will continue…as long as YOU allow it! Don’t tell fb…sit him down!!!
Git’ that (All the Way) Tagetha’
What an asshat…are you crazy what is up with you is not acceptable respectful not healthy. Gaslighting bad the. To blame it on friends who weren’t prepared for him God forbid. A pineapple how dare they then half ass apologize oh Hun he’s gonna do it again. If you were shocked and embarrassed you know it was bad. Nip that shit in the butt quick!!!
Give it back to him in front of your friends.
What an awful, hurtful and most unnecessary way for him to respond. Whatever his issue is remember it has nothing to do with you and says a lot about him. For me that would be a big Res flag. Remember what we allow will continue. Love yourself more.
Gaslighting narcissist. It won’t ever get better, in fact worst.
He sounds like he needs a good talking to. If my husband said anything like that to me, it would be the last thing he said. I wouldn’t stand for it. Beware that this could be the start of trouble!
You should keep your mouth shut, not offer his services without asking him first.
I don’t think he’s a gaslighter. Seems like he may have gotten annoyed about you volunteering him when he didn’t want to do it. Maybe it wasn’t the first time you have volunteered him to do things. His response wasn’t the best at all and should’ve been handled differently.
NARC!!!.. Run now… Don’t look back… It gets worse, never better…
Run!!! Far away!!! Abusive and that is straight sociopathic.
Get out now! It will only get worse. They’re always sorry. Words are the just beginning.
No matter what happens at a friend’s house, you wait and handle your sh1t at home. You step outside, or at the very least go to the bathroom for a quick talk. It sounds like he’s starting to become selfish as far as putting his feelings/wants first. Cut the f*kn pineapple dude, we all do sh1t we don’t want to do sometimes. It’s called handling yourself with maturity and respecting others.
Treat him the same way. Then if he complains, point out you feel the same way.
Leave. This is often how abusive relationships start. Not saying it will, but often starts with small things like this and slowly gets worse and worse over time and can even lead to physical harm… I would NOT put up with it.
Stand your ground and snap back at him. Do not allow him or else he will continue cause almost allowing it
Stop it now before it gets worse…it’s not ok for him to be like that…
Thats really fucked up nothing wrong with what u did at all and he’s a fucking crazy asshat that should not have reacted that way in front of friends officially. Who wouldn’t want to show off their skills and cut a pineapple.
Agreed needs to get shut down or it will keep happening
Now is the time to say goodbye !!!
Girl throw a microwave at him, he’ll learn real quick. Trust me.
Yah don’t let it become a habbit & this seems like a red flag
Tell him kiss where I can’t and leave the creep.
If he is going to swear/get mad at you for suggesting to cut a pineapple then he will probably get alot worse. Like it’s a pineapple lol what happens when its something bigger he doesnt like? Is he going to hit you next and then apologize after? Big red flags girly.
Mine started out that way, then put downs, little jabs/jokes/making fun, an eventual!y smacking me around. Together for 18 months got married all was great but 7 months in the marriage he started the swearing, names put downs. Never going to again, I’m sorry an so on. By a full year he was hitting me
Red FLAG… don’t keep letting him do it. One day he may hit you then you’ll be too scared to leave or at least I was… Just put your foot down. May be don’t go with him there or say both of you guys can stay home. Basically I would try to investigate to see if this is only because of this friend and him wanting to show off or if this is who he really is and in that case you need to get the hell out of there
I’ve been with my hubby for 9 years and he has never, ever sweared at me in front of anyone, friends, family, acquaintances… so, beautiful girl, he is a mean one, let him goooo
Don’t volunteer him to do things at other peoples houses. They should of cut the pineapple. Tell them to Google it
That is verbal abuse
Throw the damn pineapple at his head and tell him to go f himself.
I’d be mad as hell and would stand my ground until it gets through his skull.
This is still a form of abuse. It’s not going to get any better. Leave before it gets worse
I would have snapped back, no need to think twice. No partner of mine will talk down to me in front of friends. If the situation progressed I would have left and he to find his own way home.
Nope, you don’t need that kind of disrespect especially in front of other people. What kind of abuse will he show you next if you don’t run now?
You teach people how to treat you by what you tolerate.
Im lost at this
I don’t get hurt by someone cussing at me. It really isnt that big of a deal imo
I would have gave it right back to him. He would have gotten a good cuss back in front of them. He would have felt what it’s like real quick!
His response was over the top. He could have easily explained it while friend cut. I would have pointed that out to him. Or at the least tell him not to swear at you and call you names. In front of people. He embarrassed you in public, humiliating him in public was mandatory. The guy in the pic with me gets told immediately when I feel disrespected; he does the same to me. Want respect? Give respect. But most of all command respect.
Curse his ass out back worse show him what it feels like to be embarassed like that …personally I would have smacked him across his mouth …if you don’t take care of this now it’s going to get worse he’s going to get comfortable because there’s no consequence.
Ahahaah I’d love mine to try and do that infront of people he’d only do it once
those damn pineapples…
So this sounds like this is the first time he has sworn at you and before he just gave the silent treatment. I would advise to accept the apology and move on. You brought it to his attention already and he apologized. In order to have a healthy relationship you have to trust him enough to believe him that he means what he says. It is not good to question the apology and stew over it. We all have our off days and it seems like he admitted he overreacted. However, as a women who lives in a house full of men I can tell you that they hate being volunteered for stuff. Boys get volunteered all the time by there parents to do stuff so I have a feeling it has a lot to do with that lol. It sounds like yall just have to learn to communicate a little better and that comes with time. If this happens again though then you have to really put your foot down. Counseling may be a good idea at that point. If it still continues then leave. I hope this helps.
Demand respect.
Or it will never change
If that was me I’d be pissed if my partner volunteered me to do something like that at someone else house if I wasn’t that interested on going in the first place and they should have done it themselves if they invite quests over…
I really hope he cut that pineapple infront of everyone to perfection!
HA. I Don’t talk like that to my ol man PERIOD. Much less in front of others. NGL I would of slapped the shit out of him. I’m not about disrespecting my partner or being disrespected by my partner. Period.
I wouldve said who tf you think your talking to right then and there in front of everyone. If he has the audacity to speak to me like that in front of people im gonna put him in his place in front of people period. We both gonna be embarrassed
Wouldn’t be me why does he feel so comfortable talking to you that way and disrespecting you in front of people. I could never deal with that.
Wooooow…sounds like a narcissist if I ever heard one!
Ummm you shoulda snapped back and told him to stop being a little bitch and cut the damn pineapple. Wtf it’s not like you suggested him to do open heart surgery in front of everyone…
Fuck no!! My husband would never speak to me like that in public or private! He mouthed off one time and both his friends (and their wives) immediately called him out and then we had a long talk at home about it. Like I don’t care how mad you are but you will not disrespect me, or any woman, ever.
I would have cried. That’s just who I am lol, your feelings are 100% valid. He should never be so disrespectful, esp if that’s something that he knows bothers you.
I have been with my husband 14 yrs and he has never cussed me at me rudely ever! That is not okay and if he won’t stop leave no way does anyone deserve to be treated that way.
I would have called him a lil b**** when he did it and left him there. Life is way to short, call his qss out on this now. This is the beginning, is this what you want until the end? That is toxic and just know it can get a lot worse.
He doesn’t seem very helpful or considerate, I would of had a clearing conversation right away because this goes deeper than cutting a pineapple
Tell him to stop disrespecting you and stop playing the victim when you confront him about it. He needs to act like a mature adult who can express himself in a mature way.
Does he have issues with social situations? Sounds like he might and that’s his anxiety manifesting for some reason.
It’s definitely not OK and the behavior needs addressed but it’s very important to figured out WHY he does this.
Yeah I’m petty as hell and as soon as my husband copes any kind of attitude in front of friends or family I just make him look like a jerk pretty quickly and he gets the picture or I’m an a**hole back! I don’t think it’s ever okay to be disrespected in front of anyone for any reason but if someone disrespects me you best believe I’ll make them look even more of a fool then they’ve made me look
What would I do let’s see I would have punched him in his face for disrespecting me then we would’ve left our friends house got home packed his stuff and put him out. There are way to many men/ women that think it’s ok to talk any kind of way to their partners and it’s not. Stand up for yourself or it’ll only get worse
That’s just rude and uncalled for. Guard your heart and keep your eyes open.
Went threw that I just grab my bag and left bye
I probably would have thrown the pineapple at him… no seriously I would have stopped him in his tracks and asked him who the hell he thinks he is disrespecting me like that and what makes him think it’s ok to do so
Do you volunteer him a lot my husband hates it would I volunteer him for things
What were your friends responses? Definitely not okay for him to do that but also not ok for your “friends” to just be okay with it or not speak up for you! I dont think just leaving him should be your immediate move. Maybe seek Counseling to see if theres an underlying reason for his behavior. And make it clear its not ok and that he cant treat you that way. And if your “friends” didnt comfort or stick up for you id consider getting better friends.
I guess I’m different because I’m stuck on why the husband was volunteered in the 1st place. I agree with his comment on it should’ve been prepared. Personally, If I’m out trying to enjoy myself don’t volunteer me for NADA…