My husband times me when I leave and gets mad when I don't answer: Advice?

This is gaslighting and abuse. He is cheating and projecting his guilt onto you. Tell him to kick rocks :rock: :v:t2:


Yeah something is off. People do that if they have reason to believe you are cheating, or if they are cheating themselves.


Timing you when you leave the house and demanding to know who you communicate with is red flag behavior. Make a plan to leave and follow through with it.


Control freak. Go ahead and divorce him because it won’t ever get better.

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That’s one of the Red flags of abuse! They isolate you and it progresses from there! Get out now!


Abuse. Leave before it gets worse. It seems like he is gaslighting you and that’s scary. Save up what you can and leave without him getting suspicious.


Sounds like he’s projecting


Unacceptable behavior. Red flags everywhere, girl we are all saying what your thinking, it’s time to get your life back.


This is why I am single :rofl:, hope it can be sorted out all the best :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Leave. What he is doing is considered abuse.


Sounds like he’s guilty of something or possibly just very insecure about himself. He needs to be honest before you run for the hills and let you know what’s happened to make him be more if a prisoner than a partner in a marriage. Best of luck that everything works out for the best


Girl you know what you need to do. Leave & don’t answer his calls or texts. Only communication you should have is serving divorce papers. This will get worse. Trust me I’ve been there.

Yeah, uh, he’s cheating. He is doing this to you because of what he is doing.


He’s already done what he thinks you’re doing


Don’t just leave, run.

Lots of serious red flags there

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The only time stuff like that has happen to me is because they felt guilty for something they were doing. So if I were u start getting ur ducks in a row to leave him.


Time to leave. No one deserves to be treated that way. He probably cheated or did something he shouldn’t have. Even if he didn’t no one deserves that kind of treatment. Get out before it gets worse.

He’s either cheating or he’s just an abusive, narcissist. Either way, run, run ,run as fast as you can!!!


My ex done that,I turned my phone on vibrate and didn’t answer,he has trust issues ,but he was cheating .

Sounds like narcissistic behavior. My ex would do this to me all the time. Even got to the point where he was checking my mileage! Turns out he was cheating on me. Then he got really abusive. It honestly took me a long time to leave him and I wish I did it sooner when I found out he cheated. I believed him when he said the females who claimed he was cheating were “jealous” of our marriage. Idk… I feel stupid now. But when I look back on it, the signs were there. We just had a baby and so I was so fixed on being a mother. I let him convince me otherwise. I just wanted to be a family. But I would tell him that you are a grown adult and can go places without constantly checking in. That it’s taking a toll on you and if he doesn’t change his behavior you WILL need a break. This is also controlling behavior and something a narcissist does constantly. It’ll never end.

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He is doing something

cheating, narcissist or controlling abuse. or all three possibly. run. now


You should definitely leave cause homeboy is definitely cheating

Either he is cheating or you have.If neither he is crazy and you better run like he##


Check his phone and turn the tables then leave. But have ya shit together cause ya gonna need it

He has become really insecure & that’s not good. If you have not given him a reason not to trust get out now while the getting is good.

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Sounds like he’s most likely cheating.
And even if he’s not, he just has a lot of issues he needs to work out. Both by himself & with you.

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My ex started to do this and it made me insanely crazy!! Felt like I had another child and I found out about a year later he was using drugs and hiding it, which is where his paranoia and crap came from. We’ve been split because if it for over 3 years now. When I finally ended it I couldn’t believe how much relief I felt.


He’s either cheating or cheated before or he’s been cheated on and is taking it out on you. Which ever reason it ain’t worth it.

I’m in a relationship like this. But I caused it because I left him for someone else in 2019. But that someone else didn’t have it all together. I ended up coming back to him. It’s been 20 yrs now. But I still have a gps on my car and he tracks me and has since 2019. Not only that, I have one in my phone. He’s pulled up on me getting gas and acted like he was just driving by and seen me. He wants to make sure that I don’t go back to that other man. Everyone here is saying abuse. I have never been physically abused. And he’s a really good guy, he works hard and takes care of his family. He isn’t mean to me or anything but he does track me and doesn’t like when I leave. I blame it on myself because I had left. I don’t go to friends often and my life revolves around the family. I’m questioning myself now wondering If I’m being abused or if my situation is different? Please don’t be mean if u respond


It’s just going to get worse. Extremely controlling.

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Sounds like he is cheating.


He’s too obsessed n controlling n clearly doesn’t trust you, Not good !!!

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Sounds like he’s the one doing something


Ummm honest opinion hunny he’s being very toxic. I’d leave before it gets out of control

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He is insecure and has trust issues maybe you should do the same thing to him who are you talking to why have you been out for so long why are you wearing that why are you doing this or that


Abuse. Get therapy… start w that they’ll guide n help you with what to do


Usually when they do this it’s because their doing sumthn wrong themselves


He’s probably cheating on you…
My ex husband was like that…total controll freak…and accused me of cheating constantly.
Turned out that He was the one cheating! Had babies on the side…and gave me an std too!!! Been divorced since 1999.
Effing pigs!


Leah’s Bowers he doesn’t trust you n it’s mental abuse, scars tht no one can see


I would already be out of ther. If women were meant to be controlled we would come with a remote! I would tell him :fu:t2:


Either you seriously abused his trust and he needs reassurance or somebody’s abused him to that point and he needs therapy. Real talk. Abuse leads to more abuse unfortunately. Coming from someone’s who’s been cheated on by multiple people. Guilty does project I do agree but it sounds a little more like he wants reassurance (abusively)

Either way.
Therapy or bust babe


Cheating and control!

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Control and he is cheating on you​:100::bangbang:


These are warning signs and may have the potential to escalate into a far worse situation. Get out.


Turn the table to him do to him what he does to you and see how he likes it


To me I feel he is up to something because why doe she feel the need to time you?!


So many layers
How long have you been married?
Is this totally new?
It seems he is jealous or concerned at least abt what you " might" be doing .

Have you done something to cause him not to trust you ?

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Insecure. Or he’s cheating.


Experience has taught me that if a spouse/significant other is doing this…then they are doing something they shouldn’t be behind your back.


Ask him what he is worried about

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Sounds like a form of mental and emotional abuse. I would say he is possibly cheating but to me I dont think he is because why would he constantly blow up your phone so i find out that difficult unless he has cheated and has a guilty conscience. And is worried you have found out or may find out

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There’s a lot of possibilities of why your husband is possibly acting this way. I would ask him why the paranoia about you leaving. If there’s nothing that seems reasonable, then I would get him check for hormones imbalance to possible mental illness. Especially if he’s quick to mood swings, paranoia, sleeping issues, motivation …


If this is completely different behavior than what you’re used to maybe he needs to see a Dr and make sure he’s okay


In my experience if they suddenly start acting like this it’s because they have cheated , and projecting there bs onto you


He’s super insecure and probably cheating himself


He’s cheating,a cheater always thinks their spouse is cheating as well


Could he be ’ quite firing you’? Wanting to make you ’ be the badone who left’


Tell him he’s not your dad. He is trying to control you, and chances are he is transferring some guilt feelings about what he’s up to to you.

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Shannon Kring absolutely true .

That is toxic, or controlling, or insecure. Take your pick, but that behaviour is pure poison :skull_and_crossbones:


Leave. If he all of a sudden started doing this and was never like this in the beginning etc, he is probably the one cheating… and timing you? That’s insane


His guilty conscience is speaking very loudly and he’s trying to make it look like you’re doing something you shouldn’t be when in reality it is him doing something he shouldn’t be he’s just trying not to let you realize that


Did something happen to him? Get him to see someone if this is new and sudden. Try marriage counseling and


ask him if he’s got bad anxiety, if not then adios😂

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Honestly this is alarming :triangular_flag_on_post: behavior. He is trying to control you and that’s abusive. I recommend documenting all of this and leaving. You should LEGALLY document it when you do leave and use the proof to get a cease and desist or RO if possible. There comes a point where this is LEGALLY considered to be HARASSMENT.
I know that’s not the answer you wanted and normally I say try marriage counseling but too many women die EVERY year from DV…and respectfully THIS is how it starts.

My ex did this to me, it was absolute insanity (literally he went psychotic!) but he was cheating on me the entire time and projecting onto me in a unbelievable way. This is NOT normal behavior and it is NOT okay for him to act like this towards you. Please consider leaving, in a safe manner!


People will act this way when they are doing something they shouldn’t be doing! Flip the script on him. You will probably find out why he’s acting like this.

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He’s guilty of something for sure.

Its time to move on that’s signs of toxic and controlling

He’s insecure maybe someone left him when he was a young boy n those feeling of desertion makes him like this are he’s guilty about something he has done n don’t want no one to tell you the reason why he’s checking up on you like that bout of you need to sit down and resolve this issue before something happen to either one of you And when Trust is broken it’s hard to trust again hopefully you can resolve this issue🙌🏾

Hmmm…wonder what his Girlfriend’s name is.


I think hew feeling guilt maybe cheating and treating you how he feels. Calling you to see where you are and calling until you awnser and timing you to see how long you take. Only once did my boyfriend do this and flat out accuse me of cheating. I showed him the ticket where I bought something and proved I had waited 20 minutes for pizza.

Do it! Say F*"k it and leave his annoying guilty ass.

screw all that… I’ll stay single

 it sounds to me like he is very insecure either because he is up to no good or because somebody hurt him in the past. If you don’t feel like the relationship is worth saving then definitely leave but if you feel like there is something worth fighting for then I would sit him down and talk to him maybe go to couples therapy.

Controlling and insecure Sickos

This could be because he is cheating and has a guilty conscience or he is very insecure. I would lean towards cheating due to it starting recently and not having been that way since the beginning. I’d suggest counseling and maybe some digging if you feel comfortable with that.


Unless hes doing something he shouldn’t be doing so now he fear a you’ll do what he did to u


I went through this. He’s cheating. He is abusive and his next step is blatantly accusing you of doing what he is doing! Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. He is deflecting and gaslighting so you don’t see his wrongdoing. GET OUT NOW!!! IT DOES NOT GET BETTER!!!


He’s cheating, that’s why he just started doing this in the past couple of months and hadn’t done it the whole time. If it was an insecurity thing he would of done it from the jump.


It sounds like he’s the one doing wrong and putting it on you. Leave him. He has the guilty conscience and turning it on you

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He is cheating on you. He thinks just because he is out cheating then you have to be doing the samething has him.


Girl he’s doing something behind your back. Accusers are usually the guilty ones.


Controller. Ditch him.


OMG… that would drive me crazy! Id be long gone!

I dealt with that for 6 years. Cheating and abusive control freak… get out of that situation asap!


Sounds like he is being controlling… not sure how one can fix that. Seems like he is insecure in the relationship. My guess is if not corrected soon it will get worst.


Usually the accuser is the guilty one. If he’s accusing you of things or showing this much controlling behavior, 9 times out of 10 he’s doing something he shouldn’t be.


Pack your bags. He’s controlling and possibly doing shady things himself.


Sounds like he’s feeling guilty because he’s up to no good so he’s projecting it on to you hoping he will catch you out x


Nothing. Get out now. Everything happening now is a prelude to him rolling you across the floor or worse. It is going literally NO where else.


And this isn’t about him cheating. He’s an abuser period. And you aren’t qualified to fix it or even help him work through. Fuck that. He’s a grown goddamned man and if you stay after reading all these comments? No one can tell you anything. Get out.

Sounds like he started cheating when this started.


I think he needs to spend some alone time. Like the no contact variety. You gotta draw a hard line to get this to stop.

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Narcissist will only get worse get out now


Sounds like the prelude to physical abuse. He’s doing verbal and mental abuse now. He will eventually ramp it up to physical abuse. Get out now while you can!!


Run run far and fast