My husband told me he has a side chick

So his son? He’s got a live in babysitter while he goes & has fun with his side B? I don’t know how much you’re invested in his son but honestly you letting him take advantage or you girl. Time to reevaluate your worth… Time to do you.


Know your worth and leave this is the dumbest question ever


He cheated first! Just know that!

Hunny he’s using you as a built in baby sitter for his son run run run never look back he’s a POS that never gonna change either that or pull a him on him and get you a side piece to that takes you out and does shit with you and see how he likes it dudes all for cheating until it’s their girl cheating on them

Divorce and while you’re at it divorce your “homegirls” too


He was an open marriage or poly if it’s not for u leave. Make him take care of his own kid.

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Haha ur crazy for staying…

Your homegirls aren’t your homegirls.


What you allow is what will continue!!! Go see on an occasion and god forbids brings back an STD smh please know your worth…. U deserve all not sharing

Ummm are you ok sitting back and take care of a child and house for him to be wining and dining and vacationing with another female?! Mmm that’s a hard no from me


That’s entirely up to you. He has shown you exactly who he is and what he wants. It’s up to you what you choose to do.

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He will eventually leave you for her. Why stay and be a doormat? He’s using you to handle everything at home, so he can have fun. Leave. You deserve better.

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No you are worth more then that. Tell him straight up how you feel and don’t want this and show is ass to door. Remember he is admitting to committed adultery which will not help him in court and he will lose everything. You hold the cards keep records of everything and stand your ground and don’t let him belittle you.

I’d leave I hate men that want their cake and eat it too which isn’t fair to you

Totally unconventional and probably unpopular advice here but you have to decide whether you want to be with him or not. If you do, then you have to accept the idea that he has this side woman. Set rules for him though. If he can, you should be able to too. No bringing side persons into your shared home. Wearing protection is a must, from diseases and pregnancies. Polyamory isn’t uncommon but it’s not for everyone.


You leave! Don’t justify his actions. Don’t show your children this is how a woman should be treated.

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Leave him that’s not even your kid!! lol


Get rid of him and do it on your own! Why would you even entertain the thought of “staying”. Smh

that’s not normal and taking the piss out of you I wouldn’t hang around that’s nasty behaviour you deserve so much better

Even if you did cheat on him still don’t justify that behavior. That’s just his excuse to cheat. I would not be ok with my man talking to another girl while at home with me or knowing he’s with her than comes home to me and I would expect my friends to tell me the truth. I would walk away and start over.

Love yourself and know your worth :heart:

jesus christ are you dumb
in the end, its not your man, not your house, and not your child
and your gonna feel really dumb when he MAKES you leave so she can come in instead
like tf are you thinking about even staying for


If it were me! I wouldn’t put up with cheating!

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  1. Get new homegirls and 2. Only you will know what to and when to do it. The simple answer is divorce but it’s understandable to initially not want to go that route. Therapy is an option. It’s not unreasonable for you to not want your husband to have an affair.

I mean I know I wouldn’t want to play house and wife and parent a child that’s not mine while my guy acted like a stray dog coming and going and screwing whatever trash that was on the street :woman_shrugging:
But that’s your choice.

I’d be hitting the door and leaving him. You are soo much better than that and you deserve better

He married you in front of God and promised to love honor and cherish! He is not doing any of that.he is belittling you,so he can do the wrong things. Unexceptable!!! When he goes to work clean house, change the locks, and start living again!

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Depending on the state, infidelity will allow you to get everything. I wouldn’t stand for that.

Divorce him.

He’ll never change and why should you settle for a man that wants other women?

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I learned how to share in kindergarten! Sharing your peanut butter sandwich is one thing but I don’t think any man or woman should share their spouse :woman_shrugging:t2:

…is this a serious question? Have some respect for yourself! Yikes.


You need new friends for starters bc you deserve wayyyyy better. Don’t try to convince him anymore. Secretly work on yourself become stable independently and get yourself a good lawyer to get out of that mess! That child and you deserve better. Also keep EVERY bit of proof you have of him cheating to present in court. Good luck girl.


Get rid of him cheaters always cheat

Please don’t be anyone’s second choice. You are worth so much more than that!!! He can’t have his cake and eat it too unless both of the women in this scenario are ok with that. But sooner or later one of you, most likely her, will start making ultimatums and he may leave anyway

Hook up with the side chick! Thanks for the introduction, get some real good he’d and emotional availability. Fuck em!

Know your worth leave his butt

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Friend, you don’t have to be someone’s “B” at all. You could be someone’s adored wife. I suggest you pack him up & send him to his number 2 girl. Brainstorm with friends to figure out another income. His money isn’t worth what it’s costing you. Good luck to you.


Sounds like the 1st 1/2 of the movie Enough :tipping_hand_woman:t4::tipping_hand_woman:t4:


i wish a mtf would :rofl::joy:


I would just like to say… you have trash a** friends if there advice was basically for you to deal with it because your where home is.

Know your worth. Don’t put up with that. Your a queen :crown:.

Take it from me Sis, I was in a relationship for 8 years, two kids that I pretty much raised alone (with the help of my village) knowing good and damn well he was running around, I was mentally abused. He always made me think it was my fault, I knew all of his side pieces, and they knew about me, I promise you, leave now, don’t waste the years I did waiting for him to pick me, just leave Sis, you will thank yourself later. Screw your “home girls” if they are saying that, they may be waiting on their turn to play with him or they already are. I’m only speaking from experience, the final decision is on you. And if you do leave, DONT take him.back because nine times outta ten, he will do it again or is still doing it, do you really wanna be the “side chick” next time. Like I said this is just me speaking from experience, it took me ten tears to trust the man I’m.married to now because of my ex. Find someone who will make you feel like you’re the only woman in the world!

I never learned how to play second fiddle, if you stay you just might learn.

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So you’re raising his bio kid while he cheats and has a whole relationship with someone else? Girl you’re not the main chick you’re the nanny :rofl:


you need to look down deep inside of you and find your self worth. You don’t want to lose him, but you don’t want him to cheat. Girl he’s gonna continue cheating on you regardless if he says he won’t or not. Men like that won’t stop but will feed you with bullshit just to make you happy. He will never change. Find a job and get yourself on your feet and find your self worth. You deserve a partner who will cherish you and be loyal to you. Not someone who has a “side B”

Ditch the dude!!! And rethink if your homegirl is actual your homegirl.

Girl don’t let this man treat you like a doormat cause that’s basically what he’s doing. He’s having you stay home take care of the house n his kid etc but he’s out there whoring around and I doubt it’s just that one chick honestly. If you truly want to be treated like that then stay but you definitely don’t deserve that type of treatment whatsoever. He doesn’t deserve you at all.

Open marriages are a thing but both parties need to be in agreement.

Um… time to go. You’re raising a child that isn’t yours and he cheats on you? Nah girl. Love yourself more.

Get you a side man and enjoy!!!


You are his house keeper with benifits and baby sitter for his son and not his wife he is using you leave him and find someone who deserves and respects you


That last sentence is horrible. You’re not even holding him accountable at all! He is out having all the fun in the world. You did say he takes her on vacations. All while you’re stuck at home, alone, raising his son? Honey, he has no respect for you at all! If he did, he would respect you enough to not cheat after you have already told him you don’t like it. He sounds like a total douchè!


You ain’t losing NOTHING by leaving someone like this. Please have some respect for yourself and dump his ass. You deserve so much better.

Serious question… does he wine and dine you and spoil you too?

Get u a side piece and see how he likes it. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


Some “ho girls “ aren’t your “homegirls”

Please, have some respect for yourself. Let that man child & his cheating go. :wastebasket: along with these so called homegirls of yours.

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If my husband called me his main B, I’d kick him out the side door. You don’t need that in your life.

It’s not worth it. Why be the second choice? My ex did this and still wants “us” to be okay! It’s not okay. Have more respect for yourself there is someone out there who will want you and only you. Why should you sit at home while he’s on vacation with another chick when it should be you! Life isn’t have your cake and eat it too!

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Girl don’t do it. He is controlling you and thinking he can get away with it. My ex did the same to me while I was a stay at home mom and made me feel like I was helpless. I moved in with my parents for a couple months got a divorce and met the love of my life I’ve been with now for over 2 years with my kids. You deserve the world. Move get yourself a good job and show him he means nothing and your happiness always comes first. If he comes crawling back DO NOT fall for it because that means he lost control of you and needs that stability. You are a strong woman and it takes yourself no matter how hard it might seem to get through it. I must of cried for days but once I realized I got my confidence back and how I was being treated, I am the happiest I have ever been. YOU GOT THIS!!!


Is this a pisstake question? Are you seriously asking if you should let your husband cheat as long as he comes home to you? Wow…know your bloody worth!


You should be his one and only A. He is manipulating you so he can have his cake and eat it too. You don’t deserve this.

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He could be Polyamorous.

Honey, you “lost” him the first time he dipped his dangalang in another poonan. Take out the trash already.

Oh my God say it isn’t true no one should go through that find your own man and leave that SOB

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My ex tried this shit when I caught him cheating he said “but j come home to you every night I pay the bills I make sure you’re taken care of so what’s the problem?” When I tell you I made a plan saved up and got the hell out of there while he was out of town working and it’s the best decision I ever made. At first I was scared cause he really did take care of everything and I wasn’t sure if I could do it or not but I wasn’t going to allow him to treat me that way so I just ignored him for a few months let him have his fun with his little side piece and left. Blocked his number and it’s been almost four years now I couldn’t be happier. Don’t let someone disrespect you like that the only time that situation is cool is if you really don’t give a shit about that person and you wanna be more like roommates anyway

Fuck that, tell that boy bye.

Well, the logical thing to do here is leave! No one deserves to be treated like that. He clearly doesn’t have any respect for you.

However, if you don’t want to leave then play his game. Get you a side piece. And do the same thing to him that he is doing to you! :woman_shrugging:t2:

The lack of self esteem, sheesh!
Stay with him lady, you don’t think you deserve better anyways. “As long as he comes home to me” :roll_eyes:

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so you rather get cheated on then get a job is what your saying here


…. I feel like polygamous relationships are something you both should have discussed prior to marriage. Are YOU okay with it? Is he okay if you do the same?? It doesn’t seem like you’re okay with it or you wouldn’t be asking here………

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You’re the one raising his child you should be the one going on the vacations!


Shit far. I’ve heard it all now.

This is not ok. You r suppose to be his partner not his second best. I know how u feel, his manipulating you so he can have his cake and leftovers to. Pack your bags and move on. Leave all trash behind and see how quick he comes crawling back to only repeat it again in a month

How much do you value yourself?


Girl Bye if my man said he had a side chick and made excuses for it :roll_eyes: that’s now his main chick and they can have each other, your worth more than that smh and them are not ya homegirls to be tellin you that they must be side pieces or something cause you won’t see me lookin dumb do what’s right for you and your kid or kids because they are gonna grow up thinkin this type of thing is ok and it’s not

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What is the point of being married if he is just going to act single? Right now you think you don’t want to lose him but trust me, in the long run its his loss. Sounds like he is treating you like an in-home child care with fringe benefits. Run, and run fast.


Is this a real question? What kind of friends say play your part and as long as he knows where home is? Are they going to be there for you when he gives you some STD cause he is out here hoeing around? That man can keep his penis at home where it belongs or he can kick rocks because there is no way I would allow my husband to have a side piece while I take care of the home and his kid. Either leave or get you a side piece and give him a taste of his own medicine.

Get rid of him. He will do that girl the same way eventually.

Get a divorce and take everything from him. F that guy

Kick his ass to the curb, you don’t deserve to be treated that way!

Tell him to hit the road!

Honestly, you have figure out your own self worth. When you get that figured out the rest will be more clear.


Risk losing everything? Hand him his walking papers, get at least half of everything and start fresh. You deserve a man who loves you and ONLY you. Remember to always love yourself FIRST


Risk everything to leave

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You can not force yourself, you’re free will you’re gut feeling to be anything its not! It appears financial reasons you are trying to talk yourself into justifying tolerating it,it will never work,your conscience wont let it… plenty of women have come up and on their own two so can you

GTFO! Seriously, you can do so much better, the pain of loosing everything is temporary, obviously he doesn’t care for your feelings because he will not change his actions. Leave him girl, he can’t have the cake and eat it too! You’ll be so much better off mentally by cutting ties!!

Sounds like he’s paying you to raise his child :woman_shrugging:t3:
Up to you to accept it or not.


Throw the whole man away


It really depends on what you want for yourself and your child. He should be taking you on vacations and treating you. In my opinion, agreeing to allow that behavior to continue will only worsen the situation and either way you will end up without him.


Leave or maybe talk about a open relationship?

What is allowed will continue. Get out now!


Your “homegirls” ain’t homegirls


WTF did I just read!?!! “Play your part!?” He’s a piece of shit and you need to go!! Sorry about the son but, he’s his father’s responsibility not yours!!

Well I suppose it depends on your priorities in life. I’d tell him to kiss my ass and leave because I’m not second choice and I can make my own money…

I hope this is satire :woozy_face:


Is he looking for another side chick? I could be side A. I like vacations too.


Is this even a ?? Girl I would be GONE!!


You have only one life, and I don’t know about anybody else but this sounds like an awful situation to keep yourself in. What if he got her pregnant? Begins having multiple sides? You worry about catching a disease. Move on and find somebody that’s going to prioritize you and only you.

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Girl!!! Tell that fool Boy Bye!!

Your homegirls need a slap on the mouthhhh :sob:! Id get rid of him & yer homegirls cause they aint no fuckin friends& him hes fit for the bin aswell

I would already be gone. Do you love yourself or do you love living an illusion? Pick.

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