My husband told me he has a side chick

Your homegirls ain’t ya real homegirls leave that man right where he at and move on and go be great in life. You taking care of a child that ain’t even yours. Leave that man girl


I can’t believe this is even a serious question! If you both want to be in an open relationship then that is your choice and good in you. But from what I’m reading this is not the case! He wants a wife to clean, look after his child (your bonus child), to cook, open your legs for him when he fancies, yet he can have a side bit who gets the fun side and vacations with him? Like why are you with him? Ask him how he feels about you getting a side man? I can guarantee he will not want that! He’s having his cake and eating it and your allowing him to do so. I get your obviously still in love with him and that you also love your bonus son but you can’t let him walk all over you


Knows where home is? TF? If he has a side piece he doesn’t CARE where home is. If that’s all you think you’re worth then okay, there are women who “in the end, chose security”. But you need to be a strong woman and figure out how to support you and the kids yourselves and leave that BS situation.


Girl, seek counseling and know your worth.

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Stay but dont have sex with him he cant have it all

Your answer depends on how much respect you have for yourself. I respect myself more than to be with someone who has someone on the side.


Good lord. I hope this is fake. Just move on.

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Get a side man B that takes you on trips :partying_face: if you are going to stay lmao


Why do you want to stay with him if he us cheating???


Oh lordy…I just imagined my husband saying this to me. It would be a real struggle for me to decide on packing up me and the kids and setting the house on fire (with him in it of course) or thanking her for taking out my garbage. If he respects you so little why would you want him? Respect yourself more


Economic abuse is a form of abuse when one intimate partner has control over the other partner’s access to economic resources, which diminishes the victim’s capacity to support themselves and forces them to depend on the perpetrator financially.

You realize this right? He pays the bills and keeps you broke so he can control you and do what he wants. Girl when he takes your car away you better leave.


You have no ties to this man leave and leave fast! Wtf :joy: your literally raising his child while he cheats on you I’d say your more of a babysitter :woman_shrugging:t4: you need to take a deep look inside and reevaluate your worth


You have to figure out what you want in life in a partner and realize your standards are not askin too much. He may be there financially foe you but theres more to life then that.

I learned at a young age the only person you can depend on to hold you down is yourself. Never depend on no body else and always make sure you have a 100% way to support your self because shit can change in a blink of your eyes.

Know your worth and make shit happen. Because at the end of the day you have to handle your shit and you have to make it happen.

If you cant and dont want to be in a relationship where your partner has soneone else dont. If you cant handle it and it hurts too much do you baby girl.

Fuck his finances, you got this.

Never be fully dependent on another person, always have a way to support yourself, always have your own money in your pocket.

Look at it this way; you have one life. You either choose to be miserable and accept the bare minimum out of life or choose you and your happiness and your someone will find you !


Up to you. If you can live with his cheating, then do so. But if you cannot, give him up. He isn’t going to change just because you want him to.


You said you don’t want to loose him ,sweetheart you already have, if he really love you he would not be with other women, it is a matter of time before he leaves you for someone else., put your big girl panties on, go out get a job and leave his low life


I would rather lose material things than my own dignity and self respect allowing that to continue! That is a BIG no for me! WTH?


Girl bye, he’s a loser and totally not worth all that. I mean if you feel like sharing that’s totally up to you but he ain’t gonna change.


Dont settle. Leave. Muster through the pain. Hold your head high. That’s not love, it’s convenience to him. You are there when needed, you upkeep house and raise his son.

Ask yourself if you had a daughter and her husband treated her that way what would you hope for her?

We often stay longer in a terrible environment in fear of hurting more. Yet slowly dying in a lifestyle that’s toxic.

Ps. Saying you cheated that’s why he is… gaslighting, manipulation…, so many wrongs.

Love yourself more than you love him.


You already lost him… get rid of him… you deserve better!

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Girl damn! Know your worth love!

Go get you a boy toy girl… what’s good for the goose is good for the gander


Is this a real question?

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Get a side piece too if he wants to play that game :rofl:


If you are serious and this is not fake, I want to shack you and say what the hell is wrong g with you that you would even consider staying with this selfish asshole. But you do you!

You can’t be a rug unless you lay down. If you don’t want to be walked on, then stand up for yourself.
On the other hand, if you both decide that an open relationship works for you, make sure that he know that the road runs both directions and that you won’t be sitting around waiting for him to “show up”.


Girl if you stay you have stupid written across your forehead. :woozy_face::woozy_face:


He’s a user and a loser. Get evidence of what is going on and d-i-v-o-r-c-e him.

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get a sugar daddy yourself


Not only do you need to get rid of your husband, you need to get rid of them homegirls. Jesus Christ!


You leave is what you do girl. Stop letting this man take advantage of you. Know your worth and leave.

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If you willing to stick around wit him, go head and get you a side B man, :woman_shrugging:t4: let him take you on trips​:confetti_ball::partying_face:


Their is a such thing called an open relationship its not my style but toveach their own i just know that i would already be gone out living my best life.

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That sounds like a whole damn mess.

You’ve already lost. Don’t think he won’t leave you when you least expect it. Get out now and show yourself the respect you deserve! You will make it. You are stronger than you think, be brave, take the step.


Sounds like you are around for a good time and to watch his kid. I’d leave

If this is a serious question and not fake, I want to shack you and say what the hell is wrong with you that you would even consider staying with this selfish asshole. But you do you !!

Seriously? Wtf did I just read?


A real “homegirl” would tell you to leave that man where he belongs… IN THE STREETS. There is NOBODY in this world worth letting them treat you like an option. Find your worth, get a job and get on with your life. Your friends sound like they want you to stay because they are probably benefiting from him too if you what I mean (just how I think) :thinking: but at the end of the day if you choose to live like it’s the 1600s by all means go for it, but it’s 2022 Women shouldn’t depend on a Man and vice Versa.


What exactly are you losing? A house & someone paying your Bills? You can provide that for yourself. 1st off, why are you accepting being called a B in the 1st place. That shows his lack of respect for you & possibly your lack of respect for yourself. 2.You’re raising his child? That’s cool and all but that also says you don’t have any so moving on & cutting ties would be pretty clean cut. 3.You’re not home. You’re convenience. Home is safety, security, healthy love.
You’re not even getting the fun stuff the side pieces is getting like vacations. Do you not feel you deserve better?


Leave …bc u need to be the one taken on vaca …instead of looking after his spawn …not to mention girl…he doesnt appreciate you …so appreciate yourself :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:she dont got nothin you dont ! I kniw your worried …but later your gonna be livin your life happy an stress free

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Ugggg… this SCREAMS STIs of EVERY kind!

Throw the whole dude away, before he brings you home an infection, or worse. You deserve WAAAAAY better than that.

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What ever floats your boat each to their own! get bouncing on someone else’s D and see if he is okay with that! seriously if you have to ask you know the answer… personally I’d be in jail by now


are you still having sex with him? if yes, stop & get checked… if you stay, don’t have sex with him… dont know what he’ll bring home…

Sounds like you drew the short straw in this scenario! Your missing out on vacations and instead get to stay home and look after his child.
I would prefer not to have someone’s sloppy seconds. Know your worth and I am sure there are a tonne of men out there that will treat you better. Do not “play your part”, well unless you have agreed on an open relationship?


Do you girl. You know that saying, you can’t have your cake and eat it to??? That man is manipulating you and using you. And what kind of friends would tell you to tolerate it so your bills get paid?? Sounds like shitty friends. By staying, you are just hurting you and maybe even your son if he witnesses you arguing often. What gives your husband a right to have a side chick to vacation with? Do you get a side piece to vacation with and do the fun stuff with?? Would that be acceptable?

You’re the baby sitter!


That’s a big fuck no, you are worth so much more how is that even a thing

Girl what are you even doing consulting us with this foolishness? Do you feel you deserve this? Run away

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I’d get yourself set up to go honestly and let him go do his thing

3 words … KNOW YOUR WORTH :heart:


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: Run and get you some new “homegirls”!!


LEAVE THAT BOY!!! He ain’t no man


Im struggling to believe this is a genuine post! If you’re seriously asking this question you need to respect yourself a lot more! You’ve already lost him along with your dignity! he is not satisfied with you so he has another woman. Omg why are you not running for the hills!!


Have you watched P Valley? Don’t listen to your friends. You need to leave him. Of course the choice is ultimately yours, so you’re gonna do what you want. And honestly it doesn’t sound like you want to leave him and will probably just tolerate the cheating to keep him. It’s your life. Do whatever makes you happy I guess.

Wth. This CANT be real. This generation is MIND BLOWING.
Leave. Run as far as you can. Stop the bs. Surely you’re really not this dumb. I hate to even say it that way - but WHAT ?

Never settle for what you dont want.

You’re the nanny while she’s the one taken on vacations.


Stand your ground …I’d be gone sorry not sorry .

I wonder how he would react if you told him that you have someone on the side as well, or will be actively looking to do the same as him. I’d be finding out right quick.


:running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::dash::dash::dash::dash::dash::athletic_shoe::athletic_shoe::athletic_shoe::athletic_shoe: give him the boot​:hiking_boot: unless u wanna be a sister wife :woman_shrugging:t4:


You are CRAZY if you stay!

Sounds like u are the free babysitter and side chick to me while he takes his main on vacations and shit mawhahahaha

What is wrong with you? This is not ok on sooo many levels. Leave and start over. If he supports you, plan, get a job, move out.


You are better than that.

He straight up told you he isn’t going to stop. He blamed it all on you by making up a story to make his actions your fault :rofl: unless he’s a billionaire that isn’t home 90% of the time start squirreling away money, make a plan to leave and get yourself ready. You have more self-respect than that.


This has to be a fuckn joke! Girl fuck him and her and leave with your dignity!!

Lol what. Girl leave,get yourself together ,and then move on to a man that will love and respect you in the same way you do him bc this dude is gonna keep doing what he has been especially if he has so easily confirmed he has a side piece. He likes that you take care of his home and child while he is takin some other girl on vacations and shit lol sounds about it .

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You sat at home raising his child not even you’re whole he’s out cheating Dam does anyone even need to answer this nobody could pay me that amount of money to make me feel like a mug


Girl I don’t share. He would have a choice to make.


First of all. Go get tested.
Secondly. Learn your self worth. You should be alone until you do or you’ll continue to end up with somebody who doesn’t respect you.


Your life sounds like it’s surrounded by absolutely horrendous people. I truly feel so sorry for you. Your friends suck. Your husband REAALLLLYY sucks. Don’t let any of them make you think for even a second that you deserve any of that!!! Sounds like the best solution is for you to just pick up and move somewhere new and start your own life! LIFE IS WAY TOO SHORT!!! :gift_heart:

Are you fucking stupid?!?

Don’t be ugly to this lady… in my opinion you should walk away. I put up with a lot to keep my family together as well but when I finally let it go I’ve found happiness within and being alone isn’t all that bad! There are definitely better men out there chin up chest out be strong. There’s a man that will respect you and your child without u asking.

Girl you need to know your worth! No way am I ever staying with a guy who knowingly cheats on me! Either he wants me or her NOT both as long as he’s with me! Pack your bags and leave! Find a real man who wants ONLY YOU!


Get you a side D. See how he feels about that. I’d be gone girl.


you dont want to lose him??? if he is sleeping with somebody else you already lost him. dig deep find yourself some self respect and walk away. you can get a home a job and make it on your own but you need to believe in yourself. if my husband did this he’d be living at his fathers house and i’d be upset of course we have been together for 15 years we have 3 kids but i know i will be alright on my own if i have to be. i would walk away while i had my dignity left if i were you


Your life you live it

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He is using you! Sounds to me like you are the living in maid for him while he is enjoying life with his other lady.
Get out of there.


throw his butt out one of these times hes never coming back hes just useing you. or you go get a side kick and make sure you let him know you can do the same and it might stop then he will think he is gonna lose you like you might lose him

Throw the whole man away! :ok_hand:


Garbage! Move around!!

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Unfortunately, this used to be very (unspoken) acceptable behavior, back when men worked and provided everything financially and women stayed home and raised the family. Of course, this was when most women were not accepted into primarily male-dominated professions and felt there were fewer options. So they stayed in these relationships and looked the other way.

Fortunately, we are no longer living in a time where you have no options. I know you don’t want to leave the child (from what it sounds like, he isn’t yours anyway, but you still have love for him and he and you will probably take it very hard, though you could always be in his life), but you deserve better than someone who basically looks at you as a live-in nanny/housekeeper.


Pack his bags and say goodbye :v:t2: you deserve better . Let her raise his child !!

Bro no. Drop him. No man is worth feeling like that.


You don’t want to loose a man who is openly cheating, gas lighting, using you as free babysitter to his child etc what exactly are you loosing here?? Girl if your going to stay, go to school, start your career so when he leaves you for said side chick you won’t be falling on your face. Oh and don’t get pregnant.


Why wouldn’t you want to lose him? Just money? I think you’re in shaky ground and he could bounce at any time a side chick becomes more interesting than you…your best bet is to get yourself set up on your own.

Kick his ass out the door!

Depends on how much your dignity means to you


I truly don’t understand the laugh emojis on this post. The emotional and mental abuse is in her tone and words. There is nothing funny about it.

To the OP, often narcissist will do this. He is gaslighting you by trying to make you out to be the cheater. He is projecting his transgressions on to you. He knows you need him since he is the source of income. He has taken all control. He knows he can do whatever he wants. Please search deep inside you and know that you’re so much better than this. I hope you find the strength to leave. Please read up on narcissist and trauma bonding. You may be able to relate. Knowledge is power. Reading this broke my heart. I can’t even imagine what this has done to your self esteem. You deserve better. :sleepy:


Lol. First, make sure his side chick knows about you and knows that she will never be anything more than that. Second, you’re his nanny. Go get yourself a side piece too. If you’re cool sharing your man and knowing he could bring home any disease, then by all means. Have that man buy everything for you, get yourself financially situated and have him put money into YOUR account.
Obviously you don’t know your worth or you wouldn’t let a dude do this type of shit. But if you’re okay with it… let him know he can get his as long as he takes care of you.

Ugh, girl…RUN!!! This is not okay. EVER!!!

So you’re his bottom bitch? You need to leave

That’s ridiculous your “homegirls” telling you this advice . Smh . I would never want to see my friends go through something like this And make them think it’s ok or tell them to suck it up . I would tell them to grab their shit and leave because they deserve better !!! I know because the whole he’s the provider it’s hard . But trust me ! Coming from a person who went through this I grabbed both my little daughters and left that piece of nothing because I deserve much more than that . Don’t depend on no man even if you have to struggle . Because ask yourself this “do I want this life … for the next 50 years of my life ??” It’s always better to struggle a year or two but be free and happy the rest of your life . There is someone out there who thinks your worth it . Trust me . Don’t let this idiot keep you from your future husband baby girl trust me he’s out there … self love and self respect Queen !

Are u a babysitter?? Send him wherever and he should not forget to take HIS son


Can’t you see the tattoo on your forehead if not get someone to tell you what it says :wink:

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  1. F them friends, cuz no friend would give you advice like that, unless they sleeping with him too, 2. F him, girl you better than me cuz his side b would be raiding HIS kid. Girl you need help

One word fits this relationship…TOXIC

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He is a narcissist and he is gaslighting you not a great way to live your life I would get proof of all of it bide your time and then take him for everything