My husband told me he rent an apartment but doesn't want a divorce: Advice?

Divorce him, he’s more invested in someone or something else… Don’t doubt it… Listen to your gut


go get you a lawyer! AN you need to understand! it is not you! take care of your kids and let him go!!


He’s cheating. Divorce his ass and make a life for you and your kids

He is playing you. This way he can have his girlfriend on the side and not have to pay child support for 3 children plus alimony. Also to string you and the kids along thinking he might come back


Girl, you better find some inner strength somewhere and pull yourself together!
You are on here asking a question you already know!!! Maybe you’re hoping for some sliver of doubt… not gonna get it… sorry :heart::heart:
Get strong for you and your babies :muscle:

Get a lawyer NOW, get your money in order and start doing research and don’t tell him what you are doing!
You are stronger than you think you are :revolving_hearts::muscle:


Unpopular opinion, some people do have marriages like that. And it works for them.

We had a neighbor who had his own apartment married, kids. Just needed a space of his own. He still spent a lot of time at his house with his wife and daughter.
They had a lot of issues and marriage counseling didn’t work

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Actually I know a married couple who did this. The man got a separate apartment and it lasted maybe 6 months (good thing it was month to month) but he really went back after month 3 but knew what was missing and went back to make things work. It really does help sometimes. Other times it doesn’t and they have a source of freedom but if he doesn’t want a divorce… It sounds like he wants to work on things.
But be careful he isn’t just not wanting to deal with what comes with divorce.


Ur right it’s over divorce him

Does he make enough for 2 households he needs his space to cheat on you dont take his crap divorce him and get yours cause believe me he will stop giving you money for your needs I mean either way the kids are without him get your child support and do you


Marriage counseling if you’re still invested in the relationship, if not have the divorce papers ready.

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Any word about her?? We always hear that the man is a complete POS but what we need right now is what the fk led up to this and why he wants to move out because I can tell ya, you women can really shift also.


Hire a private investigator to catch him with his side chic. Take your share of the money out of the bank .If you catch him cheating, you’ll be sitting pretty in divorce court. This will help with alimony, assets,etc. Do all this immediately.


Tell him straight out if he leaves you will divorce him he’s playing you why wouldn’t he tell you something about what’s going on

l get paid over $180 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18289 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Trust your feelings and don’t sleep with him anymore


Is this a serious question? :flushed: oh HAYLE NO!!! Get him in a courtroom!


Either he cheating or he caught you cheating and is saving the evidence for divorce court.

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My friend just went thru this. And the guy had a gf for a year.

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He’s probably got a side hoe and doesn’t want to give you anything in a divorce. Take him for everything!


Sounds like he wants to have “space” for another person. My friend went through that and he would take multiple females there.

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He needs space for his side chick.


Girl please investigate this!!! My ex did this to me, said “he need space” well he moved in with another chick. Please look into it!!!

If he leaves to his new apartment that is abandonment and he loses the house you and the kids. Get a lawyer!


He is seeing someone else and is seeing how it plays out before he divorces you.


He wants his own life to cheat without child support/spouse support that’s why he don’t want a divorce. I would say if he wants to go let him then file for divorce and ask for the house bc that’s where you children reside and he left.


help pack his bags . He doesn’t want to pass over your 50%


Sounds much like he is setting himself up for a new life. Could it be for financial reasons he doesnt want a divorce? You should go with your gut feelings.

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Omg babe I’m so sorry this is happening to you! Most of us have been through this!! I know how soul shattering this can be but you’re strong enough to get through this even though you don’t feel it atm. Stronger and better than ever!!

I’d also hate to be a side piece and not know about any of this! Some actually have no idea whereas some full on intentionally do this and it’s fucked up

Cant fix a broken marriage while living in two separate homes. He’s abandoning his family by calling it “space”. Investigate, call a lawyer. Sorry you’re going through this.


File get child support.


The only time a man steps outside his marriage, is not for space. It’s for company. This is not how marriage works. You don’t run from your problem and expect them to be fixed. I would let him know, if he moves, he doesn’t have the option to come back. That has been my rule since my first marriage. 1 and done. 1 chance. I’m not giving someone a chance to hurt me twice. The first time, it’s their fault. The second time, it’s mine bc I knew better.


File for custody of kids and for divorce yourself


No way , half of everything is yours . He’s trying to get out of it and not pay you and children and spend more money


Fine but file for legal separation including child support and visitation. That’s probably what he wants to avoid. That’s the #1 tactic of the male species.


Trust your instincts. .when we want to stay with someone we run to them when we struggle not run away from them .
Be strong and don’t let him play you like this …he’s either with you or not .xx

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He may need space , but your kids need food and a roof over their heads ! You don’t need a divorce to apply for child support , file as soon as possible because it take a while and TEXAS makes you do the leg work . Don’t say anything say anything bad about him in front of your kids , and don’t use them as pawns . Do what you can to shield them from the bad stuff , but do what you have to do to and be strong…


Serve him with papers and move on.


Side chick…get a divorce…he playing you!!


He wants his cake and eat it too.
Kick him to the curb…it may be tough but you can do this on your own!


When my ex did this, it was the beginning of the end :sleepy: I could write a lot more, but I won’t.

Please also keep a separate account with some money to protect your family


l get paid over $ 196 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 16245 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Get a divorce and file for child support, that’s a LAME excuse to use, he just wants to get out of child support


I don’t want to be that person but sounds like he’s got a side chick… he’s going to have to change his address to get his mail so I would give it about 14 so days and then change the address back and you’ll be getting mail from him and her… once you find out her name put in a notice for address change for him and her and go from there…

Also since he wants to move out so so badly help him pack his stuff put icy Hot in a thin layer of his underwear sprinkle his clothes with itching powder (not exactly sure what it’s called) if you all use the charcoal toothpaste put black food coloring in his toothpaste… Take laundry soap over to his place but make sure it’s mixed with 80% bleach… put some of that itching powder in his underwear… you can also put Nair in his shampoo


Yep take the cue, and start healing. The kids will be ok, they need a momma who’s happy


This is the time for a deep discussion where communication is going to be the key to if you’ll be able to make it work or not. Sometimes you just need a break, I’ve tried asking my husband for one in the past and he never gave it so it made me put walls up. You don’t want him to put walls up because then it really will be one foot out the door. Try to be able to listen and not argue. Easier said than done I know lol but try. Good luck hun!!


You can not fix your marriage while separated. He has someone else. Get all your ducks in a row. Good luck :crossed_fingers: prayers :pray:

l get paid over $180 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18289 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

He doesn’t want to pay child support! a file those papers!!!

l get paid over $180 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18289 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

I don’t know really. I have been with my boyfriend for 10 years, I moved out a few months not to be with anyone else. But because we couldn’t get along and needed space. I saw him everyday we just slept in different houses and after a few months we moved back in together and haven’t been fighting. Ask him if there are other ways you can give him space?


Sounds like a piece of shit loser , coward .

He just wants to fuck and not have any responsibility without losing everything

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l G­e­t p­a­id over $ 135 per h0ur working f­r­o­m h­o­me. l ­n­ever ­th­o­ught ­I­’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19779 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
More Inf0>>>

Start it yourself, he’s keeping his options open… screwing around and being allowed ‘space’. You deserve better

Tell him when he leaves, it’s for good. This is ridiculous and do not tolerate it. Sorry you’re going through this.


Send the kids with him to his new apartment… he needs space he can have some responsibility too

Time to move on! Throw him out clothes and all!

If my husband did this i’d file divorce myself. You may say you don’t want a divorce but you’re getting one now :v:t3:


Ooofff he’s saying no divorce because he doesn’t want to pay the child support. Like others said if he leaves that’s final don’t play games with him and you file the divorce


Sounds like he wants a bachelor pad.

Go file for divorce. Today. Tell him if he wants space he can go out to the garage. Not rent an apartment.


Serve him papers once you get solid proof of his affair that way you can get a better settlement


Try a trial separation sometimes married couples need that

Throw the other foot out the door as well!


Been down this road…he has someone new…file for child support… You can still be married and get child support…


He moved a girl into that apartment

Sounds like he wants his cake and to eat it too. If he wants space, why can’t you figure something out with your current living situation? Point is you know it’ll be at least a year before he could leave that apt. He’s wanting to not pay child support, but also maintain marriage benefits​:woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:


He is not coming back.


He wants to be with someone else

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He doesn’t want a divorce because he wants to safe his money and keep his door open to come back if the new one isn’twhat he hopes she is… divorce him and let him go! You deserve better!!!


Just playing devils advocate here…I want separate apartments from my partner and it’s not because I’m cheating. I just struggle with sharing living space lol

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I would file for divorce and get child support and alimony.

:triangular_flag_on_post: been there. Go file immediately.


I don’t even know what to say. Sounds like he’s moving on without you.


File for divorce… he is definitely getting himself a place that he can bring other women and seem like he is single and ready to mingle


Who gives a fu** a spouse is allowed time for him or herself. Don’t mean shi* and it don’t mean he’s cheating. All these women are dumb. Get over yallselves


I say he definitely is getting something on the side and wants a place to do it


Read Your Post again and you have your answer…


Easier said than done but pack his bags and say goodbye as he has already gone behind your back and rented an apartment without first discussing it with you … his wife. Doesn’t sound like he has even thought about the impact it will have on your children. Has he told you he’s unhappy or made any suggestions leading up to this. You and your children deserve better.


Make sure he gets EVERYTHING of HIS out. Things have been going on with him for quite a while if he’s getting an apartment. Kids will make it through this. Things will not get better for you with him. You file for the divorce. And make sure he gives you good child support and spousal support. He will plead with you and beg you but he’s only out for himself. So sorry you have to go through all this from him. You had no idea?


He’s moving out and telling you that so he can be first to file and get the upper hand. You better get your stuff in order as well.


You don’t rent an apartment alone if u don’t want a divorce…


If he doesn’t want a divorce then why move out?? Can’t have your cake and eat it too. That’s confusing from an adult perspective! Ummmm he needs space??? Psssh for what?!


Get a divorce attorney, serve him with papers requiring child support and alimony. And don’t take him back. Desertion is grounds for divorce.


That doesn’t make sense. He is wanting to have his cake and eat it too! He wants to stay in control.


Divorce!!! He wants to play and not pay or care for his family, he probably already has one on the way with some one else? Open your eyes, your not helping your children get out now and move on making your children life happier :pray::heart::+1:


“Cheaper to keep her “
Sounds like he don’t want to pay child support or alimony


File for divorce.
Chances are he is cheating or plans on cheating and needs a place that doesn’t make it obvious he is married.
Him getting an apartment behind your back says enough.


My husband left a week ago. Says he wants time and space. I know he is not doing anything. He is just not that type of person. I am trying hard to give him the space he needs. We are supposed to start therapy so maybe you could suggest that. It doesn’t have to be for a marriage but also to help communicate when it comes to the kids. And what you both need and expect from each other going forward.

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Don’t let him string you along. You make your decision.

This makes me question why the need for this, I always suspect some one else is involved


Let him move out but I would say if you leave we are getting divorced. Period! If he leaves, file the paperwork and learn to be happy alone. Life will get easier, I promise! Your kids will motivate you to be the best you can be for them. :heartpulse::pray:


If he has made the financial commitment to lease an apartment, he’s already gone, just wanting to file the paper work and doesn’t want you to get the jump on him. Contact a family law attorney and get some legal advice. You are going to need it.


Get that divorce. Get a good divorce lawyer. Your work as a wife was not free. Make sure you know what your worth. Move on. Less stress without a man baby to care for.


Nope, divorce him. This is your giant red flag. Don’t get played. Cause he is definitely playing you.


I would file for a divorce. Maybe he has a girlfriend


Nope, I don’t play the leave and come back game. A man will only ever leave me once.


He did this without telling you?? Nah. I’d file for the divorce sis. He wants to move out and play single not even talking to you then he can BE single :woman_shrugging:t2:


Kick him out then you call for a. Lawyer for help

He’s already cheating. It’s obvious. I’m sure he doesn’t want a divorce lol then he has to pay for his indiscretions, child support and alimony since you’ve been married over 10 years. No ma’am he could EAD, it’s divorce time. He doesn’t have 1 foot out of the door honey, he has both out of the door. Here is where you interject self respect and handle your business alone.