My husband told me he wasn't allowed to wear his wedding ring to work

Most places do not allow it if any machines are involved

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My husband refused to wear his at work because he works on vehicles and with power equipment. It wasn’t worth the risk of getting his finger caught and tore off. He got it tattooed on his finger instead so he wouldn’t have to worry about his safety and could still have our marriage symbolized.

Unless he’s working construction or with heavy machinery there’s no reason he can’t wear his wedding ring to work

Do some pop ups at his job matter a fact :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: let whoever know that he is in fact MARRIED


Has he changed in the past year? Has your relationship changed in the past year. Some places will not allow you to wear any jewelry even if it’s a wedding band. Doesn’t mean somethings going on. How long is his lunch break? Should he chew and talk at the same time? Different jobs require different things. The person you asked are they married? Like so many questions tbh

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If him not wearing his ring bothers you so much let him know. As for not calling you during his lunch I don’t see the big deal. Every now and then I call my husband being that I only have 30 minutes to eat I’d rather eat in peace

This gunna be long but…
It’s called a women’s intuition and yes it u writing it on here then it’s tickling u at the core of your intuition! Let him know u know something is going on to cut it out or your out or if u can’t deal with it then just leave because I’d someone else at his job already told u that it’s lie then it’s a lie gurl!! Red flags right from the beginning.u don’t need to come on here and ask for answers u already know the answers too. Listen I getwe qllwant to find the good in people but some people just really don’t give a shyt about u and they prove t everyday but we just decide to turn our heads and look the other way because the pain that comes with that is something u don’t want to deal with. (People come and go in your life they’re either in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime) Also people are going to hurt us. We just have to pick the ones that it’s worth going through the ups and downs with. Plus which ones that tries to hurt us the less!! Gurl run and be single and enjoy your life. U will give yourself thyroid issues if u keep stressing over shyt. Life is to short to be unhappy and to feel someone is cheating on u. And for the ones who don’t like my saying about who’s worth staying with hurt over, I don’t mean someone that beats u, steals, cheats. I know people fk up and I can never understand how someone can accidentally fall between a heffas thighs and swim but I do know of some good ass people that made some mistakes and I don’t think they should have their lives ruined over something that truly didn’t mean nothing emotional or someone they don’t love. I do believe in therapy and having me days and date night, u need all that to make it work. Good luck mama but he’s probably been cheating or thinking of cheating so I would just sit down let him know what’s up and y’all decide independently what each of u want to do and move forward

I’ve been married almost 31 years, my husband is an Electrician and he does not wear his wedding band at work. He gets out of the shower after work and it’s part of his routine, brush his teeth, put his wedding ring on, etc. IF your husbands job is of some type of risk by wearing the ring, then understand that. However, it sounds like he’s telling lies. Don’t let him get by with it another day. Call him out on it! As far as not calling on break or keeping his calls short, call him out on it. Don’t approach these talks with anger, hurt, and a tone of voice showing you’re mad, sad, etc. My husband works for different contractors, some allow personal calls on breaks some don’t, sometimes he hits the crapper to call or respond to a text from me. He keeps me informed as to whether or not he can accept or send calls or texts when he changes contractors, that way we both know. I take care of my mama, when we’re going to be gone for the day, I give him the courtesy likewise, and let him know where we’ll be and if I don’t answer, I’ll call him back. Personally, if I were you, I’d take a few steps back and evaluate the relationship. And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE whatever you do, regardless of how you feel, do NOT ever stay for the children’s sake or because you aren’t sure you can do it alone. Worst reason ever to stay in a marriage. I have proof of that, when we were going through some problems when our kids were early teens, we didn’t argue around them, we tried to keep it in the bedroom, basement, garage, while they were asleep. BUT …they knew, and it wasn’t until their early 20’s I found out they knew what was going on, talked about why we wouldn’t just get out of the unhappy house, and divorce. They didn’t lead on because they didn’t want it to cause us more problems. We didn’t have a clue they were in the know…

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You are being played

If he’s lying straight to your face why be with him what else is he lying about

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I mean, I’ve been with my husband for going on 13 years, married 7 this July. I work in Healthcare and I never wore my engagement ring or wedding ring because it would rip my gloves.

I mean, it seems suspicious that they had the same rule in two different companies, however it depends what he does for a living, it could just be standard protocol.

As far as the breaks go, my husband rarely calls me on breaks. I rarely call him on breaks. If we do call each other it’s usually just a quick “hey, how’s every thing going at the house? Have the kids made you rip your hair out yet? OK, I love you.”

A lot of jobs don’t allow it. My husband and I don’t wear rings. It’s all about the person being loyal without a ring not the ring to keep others from thinking he’s married. But it is a little suspicious that he may be lying that they can’t wear them.

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Honestly I work in a shop full of men, all are older men and none of them wear theirs while working, where I work it’s considered a safety hazard, they all talk about they’re wives a lot, not wearing his wedding band to work is understandable. As for calling, my boyfriend and I used to call each other every day on our lunches, we don’t anymore we just have to little time and to much going on in our work day but at the end of the day we both know we can go home and talk about our days together. Don’t think to much into it girl!

Me or my husband don’t wear ours half the time. He got a rubber one but mine is to big now and rolls and it bugs me when I type

Tell your husband to wear a silicon ring. I work with machinery and lift a lot of things and wear them.

If he isn’t running machinery and it needs off for safety reasons, red flag

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As a mechanic for many years I never wore my ring. When I was younger I did and I had two hydraulic cylinders come together and crush my left hand. I had to pry my ring back open enough to get it off. Then I had to hammer it around a socket so it was somewhat round again. Certain jobs especially when running machines usually recommend not wearing any jewelry.


Ok so 1: why does he need to call you to talk on his lunch the last thing I want is to be bitches at about leaving the toilet seat up when I’ve been stressed all day already. A quick hello love you have a good day should be more then enough

2: a lot of jobs it’s unsafe to wear any rings, construction food pref, machinist, just to name a few. Chill out and relax a little.

If hr is a cook they are not allowed to wear anything with diamonds or rocks

I’d be very suspicious


My husband nor myself would wear rings at work for safety reasons. We also didn’t speak except in an emergency or if we were going to be delayed for some reason. We would occasionally send a text. There are many jobs where jewelry is not allowed. I wouldn’t ask anyone besides hr if he can wear one or not. I’m thinking you have other issues though and if that’s the case yall need to talk and you need to make a decision.

Ring or no ring. He wont be faithful if he doesnt wanna be. Ask him about it and tell him you are bothered by it and have began becoming suspicious of his behavior.


My husband is a diesel mechanic and chooses not to wear it bc he gets so dirty. And that’s fine. But there’s no rule. Not even when he was in the military was there a rule unless it was like spec ops or something similar, but just every day was fine. Sounds like hubs is lying. About what who knows. But I’ve never heard of a rule like that haha

Ask to see his MOST CURRENT employee policy & procedures handbook.
I’m sure it would be listed there somewhere

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I never wear mine :woman_shrugging: I don’t care if my husband doesn’t wear his. Not everyone can get used to wearing rings. Also, I don’t talk to my husband during the day. We are both working. We can talk at home. I wouldn’t read too much into it.

A ring doesn’t create morals, it is just a tangible item. It won’t stop someone from cheating the same way not wearing one won’t cause someone to cheat.

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Some places don’t allow rings to be worn of any type because they cause be a hazard – my husband doesn’t wear his because of that reason -and he lifts weights and he ruined his first ring lifting weights - then he lost it a few times – after going to a new job where it doesn’t matter he still doesn’t wear it . He has had several women to come on to him and he tells them straight out that he is “Married” and then says “Very Married” and not available. 52 1/2 years and he is a trust worthy man . If you have trust issues then I see where you want your man to wear his ring – but that some times makes them more attractive and a challenge to some women.

Yes I’ve seen it way too much from mostly women stealing another woman’s husband tbh I know men too it too though it’s in my family too and I choose not to associate with home wreckers. Nothing is sacred anymore. Your spouse could be minding their own business and here comes this other person that convinces your spouse to stray and ruin families. It’s absolutely disgusting. Yes it takes two but if the person who knew they were married should have left them alone or shut down their advances

I work in a plant we are not allowed to wear any jewelry of any sort.

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My husband (aircraft’s mechanic) wasn’t allowed any kind of rings including silicon. It was just too much of a harzard if an accident was to happen. Even silicone could get melted or embedded into the skin
Also it wasn’t on his manual . It was common sense since most of them were expert veterans they just knew

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Yes. Aren’t you concerned or suspicious already? I’d like to suggest couples therapy ASAP. Or else reconcile yourself to an open marriage.please: No no no kids with this guy.


He could have just as easily took it off and left it in his truck or put it in his pocket. He didn’t have to tell you he couldn’t wear it.

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A lot of factories don’t allow jewelry.


My husband’s a carpenter and almost had his finger cut off so he doesn’t have his ring on anymore

If he is going to cheat, wearing a ring won’t matter. He could easily put it on before he leaves the house and take it off in the car too :woman_shrugging: As for lunchtime and breaks … maybe he is actually eating and possibly chatting with co workers on breaks?! My husband I will exchange a few quick lunch time checks but not full conversations. It’s all about trust.

My husband’s job doesn’t allow jewelry as it’s a safety issue.we got him silicone rings if it some how gets caught they will break before causing injury maybe something you can look into.

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There a ton of jobs that dont allow a guy/lady to wear rings. Just because one person that works for same company is allowed to dont mean they all can. Depends on what your hubby does at work. If he working he dont have time to play phone tag

A lot of time, it’s safer not to wear one in case it gets caught on something and rips your finger off. Or electrocutes you. It’s not a written rule, but my hubby was told not to wear one at work because of that. He can tell people he’s married. It’s also a little controlling to expect him to call you during lunch/breaks every day. I don’t think this is concerning in itself, he needs some individuality, so if he’s cheating, you’ll have other red flags, but I don’t consider that one, unless he’s a serial cheater. That brings another layer into it.

tattoo his finger if you are that worried about it, if he wants to cheat he’s gonna cheat regardless


I’m not sure what line of work he’s in but my husband is in construction and it’s a safety hazard. I work in Healthcare and when I was in house I never wore mine either because it bothers me when typing and once I took it off and left it on top of my desk and forgot it and panicked that someone would take it so I just stopped wearing it to the office. Now I work from home so I only ever wear it when we go places. Same with him. I’m not insecure about it and neither is he. We dont talk on breals or lunch either as our schedules are just always so busy. It sounds to me like you need to dig a little deeper. The fact that you’re questioning it in the first place is a red flag. I hope for your sake it’s nothing and he’s telling the truth :two_hearts:


Have him tattoo your name on his wedding band finger :kissing_heart:

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You are already suspicious or you wouldn’t have posted. You already have doubts about the relationship. Get to the bottom of it quickly. Life is too short to be where you have doubts.


Have him tattoo your name on his wedding band finger :kissing_heart:

Yeah absolutely you should be concerned he’s straight up lying to you about wearing his wedding ring theirs only one reason for that :ok_hand:t2::woman_facepalming:t3: your husband is a cheater :triangular_flag_on_post: ps the only time someone has ever been told they can’t wear a wedding ring is if they are a surgeon and on shift :ok_hand:t2: or some kind of a welder mind you they make rubber rings now so basically every single job in the world allows wedding rings you just might need to get a rubber one for some jobs :face_with_hand_over_mouth: he’s been cheating for sure 100 percent

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Weird that it bothers you so much. We never wear our rings. Both of our jobs don’t allow it.

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My hubby is a carpenter and he wouldn’t wear his . To much of a safety risk if that ever got caught on anything. And I don’t expect him call he’s at work lol if he does he does. If he doesn’t well he’s at work :woman_shrugging:


Plenty of jobs, especially blue collar labor types type don’t allow it because of risk of injury. Some allow things like silicone rings, but it depends on what sort of injury the risk is for.


Show up at work for lunches lol

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My husband can’t wear his wedding ring at work cause he is a care giver he wears it around his neck and I don’t expect to hear from my hubby, he will be busy working and I don’t wear my wedding ring

I certainly would be but I’d tell him you know the truth

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Mine doesnt wear his anymore. Some jobs it can be dangerous. I also dont wear mine either at work or anywhere really :joy::woman_shrugging: last time we wore our rings was last year at a wedding :woman_shrugging:

It’s pretty obvious if his lying about not being able to wear his ring at work then something is going on. How is ur marriage in a nutshell??? Is it the way it was when u got married or has it just died down? I won’t worry too much about phone calls and texts, because every day is not the same. However I find it really weird that his lying about having not be able to wear his ring at work and now he lost his ring. It should not be a big issue if he doesn’t like wearing the ring but the lying is my problem.

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My husbands job didn’t allow it. He got another that did. He wore it cuz I’d surprise him with lunch and it was on. Needless to say all the women knew he was married and didn’t care. Either did he now he has a 1 year old baby girl

I would be suspicious especially if someone that works there said they can have them. Maybe he lost it and don’t wanna tell you. Just ask him about it if you don’t believe him then look further into it

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Giiirrrrllll. Come on.


Only jobs I know of that don’t allow wedding rings are electrician and men who work with the hand were the ri g can get caught

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Take him to a tattoo parlor and get in a ring :blush:

If your that suspicious, that your partner can’t even go to work without you having doubts, maybe rethink your relationship. A lot of jobs don’t let people wear any jewelry for safety reasons.


My husband doesn’t wear his either and probably wouldn’t fit now as his hands swell with diabetes…but I think you are reading to much into it . Maybe he’s busy talking to co workers about work and etc and not doing anything wrong…

If you have to ask then it’s time to either confront him or leave why waste your life worrying over a man lol a man with a cheating heart is gonna cheat no matter what u do to try and stop it or find out and a man that is faithful will do everything to make you feel secure and safe so u won’t have to question it

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what type of job ? I know in some plants you can not wear jewelry

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I don’t wear mine every day, and nor does my husband. A wedding band doesn’t stop anyone from cheating, you are the only person that can control yourself. If you need a band to tell you not to cheat on your S/O that’s a problem. Also, it doesn’t stop people from hitting on you regardless. So. :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:


He’s probably resting on breaks


If you’re that insecure in your relationship though… even if he “wore” it, he could just take it off if he wanted to so this is weird

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We are only allowed to wear plain wedding bands but I won’t because I got mine caught on the lip of the loader and had I not be calm I’d degloved my finger

If a coworker is saying its not true you need to have a chat with your husband


You should make a surprise appearance at his job just in time for break and lunch and confront him about his lie!!!


Easy solution. Silicone band :rofl:

Depends on his job. Does he work with any type of machinery??? Or does he work with electrical currents?

Oh yes, you need to be concerned. If this is new ,now after 25 yrs of marriage we do not wear ours,you need to have trust ,also how is he with the cell phone does he leave it out so you can just pick it up or he keep it on him? When my husband was doing this i immediately caught on cause he was being weird with his cell phone and getting home later and later so i never questioned him ,i went to his job one night and sure enough him and the girl were talking and leaving work ,sitting in dif parking lots ,time of my life I will never forget ,she was only 21 yrs younger than him …lol …needless to say nothing they had planned ever worked out for them, I was very hurt ,it is what it is ,no ring will stop them ,kids ,nothing if they going to do it ,they will investigate first become a Private Investigator real quick! Get your proof of it before you question him

also you cant have your phone out in the plant, has to stay in locker, limited time on breaks and lunch, plus workers are around. A text would be nice

What does he do for work lmao

He is lying! Not wearing a wedding ring doesnt mean he cheats. Maybe he just doesnt want to wear one. But lying about it probably does!


Yes you should be worried because they legally can’t tell you not to wear it because it is a religious thing. Now unless he could literally get his finger cut off for it being there but even then there are plastic ones

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I’m curious as to what he does at his job??

Neither of us wear bands

Yes you need to be worried.


Sounds like someone needs to grow up none of that screams cheating

Wow. Lots of men don’t wear their rings at work and he probably wants to rest on his break and not stay on the phone. Sounds like you are too dramatic.

If he wants to cheat he’ll do it with or without a piece of rubber on his finger


My husband can literally lose a hand or get seriously injured if he wore it to work. Also mine barely calls or talks to meduring the day but he will answer me if i call …he is busy working and he may need a few minutes on break just for himself. At least he gives you some time and checks in. It’s the thought that counts.

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A lot of work places forbid jewelry for safety reasons. Rings have been known to tear into fingers, crush fingers, lots of injuries. Even silicone rings aren’t foolproof. They can trap chemicals underneath and that sort of thing. Some places don’t allow personal phone calls while on the premises. Even if they do, break times aren’t very long and depending on how the day is going, he may not feel like talking about it right then, or where he can be overheard. Sit down with him and tell him what’s on your mind. Find out from him what he’s doing. If it sounds like he’s not being honest, tell him so. Suggest counseling. If he confirms your suspicions or refuses counseling and you aren’t satisfied with his answers, then you have decisions to make.

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You sound insecure and he sounds shady


It would honestly depend because there are jobs that do not allow you to wear rings due to safety and if you were to be hurt at work due to the ring, you wouldn’t be covered.

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It depends on his line of work. Is he a mechanic or something similar? I take my ring off every time I work on a vehicle or piece of equipment for safety reasons. Talk to him and trust your gut :woman_shrugging:t3:


You work and he stays home

Because a wedding ring ring has magical anti cheat powers LMFAO

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I’d. Find. Out. Where. He. Works. &. Make. a. Suprise. Visit. &. See. How. Many. Men. Don’t. Wear. Theirs,. Then Ask. a. Boss. ! You’ll. Have. Your. Anwser! Maybe. Sneaky. But. You’ll. Know &. Can. Deal. With. Him. About. It
Good luck


Unless he is police, fire, or works with tools


That’s insane. Unless he’s a welder don’t believe that cr@p.

I mean it depends on his job. My husband never wears his ring but he also works with heavy equipment so it’s safer not to.


Oh wow haha 22 years in and my husband wore his band the first day and put it in the jewelry box. I wear my ring only on special occasiona


I don’t wear mine because I’m pregnant and it irritates my hand or makes it swell when it’s hot, my fiancé wears his and we aren’t even married yet. Takes it off when working on vehicles so he doesn’t loose a finger. Some places DONT allow them and pretty much every job has a set break time of 10/15 mins. Lying is a problem, but you also sound like you’re reaching. Has he ever given you a reason to doubt him? Is he acting different?

That sounds ridiculous. I knew a guy who didn’t wear his cause he’s a technician and works with wiring and the possibility his ring can get caught.

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When my ex husband didn’t want to wear his wedding band because of the work he did and also rock climbing he tattooed it on (his idea). It didn’t stop him from cheating though.

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Ok. Most. Job’s. Gave. Locker’s. Right? He. Could. Put. It. In. The. Locker

If he lied that’s suspect. Honestly though I never call my husband when I’m at work. Break is so short I need it to decompress


This whole topic sounds like a migraine

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That’s a lie. You where told it was. He don’t want to talk to you while at work. He is cheating and wants to act single. There is rings that are rubber my electrician husband wears so he can’t be electrocuted or smashed around his finger.

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Some jobs especially mechanical jobs do discourage wearing rings. My husband bought rubber rings. That way if it were to get caught on something it would break versus him losing a finger.