My husband told me he wasn't allowed to wear his wedding ring to work

There is ALOT of jobs where jewellery especially rings are a safety issue. My husband has maybe worn his wedding about 5 times to important events in the 10 years we’ve been married. I’d rather him keep his fingers than wear his ring…Google degloving :nauseated_face: also is there a reason he needs to checkin with you each break? When my hubby and I are at work we are there to work and don’t text or call unless there is a good reason that can’t wait until we get home with the occasional thinking of you text. Not calling or texting really shouldn’t be cause for concern in my opinion but that being said I realise alot of people are more codependent.


Tell him you want to get matching tattooed wedding bands then bingo he can’t take that off


You’re asking because you already ARE concerned. Tbh I would be too.


i definitely agree it depends on the job, im a groomer and i take my rings off at work but my coworker doesnt its preference for us but if he was in a job where it can mean cutting a finger or gloving the finger cause of having it on then i could see it but definitely depends on the job! id definitely ask him about what he does that requires him to take it off

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Some heavy equipment you can’t and manufacturing food or non food won’t allow you bc it can contaminate the product if falls into something.

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If you even have to ask that question, my answer is NO, don’t be suspicious :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Lots of jobs advise against jewellery of any kind for safety reasons and sometimes its plain common sense not to wear rings even if its not written into the rules.
Calls should be limited to emergencies only really even if hes on a break. Most breaks are only long enough to grab something to eat and relax for 5 minutes before you start again.
On the info you’ve given its really not proof of cheating

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My husband is a mechanic where he works and he doesn’t wear his,thats ok, I don’t want him to loose a finger! When we are at our jobs we don’t call each other unless its something important!


Yes you should. Very concerned and suspicious because he’s lying to you.

OSHA frowns on wearing jewelry period. It’s a good way to lose a finger.

Best bet is a Teflon ring, if he doesn’t go for that then maybe he has more to hide.

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What does your gut say? Your fingers are on to something, but your gut is your guide.

My ex hung from his at a lumber co

mine owns a construction company so he doesn’t wear his at work

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My husband could not wear his wedding ring to work, neither could My father. Never had a reason to mistrust them.

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I work in janitorial and my employees are discouraged From wearing rings and bracelets but it’s still allowed. In our recycling center it’s not allowed at all because it can cause injury. It’s not in the rules but it is inforced.

My husband does not call me on his breaks or on lunch, I don’t expect him to, ever nor does he need to, unless he needs to or wants to.
As far as the wedding band, my husband can wear one for work but he chooses not to because he didn’t want to lose it nor does he want to lose a finger he uses heavy machinery at work.
So unless your husband is working as n accountant and not wearing a ring, I’d be semi concerned but some people just don’t like wearing them after X amount of time.
If he’s into it, ask him to get it tattooed :upside_down_face:

My husband don’t wear his but he is a mechanic and it can get caught on something easy and rip the meat off his finger. I’m ok with him not wearing his and if anything I get the rubber like ones from Walmart for him to use. That way it will break easy and not hurt him.

Get him rubber ones🤷‍♀️


So offer to get him a rubber ring, see what he says? My husband works with his hands and wears a rubber ring in case anything were to happen, it wouldn’t take his finger off. When he’s not at work he wears his original band.

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Depends what his job is. My partner worked in mining for years and jewellery was not allowed. I also work in the mines and cannot wear them. But if he is not a labourer of any sort, than chances are he can probably wear it. It may not even be in their rules, but just advised… talk to him and ask

My husband doesn’t wear his at work- he could- but he just doesn’t want to and I honestly rather him not because he works construction. TBH we both rarely wear ours anymore :grimacing: I only wear mine when we go out.

My husband never wore a wedding band. It never bothered me. I didn’t even give him one. His job could have cost him his finger. What does a wedding band prove? That’s the question!

Most places will say no jewelry and still allow wedding bands. I would be highly concerned.

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The same boat I don’t care what mine does. Sorry your going through this.

Idk about all that my husband doesn’t wear his band to work wither but because he works hard labor and doesn’t want to rip the skin from his finger. He ended up buying a silicon ring instead but he got blisters from it and it was painful so I just told him to not wear a ring at work.

If this is out of ordinary behavior within your marriage than I’d be concerned

I don’t talk to my husband at all while he is working unless it’s something important. As for the ring- apt of men don’t wear rings to work if they are working with their hands/ doing construction etc. what does he do for work?

The only jobs that don’t allow wedding rings are ones dealing with heavy machinery or medical field and they almost always allow the rubber ones

My husband didn’t wear his ring for years. Actually lost 2 of them. Then he actually picked out the rubber ones and I think he likes getting to switch out the different colors/designs. If your asking if he’s hiding something or cheating, that’s a whole different story. Only you will be able to tell on that one.

Big red flag ’ :running_woman: "


He’s carrying on with someone

Depends on the job. If he’s a salesman they do that thinking they will get a sale faster which includes flirtiness but if he is coming home to you every night then that’s a good thing. If he works in machinery then no worries. You two could get tattoo ring finger that don’t come off.

I wasn’t allowed to wear any jewelry when I worked at International Paper. The only thing was a pair of stud earrings.

He told you he wasn’t wearing it. If he was hiding something he would be taking it off when he gets there and putting it back on before coming back and not say anything. :roll_eyes: your looking way to much into this and it sounds entirely insecure.


Some places that have heavy machinery don’t let you wear rings of any kind, for they could end up getting caught on the moving machine parts. No jewelery at all. Not even earrings.

You should talk to him and tell you that you found out his is lying about not being able to wear his ring at this new job and you just want to know why he doesn’t want to wear it anymore.

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That’s actually a fairly common rule if he works with his hands or machinery that it could get caught on.


I would just straight out ask him. What’s it like when he is home? Is he in his phone 24/7 suspiciously? That’s the first thing I would look at.

I’ve been with my husband 11 years. Both jobs he’s had didn’t allow wedding Rings so he got use to not wearing it. So he literally never wears one. No issues here

I worked in everything from restaurants to factories most places do have restrictions on some types of jewelry depending on the type of job/work but what I know is in all my years of working in the 2 different industries restaurant & factory work, a wedding band is the only acceptable jewelry I was allowed to wear when I worked in the restaurant business and when I worked in a factory (saw operator) I was allowed to keep my wedding band on both types of work . yes you should be concerned that he removes his wedding band and doesn’t wear it when he is not with you.

My husband is in mining and isn’t allowed to wear his wedding ring for safety (when on the tools). You can buy rubber ones online that they are allowed to wear. If you need him to wear a ring so that he doesn’t cheat… is the ring really your biggest problem? Why bother being with someone you can’t trust.


Sounds like my husbands comment… Who knows for sure what they tell us is true…

I know some jobs that do not allow rings due to saftey. I have a pair of friends married that work together and they are not allowed to wear their rings they work in a factory

I’m not supposed to wear mine and I’m only a nursing student

I don’t wear my wedding band at work, and I don’t always take my husband’s calls at work or call him back.
Geez, should he be concerned ? NO!
I don’t wear it for safety reasons, and I don’t always get breaks. I am at my job!
You have trust issues ( may or may not be warranted, I don’t know you), but it’s not necessarily a red flag, if you think it is, that’s only a question you can answer.

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So to me… question isn’t about the wedding ring… the question is, do you trust him…

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My dad nearly lost his finger because of a wedding ring. My husband got his tattooed on because of a co-worker having an incident with his finger. Most places do allow you to wear the ones that aren’t made of metal though.

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Heavy machines, food handling and sometimes sales are the only places I know of that you can’t wear jewelry…

Depends on what he does for work I would say. I work in a factory and can wear mine. but I choose not to at work because I get it caught on stuff and don’t want to cut myself. I also put it back on once I’m off work.

Look at the local pawn shops for his ring.

When you find it, look for a divorce attorney.


What is the industry? Often it’s not “safe” for them to wear rings. I dont want my husman wearing his on the job as it would be scratched up.

I work at a restaurant. And I used to wear just a wedding band, but i still was worried of it falling off etc. Now I wear it on a gold chain on a necklace. Maybe suggest that to him, if a wedding ring is important to you.

If people who work there are telling you thats not true…then yeah id be suspicious.


My hubby doesn’t call me on his breaks and neither of us is supposed to wear rings at work. Certain jobs make it risky.
When I take my lunch breaks I take a break.

If you are in any way questioning, then that is a different discussion. My husband could be in a bed with a woman and I wouldn’t question. Neither of us wear them at all. Marriage isn’t a ring, it’s something you are and do everyday.

Get him a silicone one. If he still refuses then you know that he’s full of shit

It def depends on the kind of work. Even from my years of working at Lowes my ring caused me many accidents and was a hazard. I’ve had a friend lose a finger from wearing a ring while operating equipment. Even if it’s not in the handbook common sense rules exist. I also don’t like to talk on the phone much during my work day. None of these situations in themselves inherently mean he’s being unfaithful.

Hmm, sounds odd. Does he work in a factory or as a mechanic or something? Those are the only kind of jobs where I would imagine rings could justifiably be banned due to health and safety.

Yes a few don’t allow and I’ve seen hand injuries from rings and one where a chemical burn took place because it ran under a wedding band.

Maybe it’s time for a Come to Jesus meeting if you have this many doubts.

Hahaha trust takes your marriage to a long relationship. Dont start being toxic

Uh?? Your husband is really shady

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So I see this from 2 sides of the same coin. My significant other has been with me on and off for the last 13 years. When we where first married in 2015 it was a big thing for me. I didnt trust him or myself or anyone honestly and felt like I HAD to make sure he was wearing his ring so everyone knew he was taken. Fast forward 4 almost 5 years into the marriage and he became a mechanic. He would call me less and less till the calls stopped coming while he worked. He would take off his ring and never ever wore it at work because of degloving concerns although its never been a rule at his work. And inevitably when our first son was almost 2 all the red flags that I didnt want to see or even if I did and confronted my husband it would end in a fight and that I was being controlling and crazy and it all slapped me in the face because out of the blue he came home from work and then after a perfect night of dinner and play time with the baby my husband started a fight and it ended in him leaving with his bags packed that same night. I was so caught off guard I thought everything was fine between us because when I would ask or pry he would say hes fine its nothing and wouldnt tell me anything until he made the decision to leave. He looked me dead in the eye and said being a husband and father isnt what he signed up for and he didnt love me anymore actually he had grown to resent me over the course of our marriage. We divorced October of 2019 the same month our son turned 2. We had a no contact order for reasons for a year and did not see or speak to one another other than in court. He was sleeping with someone 9 years younger than us literally the same night he left and then got into a relationship with her as well as many other woman while we where divorced for that year. He started to see our son for supervised visitations and he and I reconnected. We ended up back together and have been since valentines day 2020 and have been together as partners but not married since. Now we are due with baby #2 this year and it was his decision to get married again and “do it right”. After talking about the whyd you do me like that and why wasnt I enough. I realized it was never me it was always my husband and the fact he felt trapped and the only way out was to lie and hide things until he built up the courage to change his own life (whether he went about it the wrong way or not) and once he was happy with himself and understanding what HE wanted from life he came back to me and our family and is now 100% involved and attempting to make up for the pain he caused while finding himself. This isn’t about me tho its about the pattern men and woman display. Your man is most likely lying and if he is not cheating then this is his way of getting the attention he feels hes lacking. He probably loves you and doesn’t know what he wants but is acting like a child in high school. If you ignore the signs he will do whatever he wants regardless but it will leave you blind when he does leave or expresses his emotions. The wedding ring is a symbol. Honestly it doesnt matter if he or you wear one it’s the trust and love they symbolize and with him repeatedly disregarding how you feel about it while coming up with obvious half truths tells me he has one foot out the door. Sometimes even if you see the signs and act on them he won’t be honest and talk to you or try to resolve things. Some people dont want to fix things they simply want everyone to be complacent so that things dont have to change. But that is not the way of the world or the heart. Those 2 things are constantly changing. Sorry for the rant I hope my story helps you and you can look inside yourself to know that his choices may hurt you but are not because of you.


I’m a female and I had a job where you couldn’t wear ANY jewelry. Rings earrings only post.

Does he just take it off while at work, or does he not wear it at all?
Maybe it depends on the type of job he has, some can wear them and some can’t.

Unless its a office job, changes are he’s not lieing.
I’m factory janitor and I can’t wear mine on the floor. Only in the offices and cafeteria. My husband is a journeyman electrician and definitely can’t wear his. He also couldn’t wear it as a welder, operator, or robot tech. So for the last 10+ years he’s probably only worn his a handful of times. All my years in food service it was " looked down on" but I still could but JUST my wedding ring.
It really depends on his job…
I think you guys got more issues than him wearing his ring though… he’s at work, your acting like he’s out hanging with other women… I dunno man like I said I think you guys got bigger issues.

Wow!!! So you already checked and were told it was not a rule? He is up to no good then.


My husband’s job doesn’t allow him to wear a ring either. We don’t wear them really anyway though. He did go and get a tattoo on his ring finger though.
Depending on his job or whatever he might not be able to. It also could be a personal preference for his job depending on what it is.

If you have to make a post like this, you already know the answer!


If you asked someone at his work you are already concerned/suspicious


Not true! Even in the restaurant business we’re jewelry is not allowed they have to allow you to wear a plain wedding band. Now if it has stones in it could be different



Honestly depends on the job is it hands on where it can be ripped off? Maybe he just told you it wasnt allowed so u wouldn’t argue over his comfort with not wearing it at work… I had a few close calls with wearing rings and bracelets

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Theres jobs that actually have that as a rulle? Interesting

There are plenty of jobs where wearing jewelry isn’t allowed or is just uncomfortable, so without knowing what he does it’s hard to make an assessment on whether he’s “lying”. My husband works in a restaurant, and while it is allowed that he wears rings, it impedes his job so he doesn’t wear his. Ultimately his was lost as well, but whatevs no big deal. We’ll get him another eventually. In regards to not calling on lunch breaks… if he only has 30 mins or has to leave to get food he likely doesn’t even have time. Also, what’s the harm in him chit chatting with his coworkers.

Nothing OP mentioned is out of the ordinary in my opinion. If there is something going on, there will be other signs, these aren’t it.

Tattooed rings are the way to go. You can’t lose it and it shows that you are committed to your spouse


Mechanics can’t wear wedding rings if WC compliant


Who in the hell would lie about not being able to wear their ring at work?! Sounds like he’s purposely not wearing it, which is MAJOR red flags and sounds like a cheating bastarrrrrd. I would be throwing hands.

Tell him to stick it on a necklace so his still “wearing it” but, in a safe way (depending on his job).

Not being on the phone long during lunch breaks is normal because if his on the phone how is he supposed to relax and eat his lunch.

Honestly I wouldn’t be concern till he starts coming home late or stuff like that.


Depends on his job, if he is working hands on with machines etc that can potentially rip it off or cause harm that’s understandable

I worked for starbucks and the only rings you can wear are ones without a stone for food safely reasons. So it’s possible, but it does sound suspicious. Stick with your intuition. Best of luck!

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If he’s working with machines, or as a mechanic of any sort he may not be allowed for safety reasons.


Agreed. If he works on or with machinery with his hands it’s not allowed. I worked somewhere were it was allowed in some departments but not others.
I also would not spend each of my breaks on the phone with anyone.


My husband couldn’t wear his at a certain job so had it on his key rings or at other times wore it on a chain around his neck.Depending on the job they can get caught on things

Some of you are just jealous. Or suspicious natured. For real. Most factories don’t allow jewelry nor anything in the food industry. He doesn’t have to spend every second he has free talking to you. My husband has break with other people and sometimes he wants to talk to them. If you can’t trust him you shouldn’t have married him.


Get a tattooed ring on his ass and quit being so suspicious it’s his break, it’s his lunch he doesn’t have time to talk to you he’s got 15 minutes or 30 minutes or an hour to eat and relax for a minute He can talk to you when he gets home

Sus af. He’s playing the single role.

My husband can’t wear his regular wedding band but he does wear his silicone band at work (he builds cars). He also texts me on all his breaks, lunch etc but he is very attached :rofl: not all people will spend their breaks texting etc.

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In my area (oil refineries plants) , most blue collar workers can’t wear metal rings. However, they can wear silicone rings.

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Depends on the job. Some won’t allow it in case something were to happen like it gets caught on something it could mean a finger might be lost.

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My husband doesn’t wears his but he works with heavy machinery and is constantly doing mechanics work that could cause the ring to get caught on soemthing or scratched up

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uhhh I think it’s perfectly okay to go the entire work day without pestering your spouse or needing to call them each break / lunch hour… IMO that’s quite high expectations that possibly speak to your insecurities, codependency, attachment/abandonment issues… & I say none of that lightly or with judgement, as I used to be that person.
as for the wedding ring stuff :ring: that’s a little sus to me tbh. I get the 1st job as lots of high risk, physical intensive labour jobs require no wedding rings/bands, like welders, because it’s a hazard on the job. But if he’s working in an office or not doing any high risk, labour intensive work… he’s flat out lying :lying_face:

I’d say if you are suspish, there’s probably other stuff going on… confront him

My significant other just told me brake cleaner wrecked his silicone ring… And needs a new one, totally shady right?

Maybe he doesn’t like wearing jewellery and didn’t want to hurt your feelings.

I would say instead of checking out the rules for “wedding rings,” I would be checking out the most affordable lawyer to file for divorce or do your own investigation. The old saying is, “Inspect what you expect!” Now, granted there are jobs that have a requirement that wedding rings may not be allowed i.e a lineman job, health care industry or a welder. If he is not doing those, then it is time to get a “rapid refund” on him!! I would also say a wedding ring is not going to stop any person that is determined to be unfaithful. Good luck! On the call for lunch if a person gets 30 minutes for lunch, it can take that long to get your food, personal bathroom break, so I wouldn’t read to much into that if you don’t get a call everyday.


If working with electric, then it’s a big no-no

There are all these comments talking about jobs where you really aren’t allowed to wear a wedding ring, but that doesn’t seem relevant to your question. Not only did you look at the rules yourself and it’s not listed as a rule, but another person who works there told you it’s not a rule. So your husband is lying and making up excuses to not wear his ring. That’s the issue and I’d definitely be concerned. I wouldn’t necessarily worry about not calling while on break, but lying and avoiding wearing his ring is suspicious. I’d worry if he starts working late a lot…especially if there’s no extra money to show for it. You should just talk to him and ask him why he lied about that being a rule. Get him a silicone ring and see if he resists wearing that too. If he’s gonna continue lying to you or is trying to hide the fact that he’s married, then you should probably leave.

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Something like that would be mentioned specifically in the policy.

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Get a tattoo on the ring finger. Be mature/secure he calls

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My husband isn’t allowed, he works in food production and they are fully suited and use certain chemicals and wouldn’t want to leave it in the locker or car. It just stays home.

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You need help. It is weird. Does he work with machines or is it office crap?

Lmfao usually they can’t wear metal rings and he could easily get a silicone one. Tell him you’ll pay to have his tattooed on him. See what his response is then.