My husband told me he wasn't getting me anything for Mothers Day because I am not his mother: Thoughts?

Dear dear me. Your not his mother but you are the mother of his children and he should love you and respect you enough to get you something from your children. It’s to celebrate all mothers. This always shows your children that he loves you. Whether it’s making you a card from them, a small gift etc. I get a few small gifts, hand made things and taken out to dinner (Before covid) the past 2 years due to covid he has cooked us a 3 course meal. He does the cooking anyways but the effort and time he put in getting all the ingredients and the time standing cooking after a full day’s work showed me he loves me. He could’ve opted out n bought a Chinese lol but i love my roasts so would choose that anyday. Him and my daughter worked together she helped him peel the veg etc and she knows it was for mother’s Day


I get something and let my child gift it

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Walmart has them 20.00 buy 8t yourself and tell him on Father’s day he is not your father


that’s messed up tell him to make sure his kids get you something then just like how I’m assuming you make sure your kids get him something for Father’s Day?

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Nah that’s messed up I even get my grandma Mother’s Day gift she’s not my mom but she’s played a mother role in my life for my whole life I think that’s just rude of him. Not even a card and flowers something small he isn’t even willing to get you that ? Rude .

Leave early and stay gone all day Sunday while he keeps the kids. Do whatever you want for the day. Let him see why he needs to honor you at least one day out of the year


My husband with the input of my two children 11 and 3 years old more with the oldest input they decide what to do for me for Mother’s Day but my husband pays for it all💓 the gifts or the places I usually get taken to on Mother’s Day or for Mother’s Day it’s from my kids mostly also because my husband appreciates the fact that I’m the mother of his children and a good mother. Maybe if you talk to your husband and expose it like that and let him know that it upsets you that he doesn’t appreciate that you’re the mother of his child or children and if he doesn’t try to do something to make you feel special as a mother not his mother obviously but as a mother and the mother of his children then he’s an ass and doesn’t really care about you are making me feel loved. I feel like people that don’t do anything for the mothers and loved ones of their life with the whole excuse while you’re not my mother or you’re not my father so I didn’t do anything special or get you anything attitude is a cop out in my opinion

Stop doing his laundry and cooking his meals. When he asks what’s going on, say “I’m not your mother.”


Loren Malcom I dare you to be this ballsy :joy:


Not only does my husband get me something for Mother’s Day also with our wedding anniversary AND my birthday all being in the same month, my mother also gets me a Mother’s Day gift and my own sisters even get me a Mother’s Day gift. I’ve never expected from my sisters and mom but they love their nephews/grandkids and celebrate their oldest sister/daughter being a mom also. I’m very appreciative of it. And not only do I get my mom a gift but my grandma also. She helped my mom raise me.

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Buy your own hammock and don’t get him anything for Father’s Day


Lol. He’s right. You’re not his mother. If you want something for mothers day then get it. My husband and I gave been together for 18 years. We have 3 kids together. We have never gotten each other gifts for mothers/father’s day . Do we ask the kids what they want to get for mom or dad. Yes. If my 15 y/o tells her dad she wants to get me whatever. He will buy it so she can give it to me. When the kids were super young, we made cards, cakes, candy ect… Think about it. You are not his mom.

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When u are tired of the way thing are going u will do something about un till then no body can help you that is what I told my daughter 2 WK later she file for a divorce

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So he needs to let the kids get you things then… Rude ass

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I’m so sorry mama. I’m sure that felt like a slap in the face. You deserve that recognition too

Every time he asks you of something that a mother could do, reply with, “I’m not your mother.” You want your work clothes washed? I’m not your mother. Dinner? I’m not your mother. Grab him something from the store on your way home? Sorry! I’m not your mother :woman_shrugging:


My son picks me out something every year and also picks out flowers, he is 7

He MADE you into a mother!!!


That’s 10cm dilated…he owes you a gift!


I always get a gift and a card for my grandson to give his mommy. He is a foster child and we all love him so much, and he love us all back again. It is right to teach your grandchildren about giving their mum a special gift for mothers day

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Remember that on Father’s Day. And gift him divorce papers. That type of disrespect just grows.


But seriously, I told my husband not to get me anything! I just want homemade cards from the kids! I want something I get it myself. I spend way too much money on myself as it is! I just want to sleep in and get some cute cards!

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He’s right, you’re not his mother, but he could easily buy you a hammock and say its from the kids


He’s right. Your not his mother but if you have children I hope you get a present from them. I dont expect presents from my husband for mothers day.

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Maybe he won’t want any dinner that day because your not a chef


Buy it yourself and wrap it up


You have kids together yes you’re not his mom but you are the mother of his children so yes he does need to get your mother’s Day present from them.


I would follow his footsteps for father’s day then. Zilch! Have a day out with the kids. Give them some pocket money and let them choose something for you. Forget him Xx


I do everything for him that his mother did but I no I won’t get a present

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Go get it yourself and come fathers day don’t get him anything. My husband always got me something for mother’s day.

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Then he needs to buy you something from children seeing they are to little to do this themselves. He could even help them make you something :wink::blush:

Oh no no. He’s broken, if your manufacturers warrantee is expired. Chuck him in the bin and buy a updated version!!


What an ass,sorry but when you be small children who cant buy something for the other parent you buy it for them and give it to the kid’s to give to them…
Help the kids write on a card or make one ECT…that’s the right thing and nice thing to do…I bet he will expect something for father’s day,I know what I’d be saying to him…

Does he not know that the kids cannot go out by themselves to buy a mother’s day gift? Some just dont get it.

No Father’s Day gifts because he not your father.
Are you kidding me? Wow :flushed: what a jerk!


Buy if yourself, and don’t buy him anything for Father’s day. :woman_shrugging:


You’re the mother of his children. Time for a new husband.

My husband never does anything

When my husband was only my boyfriend for 6 months he got me a motherday present! And my son wasn’t even his!! It’s a day to appreciate ALL moms in your life. Thank the woman for bring lives into this world! And for everything we do! He just sounds like a cheap ass 💁 its not even that he’s not getting u a gift. For me the way he put it just sounds so disrespectful

I have 6 children and my husband has never gotten me a single thing for Mother’s Day. He has always said the same thing, I am not his mother. Just last year I finally stopped celebrating him for Father’s Day :woman_shrugging:t2:


Meh let it be. Then wait till fathers day and tell him he’s not your dad :rofl:


I’ve heard this before on here and just in general where I live. If you’re that bent, buy yourself something that you want. Thats what I do with any holiday.


But theres truth in! Your are his wife, not a mother…truth!

Yeah my husband did the same. I feel it doesn’t teach the kids respect for the mom. If he does not care why should they care. Hence not together anymore.

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This is really a way to help teach the children how to be thankful and appreciative to one of the people who take care of them.
It isn’t ‘MY mothers day’. It’s just Mother’s Day. You’re an important mother in his life and deserve celebrating. He should stop being a twit


He has an opportunity to teach your children gratitude, how will they learn if it is not modeled for them? My husband goes all out because he appreciates what I do for our kids… and him because let’s face it, men still need someone to mother them sometimes.


This is a pet peeve of mine when husbands say this. It’s his job to teach his kids that it’s important to recognize their mom on Mother’s Day and that one possible way to do this is with a nice gift. He is their role model just as you are the children’s role model on Father’s Day. Kids learn what they live.


It’s his job as a man and father to be teaching his kids to appreciate their mother. Taking them (especially the older ones) and getting a card. Flowers. Something for u is the right thing to do. My ex husband even bought me gifts after our divorce … cause I was his kids mom. And it showed our kids how to treat a mom with respect.


My husband always asked me what I want. Im sorry but its just implied. I even c exes go get with their kids for their mom. Its about respect and kindness to me. Probably not a reason to divorce but I’d let him know about it.


Me and my boyfriend do not have children together however I have 2 girls from my previous marriage , they are grown and on their own now , but he respects me for being a mother to my children and grandkids and always gets me something , some men still have compassion and respect ! His mother and my mother have passed away and we go to their graves on mothers day ! It also teaches children that mothers have respect from their significant other.


My dad use to say this to my mom all the time. Never even bothered him that it hurt her so much, being the mother of his kids. My husband and I have no children “together” but he thinks of me every year!! And when my kids weren’t old enough, he took them shopping for me.


My husband said that many years ago. So when father’s day came. He asked what I got him. Told him nothing you are not my father. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander


My husband has said the same thing every year. But he isn’t wrong, I’m not his mother. So if I want something. I’ll just go pick it out myself. It doesnt bother me.


well come fathers day when he asks what you got him tell him you aint my dad so i got you nothing if it were not for you he would not be a father to two other kids so he may want to rethink his position


I don’t expect nor have I expected my husband to get me anything for mother’s day. With that being said, he has always given me something saying it was from our boys as they were growing up. They are 22 now and I don’t expect anything from them. My greatest gift from them is THEM. I don’t need anything and ENJOY just spending time with them​:blush: Not knocking anyone for wanting something on Mother’s Day, it’s just my house is already full of "things":blush:


Mothers Day is just another day. It’s a Hallmark holiday. What matters is he a good man? A good dad? Does he set the example you want for your children to follow? Does he act respectful of you? Mother’s Day is not a big deal… celebrate the real things in your life …,


I’ll tell him since you are not his mother he can go to his mom to get fed. Oh and he can take the kids with him to see their grandma. This kitchen is closed and the cook, maid, nanny and the driver is on strike :woman_shrugging:


I feel this way but our children are grown with children of their own. If my children were young I would expect something from the children via their father.


Id tell him im the mother of his kids and he made me a mother so unless he wants to be called a “mother-f. r” he better rethink his decision


He can just give the kids his card and let them pick since he wants to be a jerk! U are not his mother but he made u a mother! Show appreciation to the one helping u raise YOUR KIDS!! Better yet say the same exact thing to him for fathers day!! I went thru this 1 year so I followed suit for fathers day and he was hurt! :woman_shrugging:t4: we haven’t had an issue since! Give him a taste of that bitterness!


I would hope he’s joking :unamused:. That’s a pretty big slap in the face saying he doesn’t care that you’re a mother to his kids, so to speak… he’s wrong to do that because he should be leading by example on how kids should treat their mom’s. Help the kids pick out gifts or make gifts. If I was in your position I would splurge on myself and if he complains about the cost well he had his chance to get something for me :woman_shrugging:…or I would just do on father’s day what he pulled on mother’s day… because he’s not my father :woman_shrugging:…I hope this gets sorted out for you :heart:


Same here! I’ve been a mother for 34 years and never received a gift or even a card from their father…my kids on the other hand are amazing and always show me how much I’m loved ( not only on Mother’s Day :heart:)


I think it is VERY IMPORTANT for a father to teach his young children about special holidays such as Mother’s Day or their Moms BD and things that should be done for them. This teaches them respect and how they need to handle these situations as adults. Children learn respect for people through their parents and this is a HUGE one.


Great now you don’t have to worry about father’s day😉
Sarcasm aside its crap, our children learn from how they see the adults in their lives treat each other.
Maybe he should listen to the song " Daughters "
Good luck dear, I hope he treats you better in your day to day life💝


Wow I can’t believe how many of your husbands say this! This is downright disrespectful! Absolutely not!! Even with ONE child… it’s your holiday… what else is he selfish about? :flushed: Have some self respect ladies!! What else are you unappreciated for?


Stop cooking like his mamma use to for him
Stop washing his clothes like his mamma used to
What ever his mamma use to do for him stop doing as a wife…
Buy yourself the hammock with his money


Is there somewhere I can send this woman a gift card? I’m sorry for this way of thinking. And he ain’t your daddy so what’s Father’s Day!?


My husband always said this and he never got me anything or bought anything for my kids to give me. He occasionally gave me money to go buy myself something but it just wasn’t like someone appreciating what you do for your children. I always bought father’s day gifts for his children to give him but he never got it. WE ARE DIVORCED!!!


Wow but you’re the mother of his children! He could atleast take the kids out to get you a gift or card. I’ve never understood why some men say this. Well i guess when fathers day rolls around he won’t be getting anything either.


Say “Damn straight I’m not your momma!! Now clean up and cook for yourself!!” :rofl:


don’t get him anything for father’s day because he is not your father…problem solved


My son gives his wife a very special day for mother’s day, he’s teaching his daughters what a real man does for his baby mama


My boyfriend calls all the women in his life and wishes them all a Happy Mothers Day. He takes me out to eat. It doesn’t take that much to make a person feel loved and appreciated. He sounds a little self centered.


He has a point. He shouldn’t get you anything. He should take the children to get you something from them


Buy it yourself then & say it’s from the kids since he wanna act funny.


My husband (ex-hubby) used to say that to me!! He wouldn’t get me a gift because I wasn’t his Mother!! So, I said the same thing to him on Father’s day. Can u see why he is an Ex.?!


Been with my husband 8 yrs, he says the same thing, I don’t even get birthday attention, girl I say get over it and move on…Mother’s Day is a celebration of having children, so just be a momma :two_hearts: sucks but true


Wow that’s disrespectful. He helped make you a mother so he can help his kids pick something out for you. I always ask for stuff I don’t want to buy myself and my husband is happy to get it for me. This year I got 5 fruit trees and a Peloton [which he is just as excited to use]. Does he feel the same way about fathers day?


What a dookie head! When my kids were young he always took them to get me something and now they are teenagers and go out and get me stuff on their own. My husband still cooks me dinner and gets me flowers.


My husband tried that once, didn’t work, lol. You may not be his mother but he should still honor the fact that his children’s mother is you, especially if he wants that same honor as well.


Well, don’t get him a Father’s Day gift. Just see how he feels about it.

But honestly I would be pretty upset.


He better not expect anything for Father’s day, because he definitely isn’t your father :upside_down_face:


Actually… my husband was a wonderful, kind and caring person … when the children were young he made sure they had something to give me . But I made it clear …I am not your mom … no need to get me anything… he would get me a card .
But to each their own .


I would just go and buy something I wanted for Mother’s Day, oh and it would be very expensive! Then I would tell the children it was from daddy! Then the kids would know how you should be treated! When we were first married with children we didn’t have a lot of money but my hubby always made sure there was a card and something for me, and it was enough! It didn’t have to be expensive, just thoughtful.


My husband said the same thing—I had a 3 year old and a 2 week old at the time. We were on the way to his moms for Mother’s Day when he informed me that i wasn’t his mom—needless to say, hormonal me made sure his mom knew what he said. It was not a good time at her house that day, for him. :woman_shrugging:t3:


I was married (WAS) for 18 years to a man who didn’t buy me a thing for any occasion. No matter how it hurt me. Knowing how disappointed I was should have made him change. It didn’t. And we are now divorced. It’s not about the actual gift. It’s :100: the thought.


My husband has never said that to me and he never will. And he has no biological children…
This is the epitome of a great husband!


Men that say things like that are sad, little men. Clearly you aren’t their mother but you are the mother of his children and that is enough for him to appreciate you as such


Sounds like he’s got a serious case of assholio! Take yourself to Hawaii and bask in a hammock there.


That’s cringy as hell. I cannot belive how common it is looking at this comment section. My husband made me a mom, I carried his children. He always takes our 4 girls to pick out gifts for me and does something small but sweet. If your man says that to you, he’s dense and shouldn’t get the slightest bit of recognition on fathers day.


He needs to ask the kids what their ideas are for Mother’s Day and make that happen. Also, expect the kind of gift a 5&3 year old would pick out. I’ve gotten some of the most hilarious things and some of the sweetest things. I always look at it through their eyes.

Also, Mother’s Day comes first, so he will set the tone for Father’s Day. :wink:


Um, but you are his children’s mother, and you deserve a gift from your children (and obviously kids usually don’t get gifts for people on their own; they need help), so your husband should get you a gift from your children, whether they help him pick it out or not.
To all men who think this way: you are complete clods :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


Soo when fathers days comes around and he’s expecting a gift please remind him that he is NOT your father therefore he doesn’t get anything from you. Now if the kids want to go get him a stick or a rock from outside, we’ll atleast he got something from the little people that call him “dad” he should be greatful then .:grin::woman_shrugging:t4:

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Yep, had one who used to say the same thing, but let me not get him a Fathers day present, now my EX husband


I greet every mother I know on mother’s day (my mom, relatives, friends,boss, etc). Theyre not my mom but I still greet them. If he wants his kids to learn how to appreciate their mom (you), he needs to show it to them, be a role model, and vise versa when it’s father’s day.


If you have kids together I’d be totally hurt. It doesn’t even have to cost him. The first mothers day after our daughter was born I had been out of work she had heart issues and that was more important so he did a deep clean on the house while me and her slept. Then he grabbed her before I woke up and I woke up to a clean house and dinner. Best mothers day ever.

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Buy yourself the hammock. You deserve something for yourself for being a great mom, even if he doesn’t recognize that.


He’s being a trash husband and father. You’re not his mother, but you ARE the mother of HIS children and he should make sure they show you love and appreciation and help them get you something because good dad’s teach their children that their mother is to be respected and appreciated for everything she does for them all year long.

Throw that man away. :wastebasket:

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What a dick. We do so much as mothers and wives and it’s not that hard to show us you appreciate us once in awhile and all that we do. Raise your standards and let him know what you expect from him or you’ll never get it and always be disappointed.

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We have always handled it this way in our home. His role
Is to work with the children to learn how to treat Mom. He takes them shopping for my gifts and works with them on where/what to eat. He is not my child, so I don’t want
A gift from him, but he has a responsibility to teach the children how to give me a day off and how to show me love and respect.

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