My husband took a picture of our kids as a joke and his family says CPS could be called: Advice?

This makes me mad at them. They call themselves “family” but can’t take a joke. I seriously would not have anything to do with them!


If it’s a joke laugh at the whole thing. Hehehe

I would block them from being able to see your posts.
You can do so by when making a post
You can click edit privacy


Sounds like a hater in the mix

My sisters kids cook on the grill. Your in laws need to shut up.

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Geez, I wonder what they would do if they saw this guys photos World's Best Father :joy::rofl:

Thats toxic to me I would have nothing to do with them, thats ill of them to even say they would call cps for no good reason


Screenshot the comments/texts and if they call cps save the screenshots to show them. I just had my two year old helping me cook eggs on the stove. It’s normal.


Yea thats an absolute joke! I am a cps worker. Not sure what state you are in but i highly doubt this would even get assigned for investigation. The things people think we get involved in. Lol i did have a case that someone ducktaped their kids mouth and arms as a joke and posted on fb. Someone called… it was assigned but there were additional concerns.


No way! If they’re throwing CPS in your face that easily what are they talking about behind your back that includes the kids.


LOL, Let’s see how far cps goes with it.
Sounds like you should pull away from them for abit.


They probably wouldn’t like the fact my son helps wash dishes and throws his trash away. He’s about to be 18 months.


Cps lets 55 year old heroin addicts walk out with their baby, they’re not gonna do shit about that picture


Yep those people would be blocked from my social media. That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard.


Honestly how fucking dumb :rofl: tell them to take a joke :roll_eyes:

Some people need to get over their self nothing with having a little fun as long as they are really light it the lighter

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u should be able to put up pictures without being harassed. thats not family. my dsughter is 3 and helps cook. id block them if thats how they are going to be. people like that disgust me.

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If it were me they would no longer be in my kids lives. No child needs the constant threat of CPS. Shame on the family members that do that.


Both parents were standing present should be fine

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Omg people need to seriously get a life. Enough it’s a freaking picture… a joke .,. Tell your family to f off and stop being so damn sensitive.
Sorry I hate inlaw drama


Ya tell them fuck them

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CPS will just come in, make sure the kids are safe, then leave and you’ll most likely never hear from them again

Your family is full of shit🤷🏼‍♀️

Honestly they sound toxic if they’re going to throw CPS out there around every turn. If that were my family, they would be blocked. Keep your bullshit right on out of my life.

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Damn, it’s not like you had your kids in the grill wtf is wrong with people :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t2:


Nah I wouldn’t keep the peace, especially if this isn’t the 1st nor last time you said. Fu*k that. Speak up …

Hell I have videos and pictures of both my children shooting our AR15s, gun safety is very important and we make sure they know how to properly handle one


Nah you’re good. Tell them to fuck off honestly. I would.


Block them from being able to see any pictures. Cps won’t even touch that case because a kid is touching a lighter or they are pretending to cook. You can block people from certain post without removing them from your page.

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Cps will do nothing. I’ve seen pics of kids way worse than that. Block them tell them to take their negative comments and go fuck themselves cut ties and move on. You guys have your babies to worry about not some petty family bullshit. Live life and be happy!!

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I would personally block them and not speak with them. CPS will do nothing over an innocent picture. I’d tell them not to contact you and stay away.


Block them and no contact them. This is too serious to ignore. It’s toxic/jealous people like that that will lead to chaos and make your family life intolerable. Especially influencing your children with bad information behind your back. Good luck.:heart:

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They need to get over themselves. From how you described the story it’s obvious that it was a funny staged picture

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absolutely nothing they can do…they can call all they want but that doesn’t matter kids weren’t being hurt they weren’t left unattended…the picture obviously shows this. honestly the BEST thing you can so is educate yourself on the laws…just like if CPS comes to your house YOU DO NOT have to let them in unless they have a court order…you can bring the kids out to them if they must see them.

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I would just block his family problems solved they sound like busy body’s that want to poke there nose in your business and tell u how to bring your kids up … sod that :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Just tell them to fuck off. Family doesnt mean shit if they dont treat you properly.


Unless you already have an open case with CPS I would NOT worry. I am a mandated reporter to CPS and would not report this. I HAVE had to make those calls and believe ME, it was over things much different/worse than this for CPS to look into it. If you are confident that you are doing a good job and your kids are healthy and well taken care of then I would DEFINITELY have a conversation with those family members. I would tell them that you aren’t going to have them around your family if they are going to threaten you and try to make you feel as though you are not a fit parent. If they continue then cut them out.

Wow there’s a special breed of people out there

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Block them. They are ridiculous!!


They are dumb and are the ones trying to start shit! Speak up and tell them how it is now or they will continue to disrespect you in that way!

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That sounds like an adorable picture, and the family is a bunch of assholes.

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Yeah good luck with that. CPS is a fucking joke. My 12 year old lied and told a therapist that mommy gives her alcohol and right away boom, CPS visits. They even came twice even though I have never given my kids alcohol! Just block your family. I hate this day and age with kids being assholes with all the technology around.


Ummm block them all and don’t see them again. They are clearly toxic and do not belong in your kids life.

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Tell them to shut up. I wouldnt send them puctures and just block them.
If you wanna really get them going though duct tape them to the door and wall.
“Hog” tie them in the closet
Dress them up in a reenactment of a jason scene💁

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Tell them to shove it up their ass.


They sound like nosy nuts

I’d say something but that’s me, this is completely bullshit, your having family time and messing around what’s the harm in that, I’d confront the family and husband


Unfortunately, CPS can be called over literally anything. Someone could call and make up a fabricated story and they still legally have to investigate. The good news is, once they realize you’re not a horrible monster endangering your children, they’ll close the case. My advice is to remove anyone who may (or does) start drama from any and all social media, no matter who they are. This way, you can post freely without the constant fear or worry of someone trying to ruin your family’s life. :heart:

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If you post them on fb. You can block whomever from seeing that said picture. You won’t have to worry about those family members seeing it.

I would do that from now on. When they see less of your kiddos then that’s on them.

Is this a reality show?

Heaven forbid you teach your children how to survive by cooking for themselves!!! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Just keep doing what you do and ignore it. If you are doing right why waste time with them.
Let them waste their time trying to do you guys wrong.

You and your husband can chuckle over funny things like that, just don’t post it !

if CPS is called, they would start by asking your children the question—have your parents made you cook your own food on a grill? unsupervised? they would obviously say no and they have to take that into consideration. it would not go far.

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Depends on the age of the child holding the lighter. If they are young then even with joking around you are teaching him it’s ok to play with lighters. Now I don’t agree with CPS though and the family should have approached it better by talking to you about the lighter. Also threatening to call cps constantly on someone is harassment so if they want to continue you could always file against them for harassment. Do I think it’s worthy of messages and questioning your parenting? No. Do I think it’s poor parenting choices? No. Just make sure they know it’s not ok to play with lighters or touch lighters. Goofy family pics are fun. If they keep it up just block them.

Also if they want to call cps over something like that and call them more than once, they can be charged with false reports :tipping_hand_woman:t2:

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Block those family members nothing but headaches ahead


Anyone saying cps will be called will be the first to call them cut them off now save yourself the unnecessary drama

Are your kids fed? Clothed? Happy? If yes then tell anyone who judges your parenting to politely step on legos barefoot!

They’re toxic. And probably the ones who’d call. Set some boundaries. And prepare for them to be mad and stir the pot.
And don’t way out restraining orders if they keep pushing it.

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Block them, it’s an amazing feature… use it.


This world has gotten so soft :roll_eyes:. No one has a sense of humor anymore. He’ll me n my BFF wanna do a photo shoot like this. N her son ASKED (teen) if he could be in the tarp.

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Sad! People can’t play around anymore without someone being offended

Don’t live your life on eggshells like that, tell him to do what he wants because all he is doing is wasting everyone’s time! CPS are not there to be involved with petty men being spiteful.


Wow sorry you have inlaws like that :hushed: I’d say block em

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Coming from someone who can speak on this, we have bigger fish to fry. I’m sure the picture was adorable and as long as the lesson is taught that lighters are a no-no and they are loved, cared for, not abused, and fed we are not concerned. Have a great weekend😁


Your literally cannot post anything about your kids anymore without someone having somthing to say…
The kids were obviously supervised while “working” the grill so I doubt CPS would even do anything.

Aww god its a joke they need to lighten up , is no one allowed a joke these days xxxx

My teenage son cooks and is learning to grill. God forbid we teach them life skills that will serve them well for the rest of their lives and maybe make them valuable to the community. There’s nothing worse than a worthless human being. Arrest me now, I taught my daughter how to be productive before she graduated high school, might as well put the blindfold on and give me a cigar.

Iv taken funny photos of my kids at a very young age holding beer cans (empty of course) but I dont post them. They are right though, if they wanted 2 they could call CPS. however an investigation will be done and if u have nothing 2 hide or considered 2 be wrong doing in CPS eyes then u should be fine. The fact that they keep crying wolf if they actually go through with it CPS won’t come if there is a major issue. they will be put on a list 4 constantly wasting their time when other more important issues need 2 be taken care of. It honestly sounds more like a scare tactic. Have a conversation with ur husband and cut the toxicity from ur life. Or more simple not everything has 2 be posted that u find funny with ur children.

Even if they really were barbecuing you are obviously they’re and going to supervise them.

Tell them to call if they want and to not call you anymore but really
Tell them it’s not big deal and it was funny and not there business

They are a bunch of Karens :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: so dramatic :roll_eyes:


CPS would laugh
They have bigger fish to fry.

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Id block them. Sometimes Family isnt family. And it will be a waste of time for CPS to even come out and look. They probably won’t come out anyway.


I would say to that family “call them” if they are really going to threaten that in my opinion they aren’t family


I work for CPS, this would not be a concern for us


What is wrong with kids bbq’ing? We have taught all of our kids how to bbq, bake, cook, etc. Kitchen skills are crucial. Kitchen safety is part of it. If I was in your shoes, I’d say go ahead and call… we’re doing nothing wrong here!


You know you don’t have to open your door to cps

I’d say tell them to call them… What a bunch of sociopaths! They seem laughable

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They are crazy. No one is going to call CPS because your kids were pretending to BBQ. That is just stupid. Next time you post a funny, obviously staged picture, block them from seeing it. Even CPS would think they are stupid.


Bloke them so they can’t see anything. Clearly they are the ones with an issue. Because honestly the dad was their because how would the photo be taken clearly supervised. Get rid of the in laws they seem like they like causing you grieve.


Joke or not joke to be honest you and anyone else has a right to teach their children how to be productive and use items properly I have taught my children how to use an ax to cut firewood how to shoot a gun for protection and hunting how to cook in the oven on the stove on the grill with many many other things hello people this is all life and lessons if you teach them how to do and use things properly they’re not curious to do things on their own or with other uneducated friends in life that can cause Havoc, issues or safety concerns


I would honestly tell them to call if they are that concern and when they find nothing on you guys y’all need to block them and stop all contact with them because they sure sound crazy

Cut them off hunny, if they are threatening you over cute photos cut them off. They aren’t worth your time and you and your kids don’t need around that


Cut that toxic crap out of your life. Anyone making threats like that should be blocked for life. It’s sick.

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Well if CPS is called, you know who called them bc nobody else would think that’s wrong and would know it’s a joke.


For the sake of peace? They’re threatening to disturb that peace! Speak up, it’s YOUR family first. CPS would laugh anyway.


Honestly hon, I would definitely be irritated about it, but who cares?! Let them call CPS! They’re only going to make themselves look stupid in the end once the case workers find out the reason and they’re just going to think it’s silly. They have to do their initial check in, then you explain what happened maybe show them the picture, and everything will be in the clear. Then you can block their sorry asses.
Just because they are family doesn’t mean you have to allow them to treat you like shit. I recently just let go of a very toxic relationship between my mother and I because she’s an addict a narcissist with severe mental problems and she’s treating me badly for years. You just have to put your foot down and not feel bad about it and know that there is nothing that they can do. Stay strong and stay true to yourself.

Oh my goddddd. I can’t believe this is even a thing right now and I am so sorry you’re dealing with this. People need to stop being so freaking sensitive these days. Like honestly it was a joke picture. Even if it wasn’t, it’s very common for dads to teach their sons to barbecue. Ugh this makes me so mad for y’all. :triumph:


Tell them to stick their opinions where the sun doesn’t shine and to mind their own f**king business. Also tell them they are no longer allowed to be around your children due to their toxic crap, and then stick to your guns.

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I’m sure cps have better calls to attend then something of this nature. You can get into trouble for making false cps claims just as you would a false police report

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Why would that be an issue. My youngest son love’s getting the braai started with his Dad or Grandad.

Trying to start trouble between you both

I would set those family members as ‘restricted’ in my social media setttings to minimize the posts they see to public only. Leave only the non-uptight arse droppings out of your friends only jokes. Save your sanity. And your family


I’ve posted a picture before of my 2 year old ACTUALLY grilling, not pretending. It’s a life skill to be able to cook. Ridiculous for anyone to call in children’s services for teaching your kids how to survive :roll_eyes:
Cut them out your life, they sound very controlling and very toxic


I would block his family from being able to see y’all’s pictures . It was obviously a joke . If someone is causing problems in your home life , remove them . You must cherish and protect your family . Also, Satan will try to find a means anyway possible using those to oblivious to recognize as pawns in order to cause strife in a family. So remember this, we don’t war against the flesh but we certainly don’t have to allow them access or entry .


Time to hit that block button on your social media and your husbands social media.


Sounds like you have fun with your kids. Some people have thier nose where it doesnt belong. Might be bored people.

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I cut toxic family out of my life allll the time. Feels really good.