My kids help grill all the time. I’d block them.
Wait, what?! You’re family sounds toxic and needs to be cut off. As a foster parent I promise you an obviously harmless picture with no ill will is the least of the worries for CPS. Hell, send them the number! They’ll be laughed at! Block them and move on.
It was a joke it ain’t like you had 3 foot flames coming out. I’d just block them on social media, the drama is not worth it. If you do get a visit from cps, I’d cut all ties. That is just plain disrespectful …I hope it works out . Intake all kinds of silly pics if my kids
I don’t know what are the other issues you may have with these family members. But in trying to think positive, we can think that they were only concerned for you. Perhaps ignore or thank them and let them know that it was just a picture. Sometimes, for the sake of peace, it is best to just ignore some people.
My lord were the two of you with your children supervising? Some people are ridiculous and need to mind their own damn business.
It’s clear that no one got hurt and you was obviously watching them, they’re being pathetic. If anyone made a comment about calling CPS, they’d be cut out of my life for good. I would personally block them.
If someone in my family even made a comment like that to involve CPS in my family for something like that. That would be the end of that relationship I would not jeopardize my kids for someone like that they would be out of my life period
If no one got hurt and you watched them obviously do it then who the hell cares it’s nice to have pictures like that when they get older. I have pictures of my son doing those type of things. As long as the grill itself wasn’t actually lit then it’s fine
they’re kids you only get to enjoy this for a little while
If they are that toxic and that’s really all that the picture was then I’d be removing some people off social media and out of my life. You don’t need those type of people in your business or life. That’s beyond toxic especially if y’all are good parents.
Forget family that does that!! Be happy live and love you have to have better people in your life!!! Stay positive and enjoy your own lil family…
I’d personally block them from seeing my posts. That’s bullshit. If you weren’t there, then maybe but who the F took the pic if you were off being a bad parent.
I’d also tell them to mind their own business and to F off. I cut my in-laws off my Facebook years ago and LOVE it!
CPS doesn’t have time for their shenanigans. They best be careful because they can get into trouble for multiple false reporting.
Tell them to mind their own biscuits! Our kids are little Dare devils and have been to school/doctors appt with bruises all of them and I was terrified they thought we beat our kids and the doctor laughed and said no that’s called being a kid! Cps is a big deal but it takes more then an innocent picture to get them knocking on your door. Look at all the stories you see where people have tried to get cps involved before the story happened and they never could. Kids being beaten daily and no one shows up. You are a parent and it’s not like they were playing with fire!! Block them from social media and save yourself some stress!
I really don’t even know why you are posting this question here. If you know and believe that the kids are safe, the photo is funny and the family is being ridiculous (which it sounds like) then I think what ur actually avoiding is the reality that these family members are toxic and you have to confront them or simply not include them so much in your life. If they’re commenting on social media then block them. This really isn’t a big thing
Ive seen worse as a joke then you described. Lol when my son was really small (toddler) my in laws put him in one of those big stock pots and placed him on the stove like they were gonna cook him… he was laughing and having fun. No they didnt light the stove. Yes he was safe. And the lid was not on it either.
Never trust CPS, dont even play. NAIL THEIR ASSES over this. Not cool or family friendly
F*ck their opinions Opinions are like assholes, er’body got one.
Obviously they were being watched, and were safe. There’s no harm in a little fun!!!
There’s no manual on how to raise kids, the do’s or don’ts neither!! You live, love, learn and have fun while doing so… Memories keep the heart and soul alive.
Ask them if they need/want the number. Hell, offer to do them a solid and offer to call yourself. and tell them f*ck off!! Your kids, you do what you please, with YOUR kids, whatever makes your kids happy!
CPS IS NO JOKE BLOCK THOSE FUCKERS that’s dumb the fire wasn’t on you guys were there obviously you don’t need those people in your life threatening you this is why cops is overwhelmed with bullshit cases while the real ones get overlooked. Smh Shame on them
Not sure how old your kids are but as long as you are teaching safety even if it wasn’t a joke who cares and cos will also see it from your point of view not theirs
Good Lord. That’s how kids learn things. As long as you are supervising let them play.
I have a picture of my daughter when she was 3 pretending that she was driving br car. Doesn’t mean I started it up and let her go trucking it down the street lol… people need to grow up and stop being so judgemental!
Sounds like it’s time to remove some people from social media. Not everyone deserves access to your kids. And CPS is understaffed and underfunded as it is, without assholes making a big deal over nothing, when there’s kids literally being left to die
My children’s grandfather on their fathers side, had me arrested once and because of who he is I didnt even get to speak my side and he legally kidnapped my children, I was nice enough to still be a part of our lives, well on a second time, one of my kids wasn’t listening to me so as the grandfather came up into my apartment he heard a blank threat to smash a tablet because he wasnt listening he called CPS again on me. I no longer allow my children to go to his house, their father will bring them to family functions but I no longer allow him to come and get my children
Cps is not even going to entertain a complaint like that if its really just that simple picture
Why is this same question popping up on many pages I follow? Weird
Oh my goodness!! Sounds like trouble makers! Post away people at cps aren’t stupid people they know that it’s not child neglect or abuse! Y’all have fun posting!!!
BE PISSED ABOUT IT!!! People are so dumb and ignorant!!!
The lesson is to stop posting pics,thus disarming them with ammunition.
Speak up and set what sounds to be some necessary boundaries.
As if they have time for children being supervised near a BBQ. What fools. They are just trying to hold a threat over your heads.
I really can’t picture that causing trouble. Are you leaving something out?
Cut. Them. Out. Of. Your. Life!!!
Anyone who calls CPS, or even threatens to call CPS with no good reason at all is very dangerous!!! Stay away from them…
I’d remove them from my social media. Easy fix I feel like. And no it’s not CPS worthy.
Forget peace say something you need to put them in there place
That is ridiculous I don’t see anything wrong here
Screw them, if nobody was hurt then you didn’t do anything wrong kids can learn adult things isn a safe manner. I’d block them real quick. No time for nonsense!!!
I’d ignore them, if they don’t like what you posted they can get off your page!!
I personally would cut off that part of the family. Sounds like they like being petty and causing issues, nobodys got time for that.
Well CPS cannot do anything, really. It is your word against theirs. So friendly pics are great for social media and prank pics are good for cameras that go into albums to enjoy for years to come.
JFC, that’s some BS. CPS, no matter the state, is incredibly overworked. To make them investigate this nonsense is outrageous
I would delete them from FB. I had to delete my brother and his wife.
Block them and cut them out!! Period… they are toxic!!!
Remove them all from your social media and don’t send them any pictures ever. There is just hateful people in this world… I actually cut all my family members off for being so hateful!!! Never been happier I’m so sorry for you guys
Wth…teach a kid to grill food is teaching them how to cook for themselves…CPS if they are called, they will probably close the case.
It isn’t any of their business…
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband took a picture of our kids as a joke and his family says CPS could be called: Advice?
Hhmm give the Karen’s CPS’s ph number. That will shut them up
It’s sad, people are sick… false accusations to cps should have charges in itself and shouldn’t ever be allowed to be used against parents out of spite or anger especially if children are not being harmed, mistreated, or living in terrible conditions! Block the toxic, it’s crappy but a lot of toxic ness comes from our own family, we live we learn, it’s hard af sometimes but chose peace and happiness
Block her from Facebook
Problem solved
Stop sending them pictures
Fuck them. Block them.
Tell them to kiss your a$$
He should block them all
Don’t listen that’s stupid
They were obviously supervised. So stupid
Hey we all survived💙
Well even so you teach your kids to cook, bake, grill. So even if it wasn’t a joke I don’t think cps will do anything. I have a 7 year old who cooks on the stove and I supervise but they have to learn.
Teaching your kids how to grill won’t get your kids taken away from you by cps. As long as you have food in your house your kids have proper clothing roof over their heads gas and water is on and electricity house isn’t a mess and they have proper beds they can’t do shit.
You guys were pretending right? Tell them to call CPS. You and CPS can have a good laugh. Imagine being such a Karen that you want to call the authorities because kids are having fun. Y’all are doing it right, keep playing with your kids. And family like that probably don’t deserve a place in your life
I work in the cps field. And something like that wouldn’t meet criteria for my area of employment. If anyone honestly took a look at your family…I’m sure they would see no concerns. But making happy fun memories!
I just want to see this cute picture! Sounds like the family needs a dose of bubye to me. Too often we let family get away with stuff because they are family when we need to be protecting our family from toxic individuals
I would limit how much my posts can be seen by the people reaching out. They clearly are more interested in causing stress than celebrating the memories you’re making with your children. Thank goodness for privacy settings!
Um… Cps wouldn’t worry about something like that… TF they gonna say? “These parents took a picture of their kids pretending to bbq… They’re horrible abusive parents OMG neglecting them and everything. So dangerous please save these kids from having any fun”
I would def say something thou. My brother used to get mad at me. Over stupid crap. And his go to threat? He was going to call CPS on me… For whatever kinda reason he could find. I haven’t spoke more then a few words to him in 4 years, it was 3 before I said anything to him. And for 2 years, we lived in the same trailer park before I got my apartment. You do not threaten to traumatize my children, by calling and trying to get strangers to come to their homes, and question them about my parenting and if I’m abusive or neglectful to them. And scare them into thinking they’re going to be taken away from me. Nope. Quickest way to be out of my life🤷
Okay so I’m not sure I understand… are they threatening you or are they worried that someone might take it the wrong way and call? Because I mean… if they’re just worried about CPS getting involved that’s different than planning to involve them. One is toxic, the other is not. I would just say thanks for the concern but we’re confident enough in our parenting abilities that even if someone felt the need to call CPS over a silly family photo, we needn’t worry so neither should you
I’d absolutely say something, and I’d remove them from social media. No one would threaten cps on me, ever, and remain in my life or my families…and if my husband didn’t see the importance in removing those people, then he could go ahead with them.
But no, I would be shocked if cps got involved.
Delete the family bringing that bull shit up. Keep their numbers. If the CPS calls stop, it was them… it’s usually the case I’ve noticed from friends experiences.
Cps won’t take it that seriously if that’s all it was but it’s still mental draining for sure.
Cps wouldn’t worry about stiff like that because it is harmless and there pretending do not stress or worry about it and yes tell them to back off and stabd your ground and take all the pics u want.
I totally would not worry about child safty, but the family, how toxic are they, threatening you to get your kids taken over imagination play… i would be going zero contact with them if this was me. .
I would absolutely say something! Calling cps isn’t a joke and quite honestly what a stupid thing to call for. I would say it was for fun and the boys were pretending. And if you all think that rises to the level of having cps called we will be limiting our time with you. Period. If they’ll call about that, they call over anything it sounds like
Wow… I’m sorry sweetie but that is the lowest of toxic snake pettiness… But then again I too had a family member just like that and i erased, deleted and blocked her from all my social media, phone, life, mind and heart…people like that disgust me as if they had nothing better to do…u need to just pretend that part don’t even exist if u don’t want any future headaches and heartaches
Sounds like they have no Life…I would address it and cut them off…If people bring nothing but stress and take away your peace they certainty don’t deserve to be in your life or your kids…
Doesn’t sound like a big deal to me that they were posing as a joke. If my husbands family were constantly threatening to call CPS on me, they wouldn’t know shit about my kids or my life. That’s just toxic af
Just cannot have a good time. without someone sticking their nose
where it does not belong but thats worid we live in now
Definitely just uptight opinionated people. I’m sure everyone could tell it was joke they just want to make something out of nothing. I would say something personally but everyone is different. If you don’t though they may continue to do this.
They sound like they love drama cps would most likely laugh
What does your husband say about it all? It’s so hard to give honest opinions in situations like these cuz u r dealing with only part of the facts. Like history? Why are they so sensitive about law enforcement getting involved? Has there been trouble before? Were the kids fully clothed, etc? If the whole situation is 100% as innocent as you make it out to be, I, personally would tell them to jump in the nearest creek and suck for air!!! However, these things are seldom exactly what they seem at face value. If there’s part of the story u arent willing to share, then u might want to straighten up or change your name and move!
Block them from seeing any of your pictures. If it is a CPS thing then our friends should be in jail. His grandkids have been cooking with him since they were like 5! SMDH!!!
They are probably not happy with their life and don’t want y’all to be and will try and find any little thing to upset y’all with. Children will mimick things their parents do no matter what it is cause they think we’ll since mom n dad do it, it should be alright, as long as it won’t cause then harm or out them in danger. I wouldn’t be to concerned about it
Let it go. Worst case scenario, CPS comes for the interview and they will see it was nothing more than vindictive family members trying to stir the pot by making a false report. There are real, very serious reports where children are in harms way. These family members should be ashamed of themselves for wasting an agents time when they are needed for legitimate claims.
I think it’s time to cut off from those type of people even if they are family. They seem really toxic.
Toxic is toxic, family or not. Remove or block them from social media.
Cps can be called for any reason, and if a complaint is made I’ve been told they have to follow up, but if they do call just that picture alone wouldn’t be enough. They’d have to have actual neglect or abuse going on in order to open a case. I’ve had family threaten CPS on me over pictures of my daughters finger nails being dirty.
They obviously cant take a joke or understand sarcastic humor. Sounds like negative people and vibes so honestly I would just ignore them and remove them from or restrict what they see on social media.
My son is four he pretends he’s driving in his dad’s lap all the time when the car is stopped bbqing jokingly with dad is priceless as driving with him his fam is not right sorry but just no
In my opinion if they were making threats like that all the time over a harmless photo or anything like that I would delete and block them all, every single one of them!! I would say something to them and then follow through with blocking and deleting them
I would just remind them that making frivolous claims to cps can actually get them in trouble
Im not understanding why cps would-be called
Sounds like maybe the block button should be utilized! Or limit who sees your posts! I bet that was a cute photo! I see nothing wrong there from what is being explained. Keep making funny memories!
BBQing for real (like if you were teaching them, depending on the age and with supervision) wouldn’t even be an issue I wouldn’t think, let along a picture. I definitely agree with all the others saying that if the family is going to treat you like that then they don’t need to be in your life.
I would be cutting that “family” out asap. That is absolute nonsense.
Heck no people will find it cute. Sounds like their just trying to cause issues with u
Tell them to piss off and find a hobby. There is absolutely nothing wrong with making memories and having fun with your kids.
Sounds like they are toxic and should have limited or no access to your social media and your children.
My BFF works for CPS and she’d honestly be irritated they even received this call
Oh no you feed your kids call CPS
Playing with your kids and taking silly family pics is great parenting not a reason to call authorities smh keep parenting right and tell them to mind their own business!
I would unfriend or hide all posts from all the family that irritates you and questions your parenting.
They messed up the peace say what you need to Tell them to mind there own damn business