You don’t need him he needs you so leave the guy
Run! This man has issues!
I’d move out. You do not deserve to be ignored. Stand up for yourself. Quit believing his lies.
I’d be saying we’ll goodbye
He clearly sees her as more than his bestie of he treats her better than his own wife. If he blew up at you for feeling like he treats her better, you already know what it is. There is no salvaging that.
What goes around comes around…
Get out and be happy and find a man who appreciates you.
Your dude is deflecting and is very manipulative. It sounds to me like him and his best friend most likely fooled around before and you are totally in denial about that.
Couples therapy. It’s a relationship saver!!!
It is better to come from a broken home then to live in one
Same here. Sent him to live with her
Time to say goodbye.
leave, you’ll save yourself years of misery
Honest? He doesn’t care about you anymore. He hurt you - I assume cheating? Then you hurt him back, but he cannot live with that. Now he resents you, and his best friend is for him what you should be. In short - separate for a while. If he doesn’t fight for you to come back…. You have a clear answer
You should be his best friend, LEAVE FAST
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
You see the signs
Unfortunately people will make a thousand excuses. Look for your best life.
It’s cheating. And if it hasn’t gotten to the physical stuff yet, it’s on its way! Be careful. He needs to be there for you and stand in solidarity with YOU, HIS WIFE… he took a vow. I pray you work this out. Nobody deserves to go through that heartbreak. Hugs honey!
Get out. He is cheating on you.
You’ll both be better off just don’t divorce
Find yourself a “best friend”.
You know what to do, but you don’t want to do it.
Run like crazy. He doesnt care about you.
Deep down, you already know the answer. Run, dont walk, to a lawyer nearest you.
Husband and wife should be best friends not someone outside the marriage! If she’s coming before u then that means she’s more important then u and that’s def a no go she needs to go or I’d find me a man who doesn’t put anyone before me !
I think its time you got rid of him
Uhm, pack his bags and tell him to go live with his best friend
Don’t waste any more of your life or your time on this man he does not love you. Search for talking yourself into the fact that he does. It may hurt but you’ll get over it do not ruin your life over a piece of human d u n g that’s not worth your time
Go out n have fun it’s your turn
- If you would have read this from someone else, you’d probably think she is crazy for staying and even crazier for letting him make her feel inadequate and why chase someone who clearly doesn’t appreciate her.
- what would you say to your daughter if she were in this situation?
You need marriage counseling or you need to part, for everyone’s sanity and happiness.
Tell him you need time alone no contact see what happens
Something is going on!!! Wake up!!!
He’s gaslighting you, all your suspicions are correct get out, and find someone who will truly love you.
Carol said to me Well Dave hasn’t made love to me in 4 months. And Dave said Carol hasn’t made love to me in 10 yrs
Sounds like a jerk to me
If he can’t treat you better than he treats his friends kick him to the curb. Jeez!
You already know he’s cheating.
So what are you going to do about it?
Get out before you have children.
He’s not your people. It’s ultimatum time.
he was on dating apps… he is moving on already…
In my marriage my wife has a best friend and its a female
I have a best friend and its a male . We both have friends of the opposite sex but we are aware that if we hang out with the opposite sex it can and most likely will cause insecurities and gossip. We refrain from such activities without our spouse being present.
I can’t believe I read the whole thing!!
Oh is he ever playing you!
There had to be sparks before the smoke. Only a matter of time before those sparks catch.
You need to move on. You obviously have trust issues whether or not they are unfounded. A relationship without trust is a dead one. It will go nowhere
Love ejja kutabbakuzike awasse mukwano gwe
A lady like that is a home wrecker. Tell him to leave
Walk away. You will never be good enough for this ungrateful SOB. You are better than this!
You should be his best friend.
I didn’t read any of the other comments, so this may have already been said, but… have u ever heard of the 5 different love languages? There’s a couple books on them, but basically they’re the differences in how each of us express/ feel love. Like, some ppl are gift givers, some are physical, some are verbal, etc. Maybe u have different love languages and it would be like u speaking Spanish and ur hubby speaking German, it never gonna get each other until u learn which one u need to know. My husband and I were given copies of the books from his pastor for our premarital stuff u need to do before u get married and it was really eye opening to say the least, that was almost 15 years ago so it definitely helped. Also, when talking to ur husband, always remember, guys are dumb, they don’t understand hints, suggestions, beating around the bush, etc.u need to tell him straight up how u feel and why u feel that way. If that still doesn’t work, u can only give ur 50%, he needs to give the other, ya know? Good luck!
A man’s best friend should not be a woman.
So u want somebody that mite not love you anymore…move on .life’s to short…
Walk away before too much more precious time goes by.
Dump him.past behavior is future behavior.
we as a society have moved past the need for husbands
Your sanity is more important.
He’s a narcissist and doesn’t love you. Never has. They’re only good at pretending to love until your rose colored glasses come off and you begin to see him flaws and all. He needs attention from others that still wear them. It’s all about him and will never be about you.
When he married you, he vowed to forsake all others. This does not simply refer to being physically unfaithful, although he most likely is. It pertains to anything that comes between a husband and wife. It could be being too obsessed with work, sports, hobbies, substance abuse, or putting one’s buddies ahead of the spouse. This last is what your husband is doing by treating his “bestie” better than you, putting you down to her, and making her privy to your private discussions. You didn’t mention whether you have any children, but if so, they don’t need to see their mother treated this way. If not, it makes it a lot easier to divorce this jerk.
You need to start a new journey with out him
Throw his fat ass out of the house. Get a lawyer 1st
Hard to hear but the truth is there is nothing you can do He has already decided not to care protect or even love you BUT he is to much of a coward to walk away like a man. Walk away you will respect yourself and be the one that others will respect.
It he treated his friend better than you his wife, that simply means that they are probably having an affair, some men should have never been married, my opinion is, he has no respect for you. Maybe he doesn’t even love you.
Lose the loser! When a guy treats his female “best friend”better than his wife, there’s something majorly wrong. Ask him to go to counseling with you so you can work on keeping your marriage- if he says no, you have your answer!
Intimacy isnt just sex. Its talks, plans, shared feelings. If he has that with another woman, it is infidelity. We all need to confide in someone every great while. But so frequently you feel less respected, or less than, and you’ve been the topic of secret conversations that’s horrible. Your husband needs to make a decision. A choice. You or her. She probably isnt available. So hes having your availability and a lot of her company, and making a mess of all things. He can have one or the other, but making you less than isnt cutting it. And ought not be the condition of not losing him. He needs to worry whether hes willing to lose you. And be kind, caring and attentive to you. Only you. Well, his mom too, somewhat. But mainly you. If he cant give it up, reduce the relationship with this “bestie”… move on.
There’s “Falling in love”…then there’s “Being loved”. Kinda treated the same way. You already know what the future will be. It’s up to you to remember who you fell in love with and realize that…that person has changed. So live the rest of your life the way you choose hopefully without drama. No husband should be badmouthing you to co-workers.
Sounds like my husband and ex friend that he called his so called sister. They even had my oldest in on everything. But steady kept deleting all their messages. I only found out from pics I found in his old phone and messages between him and my daughter.
You have two choices, stay with him and continue to be unloved, unhappy and miserable or move on with your life. This man is an emotional wreck, and he’s making you an emotional wreck, find your own happiness. You say you love him too much… you love flowers I’m sure but would you give up your own happiness in love and emotions and spirit to have flowers? I’m sure there are other things that you love… would you put yourself through what you’re putting yourself through for those other things? The bigger question is, what are you getting out of your relationship? Seems to be nothing but heartache. It’s time to move on. Gather up your strength and be a woman. You can do this, if you need therapy or counseling to help you move forward then go for it. Because according to your letter you seem like just a shell of a person, ask yourself is this how you want to live your life? This is what you want to teach other young women to put up with in their relationships? Be the strong woman that you are, if you can’t find your strength look for it, fight for it and use it!
Trust me I can tell you from experience this motherfucker is definitely doing something behind your back. Fuck him. He’s a total narcissist. Fuck his best friend too. You need to distance yourself from that relationship no matter how much you love him. Trust me. You are young and you will get over it.
Divorce the narcissistic bastard now. My ex did this to me and he completely manipulated me into believing they were just 'friend’s. I’m now free from his lies and deceitfulness. Don’t let any man disrespect you…you are worth more!
He’s a cheater.
Whether you believe it or not.
File for a divorce, take half and move the hell out.
He is manipulative and playing with yours and other peoples feelings and that will get him and you-(his trash talking you to his best friend making you out to be the bad guy) into a EPIC WORLD of hurt.
Love yourself enough to walk away from this egregious situation. You, my dear, you deserve the light of your life to love and respect only you. (Not occassionally and NOT ONLY when he thinks you’re worth his time.
Love and prayers.
Someone whose been there, but it was so so much worse than I thought it was.
You already can’t trust him. He was going behind your back at one point. WHY does he have a girl best friend anyway?
You should NEVER put up with him treating another woman better than you. NEVER.
Before you leave him…first get a guy to act like your best friend, and treat him WONDERFUL…Right in front of him. See how he likes it.
After that…Leave him. He sounds like a complete jerk.
AND take out most of the money before he knows you’re leaving. Let the “best friend” have him.
Divorce him so he can marry his best friend. Which he should have done in the 1st place
He’s a narcissist , and he’s gaslighting you big time…he feeds off of your anguish…leave him for a woman…and by woman I mean you… leave him for you
I can’t say this loud enough: RUN! Girl, if this was your daughter or son would you think it’s ok that they are being treated that way? Or would you think they deserve better? You deserve better! You will ALWAYS be the bad guy, it won’t get better! RUN! Listen, go to therapy and see if that works but, I’d start looking for a good lawyer.
He sounds like a real jerk to me…kick his butt to the curb…you deserve better…he will never change!
You should read him this letter. You both are obv on the defensive right now. Don’t say you want discuss things when he is walking out the door. Make a date for a real conversation. Adults have adult conversations. He gets 3 minutes, you get 3 minutes. And back and forth until you both feel you were heard. You’re jealous of his bf or his relationship with his best friend. Yur jealous because he is showing her respect but not you. And you are his wife. His life partner. That’s what you need to explain to him. He is obv unhappy or insecure about something if he is flirting with other women. He needs to be flirting with you. Don’t accuse. Listen more than you talk and be prepared to walk away. You need to respect yourself regardless of if your does.
Hes cheating on you. Cut your losses and move on don’t let him waste anymore of your time. Let him know you are moving on without him and see what he says
Get a divorce…let his best friend marry him. Then be his friend and he will talk bad about her and love you. He does not respect you…dump the bum!!
DUMP HIM…MY EX started that way…he end up getting her PRENANT…NOW he is a miserable worm living in a flat paying child support at the age of 53.
If he wanted to spend time and treat you right he would.
I just have to wonder how he would feel or react if you had a male best friend ?
Something is up bestfriend or not there must be boundaries
Can t a man have little fun in life , shit damn lucky I m still here , ok come on say it
Girl please, he know exact how he’s treating you.Time to go. Find Happiness without him!
He’s a cheating liar if you put up with his lies now you will remain his door mat. Been there threw his crap out in the driveway.
Close that door. Open a new one. Better men out there then the petulant one you have at home
Red flags everywhere. Get out.
This best friend is a home wreaker… kick her butt and kick his out the door in my humble opinion xxx
You don’t need advice. You know what to do. Leave him. Now!
Why are you doing this to yourself? That ain’t love, that’ codependency
You’ve already lost him!! Cut your losses and move on. You deserve better than this jerk!!
Get. Out. He’s narcissistic and you’re wasting your life
He is a narcissist, run! Or be always miserable, life is too short.
Kick him to the curb. You can guess where he will go.
Uhhh… SHES his best friend!! What the hell you waiting for girl? Cut your losses and move on!
Ditch him. Life is short. Not worth the energy along YOUR journey.
Drop him like a hot potato. It’s not worth it.
because dogs never tell!
Move on. He is a narcissistic pig.
Leave him or go get marriage counseling