My husband wants me to cover when i breastfeed: Help!

Does your community offer remedial adult education classes? Perhaps the boy needs that 3rd grade health class again.


You can tell your husband to get wrecked. Only advice you need.

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You can wear a tank top under a baggier/flowy shirt and use the flowy shirt to help cover up a bit. I also use the muslin swaddle blankets because they are so light. My baby doesn’t like being covered either, he just rips the blanket every which way when I cover him up anyway. :upside_down_face: Do what makes you and your baby comfortable because BF is a wonderful thing and the simpler it is, the better it goes. :heart:


Tell him it’s gross for him to sexualize your child eating. That should shut him up.


This seems to be a really unpopular opinion here, but i would cover up if it made my husband uncomfortable. Maybe you could pump and give baby a bottle when out in public if you don’t want to cover up. I don’t think he sounds unreasonable or controlling, but that’s just me. You do you


Put a blanket over his face while he eats. If he can stand that every time, go ahead and cover yourself like he wants.


Why are men sexualising a baby eating.
And why do men have a say on what we do and don’t wear , regardless if you were feeding a baby or wearing a revealing outfit who are they to say anything .


I would tell him to get over it and continue feeding however is most comfortable for you and the baby.

Put a cover over his face when he eats outside in the heat……


I breastfed 2 children. I ALWAYS covered myself. My opinion is you can be modest AND feed your child at the same time. I think our society has taken a stand for breastfeeding but has taken it too far with nipples showing in public.


I used a very light weight scarf when I breastfeed in public you can barely feel it


He’s right,just put a light blankket to hide the breast,it’s only common sense and respect your body no one wants to see your body…


I get what he’s saying but baby covers most of your body anyhow. Id take him outside on a hot day have him lay his head on your chest or shoulder or something then cover his head and see how comfortable it is for him. Then explain a baby has tiny lungs and they can’t get as much air as we can nor can they self regulate body temp in the beginning. He’ll likely change his mind after that. But I’ve seen moms put a giant floppy hat on their baby while they feed at allows air to come through and all that but blocks everyone else’s view

To go both ways, just use a lightweight cover. I love the breathable ones they can be worn as scarves. If it was still too hot, I at least used it as a shade while holding one side more open for air flow from the neck to through to that spot. I don’t believe breastfeeding should be sexualized, but that’s just the disgusting way things are now. You’re not going to change the perverts of the world by exposing it more to them. I used to have them come and try to peek over my shoulder like true creeps.


What is he man or mouse it’s the most natural thing to do you don’t actually see alit if the breast when feeding tell him to grow up

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Why is your husband sexuallizing a child eating… weird.


Tell him to stand there with a blanket to block peoples view. I agree, it’s entirely too hot to cover yourself and baby and I live in Atlanta- Florida is much hotter and so much more humid!!!

So you can buy nursing clothes. That when you feed uncovered in public you can’t tell. I get it. It’s hot I’ve breast feed 2 babies.

Random note. With all the creeps out and about turned on by small children and babies. You do need to be carful.


You should cover up or just don’t breast feed in public.


Your body, your rules, your choice. I’m sorry you want to respect him when he can’t respect you.

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I have an idea. Have him put blanket on his head, let him see how feels :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3: I’m from the south, it’s to Damn hot be covering a baby head.

I am a very modest person…. When I was BF, I made a floral lace cover. It was 12” wide, 8” long, & I sewed a clip onto each upper corner. I clipped that to my bra straps & it covered my breasts & baby’s face. You could see through it, but it was a heavily pattered floral lace, so unless someone were being Uber creepy & got really close, you couldn’t actually see anything.
Baby & me stayed cool & I wasn’t uncomfortable breastfeeding in public.
Idk why they make breastfeeding covers so enormous or out of the materials that they do, but my little thin, short one was perfect…
I find it insane that in today’s society men aren’t allowed feelings… I mean, his mother was probably very modest… and that’s what he grew up with… so that’s what he thinks the norm is…. a marriage isn’t something to just throw away… I’d have a real & calm conversation with him. Most of the stuff we grew up with our moms doing isn’t the norm now… he just needs to understand that he is projecting his fears onto you and y’all’s baby. That the answer to this issue isn’t to force you to cover up, but to call the fkn creep staring out.
Sometimes we need help unlearning the shit we were taught growing up…. And we don’t even realize it needs to be unlearned until we find ourselves in that position. You can either fight about it, or you can help him understand…. You both weather you want to believe it or not, are already showing your child what a relationship is supposed to look like…. Discussing & coming to a compromise, or being able to make the hubs understand is much healthier than 3/4 of these other comments on here.
Handle things the way you would want to teach your child to handle things… your child’s life & your marriage will be better for it. Everything doesn’t have to be a fight or a hill to die on.

Get him a head cover so he can’t see if you’re covered or not.


Though I think you should feed your baby anywhere, they’re are nasty creeps out there as well who get their jollies off on that. So yeah I’d find places that offer breastfeeding rooms or cover as much as you can. It’s sad that some men are disgusting like that…


Have him do it then. :woman_shrugging:

Tell him to stop thinking people are thinking of your side boob sexually. Baby is nursing and yeah might turn some guys on but the majority of people don’t even think about it… Tell him you are the one that has to nurse and it gets hot.

Ask him to sit under a blanket when baby eats. But seriously, covering a baby is so dangerous bc of the heat. It’s the same as being in a hot car with the windows up.

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Sounds like a him problem.

You gotta feed the bub, his “comfort” comes dead last on that list of priorities.

If he wants you covered, tell him to stand there and hold a…something…if he’s so insistent.


Have him eat his lunch under a blanket so he can see the reality of how hot and uncomfortable that is. Breasts are for feeding babies. If he has a hang up about people potentially seeing your boob in public, it’s really his issue, not yours. Feed your baby in the way that works best for YOU and your baby!


So rare uncomfortable seeing this a light cover is all. You need .

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Just get one of those partial covers they sell that are intended for breastfeeding. It’s not like he’s asking you to put a weighted blanket over you. I’m sure there’s a solution if you both compromise.


Your husband is sexualizing something that God made strictly for nurturing our young! It hard enough for that little one to breath during nursing with its mouth, and nose smashed up against our skin, don’t cover that babys face! Tell him to get over it, or get lost!


Let him breastfeed the baby instead if he’s uncomfy with how you do it :woman_shrugging: Oh, he cant?? Golly I guess he should just stfu then and let you do what works! :upside_down_face: Lol
I personally wasn’t comfy breastfeeding without a cover in public (mainly because mine was a constantly yanking off the boob to look around if I didn’t cover him up :joy: and I was pretty much always around my other kids friends and at sports and school functions and I just didn’t want to field questions from other people’s 6 year olds or make my shy 12 yr old awkward, nor did i want to invest in a bunch of short-term, I’ll fitting nursing tops to make it more discrete) so I would either swealter under a cover or leave to sit in the back of the car with the AC on and tinted windows… But those were both tedious sacrifices that I was willing to make for MY desire not to be without a cover - if YOU and babe are comfy without one then by all means you shouldn’t be making something that is already incredibly hard work any harder because you’re husband’s being ridiculous

Tell him to cover his face while he is eating :joy:


2 shirt method! Can’t see anything


F him. Throw a blanket on his head next time he eats. Feed your baby mama

Nursing shirts or the two short method. You literally won’t be able to see anything and be comfortable. I also use to put my youngest in a baby carrier when we were out and no one could ever tell. My SO was more worried about it after my first was born but didn’t really care after the second. I was more nervous bf in public with the first too. Most people just ignore it though honestly.

My fiancé gets uncomfortable with it, I just tell him to turn around or walk away from us :tipping_hand_woman:t2:


Get a lace or light cover. Not because of what he says but out of respect for your husband wishes … no big deal

Can you get something that is a mesh type light cover, so it’s breathable

You do not have to use a blanket to cover you can get just a thin piece of material just big enough to cover so no one can see that won’t be so hot

Have him eat his dinner under a big blanket …the. see how he feels


I agree with your husband 100% smart man…


Squirt him with ur milk


I would make him eat with a blanket over his head to see how he likes it


Even under a very thin shawl it’s going to be to hot. I grew up in Florida and the humidity is ridiculous. He doesn’t have to agree with it but respecting it he should. No adult would voluntarily eat under a thin shawl and baby shouldn’t have to either.

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Easy solution. Toss the blanket over his head every time the baby requires nourishment.


He has to get over it… my ex was the same way but its my body and the baby hated a cover … its totally natural and what they are for…

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You better cover his damn head when he eats too then!!

I breastfeed 3 children for a total of about 8 years. I tried to be sensitive of the circumstances, depending on where I was. We were on the go all the time, one of the great conveniences of breastfeeding! My babies weren’t thrilled about being covered either but, if you can find just a light weight gauze type cloth to drape, that covers up a bit, I think that will appease all three of you. Surprisingly of all the places I have nursed, literally around the world, Disneyland was the only place I was made to feel poorly! I was modestly nursing a baby in a quiet, out of the way section of the park which was a feat in itself, and was told I needed to go to the women’s restroom! This was many years ago, but to this day I was most appalled and insulted on behalf of all nursing mothers!!


He’s not the one feeding the baby. Do what makes you and baby comfortable. Mine made me go into the bathroom. :confused: :frowning:

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Breasts were made for nourishment for children not for sexual pleasure or for people to look at you in a sexual manner, if he cant think of it that way it looks like you really really need to have a sit down with him and discuss that

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I’d kindly tell him to fuck off😂

If you lived in Alaska, your baby deserves to be fed outside of a smothering blanket. Breasts are for babies, men get weird about breasts feeding bc they still like them too🤣

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If he’s that insecure that he doesn’t want part of your breast showing while you’re feeding his child, tell him he can stand there like a servant and hold a blanket in front of you guys. So nobody passing by can see your boob. That’s the dumbest shit ever. I would not care if it makes him uncomfortable I’d continue to feed uncovered.

I’d say fuck off, and then continue to feed my baby.

Feed your baby. Even if you go to a private place… I’ve dealt with being uncomfortable, on my end not my husband. And I just nursed where it was somewhat discreet. Either covering all but where the nipple was in babe’s mouth. Or just finding a place where I was moderately alone. But whatever you do, make sure you feed your baby how YOU want to feed.

There are some super light nursing covers. Target and Amazon and other websites sell them. But honestly he needs to get over his insecurities because no one cares. Honestly I don’t know about in Florida but in Iowa no matter the weather if a woman got ready to breast feed no one would bat an eye except for the weirdos that need to calm down. Toss him a blanket whenever he’s eating and tell him you’re uncomfortable with him eating in public lol.


Honestly I’m surprised that so many women are siding with the husband. So his feelings are more important than his baby’s comfort?:thinking: I breast fed my kids and I used to take pumped milk with me when I went out because it was more convenient for me. However, one day I didn’t have a bottle with me and had to breast feed one of my babies. I tried to cover up with a THIN receiving blanket and he freaked out. He was crying and shaking. Needless to say that I didn’t do that to him again. Some babies freak out when they’re covered. I wonder if the folks complaining about women breast feeding goes to beaches. Some women have bathing suits that barely covers their nipples. A baby’s head and mouth covers most, if not all of the mom’s nipple. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Your body, your choice

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Anytime your husband is eating, toss a blanket over his head. Tell him you don’t want others looking at him while he eats. :joy:


Just tell him when he eats it doesn’t matter where you guys are he needs to put a blanket over his head. And then just wait and see how hot he gets when he starts eating.

It’s your body and breasts are normal, breast feeding is normal!!! Why does society sexualize everything??:woman_shrugging:

Mama feed your baby the way you see fit!

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Tell him no problem, he can help and hold up a cover for you and baby so y’all get some air-tell him he can fan you while he’s at it too-he’ll prob change his mind quick, good luck!

Put a blanket over him while he eats he may not like it and think it’s silly at first and say it’s not the same but explain to him that’s how your baby feels then when he’s relaxing outside put a blanket over his neck and chest and see if he likes it as well tell him that’s how I feel.

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First of all, he’s sexualizing you feeding your child. That’s absolutely fucking disgusting and I’d have a serious talk about it. Try putting a cover over your head and your partner’s head while you try and eat in hot weather. It’s uncomfortable, you’re sweating, and it becomes harder to breathe. Does he think it’s fair for your baby to have to deal with that? I haven’t covered when breastfeeding and I never will. If you don’t like it, too bad. If you say something to me, I’ll chew your ass out and embarrass you. If I catch you staring for way too long, I’ll call you out on it. Tell him sorry, but no. Your comfort and baby’s comfort comes before his ridiculous fear of people seeing your body “uncovered”. Baby’s head covers nearly everything anyway, all you’d see is the top of the breast, same as you would with a shirt or bathing suit

2 shirt method. A lightweight cami type shirt under whatever shirt you are wearing.

Cover up - believe me nobody cares to see it


How can you make him understand? Have him cover up his head in this heat and see how enjoyable it is.

It isn’t as though you’re dancing about and showing strangers your nipples and screaming “check out my udders, everyone!!”

I live in FL too, and my husband initially didn’t want mw to bf at all, so I had an uphill battle. Thankfully he came to his senses when our first was a year old. I had refused to stop nursing her at 6 and 9 months, and then a medical condition was diagnosed and the dr said breastmilk may have saved her life. It saved her life a couple weeks later, too, when she was 3 days post op.

My husband then said “nurse as long as you want,” and hasn’t looked back to his silly ways.

Sometimes our men just need to experience things to fully understand….


Not many people care honestly. The majority of the women are likely looking because there’s a baby not because you aren’t covered. My experience is that men don’t care but look away because of their own discomfort. Your husband should get past it because as you make more mom friends he’s going to see a lot of boobs. My husband used to not like talking while ladies were nursing because he felt rude not looking at them, two kids and many nursing friends later and he can look them in the face while they latch a baby.

Pump and use a bottle in public.


I know that this does not happen with all babies but maybe try both bottle and breastfeeding. My daughter just had her first baby 2 weeks ago. She is doing both. She breastfeeds at home and then bottle feeds whenever we need to go out. Again I know that not all baby’s take to this but it may be worth a try. Every other feeding she uses the bottle even at home. She did this so that could get a little break in between feedings and dad could feel a little more involved. She uses Avent bottles which are similar to the nipple.


If it is so hot and humid out that using a very light gauze blanket is just too hot & uncomfortable then it’s probably too hot to have a young baby out in it. Usher running around without any top on at all I really don’t see how it would be any hotter using your guys blanket. I breastfed for 10 years somehow for decades mom’s in Florida have managed to breastfeed their baby without exposing all and not overheating.


Tell him it’s your body not his. My husband really didn’t like the idea of me breastfeeding in public but I told him to bad. Honestly babies can overheat extremely easily under even a thin blanket. I saw a video showing how and in less then 20 under the blanket was over 100*f. If you wanna meet in the middle do the two shirts method that’s what I do. Wear a tank top under a tshirt when it’s time to fed pull the tank top down and the tshirt up and the tshirt can then be adjusted to cover what little bit of your breast is showing all without having to cover baby.

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 Tell him to suck it up. That’s what I told my family. My babies well-being comes before my husband or significant other and his opinion.

Well you should cover


Where & how often are you breast feeding outside? I get you’re in Florida but air conditioning is everywhere… living in a specific state is no reason not to cover up :woman_shrugging:t2:


Cover with a small cloth diaper… that’s how we did it. Everyone’s happy… no show and baby eats.


Tell him to chestfeed the baby himself then. No? Then mind his own business. You do what gets that baby fed and makes YOU and the BABY comfortable. His comfort is irrelevant.


I used to cover with those really thin muslin blankets. It didn’t get too hot but nobody could see my tatas


It’s not about him. If YOU are comfortable, that’s all that matters! He needs to get over it.


Most facilities has breastfeeding rooms I always managed to find so where private just by politely asking people three breastfeed babies and my other half and myself felt the same way mostly if I was at home and family came over in the middle of the night or something I was a little lazy and sleep deprived but so not always aware because your in your space but other wise I made a big effort to respect myself and my baby and my husband


Put a blanket over his head then if that’s what he wants


So many people terrified of nipples in this thread.


Wear a tank under your shirt and do the double top trick. Keeps you pretty concealed.


Honestly for the ones saying that no one cares to see it and to cover up. Well KAREN LOOK AWAY THEN. Boobs at that point shouldn’t be looked at in a sexual manner anyway, she is feeding her BABY. I personally didn’t feel comfortable in public breastfeeding, but you shouldn’t have to feel like you need to cover up, or maybe just lift the shirt upwards so nothing is showing? Your husband can put a shirt over his head while he’s eating and maybe see how that feels? You DO what you feel is BEST for you and baby. Fuck everyone else.

Gross a man is sexualizing the feeding of his child.


I do the 2 shirt method most of the time but no I refuse to cover and even when I try my daughter just pulls the blanket off and smiles at me she likes eye contact

Have him lay up against you so he can feel your body heat, hand him a warm beverage to drink and then cover him with a blanket until he’s done. Then ask him how comfortable he was and if he thinks it’s ok for his child to be that uncomfortable while feeding. Then tell him when he’s capable of breastfeeding he can have an opinion on the matter. Until then it’s your body and your choice how and when you feed the baby.


These comments are so interesting to me. I’ve never heard other moms speak against breastfeeding in public. I had no idea these opinions from other moms existed.


Where do u ladies find these men. Then you let them breed. You should pack up leave his ass and while walking out the door put baby on ur boob without cover and flip him off before getting in car. Sounds controlling as fuck. Lol

Tell him to cover his head when eating. Stop sexualizing feeding your baby. I have had that same fight before. People are so rude and inconsiderate and ignorant. Regardless of it being a spouse or a stranger. No reason to make you or baby uncomfortable for doing something so natural.

We always covered our breasts when feeding. And could ha a private little cooing session with the child. Besides,some people do feel ‘boobs” are a very private part of our anatomy.

They make shirts and tank tops specifically for breastfeeding but you do what you and your baby are comfortable with. My husband was like this and I breastfed 3 of ours. I used to wear a tank top under my shirt so I could pull the shirt up and tank top down and not be exposed.

It’s not about his comfort. It’s about yours & the child’s. You decide what works for you.


Use a lace cloth it’s still open but covers best to both worlds

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I always covered the upper part of my breast and left baby’s face uncovered that way no one really sees my breast and baby and myself are comfortable. *I lived in breastfeeding tanks/bras

Everyone needs to stop sexualizing breasts. Why should a woman who is already isolated from always being with her infant be further isolated while feeding her infant. Put women and children first already!!! Breasts are for feeding babies. Let’s promote healthy women and children and hopefully the children will grow into people who do not objectify women.


I just cover the part of my breasth that show with a blanket not my baby

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Good for you for breastfeeding, but if you are out in public please cover up