I make $24/hour and $35/hour on Sundays. 40 hours/wk. Plus I have amazing health and dental benes. I’m a single mom of 3 with no child support. DONT DO IT! I struggle EVERY day…especially as they get older. It’s MORE THAN hard and I make pretty good money…IJS
Look for a trustworthy sitter. If you wuit you’ll end up resenting him. And 29 bucks an hour really isn’t alot in the big scheme of things. You msy even check into sering if you csn switch your schedule according to a sitters availability. Try it before you wuit.
I wouldn’t quite my job
If its financially doable, let him support you while you go to school, get a job that actually DOES support the entire family then tell his ass to stay home
I would keep your job but childcare is costly if you choose to work. I’ve been a stay at home mom for 2 years and I babysit making 200 or so a week. And my husband works full time making $15 an hour. And we literally buy necessities and things for my husband’s hobbies. We pay our bills on time and we still end up with only 100-200 a week to live on after buying everything.
Stay where you are,that 20 dollars a day sounds like a big hipe be smRt don’t trust it.
4 KIDS and he only makes $20 hr. and wants you to quit your job??? He needs a reality check!
Keep your job, maybe cut back on hours but I wouldn’t quit
I have 2 kids and my husband makes a very good living. I could stay at home but I work part time and also do very well… I couldnt imagine $20 an hour paying for all of our expenses (mortgage, car payment, student loans, electricity, groceries, cable, phones, heat, gas for our cars ect). Not to mention unexpected things like medical Bill’s, car having to be fixed… This is something he should of talked to you about before making a decision. My husbands income pays all of our bills and then some and mine is odds and ends/savings. Its not easy and I dont think there will ever be enough but my income definitely helps a lot. (No judgement at all) I just think he should of talked to you and maybe crunched some numbers before assuming $20 an hour WITH travel is enough to support a 6 person family. Your not wrong in questioning this
My husband made $20 an hour, 4 kids and stay at home mom. We make it just fine. Of course we own our home
Unless his housing is paid for $20 an hour is far from enough.
Combined we make more than $34 an hour and it’s never enough with our four kids… I wish we could live off of one $20 an hour job.
My husband has been traveling for the majority of the last 5 years, which is right after we got married and had our first child. Let me tell you…IF YOU WANT TO WORK, WORK!!! I decided to stay home because it made since financially. But if you still wanna work and the kids are still taken care of, I suggestion you talk to him again. I had to quit a great job because lack if child care. Now mine are 3 and 5, finally in school all day, and now I’m home searching for work again. And $20/hour aint really much depending on where you are when you have bills and 4 kids. Just make sure you are completely honest in what you desire to do.
Im a sahm of 9, my so makes $25 an hr on normal days, $27on nights and $34 on OT hours…we own our home, 2 cars etc. Its do able but i really wish i could work but its not possible for me.
Dont quit … Find sitters or day care … Dont quit
Keep your job something sounds fishy. Plus you need the outlet of seeing adults. You will go nuts with just kids all day long.
So would you be able to live off your paycheck if he left his job? Or vice versa?
My husband works 40+ hours a week making more than $20 an hour and I work as much as I can, which is usually about 20 hours a week, making $16 an hour & we still struggle financially. We only have 2 kiddos. I can’t imagine only having his income. Idk about your financial situation, but personally I feel if it’s possible with babysitting for you to keep your job then I definitely would. I would be super upset if my husband made a change like that and didn’t talk to me about it first. That’s wrong in my opinion. Marriage means you’re a team. I hope it works out for you guys.
I would keep it if I could. I stayed at home for 9 years with my 5. I love them but that was hard for me, not to mention you oftentimes get treated as if you do nothing if you’re house and kids aren’t perfect. Staying home all the time can be very depressing and lonely. Just my 2 cents. And yes, he should NEVER have done that without talking to you.
I am a waitress, a good one, I average at least 20/hr… Some days are shit but in general, I do very good at my job… That being said, we have 4 kids and I still coupon and budget to make ends meet. When I started making this much I thought we’d be pretty set… But… Turns out I was just used to being honest to God POOR, just barely surviving lol. We are not Ballin still broke
Never ever become dependent on anyone!!!
If u have 4 kids and it costs ur income for childcare still keep ur job if it makes u happy! U gotta do what makes u happy too or the kids will suffer also.
Get a babysitter & keep your job
I couldnt imagine staying home with my husband only making 20 an hour. We would never have the money to do anything fun. My husband currently makes 38.50 an hour and works overtime usually 15-20 hours a week so he makes time and a half then. We make it great but as a sahm I get to go shopping, take the kids to the movies or other fun things because we have the extra money. 20 an hour to support 4 kids is not going to go very far imo.
20 hour not shit. .stay working own you own your own control and never depend on a man.love and good partner is all based on teamwork think what both incomes together can do for your futurre
Don’t quit. Depending on just “his” money will suck.
And $20 an hour isn’t a lot once you pay all bills and buy groceries for the house hold
That he never even MENTIONED A TRAVELING JOB to you and instead demands you now stay at home. traveling jobs have lots of unknown expenses. You come out with less than expected.
Don’t Quit your job this day and time it takes both parents to work. I quit mine because of the same reason my husband works construction and is gone all the time so he feels like I should be home with the kids we have 4 and one on way .I regret it so I after I have our little blessing I’m gonna go back to work.
Dont quit your job. Figure out a way to make it work with both of you working. One income is hard especially with 4 kids. $20 an hour is nothing when it’s your only income. I’ve learned this from personal experience.
Id work and tell him since he took a job without speaking to you its HIS job to find child care
How can one survive on $20/hr with 4 kids??? That’s peanuts.
I make more than that and it’s really difficult to live on just one income. I wouldn’t quit if my husband was only making $20 an hour. No thanks lol
Don’t quit your job! Find a sitter or daycare but please don’t quit your job! He definitely should have talked with you first.
I think with him making $20 to travel isn’t going to end well financially. While he isout of town there will bemore temptation to spend money for food and entertainment. So it supposed to be all on you to try to raise 4 kids?
Don’t quit. Don’t let him be in control.
A six person family can not afford to live on $20 an hour!!! Holy cow!
20$ an hour is not gonna cover it. Jesus.
Awe I get it ! I’d be mad to those are conversations you have before accepting a job that’s a big life change. Look at your budget and day care to see where everything stands but either way you should keep your job if you want to
I wouldn’t. That’s not enough for you to quit, in my opinion. And there will be extra costs associated with a traveling job. I quit mine to stay at home, at least until my son starts 1st grade (he’s K now), because he took a new job and we moved… but he makes roughly $80/hr
$20 an hour hardly seems good when its a traveling job. He has to get things on the road. Don’t quit
Girl, everyone needs a break being home with the kids everyday almost all day by yourself will drive you crazy. Keep your job and find childcare.
I take it your in America I’m in Australia and make $38 per hour hubby is on $48 an hour how can you surive on $20 an hour
20 bucks an hour? Lmaooooo girl with 4 babies if he thinks that’s gonna get you by shoulda stopped at 1. Keep your damn job and tell him to shove it.
Y’all are gonna need that extra job still.
Keep your job work out childcare.
4 kids,20 an hour isnt gonna cut it…dont quit your job unless it’s going to cost more for daycare than its worth
I would be pissed he did not talk about it with you really who does he think he is not cool of him pretty selfish keep your job try to find a way ok
Don’t do it just don’t do it (in my UNCLE JOE VOICE) I would work and save my money for a rainy day fund
Can you atleast cut back hours to make life a little easier?
I mean I’d be upset that he didn’t talk to me about it first because I don’t like being a sahm. However, the money situation depends on where you live and what you have to pay for each month. I have 3 kids and make it work making $12 an hour and boyfriend makes $9.50 an hour. Our life isn’t glamorous, but then again we had two car payments and a higher rent then my mortgage is.
I don’t think I could make one income 20 an hour for sure
He took the job you did not if you like the job you have keep it and tell him since he made the decision without you, you did the same and you had your job first
$20 an hour won’t raise 4 kids. Js
Dont. Find a sitter and keep the job.
Put them in day care and get on with life.
I’d tell him I’m not going to quit. A SAHM is HARD. He’d understand more if you guys switched
Keep your job and do what half of the world of working familys do put yah kids in care and get on with it
Welcome to my life. Either be a doormat or put your foot down. Its a hard fight but worth it in the end.
Keep your job you need the extra money with 4 children
You both need to go and gain some more skills. 14 and $20 an hour for a family of six seems impossible to me. Let alone one person traveling making $20 an hour.
He should’ve come to you first. It sounds like he still hasn’t actually mentioned it directly to you. You should say something work related to maybe push him to talk to you about it.
I’m sorry, but 4 kids on $20 and hour isn’t enough money!?!? You need more income to make ends meet. Period. Do the math. Idk what you bills are, but I have 3 kids and my husband makes more than that and we barely scrape by, I HAVE to work to have anything!?!? You tell me how you do it, if that’s enough money for your family?!
One income of 20 an hr isnt much… I’d tell him he’d better have a plan for free childcare.
Do not quit your job 20 dollars a hour isn’t all that much you need that job
Tell him y’all can use some of his money to keep the kids in a daycare and keep your job. Y’all are a partnership. There should be compromise available.
Now my husband is an OTR driver and he makes money per mile. If your husband gets per diem or some type of reimbursement for the travel then trust me, come tax time the $20 an hour will be worth it. Also, you gotta look at how many hours they’ll be paying him for. Does he get paid during travel, or only during appointments or will he get paid a certain amount of hours every day? Will he be home every night? If not, will the company pay for a hotel room for him or does it come out of his pocket and then he gets reimbursed when he turns in receipts? Does he pay gas or does the company? Will he use a personal vehicle or the company vehicle? Will his benefits increase from what he has currently?
Make sure he knows these details and y’all discuss.
My husband loves his job, while he’s only home two days a week and it’s hard on all of us I fully support what he does. It is allowing our family to grow and flourish. I’m sure if you talk to him about details y’all can come to an understanding.
So he would be travelling and you be home with the kids 24/7? If nothing else, your job will give the adult attention you need so you can raise your children with sanity.
Keep your job so you can maintain your own sense of self he should have discussed it with you first instead of assuming you would just quit
Does he realize 20 n hour ain’t shit!?! Specially with 4 kids. My husband makes almost 30 n we scrape by with all the bills we have… we only have 1 kid… girl work!!!
While $20/ is nothing to sneeze at, I can’t imagine thinking that’s enough to raise 4 kids on. My husband makes $15/hr and we scrape by with only two kids… and I mean scrape by. My son is 9 months old and I’m still in paternity pants because new pants just aren’t in the budget right now. Not with diapers, formula, kids clothes, school supplies, utilities, groceries, the car… and omg how stressful the holidays are.
Keep your Job and learn from other ppl mistakes,never relay on a man to complete you as human being , tough it out girl, what is $20 dollars those days it is nothing for a family.please don’t quit
Wow I make almost 30 and I barely scrape by
No man, husband or not can tell me what to do with my independence. Major family decisions are to be discussed at length and decisions made after taking all options into consideration.
Over my dead body will I be bullied into giving up a job that helps with expenses and gives me freedom and a break too.
Hmmm … I can’t believe he thinks you guys will survive on one $20 an hour income with that many children … I guess it depends where you live, if you guys can make that work. Or if you guys are very frugal and good at budgeting. But I make almost $17/hr currently … and my husband makes more than $20 an hour… we have two children and we are comfortable enough but we wouldn’t be able to afford me to stay home with the babies, unless we cut out things like my $400 car payment his $400 truck payment, one of our $400 mortgages (we have house mortgage and camp mortgage which was our old house) … idk. If you have to put the children in daycare while you work depending on how many kids have to go to daycare, then it really probably isn’t even worth it for you to work… double edged sword. but yeah, agree with other ppl $20 an hour is not enough for a family of 6… we could never do it with even four…
$14 is not even minimum wage. Is this post referring to nz
From someone who did this…keep your job. Unless YOU want to be a stay at home mom. I have an ex I stayed FAR too long with because I had to stay home with the kids. We argued way too much over everything because what he made was not enough to cover 5 growing boys. I wasnt even allowed to work part time for the first three years we were together. It jacked my credit. It made me resent him and the kids. When I left the first time and we decided to get back together 4 months after I kept thenjib I worked and I started woriing more hours to be away from the kids and him when the relationship started tanking again. If you want to try being a stay at home mother it might be for you, but if you dont dont let him push you into it. It’s a harder job than some men understand.
Its simple can u guys afford to make it on one check.
He just decided to take the job without consulting you? That’s not how marriage works. You’re a team and you should decide together what the best option is. I wouldn’t quit because I’d be pissed that he is expecting me too and he didn’t have the common decency to even mention it.
Don’t quit, anything can happen. I did that and wish I wouldn’t have bc later we ended up struggling far more than I would’ve imagined. It’s worth it to at least keep parttime and save the funds u make for rainy days, emergency situations, Christmas , birthdays or a vacation.
My annual salary is $115K, my husband makes $26/hour with no benefits as an apprentice mechanic… we barely get by, and we have 1 daughter!
Where do you live? Here you can’t live off of $20hr. He needs a reality check. My hubby makes about $60hr and we still struggle sometimes.
20 bucks an hour ?? Idk where you live…frankly it doesnt matter where you live 20 an hour with 4 kids isnt a lot of money, and I truly mean that with no disrespect. It has nothing to do with him or his worth ethic, it has to do with the practicality of it all. Supporting and taking care of him, u, and 4 kids, I assume a mortgage or rent, food, Bill’s, vehicles, misc expenses etc isnt possible on solely 20 an hour .
Be smart,keep your job and some independence,dont be totally dependent on his income alone.
keep your job, he can have his, get the kids in a daycare you can trust or with someone you can trust.
I agree with these other ladies, $20 bucks an hour is not enough to sustain a family that size, also he should have never taken a traveling job like that without discussing it with you first as that is a big change for your whole family. I would look into daycare and/or before and after school care for the kids and keep my job if it was me.
Mine makes 23 an hour and works every hour of overtime available and it is super hard to make ends meet with 4 kids. He should have asked you before making such a decision.
Keep your job. $20 a hour isn’t much. That’s just above award wage here in Australia. And if he’s travelling for work then he has to buy his own meals ECT that money won’t go far
Yes he should’ve talked to you about this before he did it but no you shouldn’t be forced into quiting your job unless you want to and make it clear to him that he’s supposed to talk to you about major life decisions like this before he makes them not after. Since he is going to be gone allot now you’re going to have to set things up like you’re a single parent so you can work but you can do it.
Honestly, map out your expenses and whatnot and maybe it will either make sense or it will show you, that you cant
If he couldn’t bother discussing with you before making his decision, I would give him the same courtesy. I’d you want your job keep it. He’ll have to figure out how to make it work
Keep your job. $20/hour is not that much money. Especially for travel. He should have never accepted a traveling job in the first place without talking to you about it first. That would irritate the living hell out of me. I can tell you first hand, my husband is a consultant and is gone 4 days a week and it is not easy raising 3 kids alone. Make it work so that you can keep your job.
My hubby has worked swing shift for the past 7 years making more than that and I kept my job. You can do it
Oh my. I have 1 10 month old, I make around $30 an hour at my one job and base pay at other is $38 but I make time and a half pay when I pick up extra there, and I am just getting by it seems. Husband makes almost as much as I do. We do have a tonnnn of bills but live comfortably I would say. If I wasn’t working we would be screwed. Just my situation anyways.
My hubby makes $20 and hour. We can’t do it on only his pay. I work and we still struggle. We have 4 kids. I budget and all our bills are paid but it dont leave much extra. I wouldn’t quit.
Don’t quit. Life’s expensive. I would talk to him tho.
Sooo unfair for your part. Gender equality??
$20 and hour with 4 kids is not enough money to live of of. I make $15 an hour and my husband makes $30 an hour and its not enough. We live in a rather affordable city and have 4 kids too. I dont think quitting work is a wise decision. Y’all need 2 incomes
My husband makes 20$ hour, and we have 3 kids and we make it fine, but we live in Tennessee so cost of living is a lot cheaper than some places
Keep the job and find childcare. Easy solution. $20/hr isnt as much as you think. Once taxes and whatever comes out…theres not much left.
I agree that there should have been a discussion between the two of you…a travel job affects the family. So he was wrong not to talk to you BEFORE accepting this offer. It’s great, but he dropped the ball big time.
Keep your job, find someone to watch the kids. Done. Dont leave something you love because he says to do so. That’s not how things should go…ever. dont let him dictate what u should or should not do. Stand up for yourself. Hes not being fair.
First off, you dont take a job much less a traveling one without talking to your spouse. Second, I dont know where you live but $20 an hour is not a lot. Third, I’m keeping my job if that’s what I want to do. He cant just do what he wants without thought of you and then tell you what to do. Sorry, we discuss stuff in the Sampson household then if we disagree, we compromise.
Work and have someone babysit. Travel job making 20 hr is crap. Let him go and continue working