My husband wants to go fishing the day before Mothers Day

my husband and his brother go fishing once a month…the weekend his brother chose to go in may (supposedly busy every other day…i do not believe him) was the day ebfore mothers day…so saturaday may 7th…i feel like this is a slap in the face to me that my husband wants to even go out the day ebfore mothers day when this is a weekend for me…i told him i didnt want him to go but now his brother is upset and i get they do this because its something they did with their dad bfore he passed but i dont get why they cant do it any other weekend…am i wrong to feel this way


You’re joking, right? Let the man fish. You have SUNDAY to spend with him. You’re not his mother. He wants to go fishing as he does once a month. Let him go. It’s not the end of the world. You definitely sound entitled and controlling.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband wants to go fishing the day before Mothers Day

Mother’s Day is Sunday. This is on Saturday. It’s not a weekend event or a real holiday


It’s not Mother’s weekend
It’s mothers day

If he’ll be home Sunday it should be fine…


Just let him freakin go fishing. Jesus🤦🏻‍♀️


Get over yourself! Let the man go fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish:


It’s fine if you get Father’s Day

I don’t see an issue wanting to go the day before. Tbh I just feel like you’re being petty. Your feelings are valid of course but not necessary. What if you planned something the day before Father’s day? Would it make sense if he got mad?


If he is home on Sunday then let him go and enjoy his tradition

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Yeah you’re wrong. If you were expecting to be on your own or had other plans a day before Mother’s Day you should have told him so. Communication is the key. He isn’t magically going to know what you wanted if you’re not going to tell him.

Its not a real holiday. Just like fathers day. Let him do him. If a man wants to he will. Sounds like yours just really wants to go fishing. Is it worth picking a fight?

It’s mother’s DAY. Not mother’s WEEKEND. it’s just another day :woman_shrugging:t2: you’ll survive.


Let him go fishing and send the kids!


As long as he still acknowledges the actual day and makes it special I wouldn’t be concerned about the day before


You some kinda crazy :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Just go with them and enjoy yourself :heart:

Mothers day is Sunday. Let him go


Make sure you doing something on Father’s Day weekend :woman_shrugging::joy:


I mean dads get every day as a break usually so he’ll yeah I’m mooching the whole weekend as Mother’s Day weekend. Some of y’all are crazy :joy::joy: we deserve more than a day. But also I wouldn’t be too upset. I’d tell him, “ok then next weekend I’m treating myself and you get the kids.”


It’s one day. And you’re not his mother anyways. He’s going Saturday, not Sunday. Unless you had plans for the whole weekend that he’s blowing you off, I don’t see the issue at all.


It’s not Mother’s Day on Saturday


Oh. My. God. Seriously?!


I mean… I get where you’re coming from… but at the same time… we all give and take…so does the day before truly matter? Mothers day is a day…not a weekend… so as long as he’s back home Saturday night and around on Sunday would it really bother you that much? Totally not trying to sound rude… just try and compromise… if that really is the only time… then ask him to at least be home by a certain time Saturday evening?

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Man you sound immature lol Mother’s Day is Sunday. It’s not the whole weekend. It’s not a real holiday. It’s literally a day.


This reminds me when on 90 Day Fiance the mom didn’t want them getting married the weekend of mothers day because it was apparently her weekend lol

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Let the man fish. It’s not mother’s day weekend it’s mother’s day and u will be fine I have 4 kids and have never done anything for mothers day except hang with my kids you making it a bigger deal than it should be. Let him have time with his family


Is it mothers day weekend or mother’s day? :thinking:


It’s not a mother’s day WEEKEND it’s Mother’s Day. You’re being unreasonable.


Yes. You are being petty and selfish. Mother’s Day isn’t a weekend event… hence the DAY part…:joy:


Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, grandparents Day, even Valentine’s Day are all just Hallmark holidays :roll_eyes:


It’s the day before Mother’s Day come on!!! You are lucky if he acknowledges it!


You are dead wrong. It’s not your weekend, it’s your day. Not like he’s going on Mother’s Day.


We always go fishing for Mother’s Day cause that’s what I wanna do! I love taking our littles and soaking up some sunshine! :raised_hands:


Mother’s Day not weekend lol


I understand you. If my husband goes out he usually stays up til early morning and sometimes drinking. If he did that Saturday then Sunday he sleeps until 1pm. It should be your day.

Idk what these other ppl speak about. If you want the entire weekend tell your husband that and express to him how you feel about it! You deserve the entire weekend!


You must be fun to live with


Enjoy sat for your self. A nice relaxing day.

No issue. It’s fishing not like they are going on a trip. Saturday fishing Sunday all you. :blush:


I feel as a mom that he should let you have the weekend to enjoy yourself. Seems kind of selfish to agree to go with his brother when it’s the weekend of Mother’s Day. Men have no idea what we go thru as Mother’s and this just proves it.

You’re the :peach:hole in this situation.


It’s a day for you, not a weekend!
Your flipping over nothing


You’re not wrong for feeling any kind of way. You’re allowed to feel hurt and upset. I think it is Mother’s Day weekend. Some people do Mother’s Day things on Saturday , some people do Mother’s Day things on Sunday. If you can switch to another weekend that’s great, but if the plans are already set in stone, then it is what it is.

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Do other moms get more than one day for mother’s Day just wondering


Let him go. Its the day before.

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Control freak much? Yikes!


It’s a day…… not the whole weekend. That’s very selfish of you!

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Yeah why be mad over him going the day before mothers day ?? I mean stop being petty Karen smh grow up


Mother’s Day isn’t a whole weekend. It is one day who cares?!


Let him fish, mothers day is sunday. Your being childish and petty

Let him go fishing, it’s the day before mother day isn’t the whole weekend it’ll be fine.

Fishing opener is mother’s day wknd! There’s many mommas that feel the same way as you, but let the man fish! :joy:


Let the man go fishing. It’s not your weekend it’s your day…


You are very wrong for feeling this way. If he was going ON Mother’s Day, then I’d see why you would be mad………but he’s not. Let him do his thing with his brother and then enjoy mothers DAY with the other mothers in your life!


Mother’s Day is a made up Hallmark holiday, you need to let it go :sweat_smile:


Mother’s DAY is Sunday. It’s not Mother’s weekend :unamused:

Mother’s Day is one day not a entire weekend. Let the man go fishing


It’s Mothers DAY. Not Mothers weekend. Stop being selfish!

Omg let him go. It’s not your weekend. Mothers DAY not mothers weekend. Just enjoy the day without him then enjoy mother’s day. Your not his mother like others have stated. He should go spend mother’s day with his mom.

Wow… just celebrate yourself Sunday, if he’s even still gone then. Forcing or guilting him into staying home is the wrong thing to do.

Go fishing with them. You get Mothers day with ur man.

Honestly I don’t think its that big a deal mine goes the day before its not like they chose the actual day.

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I never cease to be amazed at how many people get upset over Hallmark Holidays. Does your husband treat you well 365 days a year? If so…don’t worry about what “holiday” or “weekend” it is. If he doesn’t, you have bigger problems than a fishing trip.


I mean I’m not even big on celebrating anything it’s literally just a day… I get not everyone has my opinion on it. But either way it’s just one freakn day! It’s not a weekend event :joy::joy:

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Girl bye. You are very selfish. Mother’s DAY is just that a DAY not an entire weekend. Sit ya silly azz down somewhere and let that man fish SHIT!!!

I feel sorry for your husband.


Your not his mother!


Just bc it’s Mother’s Day weekend doesn’t mean you can claim the whole ass weekend as yours! You sound controlling and like you have to have everything your way or no way at all. Poor guy.

Seriously though? Like I’m pretty sure it’s mother’s DAY not mother’s weekend. Let the man go. They do it once a month not like it’s every single weekend. Your brother probably didn’t even realize it was the day before. You’re over reacting.


As long as he’s not gone on Mothers Day, I don’t see a problem :woman_shrugging:t3: acting a little entitled

Whoa. I feel bad for him, cause you sound like you’re high maintenance!! You think you get the whole weekend for Mother’s DAY??
I don’t even get the day. I have to work every Mother’s Day.


It’s called mothers day not mothers weekend.

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It’s Mother’s Day, not Mother’s Weekend :roll_eyes:

Lol it’s the day before . Drama much? :rofl:

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I want to go fishing Mother’s Day :joy::woman_shrugging:t2: go with him! It’s not like he said he was going on Mother’s Day! Lol

Its fishing go with them some woman love it and some woman hate it

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I don’t see what the problem is.

What? Lady ur crazy selfish for this. Hes not going on Sunday. Its mothers DAY, not mothers WEEKEND. Get over yourself. No wonder he wants to go fishing


Lol If my husband wanted to go ON Mother’s Day, I’d “let” him go. It’s a Hallmark holiday. Not a big deal.


Wow it’s the day before Mother’s Day … Mother’s Day is not celebrated all weekend!!! We are having my daughters birthday may 7th mother’s don’t need to celebrated all weekend you are being selfish…

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My ex-husband went to the casino with his brother and his cousin on our fifth wedding anniversary. I kept my cool and pretended like I didn’t care so he could have fun but I’ve never forgiven him. I would’ve been fine with him going the day before or the day after. Just let him go and enjoy Mother’s Day with him and your children.

Wow…it’s a DAY, not a weekend. Get over yourself

It’s mother’s day, NOT WEEKEND
Why shouldn’t he go fishing. Its a regular thing. Absolutely no reason for him not to go.


I feel like some of these responses are not necessary. She has right to feel upset and her feelings are valid. Maybe she treats her husband the whole weekend before Father’s Day or she just feels like she isn’t appreciated enough and wants to be appreciated for once on a weekend. We don’t know what it’s like at her house and we don’t know her situation all together, so if she’s reacting like this, it must be for a good reason. Mamma, I’m so sorry you feel this way, maybe you guys can compromise or work something out :heartpulse:
And I hope you get treated the way you deserve and get spoilt this Mother’s Day :heartpulse:


Yes, you are wrong. They shared this bond with their dad who passed and you are asking for a weekend. It is a few hours at most. Take your kids to the park.


Do they go for the whole weekend if no then don’t worry about it

Let him go fishing. That’s childish. It obviously means a lot to them if it’s something they did before their dad passed. Why would you try to take that away from them? Selfish.

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You get the day not the weekend :roll_eyes: if I were him I’d go ON the day just because you’re selfish

Keep this attitude and he’ll go fishing alright-and you won’t like what he catches. :laughing:

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Omg !! It the end of the world!!

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Lmmfao mother’s day Is Sunday not the whole weekend. The world doesn’t revolve around you. .

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Omg. Let the man go fishing. You sound like a joy to have as a wife🤣


To my family mother’s day is just another day except you say happy mother’s day and maybe get a gift/special meal. Let him go.

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Mother’s Day is just that, a day… my husband wouldn’t even think twice … it’s a big slap to the face but def not something men feel need to be celebrated for a whole weekend

It’s mother’s day not mother’s weekend


It’s the day before Mother’s Day…not the day of. IMO, it’s stupid to get upset over him doing something the day before Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day isn’t a weekend long thing.


Wow…can’t believe what I just read…

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Mother’s Day is on Sunday.

I suppose that when Father’s day comes around it will also be Father’s weekend so the Saturday and Sunday will be dedicated to him…

It’s not as if his going out to a pub and drinking, he is doing something with his brother in memory of his father…