DO NOT take him back when she isn’t what he was looking for
Pack his things up for him, and help him find the first flight out, cause you and your kids deserve better. Once he meets her, and realizes the grass isn’t as green as he thought it was, remind him that he made up his mind to not be with you, and you’ve made up yours to not take him back.
Sit back and wait for his karma.
If he can willingly let another woman into his life like that then he needs to go.
Let him go!!! Life is too short!!
Let him go! Then once he leaves get him for abandonment and get yourself full custody of the kids and get all your rights to whatever else you guys might have. Sell anything that’s his and get yourself some money. He’s going to find out real quick that, that woman in another country is really Mohammed trying to get his money’s lmao! Let him go and have yourself a nice little laugh
Pretty much same thing happened.
Enjoy your life
Karma will catch up
Honestly, just laugh at him. “She’s” probably a 40 year old catfish with a dingaling
Buy him a plane ticket and send him off, bye boy because that’s exactly what he is, a boy not a man. A man doesn’t pull these stunts.
This actually happened to me. I was engaged he left me for a girl he met on tiktok and moved from kc misouri to Maine we let him leave and let it go his parents didnt because they were worried about seeing our daughter. He was there for maybe a month and moved back to kc he tried to call and work things out but i didnt want to. If he did it once he would do it again. He still gets to see our daughter of course but has had 3 failed engagements and several gfs hes met online. Not worth it. Let him leave and be happy
He’s probably talking to Fernando from Nigeria:rofl:wanting his money
Wave goodbye to his ass!
Let him go and move on to a better life with you and your kids!
Gather strength and courage and let him go. I’m so sorry that has happened but, maybe it’s for the best. Apparently he would have left anyway if he believes he doesn’t love you anymore. Ask him about the kids. If he says he doesn’t want them too GET IT IN WRITING. It will lock in full custody for you. It did for my step father. Although she did get visiting rights. But she never got custody even when she remarried and tried. Also he would still pay child support. Talk to him about all this and ask if he is moving to her country or if she is coming here. What are their plans. You need to know so you can talk to your lawyer about it.
Again. So sorry.
Pray about it as well. God is with you and loves you. Just ask him for courage.
Let him go and when he discovers he’s been catfished, don’t take the asshat back. Supervised visits for him with the kids so he can’t take them with him.
Let him go and take him for everything he’s worth.
Probably a catfish. Give him what he wants. You can do better.
Let him go. Let him make a fool of himself. Be a queen.
Let him go!! He will be sorry.
Say goodbye and don’t come back .
I can almost guarantee he will be back. NOBODY is exactly who they say they are on line. Its all roses now, because all they have to do is play games…. Let him go, let him experience what 24/7 with her is like. Then when he returns to beg for your forgiveness, you can decide whether you think he’s worth taking back ( although you will never again trust him) or tell him, he has helped you see things clearly and you are better off without him.
He’ll leave find out it wasn’t what expected then want to come home…
Could be a man. I would let him. And don’t let him come back.
Let him go… truthfully what can you do? He’s an adult. You only control you. So start preparing yourself for him leaving. Mentally, financially, and physically. Make moves. Find new housing if possible. Get a higher paying job, too make up for lost income, talk to an attorney (legal aid), go to the child support office now. Get on public assistance if that’s an option. PREPARE. If you know that you’ll need to move in with friends and/ or family during this transition…start setting that up.
Let him go and move on. You deserve better.
Bye-Bye and dont look back!!! Even when he comes crawling back!! Scum bag.
Id let him have it. He thinks it’s so much better because he doesn’t know her. I’d watch it blow back in his face, and move on!!
Kick his ass out n take him for 49 percent of his wages. You’ll get it in child support court. Don’t let him have a thing in the house as you n the kids need it to live. Toss his clothes out the door.
Let him go. He’s obviously not seeing the bigger picture. What if she turns out to be someone else? Like on catfish live your life, be happy
Pack his shit and tell him to go on his way . He will be begging u back soon. But you deserve better
He will find out that the grass isn’t greener on the other side love…
Give him a helping hand pack his stuff
Let him go … he will prolly get stuck in another country n miss u terribly hahaha … leave him there
Sweetie you will find someone better! Who loves and wants to spend time with you! Tell him it’s over. Don’t waste anymore time on him! I’m so sorry this is happening to you hun!
Send him there.he might get beheaded.
Let him go, and once he sees how he was played he’ll want to come back and you shouldn’t let him. Smh.
File for custody,child support and a divorce. If he doesn’t want to be there then let him go. And when he realizes he messed up and wants to come back don’t let him.
She probably is a man. Plus most states don’t use the term “custody”. It implies ownership. Children are not tokens or possessions. Solve adult problems by being adult. This is mine not yours is childish. Infidelity is not legal for child games.
People do fall out of love maybe he doesn’t love you anymore and fell in love with her which is fine but if he gets fucked over then he’ll want to come back to you and that’s when you say he’ll no!
Seems like he’s doing favor because any “man” who spends enough time on the internet to form a relationship is no man at all. Let him go girl, you’ll be better for it.
Dump his ass take him to court for spousal and child support
Send him off and get you someone who doesn’t seek out fake internet attention
Girl I know your heartbroken trust me.
Go through the pain now then trying to change his mind.
A man is gonna do what he wants either way, no matter how much we cry or beg.
It’s not worth saving cause he will still probably be sneaking around and cheating emotionally and leading to physically.
Be strong is all I can say
I hope he’s getting catfished lol
Let him go. As hard as that is. Let him know you’d like to save your marriage, but at the end of the day don’t beg him to stay. You don’t deserve that.
Let the IDIOT go!!! He will come crawling back
Let him go and never let him return!
“She” is probably really a middle aged man who lives at home in his parents basement. Let him go!!! You deserve better and so do your kiddos!
Lol, let him go.
You’re not the one that has anything to lose- he does.
Hes ignorant, they will say or do anything for a visa to get in this country.
Let him lol byeeee get full custody while you’re at it too lol
Tell him goodbye and goodluck with someone he’s never met or seen.
Obviously let him go, but first make damn sure to file for divorce, sole custody, and anything else you can get
Help that mf pack his bags and thank your higher power for clearing your life of the dead weight.
Tell him goodbye cause it’s prolly a man anyway.
Pack his bags and get him to fuk!!
Let him go but don’t let him back!
Let him go file for custody /claim abandonment since he’s technically running away
Let him go. But dont take him back becouse he. Will be back but hell do it again
Tell him to pack a bag and buy a plane ticket.
Probably a scammer might even be another man they sreal profiles and get you to send money watch your funds. Your old man is getting scammed bet ya even though get rid of him he must be looking tell him by
Say goodbye and move on.
I would pack his bags and call a taxi…
Tell him don’t let the door hit on the way out.
I hope he gets cat fished
Read your state laws about infidelity and divorce make sure that you have everything that you keep proof of the infidelity to take to court that is a big factor in what you’ll get in the divorce settlement. Let him go no matter how long you been with him you wouldn’t want someone that does that and he’s giving you the chance to be free of him take it.
Wait till he finds out she’s really an old man in his moms basement trying to catfish him for money.
Let that idiot go
Have a good laugh when he realises it’s a grown ass man his speaking to
As much as it may hurt you let him go. Let him lose everything and when he comes back (because he will) because this “best friend” ain’t nothing tell him to f**k off. You don’t deserve to feel like you’re not enough because you are. Best of luck
Let his sorry ass go
Hold the door for him so he can take all his crap with him when he goes.
Pack his bag for him, leave it outside, change the locks and go file for divorce.
You deserve better
I’m a gamer. Let me tell you, he has NO IDEA what he’s in for. It’s easy enough to say he wants to leave for another woman, but he’s falling for someone that he only plays games with. There is no face-to-face interaction, so of course it’s easy for him to fall for someone that has no flaws or issues. He needs a reality check. Once he realizes that he will have the same real life problems with her, things will change. it’s extremely difficult to move overseas as well. Good luck to him trying to obtain citizenship in another country. I would let him go and find yourself someone who is worthy of you. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this
It’s a scam! Let him go B4 you are left with nothing!
Take him to meet her leave him there
Leave his ass and move on and just seat back and watch wat happen she probably big fat and ugly:rofl: or maybe a crackhead he would be back run regretting it big time and if He goes back tryn get back with u boot his azz to the curb and don’t go back move on and find u someone better that will love u and ur kids:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
It’s time to realise your value Hun package bags waving goodbye he will realise when it’s too late you deserve much better than him🌹
Wait till he meets HIM!
Laugh your ass off at him
Let him go why look desperate trying to force someone who hates u duh hate him back n don’t look back
Let him go bc he’s more than likely being messed with, shows how much he loves you. Trash man
Move on. He’s a loser
Let him go. I hope he’s being catfished
Let him go ! He will find out how green the grass is on the other side of the world. Pray and ask God to order your steps. Your blessings are waiting on you and your kids. You cannot make someone love you sweetie. God loves you more and he will work it out for your good . Step out on Faith .
Let him go. He’ll then realise he’s lost the best thing he ever had and that’s his family. And by then it’s too late, you’re not second prize. You and your kids deserve better if that’s what he does.
Let him go . It’s probably a little boy or someone acting like someone else
Tell him pack hiß bags & be gone tonight & don’t come back when he figures out he’s been scammed
See a solicitor and check where you stand financially. You don’t need to tell him you are doing that. Get your house in order so if he leaves he leaves…
Say goodbye and count your blessings. Simple.
Sorry you are going through this. Secure the bank accounts so he can’t send this person money
Let him go, and you continue being about you and your kids.
Trust me, he will regret his choice, but you won’t regret yours.
Let him go ! Let him realize the mistake he’s made . Majority of the time those relationships don’t work /last anyways. You don’t want anyone who doesn’t appreciate you for YOU. You deserve better .
Pack his bag for him and buy him a one way ticket
And I’m sure plenty of us have your back…yelll if you need one or all of us…
Let him go and when it turns out to be a man with a beard and beer belly don’t let him come back
Most likely he will get his karma meeting her. She most likely is a scammer
Good riddance…take your kids and live life to the fullest.
Let him go with his delusions, he will find out that the grass is not greener on the other side. Hate is a strong word and for him to use towards you, it just shows how immature he really is, kick him to the kerb and don’t look back.
Let him go. Get child support and custody. If your a stay at home mom get alimony. If he strayed once, he will do it again.